Ep 2343b – Barr Moves Durham Into Position, [DS]/MSM Panic, Hold Position Before Executing Raid
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The [DS]/MSM are now being backed into a corner. The evidence is about to be produced. Barr places Durham into position. The storm is about to hit, the [DS] is now panicking, their [e] fraud did not work, people are waking up and now they are trapped. The raid on their system is about to happen, hold the line until the right moment. SP announce that the white hat hackers got it all and the connection to other countries is being produced. Trump makes one of the most important speeches about [e] fraud.
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- ← Ep 2343a – The [CB]s Trapped Themselves In Their Own Plan, The World Is Watching
- Ep 2344ba – Trump Gets Waller On Fed Board, Shelton Standing By, Restructure On Deck →
Haven’t watched the video yet as it is still encoding… Trump just said in his speech that he never met Durham and he is not happy with the fact that he has never done anything. Seems Trump thinks he never will do anything…
So far from Bill Barr and Durham, we have seen NOTHING. There is 1 week to go before the election has to be completed, including through the courts. What are We The People supposed to sit here and wait for?
Barr and Mueller are close friends. Nothing will be investigated on Mueller. Swamp creatures all.
X-22 Report, thank you for keeping me sane for the last two years that I’ve been listening to your reports. Yes, the pieces of the puzzle are falling into place.
God Bless, you are a true patriot!
Did Rudy blow it with his Lansing MI presentation? Witnesses out of control made him look unprofessional. Credibility seemed to vanish. It was too painful to watch whole thing.
Hi Dave,
I just heard today that Obama was arrested and that CIA Gina Haspel is not dead as is being reported. She is talking and under witness protection. I hope you find out some info on this.
Thank you for all you do.
Where can I see this story ?
The army tweet was from 2019.
We don’t need another special council, we need a special prosecutor!
Dave. The people don’t pick our leader. We the people are the leaders. We are the creators of the government. The government is there for one purpose, to protect our property. That’s it!
We the people have an obligation, a duty, to protect our liberty, our freedom. It’s our, we the people, responsibility to protect our rights, our property, our freedom. It’s our obligation. It’s we the people that are the leaders. The United States is a republic. The people are in charge. We have somehow allowed government to take charge and now Trump is trying to give this responsibility back to the people but we don’t know what that means. Please help educate people on what property, rights, liberty, trespass and responsibility means.
I wish everyone would stop using the term Banana Republic. I have been living in Belize for 30+ years, originally from Houston. The election process here is about as fair as one will find. They use paper ballots, the citizens have to register to vote, they are issued photo voter ID, they have to dip their finger in a dye so they cannot vote twice, all ballots are counted by hand, then tabulated the old fashed way. If The USA had this system in place Trump would have his 410 electoral vote victory.
Great Report Dave!
I believe the X22 iPhone app is broken or not working correctly do to censorship. I am able to see your video post but I am unable watch the videos. You may know this but just in case you did not I thought I would let you know. Thank you for your great work and for being a true Patriot. In God we trust!
Yup. Saw the MSNBC video on UTube saying Trump Loyalists turning on AG Barr after he debunked Trump on systemic voter fraud. Even Lou Dobbs statement on FOX saying Barr was either a liar, a fool or both. Very scathing report on the AG. Also, Roger Stone out there commenting that the AG was wrong about voter fraud. Intense pressure on the US AG Barr. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-s2QTA8OURo. What do you think about that.
I think Bill Barr is a lying rat bastard coward. He should hang for treason.
Dave, Been listening to you for years and I’m starting to lose faith in you… Numerous times over the most recent months, you re-publish posts by “Q” and others sources that are up to two years old, while stating that it was posted on the specific day of your claim… For example, today (Dec. 2nd 2020) you posted a message you claimed was just posted by the U.S. Army… If you look at the post, it was dated Dec. 2nd, 2019… I’m hoping these were errors and you aren’t purposely misleading your listeners… I’m not the only one that notices these things… In fact, I know of some people that do not listen to you anymore as a result… If you don’t “shoot straight”, that makes you as credible as the MSM… Please refrain… Also, Jeffery Prather claims “Q” is really Ezra Cohen-Watnick… Your thoughts…?
Thank you so much for keeping us informed. If it wasn’t for keeping us informed I really think I would have had a nervous breakdown. My husband has dementia and with that and the news it is terrible to hear all those things about our Great President. Thanks again. When I listen to you I can sleep at night knowing it is going to be ok. Thanks!!!!
Hi love your channel.
Thank you for the great work.
Just a question why Barr said there is no evidences yesterday?
MACK-eh-nay-nee !!! Dave, stop mispronouncing Kayleigh’s last name.
Dave, nobody shares the news like you. Thanks so much for the due diligence you perform with seemingly every video you produce. About the only shortcoming I can find is your mispronunciation of Rasmussen – Ras-mus (rhymes with bus) -sen. Now we’re square? 🙂
Thank you for all of your work and information that you share. My wife and I listen every night to get updated on the latest news that we know will NEVER be disseminated through the MSM.
Fantastic work, it gives me peace of mind.
Is there a place to view the comments regarding the daily videos, please??
Yes, speaking of Kamala, I’ve heard no mention of her culpability in the fraud. She is far too corrupt to come out of this unscathed. Besides being a Clinton puppet, she had to have played a role. Also, the 14th Amendment prohibits her from being eligible to serve, on the basis of her not being a natural born or naturalized citizen. Not to mention the ‘missing’ (NOT REPEALED) 13th Amendment that prohibits members of the B A R from elected office.
Yes, what of Kamala? I’ve heard no mention of her culpability in the fraud. She is far too corrupt to come out of this unscathed. Besides being a Clinton puppet, what was her role in this.
In addition, no discussions anywhere, of the 14th Amendment that prohibits her from being eligible to serve, based on her lack of natural born or naturalized citizenship.
Not to mention the ‘missing’, NOT REPEALED, 13th Amendment that prohibits members of the B A R from elected office. It remains the law of the land.
This comment section is pure bullshit. I’ve taken the time to submit 2 comments that disappear.
Color me unsubscribed.
Dave: Anon Craig checking in to let you know I’m one of the people who have been fighting the power since 1990 when I started my first business. You have no idea the hell we’ve been put through including having ACB rule on our case while she was in Chicago back in the day. To see what we’ve known for decades be exposed and destroyed is what I’ve prayed for longer than I can remember. Thank you for all you are doing to make it happen. You’ve provided the tool to wake up many! I hope when this is over you are part of the team that gets recognized by all patriots like me and we can honor your courage and resilience along with all the others. We have all done our part in some way and with God’s help we can now bare fruit for all humanity! Best to you and your family this Christmas. Here if you need us! CR
PS: The spotlight intro. music is bad ass!!
Was Obama arrested or is that fake news?
Where can I see this story ?