Ep 2369b – The [DS] Had Their Chance, Trump Ready To Go, Sky Fortress Engaged
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Trump is ready to go. The [DS] has been given multiple chances to follow the rule of law. He has now trapped them, this will not end well for the swamp. All parts of the plan are now coming together, crimes against humanity, election fraud, the economic system, it is all being exposed at once. The patriots are ready to drop the evidence, buckle up its going to be a bumpy ride.
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- ← Ep 2369a – [CB]’s Prepare For The Great Reset, Trump Has Other Plans
- Ep 2370a – Trump Pushes Forward With Destroying The [CB], She’s Back →
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Breaking news GA Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger recorded the call and released the audio
Dave, what is the path forward, if as you suggest, pence doesn’t do his constitutional duty and reject the EC certs and thus put the election in the House? If Pence fails to NOT certify the EC, all heck will break lose! Right now, there is a deep divide w/in the Patriots over Pence’s loyalty to the DS vs the Constitution! You suggesting that pence will certify because of optics is scary, maddening, insane.
Please add me to your email list.
Hey my friend I found you through my buddy Zach, redpill78. I appreciate all you do. Keep rocking w a stiff spine. I believe this had to happen this way and am looking forward to the outcome. Which I also think will take years to transpire. God bless
God speed brother
Hi Dave! Hi fellow X-deuce-deucers (stateside and abroad)!!! Who else’s anticipation is skyrocketing exponentially?!?!?! We are within the 48 hour countdown, with the opening act in 24!! (^^^Too many exclamation points?^^^^) 😀😁😂🤣😂😁😀 😜😜😜😜😜
Anyways, who can link a good sight to make some memes on? I have the pics already, just need to pull it all together. I realize this might be quite easy to do, I just dont want to waste time as we are getting sooo close. Thank you all!
Great information as always Dave, thank you😳 keep your head on swivel !!
Just have seen a clip of a Stop the Steal protest in Japan. The word is spreading world wide. That protest had more Trump flags than Sleepy Joe had attendees at all his “rallies” combined
I would like for you to send me an e-mail or a notification if they pull the black out on us so I can keep up with things that are happening thanks and let’s rock and roll America 1st
You’re report is amazing. Thank you for all your info.
Time to wake up.i saw a video of a poor nurse that got palsy from the vaccine. She says wants people to know. My meditation leader for 144 group says to be ready to do our medtation if they shut down the I nternet, they don’t want America to see the proof. Hope people see it before the tv goes out. I think he needs to have energency broadcasting system to get the hearing in capital out live they will hive hop alot of proof . Mr. Trump will be safe, right?
same print shop ehhh ,,,, go figure????
I’ve listened for awhile now. Also seen a interview with jfk jr. And a lady asked him why don’t you just move away and just call yourself Dave so no one will find you. Drawing to man arrows I guess ,but your voice sounds a lot like JRs .
Anyways I appreciate everything your doing here. God bless.
Thank you for this wonderful news😊
Thank you Dave,
Your hard work and truth is so important and great for us all.
You show what an American is. One that helps others weed through the lies to find what is real.
Also helps others in many ways. I am so glad there are people like you doing what others can’t,
to help us all. God sees all, and sees great warriors of truth like you.
We win humanity with humanity. Truth conquers all, and will because of people like you.
Greatness to and for you.
Please send me a email if we run into communications problems for your new episodes
Thanks for the reports email me if your site goes down.
I am so thankful for your courage to get the truth and facts of the daily events occurring each and every day. This has been such an encouragement to us the patriots, and has given us some great insight in what is really going on in our great Country. Stay Firm with the truth and keep going for the Patriots!
Put me on contact list
Love listening!
Thank you. You’ve kept me optimistic throughout all this. God bless you.
Like your reports
Please email me if they take u off line
Thank you for all the hard work you have done to tell us what is happening with our blessed President Trump!
Please keep me informed, WWG1WGA
Please send me updates
Dave, I am having a problem with the sound coming through on your website, on rumble the sound comes through perfectly.
Maryann Varela
Good Dog believes that there is a backroom deal and Biden is going to be the one said to be President. BUT… Trump will be the one sworn in. Bumpy ride… Trump will do the arrests for treason, then, as there is Chinese and other countries’ interference in the election.
God bless you and the United States.
Love what your doing! Love the reliable information and the accuracy!!! Keep speaking the truth!!!!
Fellow Patriot!!!!
Love your show send me alerts and links if they take you down
Love your show
Awesome, look forward to everyday.
Please put me on email list. Ty
Tell Rumble to enable captions! It’s impossible to message them to let them know captions on all videos need to be on at all times. Thanks!
