Ep. 2333b – Dominion Execs Running, Message Sent In The Past, Received In The Present
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The [DS]/[CB] are now boxed in, the evidence is now pouring out and RG and SP are presenting more and more facts and truth. This is not about Rs vs Ds, this is about the American people, this is about how the [DS]/[CB] has stolen our right to vote.The Dominion Execs are now on the run. Back in 2012 Trump sent a message, future really does prove past. The patriots are preparing to take down the entire [DS] system, the people will no longer be divided, this will bring the people closer together, the [DS] will try to stop the people uniting.
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- ← Ep. 2332b – Patriots Take Control Of Special Operations, Certain Fail-Safes Initiated
- Ep. 2333a – The [CB] Accelerated Their Plan Out Of Panic, Patriots Were Counting On This →
I watch every day. I really have Faith in these reports.
Question of the day; where is the FBI, DOJ, Wray, Barr?
I hope this is the takedown of the CIA.
Maybe you could speak on the 50 states and 50 votes per Constitution. Why would we expect that “Republican” states would vote Trump if they are run by Deep State Rs? I don’t trust the SCOTUS either although they would look stupid to rule against such obvious fraud – but the sold out judges would do anything not to get exposed. I’m skeptical but i’m learning to ‘trust the plan.’ The evil Establishment doesn’t care about optics if they have ceized control.
I would like to “trust the Plan”. Where can I find out what the plan is?
We only have current events with commentary like,
“This was part of the plan” or
“The Patriots wanted this to happen, it’s part of the plan” or
“This was really a trap, and the left walked right in to it.” or
“The patriots already have their playbook” or
“This was done on purpose, the people had to see it for themselves”
“Sun Tsu says don’t interfere when your enemy is making mistakes”
“Appear STRONG when you are weak, appear WEAK when you are strong.”
—> when something bad happens, “It was part of the patriot’s plan to expose them”
—> If something good happens, “The plan is working!”
So, I want to trust the plan, but FIRST, I have to know WHAT’S THE PLAN?
I assume that there really IS A PLAN, and that, at least DAVE knows what it is, otherwise, how can he say Trust the plan, or how can he compare current events to the plan?
I suppose the plan could be to pretend that there is a plan an then pretend that it’s a success!
Either THERE IS A PLAN being actively used to produce the Future we want, or
THERE IS NO PLAN except to make up plan scenarios after the fact, retrofitted to “fit” current events, as if there was a plan and its working!
There better be a real plan, because, just as you cannot fight Racism WITH Racism, You cannot fight LIARS WITH LIES! You cannot fight an EVIL PLAN with LIES about a non-existent PLAN.
Where can I learn what the plan is? Please don’t con me with a line like, we can’t reveal how or where to learn about the “PLAN” because that would make it easy for the enemy to also learn our plan… or, We can’t risk lifting the veil of secrecy, just TRUST THE PLAN!
If a big military plan was being carried out to defeat the enemy, and they had a Plan written on paper, so you think they would be held to the exact plan when it’s being done in real time? Of course not. Nothing is static in any plan to take down the enemy b/c things happen (Murphy’s Law) they didn’t count on happening. So the planners regroup and try to just use their outline of a plan to figure out what their next moves should be, given that “wrench” that the enemy just threw at them. And those who Trump has in his inner circle are retired generals -military. I first learned of the Plan by listening to this channel when they were on “useless tube”. I just wasn’t convinced about the Q thing, and thought it could be good disinformation propaganda. So I went to http://www.qanon.pub around mid Dec 2017 and started reading Q’s daily posts starting from the middle of Oct. and it took awhile to get caught up. They were in what looked to be military code which I wasn’t familiar with. But each day I picked out small things in each post until I started getting the hang of the message with the help of qanon channels who gave their reasoning what each post meant. Later I caught onto misspelled words. . . and capital letters that together spelled a word(s), etc. And by the middle of 2018, I was getting to understand Q’s posts better and saw the Plan start to slowly take shape. Then I started to find proofs that the Q phenomenon was the real deal. I found enough that I was convinced all those posts weren’t just bullshit. I’d see some Trump tweets that correlated with Q’s messages that very day. There had to be a great amount of coordinating for that to happen, especially when the date, hour and minute happened to be the same. It just didn’t feel right to me that Q would so far out on many limbs and put out so much info, just to pull the wool over people’s eyes (ie. spout bullshit). Then I found Q’s messages had to do with very recent events, small & not so small. I got to where instead of checking my email when I turned my PC on, that I’d immediately go to Q’s posts and then to Trump’s tweets.
