Ep 2338b – Keystone Is The Start, Gettysburg Was The Turning Point of the War, Watch PA
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The [DS]/MSM are now trapped. The patriots are making their move, it all begins in PA, the keystone. [E] fraud is now being produced and public hearing are now happening. The keystone is the center stone that holds it all together. We need to go back to the beginning to understand the end, this was never just about a 4 year election, it was returning the country back to the people.
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is q still active? youtube they do not exist
Q is Ezra Cohen-Watnick ECW. So much is being censored. Big things may be happening. Who knows.
Thanks Dave. Like you, I was kicked off of YT. Badge of honor.
I had a great time listening to the hearing in Pa was very good. I wonder will they go after the judge Sullivan and find what obumer was holding on him.?
Thanks Dave, we have already ready won this fight. The enemy is on the run but have no place to hide any longer, they will pay for their crimes against humanity and TREASON against the American people, WWG1WGA. Much love and happiness to you and your family my brother.
Dave, Thanks for all your hard work. Been enjoying your messages for several months. Have tried to donate but site doesn’t seem to let me. What was the Trump speech in the Keystone video. Thanks again. Bless you
Why are you still on you tube called Dave I thought you were suspended
The Covid-19 Genocide of 2020 – Claire Edwards
The British still have complete control, it’s called the B.A.R Association, it infiltrated EVERY GOVT in the World…..
Great report! Where can I find a clean version of the Trump pre election 2016 speech?
Can you post the link to the Q Trump video in your report for Nov 25th. Really need it. Please.
Can I have a link to the Q trump patriot video I had it last year when I was pushing it hard. Now that its relevant I wanna push it again. Can’t find on YouTube or rumble
Thank you Dave for all you do.
Can you post a link for The President’s speech on post 2338b ?
“The Keystone is the start” in my mind that phrase being divinely inspired by God’s guidance. The Keystone State Pennsylvania where it all began must not forget the Gettysburg Address and the Constitution which are essential in resolving this dilemma our nation now faces. Our enemies are both foreign and domestic and the deep state players in both parties must be exposed as traitorous swamp scum they are. Obviously, we need to make our own voting systems trustworthy. thoughtful observer
It appears the media and deep state are taking a page or many pages from the communist manifesto, the ccp (chinese communist party) is heavily involved in the us election, among many other things…….us citizens beware……..communist infiltration is and has been filtering into our nation for many years……lies are the norm for the media, they thrive on it………Trump all the way!!!
The greatest trick the devil played was making mankind believe he doesn’t exist. HE DOES. Pedophilia, adrenachrome, human trafficking. ERADICATE anyone involved.
Judge Sullivan and all the corrupt prosecutors need to monetarily pay Flynn back 4 fold all the financial loss of his family. That is biblical.
First of all I’d like to thank you for your commentaries. You’ve helped sustain the hopes of many people in these dark and uncertain days. I hope everyone will remember the reconciliatory speech given by Mr. Lincoln. Not to the crooked and guilty politicians , they can all be hanged, but to all the countries who wish to live in freedom and democracy but simply couldn’t fight back.
In talking about the civil war I think its only fair to bring up the main reason it was fought especially at this time when our freedom and the constitution are being threatened again. It is my understanding that the civil war was fought because the southern states wanted to separate from the union because they were unhappy with the direction the union was going. They could see the original constitution was under attack from the unseen powers that were lurking in the shadows. They wanted to break free of the union and form their own country securing the original constitution for their new country. They were actually in the right as the Organic act of 1871 would prove shortly after the war had ended. That act of treason by the government changed The United States For America, the constitutional republic to, THE UNITED STATES, the corporation. They also changed the wording of the original constitution in select places to aid in their agenda. That act changed our justice system from common law to admiralty law, it made us all slaves to the corporation. Together with the 14th amendment they made us all US citizens and anyone wanting that title could certainly have it. What they failed to tell everyone was that by calling yourself a US citizen you were willfully giving up your God given rights as a human being and one of the people of The United States For America, with those rights being protected by the original constitution. for a few privileges given to you by the government that could be taken away at any point. Unfortunately we all live under that act to this day. All but those who have taken the steps needed to become a state citizen and revoked all of the consents to be governed that we willfully sign for, of course not being informed of any of this. You know Dave, I love your program and I am extremely grateful that you take the time to put the information together and get it out to the people. there are a few other programs I feel the same way about also, but none of you ever bring up this subject, none of you tell the whole truth about where we the people actually stand with our country, our government. It is very disheartening to think no one wants to set the record straight on this. if the Organic Act of 1871 is not repealed and the 14th amendment changed nothing will ever change for the people. This country can never be great again as long as those things remain. We have no God given rights, only privileges that the government can take from us at any time, which makes MAGA meaningless.
Where can we get that video clip of Trump? I need it.
Thanks for all you do. You make it easy to understand what is happening.
Can someone PLEASE tell me or post THAT campaign video of Trump’s speech on the corrupt establishment???
Here you go https://youtu.be/G2qIXXafxCQ