I signed up with Alex’s email list quite some time ago and actually had to close the email account because he was spamming me with his snake oil to the tune of 20-25 sales oitch messages a day and I could NOT unsubscribe even with his provided link. Dave, your mode of operation seems very, very similar with sponsorship. I want to join your list but simply wont…
I’ve been listening to you for quite some time but damn your own video discredits you. At just after 4 minutes your commentary is way off talking about a shredded ballots and more but no visual reference to your dialogue. With this kind of commentary you need to be on point and sharp.. had I shared this it would make me look stupid…..Please show evidence of what you are speaking about…..Otherwise when I share this I look stupid……BACK YOUR SH** UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
We are entering an Interim. We are watching the Pleobus factor play out. The end of Ochlocracy. The return of virtue.
The Indigenous African American Muslim Patriot
Hi I watch every report and love x22report.com I ordered a sample bottle of the cogniboost advertised on your website and now I’m being charged for things I didn’t order. Can u help or show me how to get ahold of them to cancel this from happening again. Thanks
I suggest you to add in your socials , Telegram .
Hi David
Thank you for continued updates on your program. Please put me on your email list for updates.
I have been following you from Norway for a long time now. Trump is important for the whole World. We have a globalist anti-patriot goverment in our country. Our prime minister is selling out our ressources to foreign stats. Thank you for Your reports!
God bless America, and all of those who want justice. May Almighty God ensure justice in this election is done, and the depth of corruption and evil is fully revealed. America will never be the same again because she has chosen to abandon her God. But God will not abandon those in America who have remained faithful to Him. The evilness of your swamp is the outworking of the master you have chosen to embrace. That master is none other than Satan himself, and his band of evil angels/demons who are leading all humans who have chosen the swamp as their workplace. Again, God bless America on January 6, may His justice prevail, and may the depth of this evil be convincingly revealed for all to see
I’m writing this before I listen to the whole video, so maybe you already said this:
The reason the Lincoln & Truman portraits were hung together was because of their LATE INAUGURATION dates!! Lincoln’s was MARCH 4, 1861, Truman’s was APRIL 12, 1945!!!
I’ve heard a LOT of content that says that January 20 is the only date written in stone. Even that date isn’t! And President Trump is telling us he’s aware of that, and it’s not without precedent.
Thanks for all your hard work! On Twitter dave92429213
Giving you my info in case site goes down
I have appreciated all your work these years.
You are a true Patriot. May God be with us in these coming days as we fight to preserve our Constitutional Republic!
Thank you!!
DAVE you may want to listen to this
You have got to be kidding. They have been allowed to steal the house again And today they are laughing in our faces stealing the senate in Georgia RIGHT IN OUR FACES. Claiming the machines are down in all the Republican areas. We are 15 seconds from losing our country and your still claiming This was planned IF this was a plan it was a stupid one. They are standing back arresting no one allowing the same machines with the same corrupt people in charge decide Georgia which will take the Senate( not to mention all the other seats they stole.) The Democrats LOST EVERYTHING in this election the house the Senate and the Whitehouse and they are just getting away with stealing them . So at what point are our lessons done Dave. when we are all in interment camps being forced vaccinated? will it be over then? Will we have been shown enough?
Great,,, love the reports would be lost without them 👍🏻
Keep up the good work Dave you’re a true patriot!
Thanks for everything you have done for the people of the world.
Thanks for everything.
Thanks from ireland
Keep me posted
Just want to get prepared if there is a communication shut down.
Speaking of movies, search the Secretary of the Treasury. He is a movie producer. Several of his movies were big hits.
How will President Trump prevent “peaceful protests” once he is declared the winner? He will play his Trump Card. He made a deal with Nancy Pelosi. She gets to live. In exchange, she tells the American (and world) people that they rigged the election, Trump is the winner, and we should work together and get along.
When I listened to that conversation I got the idea Trump was giving Brad a chance to do what’s right. He was too dumb to get it. Wonder what Brad is being blackmailed over.
Love listening and learning what is going on. Please keep me informed
Really need your shows to be presented in such a way that allows viewers to pause and forward as they wish. The way it is now, if I pause the show and come back to it later, I am forced to listen to it from the very beginning again. What can be done about this? Thank you for looking into it. Love listening to your shows, but viewers need more control over the experience.
How do I get email notifications?
thank you for your information. I am giving you my email to stay in contact in case your public sites are shut down. God Bless! and May God Bless our President Trump all who support him and God Bless America and the free world!!!!
I’m glad I found your site.
Hallelujah praise be to God
Great ste spreading the word