Ep. 2335b – The Kraken Is About To Be Released, No Escape, It’s Going To Be Biblical
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The [DS]/[MSM] are now trapped in their own [e] agenda. There is now way out of it. The case that SP and RG are building is going to bring down their entire system. SP is about to release the kraken and this will show wide spread fraud and that [e] officials knowingly went along with it, this includes Gov, Politicians, MSM etc. The courts and judges are now being put into place. This is not a coincidence. The [DS]/[CB] days are numbered, it’s going to be biblical.
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Chairman Mao’s “Cultural Revolution” all over again in the USA!!!
Brainwash kids running riot in the street, destroying Statues, Looting, Intimidating their elders, same old same old.
END of the CIA!
November chess moves powerful, ready for WAR
Thank you for being a bright star in a very dark world.
Sorry, it seems that most of what Sidney Powell is saying has been disputed. I truly want evidence that pulls down the Deep state but a weak or misinformation posted as a defence strengthens the enemy.
Stop listening to the FAKE NEWS – Supreme Court will decide! The Buzz word is “BIBLICAL”
Evidence is coming!
Hey, Could it be that Fox by declaring Az for Biden , they sent a signal to Michigan, PA, Wisconsin and Georgia??? Just a thought..
Unrelated but related.. Do you know where The Red Pill Book is now.. and news from Q??
Thanks for your posts!
I was searching in my state to see if my vote was really counted or how my vote was cast it shows I am registered Republican but that’s it. Why if I put my correct information in why can’t I find out how I voted. If the elections are secure and assigned a voter number why can’t I see my vote? Was it cast correctly? We live in a computer age what’s the problem if any knows how I can please explain?. Pa Voter maybe there is couldn’t find it.
Lock up Kemp!!!
Jail the B%$^tch giving the election fraud instructions!!!
Lock up all Local Judges who are protecting this fraud and ignoring the law!!
We are on the outside looking in, and if i’m honest, it is scary to think that the DS might pull this fraud off.
I am hoping that it doesn’t happen, i support and believe in justice honesty and God.
i know what you are saying, it is scary, so i try to hold my faith closer. i believe God wins. So my prayers will continue. i as you, believe in justice, that truth will prevail, and most importantly God. i also need to stay away from the news because absolutely all news is attacking POTUS AND THE ATTY’S. it saddens me, makes me cry, and truly scares me, but i know its lies and they want me to fear, so i stop watching it, then i dont need to hear or see it, and remain positive happy and loving
COVID 19 … knocked out with NyQuil lol
I would think that the ballots are government property and that it is illegal to destroy them, they should be retained until this whole mess is solved if they are on the up and up!
Thank for these reports.
I don’t know what I would do without them.
I think Trump’s end game is to take down the corporation USA, INC. That would certainly be biblical.
Dave what happened the whole video won’t play????? It drop off after your talking about Flynn.