Ep 2336b – Extreme Panic In [DC], We Are At A Crossroads In The History Of Our Civilization
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The [DS]/[CB] are panicking, Trump and the patriots are ready to produce the evidence of voter fraud, this is going to rock the nation and give Trump the leverage he needs. This about bringing down their system, enacting a system which allows free transparent elections and allowing the people to decide who their leader is going to be. The dictators are being exposed, the leaders around the globe are being exposed. The entire system is about to come down around them.
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- ← Ep 2336a – [CB]/[DS] Move Forward With Reset, Trump Counters With EO
- Ep 2337a – Trump Let The [CB] Know That He Is In Control Of The Economy →
Why is our president given biden security clearence and briefings is trump given up none of this is making sence anymore where is our president why isnt he addressing the country
Look at the pic on this video very carefully!! Remove the person in the road and the shadow ,,what do you see?? I don’t like this pic… it shows 2 roads with the same outcome.. Bails horns.. very disturbing!!
Thank you Dave most humble to hqve the Truth. God Bless Our President Donald J Trump and All working for him and US🇺🇸 TRUMP2Q2Q WWG1WGA
Thank you Dave most humble to have the Truth. God Bless Our President Donald J Trump and All working for him and US🇺🇸 TRUMP2Q2Q WWG1WGA
OANN reported today that Trump gave permission to the GSA to begin the transition to the Biden administration. I assume that Tump is confident that this whole thing will be settled by Inauguration Day. Can you talk about that on the next report?
We can be confident that this will come out ok. Between the Supreme Court and a little-known paragraph in the Constitution are going to fall on the side of the President. He is probably staying out of the fray to there won’t be any conflict with covering his legal team. Trust the plan!
…….thank you DAVE……….we the people WILL UNITE……..! !
I listen to all you have to say and think you are spot on. You tell us that once the voter fraud is known to the public that the deep state players will fight back by more censorship, riots, and trying to remove President Trump. My question: Is Trump prepared for this? What is in place to protect him? Will the military be involved? Will the military support him? This has me very concerned.
The CRAZY, power-drunk Oregon governor is FULLY on BOARD with this plan. SIX PEOPLE? REALLY? It’s NOT about the VIRUS. It NEVER WAS. I wonder what voting tabulators and software we have in Oregon, because I KNOW Dominion is NOT the ONLY SHADY ONE. Mark Taylor prophesied that MANY of our CORRUPT leaders are NOT EVEN SUPPOSED to BE IN OFFICE. I think he’s 💯% CORRECT.
hey dave! thanks for all you do! been watching every episode since the kavanaugh smear hearings, or Sept 2018 i believe… at this point, i really do hope things go the way you see it, if not… i guess it was all hopium afterall… but holy shit what a show! If Biden is elected we have to all quit paying taxes, defund the government is the only way
Great episode Dave. One request a friend on Twatter @ItsAboutTime45 wanted the link to the solar water heater you were advertising a while back. I told her I’d try to get it, or let you know about it. Anyway, I’m certain Trump activated Military Intelligence, NSA, & the rarely mention Cyber Security arm of the Armed Forces. Though the law doesn’t require “beyond a reasonable doubt”I’m thinking he has ironclad evidence, which will be revealed at the proper time. I’m noticing people are getting anxious, but we need to relax, pray, & believe. Glad I finally came here last Friday, much better than YT where your signal would “break up”, ads pop in at crucial times, etc. Keep up the good work. Thanks again.
I truly believe that they have plans to inject chips into people using the vaccines to do it without the people’s knowledge.
Vaccines will also be full of harmful diseases for slow kill — just like most other vaccines are, but these will be worse. That is, the ones backed by B Gates. HOWEVER, the Trump vaccine will actually have a lot of good stuff in it.
Todays homeless population are the modern day equivalent to a canary in a coal mine.
The LameStream has notified the American People, that the GSA has “proclaimed Biden winner of the 2020 Election”. Trump is assisting in the Transition. How is this possible?
Thank you Dave for all your hard work. I thank God for you, and that you are bring these things to us. I have to tell you the truth, sometimes I waver, like when I heard that Sydney Powell was not part of the Trump team, and that President Trump was disavowing her. I was so impressed by her, and the job she has been doing, so it through me for a loop. I found myself not being able to wait to hear the X22 report to see what was up. So again thank you, thank you. Keep up the Great work.
Philip Clark,
Thank you for your integrity & honest reporting.
Great show. thank you.
Still holding the line and praying for your great President and your country. USA, greatest country in the world. President Trump – greatest president in the history of the world!
FB just restricted my forwarding of this. Did send it to my mail. How can we forward this to Parler? it is getting more difficult to forward our info. Stepping up censorship. Basically said. others reported this as abusive and referred me to a whitelist/blacklist.
My daughter’s hospital is full, but she says they’re treating them as severe flu!
Amazing, Fakebook will not let you use any link to your site. They just don’t do the post.Seems like we could have a class action suit against them for 1st amendment violation. Try your Fakebook link on page, and you get a “You cannot post this link, it has been reported as abusive”, and if you copy and paste, it just sits there until you jigger it enough to get past their bots. Not too hard, their vaunted tech sucks, and is easily bypassed.