But honestly, if I had no clue that our government, the media. the education & medical systems weren’t being run by a handful of people calling the shots, I may never have figured out what the Plan was for. My wake-up call was on 9/11. I knew before the end of that first night that buildings don’t go down looking like a demolition show we’ve all seen on TV before. So, I had a good idea that the slaughter of innocents that day was not done by a group of people from the middle east unless they had inside logistical help. I was a GW Bush admirer (not his dad, just GW), and the more I researched over that 1st year and watched every single video that came out, I realized that Bush & Cheney were in on it, and so was some of the media. When I came across Bldg 7 going down in 8 seconds with fires only on 1 floor, and no “plane” had hit it, I knew it was pre-wired to go down. From that shocking moment, I literally got sick to my stomach and knew the reality I thought I was living in was a lie. For the next month I went thru the motions only of working and fixing dinner, etc. and was depressed, but I got back to my regular persona at work but my mind could not escape that what I had researched was wrong. So, I quit being a Republican and decided from then on, I’d be a truther. It took another 6 years to realize that no planes had hit the towers; it was all done by computer guided imagery. By then, all of the 13 witnesses the media talked to that day had died in accidents or heart attacks or just disappeared. (I figured out that the French brothers who flew to NYC to do a documentary on the Firefighters was just a cover story. I’m 99% sure they were the ones who knew how to get positioned at an intersection where they knew where that 1st “plane” was supposed to hit and they got Tower 1 on video seconds before the “plane” hit near the top of Tower 1. All they had to do next was take their video footage, come dinner time, back to their hotel and do their computer expertise on their footage & insert the plane in Tower 1. There were other “witnesses” who did the same thing at different angles & locations of Tower 2. They (possibly CIA agents) made sure to give their cartridges of Tower 2 footage to the brothers at their hotel.
There was only 1 video of a “plane” hitting Tower 1 the morning of 9/11. That entire day (I was on vacation all that week) and I was glued to TV going station to station, and I know there was never any footage of a plane hitting Tower 1 the rest of that day & night. It was only around 10am the next morning that the footage was given to the media (by the French brothers) and that video was shown many times that day and for another 2 weeks.
I retired in 2006 and had extra time to read many books and search on the web. So, I am 100% certain that Q was a small group of military people who needed to do this to try to get those of us who were more awake than others, to be their digital warriors and try to help others understand why it was necessary for the Q operation. I did so in person, on the phone, and on hundreds of comment sections. There were thousands of us who did our thing to help out the cause of trying to drain the swamp of very corrupt (and many times evil people) who infiltrated various agencies of our govt – and also 2 houses of politicians – who were working together to take America down from the inside, not by overt military action. And since the media quit being the Fourth Estate of the Constitution (as the Founders wanted them to be to keep the govt in check) ever since the Federal Reserve took over our monetary system, I knew that the media was the right arm of the deep state reality within our government complex, and covered for them at every step, and also withheld news that would make the honest ones look “good”, and/or colluded with the deep state to make the honest ones look “bad” to the public. I was always a history buff, and after I realized that most conspiracy theorists got proven right after many years, what I knew of history started to fall in place given that the media learned how to mind-control the masses and played us like a fiddle for many decades. And their methods are still working, based on the amount of people who haven’t yet realized the controllers have used the pandemic to first scare us and then shape our behavior and keep us in lockdown to not only ruin our economy until there was a societal collapse, but to get us used to lock downs and distancing and wearing masks.
Do you think there is a connection with Dominion diagnostics? I’m in iowa and covid counts have been jumping to 4 and 5 thousand a day. Except for the central part of the state along I80, is mostly rural. Our total population is a little over 3M. Cant believe these counts are accurate.
Why are none of your posts showing anything but black screen with the audio playing?
Your diligent journalism far exceeds anything many of us could ask for
Thank you
Sidney Powell’s talk of the Scytl servers in Frankfurt is concerning. Who got them? The “good guys” or the “bad guys” (Deep State)????
Hope you’re right about all this Dave! You’re bringing a lot of hope to a lot of people. If you are wrong, you will be letting thousands of people down. We’ll never be able to trust anyone again. That being said, we are trusting the plan.
Yes we need a receipt! Like your lotto ticket. Not going to lose that ticket. Brilliant
Dave this goes bak NOT 100 Years BUT TO 1888 that is 138 years! Baron Rothschild and Cecil Rodes started the ball rolling with a long term plan to REINTERGRATE the USA back into the British Empire and RULE THE WORLD! There is a nice series on YouTube about how they manipulated the USA and Germany into WW1, also the Russian Revolution and WW2!!
What YouTube titles?
I am in awe of what our great president is doing. I never dreamed that any human being could fix America in the way that he is. Once he is successful, I know this world will be a better place for my grandchildren. Family is everything. Thank you for your amazing insight. 🙂
The deep state, are the wealthiest of the wealthy. I have discovered, most of them have some very evil habits. Satanic, habits. We, the people, must eradicate earth, of these creatures.
