Ep 2367a – The People Now Know Who Destroyed Their Lives Economically
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This is my FAV trusted source ^^^^💪💪
The [DS]/[CB] is falling apart, Trump had the [CB]/[DS] accelerate their plan so the people were able to see it clearly. Now the people can see it. The great reset is failing, the pandemic is failing and now the people can see who actually destroyed their lives economically.
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- Ep 2367b – Election Fraud Exposed, Message Received, They Will Not Be Able To Walk Down The Street →
Thank you for your words of encouragement, it lifts me everytime I listen to your programs.
You state that the Central Bank tried to destroy our economy with covid lockdowns, but failed. Trump came in and thwarted their plans. The stock market is over 30,000 points.
However, you also state that the current stock market is not a result of free markets, but a Central Bank illusion, and is about to collapse, that it is on life support. Sounds like the CB is on the verge of success.
Which is it? Actually doing well, or about to collapse?
Then once covid is gone/ignored the economy will boom. Will it, if it’s all just an illusion?
Dave, Happy New Years to you and all there. Keep in mind that the degradation of America has been going on for decades. A little at at time. Small business has been the brunt of the savage ire of the dems, they know small business does not have the resources to fight back. Here in NY state the number of lost business is staggering. From Utica west to Buffalo is now a virtual ghost town. What they are doing now is nothing more than the follow up and wipe out of what remains and any future we may think we have or have built. It is rumored that there is a law to be voted on that would make you subject to arrest if you do not wear a mask or do not social distance. Communist government at its best. Put us in jails that they released the criminals from?? Time to stand. Again thank you.
Hi Dave,
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USA and Globally they will re-open in Feb as Chinese New Year
Happy New Year to you, Dave, and your Family! Your work reporting is very much appreciated! God bless you and yours!
Happy New Year Dave.
Thank you for all the reports you have posted in 2020. I learned a lot by listening to your channel . Please continue the great things you are doing to allow the people see what is going on , what the patriots are doing and exposing the criminal derp staters evil deeds.
Newsome said schools would open in February, because he knows that Biden is going to shutdown the whole country once he is in office. So, He can look like the good guy, but not have to take action.
So…what happens to crypto when the cb goes down?