Hi Dave,
Just so you know the President pardons the one turkey symbolically.
Both birds do not get killed. They are taken to a particular location where they live out their lives
happily. This year they are going to Iowa State’s Animal Science dept.
Lucky them!
Keep up the good work, you are calming voice in the sea of insanity right now.
Thank you,
My youngest sister in her 40’s was infected with COVID in July 2020, after being on HCQ and antibiotics treatment she was back to normal life. My oldest sister in her 70’s also was infected by COVID and she left the hospital yesterday 11/22 after 4 days of hospitalization with HCQ and antibiotics treatment, out of the hospital back normal life. Both my sisters live Ina developing country in North Africa. we all know COVID is a plandemic period!!!
You need to check the Rubin Report Monday 11/23, link below…
US Patriot Robert
Thanks Dave
FB is censoring posting your articles. their excuse is other FB users have reported content as abusive, LMAO.
It’s about time to provide some specifics. Friday?
Hello Dave,
Let me start by saying I admire your strenght and stamina with backing Trump and the Patriots in support of the plan.
You’re also 100% correct in your assumptions that the WORLD IS WATCHING.
I myself, and a large group of other people are watching closely from Norway.
We have many, many support groups for Trump here also, but a lot of people are too stupid, or too slow to wake up to see the truth even if it’s kicking them in the face. I heard about the go-ahead from Trump to now (sort of) support Bidens transition team. (but not conceding). I can’t wait to hear what bombshell he’s gonna let go in their face just when the time is right. What a strategist! The world has never seen the likes of it. I am however concerned for you the americans that has to endure the insanity of corrupt politicians locking communities down, while enforcing draconian measures on you all. We have been spared much of that here, although the corrupt politicians assisted by corrupt msm are spreading fake news about the US election, and covid 1984, getting us prepped for the great reset. If there’s one person that needs to be removed (actually there’s a lot), or maybe two, it’s KS and GS. I think those two individuals drives most of this shitstorm. Anyways, thank you for your steadfast patriotism, and your enormous effort to give your fellow coutrymen the fighting spirit and give them faith in the plan. Keep up that good work.
brgrd from the north
Yes change is what we all need no more commie BS the freedom loving folks are done with manipulation it will probably end in a major war that is the DS last card they have make no mistake they will use it they don’t care about us but they will after we defeat them once and for all
If this is proven about the Dominion system, every country who used this system will
have to look at their elected officials. I live in Canada and truly believe the elections were
rig to have elected Trudeau, United Nation was involved in this, there mission was to have
someone to push the Paris accord. Thank God for Trump to have pulled out of the Paris accord
and hope that the USMCA is a protection for the West.
I love what you are doing.Here in Québec,Canada I try to awake more people that I can.I was banded from youtube 3 years ago because I love Trump and I love God.I’m a silent soldier in my place for now…I’m lerning a lot from you,And we know and Q.Were we go one,We go All.Have a nice day!
Here in Quebec,Canada I’m a silent soldier for now.I’m learning a lot from you-And We Know and Q:Were we go one,We go All.I was banded on youtube 3 years ago for defending Trump and God,Twitter did it too but know i can just read because there watching me like hawk.So keep goind because your and inspiration All of you for me.have been watchig you for almost 3 years now and will continue.Thank you for your service dear…Have nice day
What does not make sense is Trump allowed the GSA to start transition protocol. Many many people believe Biden is President many more now do after this very stupid move. It looks awful and quite frankly i am losing hope after this one. What possible reason could he have for doing this? For people who supposedly worry so much about “OPTICS” this looks HORRIBLE
Hello Dave
I clicked the link for the fighterflare light and can’t get through. so I went to amazon.
Please save my email…
Dave, thanks for all you do to keep us informed and encouraged. I have a question and so I hope you read your comments. You and other patriots immediately after the election reported that there were certain safeguards in place, namely, bloc chain(…) and watermarks that would appear only on official ballots; what happened with those two things? There hasn’t been any mention of those safeguards, which would have made a lot of the heavy-lifting that must be done now, MUCH easier. Thanks for whatever further info you have on the subject.
I find it’s extremely critical right now for people to boycott coca cola, old navy, vaseline, and all the major corporations that support Black Lives Matter and transgender agendas and attacks on christian and American freedoms
These corporations would not have made it if it wasn’t for the people buying their products. They need to remember that the people OWN them. They don’t own us.
Thank you
Don’t have one.
YOU are an EXQUISITE PATRIOT!!! Your videos are PHENOMENAL!!! You provide SUCH insight and brilliance into your presentations & you have a fabulous sense of humor, to boot!!!
You are Inspiring!!
Our founding fathers would be SOOOOO PROUD of you!!! i am IN AWE of your brilliant mind & insights!
Thank you for GUIDING ALL of America with your Knowledge ! You are a Wonderful LEADER!!!!!!
We LOVE you!!!!
Lisa FitzGerald