Fookbook Wont allow this video to be shared
Nancy Pelosi said she will not allow House Republicans to be seated to prevent the vote, should it come to that. She says she holds the key, the power is in her hands. 😡 Is there any truth to that or is she just spouting her narcissistic drivel again?
Dave, Thank you for the X22report if it wasn’t for you I would not know what’s going on I have been listening to you for over three years now religiously thank you for what you do you are a great service to your country I am retired on the 82nd airborne division God bless you. WWG1WGA 🇺🇸 #TRUMP2Q2Q
Thank you Dave, you have made all of this bearable, thank you so mich.
Ive been sharing your excellent daily info videos to my facebook often and tonight facebook wont allow it
it’s put up or shut up time, no?
It is sad that most Americans never see or hear the truth because they only watch CNN, MSNBC, ABC, NBC and CBS. Most newspaper and magazines are also corrupt and report lies. There are patriots like X22Report, Dan Bongino, Maria Bartiromo, Mark Levin, Judge Jeanine Pirro etc. who try to get the truth out there but their audiences are much smaller when compared to massive viewership of all the major networks. The rot is widespread in media and in our government. We need Pres. Trump for four more years to continue draining the swamp.
Dave, I’m ill. i’m slowly slipping away. and I don’t have much energy to fight any longer. i”m trying to keep my spirits up but it is very hard. i apologize for the negativity. I’ve watched the court system thwart the will of the people most of my life. it usually falls on deaf ears. its sickening.
Dave, I hope POTUS security is on alert for car bombs and any tampering todo with travel. My dreams show me how to pray for My President his Cabinet, and his Family, in fact all Patriots. I love you Dave my word to my family is: STAY ALERT! No coincident God gave us a great law team waiting to be activated “for such a time as this” God Bless America.
Can you put the audio up for each video if not too much trouble…i download and listen at work each day to your reports. Best on the internet Dave thsnk you and I’m doing a monthly donation asap. Later today I’ll come set it up.
Thank you
Michelle watching from Canada under new lockdown measures.
Once this is exposed in it’s entirety and people around the globe realise the enormity of the fraud all have been subjected to for generations is going to have a serious backlash as a consequence imo, but it is needed no matter what happens if we want to preserve the future for those that follow.
Receipt for vote cast: EXCELLENT!
What kind of idiots DON’T freeze the voting machines for evidence and allow people to hide their criminal activities? The ONLY reason to not even try that would be if they already have overwhelming evidence – but testimony will only be “he said, she said” and not as powerful as real, hard evidence. Fix it.
God is in control, NOT YOU, with your evil comments. You are correct in one thing; Nothing can stop what is coming. God is coming with ALL of His forces and; Nothing can stop what is coming.
When I voted in Tucson Arizona I was given a sharpi to cast my ballot. It infuriated me my vote did not count
I gotta be honest, I’m very disheartened that I don’t see more standing with Trump and team. At every turn there is a corrupt judge or coverup and the evidence they presented yesterday is dismissed and ignored. The people are the only ones that seem to care and we have no power within the legal system. I don’t have any faith that there are enough honest people within the legal/judicial system to back Trump even with the evidence. They’ll just say there’s not enough tangible evidence and dismiss it. Between the Supreme Court and the legislature I’m too afraid to hope that they won’t betray the people and Trump if this even makes it that far. It’s maddening!!
Thank you! Thank you! Dave,
This is a daily blessing! Eyes wide opened by your very professional and educational insights.
And once all the evidence from Trump team reaches SCOTUS for ruling and the fraud is found to be overwhelmingly massive as presented, Trump declared president by proper channels and authority, and despite being proven beyond a doubt, and if people continue to pursue violence regardless, its not going to end well for these ones – because justice would be served and now they are outlaws, enemy combatants and enemies of USA…
surgeons use the term “space-occupying lesion” as they dictate preop report when they are not sure of the diagnosis yet. that is just what Joe Biden is to the squad, a “malignant space-occupying lesion” so they can overtake his space.
16+1 mentioned in many posts that this is deeper than anyone knows. I think this is just the tip of the iceberg. I bet when things are all said and done, that is, the exposing starts and continues long after Trump leaves office, that this goes back to the Middle Ages. That is deep.
I am nervous about the 12 steps of take-over. Can you do a video on that. We are at 8-9 now. Very close to the vaccine being pushed into us, no cash any more, chip installed in us and NWO finale.
This cannot happen please.
What we are seeing is the attack on our nations sovereignty by the globalist megla monies, they are trying to force our country to shut down so that we lose everything and they can come in with their money and force us to do their bidding
If the liberal/socialist democrats can put an Illegal Alien , Barry Soetoro aka barack hussein obama in the White House for eight long years what make anyone think they would not resort to voter fraud to win the 2020 Presidential election ?