Ep 2372b-Shot Heard Around The World,It Had To Be This Way,The Crime Of Treason Has Been Completed
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The patriots needed to wait until the crime was committed. On live TV the senate, house, MSM and SM pushed forward their crime of treason. They [knowingly] stole the election. The crime of treason has been completed. The storm is coming, All of the pieces are in place. Trump has tried everyone avenue, he went to the lower courts, the state supreme court, the supreme court of the US. The swamp blocked him at every turn. We knew this day would come, it had to be this way, sometimes you must walk through the darkness to see the light.
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When when when are the Patriots going to do something!!! Trump may be leaving in two weeks!!! I’ve been hearing for almost a year now that the Patriots know everything and are in control. Yet I see no action.
Take heart. We have to use discernment now. Facts: 1. Trump has NOT conceded despite what the MSM would like us to believe. In a real concession the opposing candidate is mentioned and congratulated after a phone call is made- it is how it’s done. If you listen very closely to Trump’s speech he never mentions Biden, concession, or anything remotely alluding to that. He does speak in code to his followers. He speaks of calm, of reconciliation but what does that really mean? He speaks of exhausting every legal remedy and of having afforded every opportunity [for the evil doers] to “do the right thing”. (Legally that must be done before he can invoke the Insurrection Act) He says his first administration was great-implying there will be a second. He speaks of a transition to a “new administration”. Well pence won’t be there for sure, and many others were forced to resign. It will indeed be a new administration. He says “our journey has just begun”. All of this indicates that he has every intention of transitioning to his new administration on Jan. 20. He needed to ascertain that the treason was completed. Pence made sure of that. He needed to exhaust all legal remedies. He has done that. 2. Now he goes this weekend to Camp David-where military operations are planned and executed. He will most likely invoke the Insurrection Act. The military has already been deployed to DC under the guise of “mob control” by the thousands both NG & Marines. 3. The FCC ( seemingly out of the blue-but very telling) issued a statement right after Twitter, FB, & others took a sitting US President down reminding all media that they MUST by federal law broadcast any and all emergency broadcasts. That will come once the Insurrection Act is activated. Why do you think that the Dems and deep state cabal are so panicked and screaming for him to be removed NOW talking about 25A & Impeachment if all they have to do is wait for Jan. 20-that is if they were really sure Biden will get in? Because they know he is still the POTUS and has the power to do what I have discussed and more. They are terrified that he will. And massive declassification will also take place shortly. Given what we know about our President do you believe he will let a coup orchestrated by foreign and domestic enemies stand? Also, a briefing was made to Congress after DNI Ratcliffe gave the report (as per 2018 EO) to Trump confirming that China & other foreign states were indeed behind this election fraud and coup attempt. The media refuses to report it. The US Constitution mandates that our Commander In Chief shall defend our Republic in such a crisis and blatant attack on our nation. Do you think the POTUS will walk away from that solemn duty? I don’t. We shall see.
this guy is full of shit
I think Ms.Mildred has a real good grasp of the facts..
I think Ms. Mildred has a good grasp of the facts..
Sandy do you know what CB stands for? I cant for the life of me figure it out:(
Central Bank
You do a fantastic job!! Thank you!
We are grateful for your stand and
for helping us to see reality of this.
I have been awake to all this for well over twenty years, it was a very lonely place back then, I thought people were never going to wake up, then Brexit and Trump happened which was the Great Awakening, I am thankful of just this, it will all happen in God’s Divine Time, the Deep State have always relied on secrecy and subterfuge, because of Trump they had to speed things up and come out of the shadows, they had to be exposed who was who, Stay Strong, the cat is out of the bag and the Deep State can’t shove it back in, everyone that wakes up from this can not go back to sheep…
states vthat feel election was improperly handled and stolen should seceed from the union.
That would be a pleasure. However, wouldn’t it be easier for the swamp that stole the election to secede in order that you bad guys can work your snake oil on each other and not on the patriotic people of the United States of America. Also, keeping Italy, China and other foreign entities should go back home and stay there. We patriots want our beloved country back! So instead of patriots seceding how about you slime balls all get on a ship to nowhere. Yeah Trump and USA!
Thank you!!
I believe “ready David” refers to David and Goliath. Goliath will be struck down soon!
Daniel 2:36 “This was the dream, and now we will interpret it to the king. 37 Your Majesty, you are the king of kings. The God of heaven has given you dominion and power and might and glory; 38 in your hands he has placed all mankind and the beasts of the field and the birds in the sky. Wherever they live, he has made you ruler over them all. You are that head of gold.
39 “After you, another kingdom will arise, inferior to yours. Next, a third kingdom, one of bronze, will rule over the whole earth. 40 Finally, there will be a fourth kingdom, strong as iron—for iron breaks and smashes everything—and as iron breaks things to pieces, so it will crush and break all the others. 41 Just as you saw that the feet and toes were partly of baked clay and partly of iron, so this will be a divided kingdom; yet it will have some of the strength of iron in it, even as you saw iron mixed with clay. 42 As the toes were partly iron and partly clay, so this kingdom will be partly strong and partly brittle. 43 And just as you saw the iron mixed with baked clay, so the people will be a mixture and will not remain united, any more than iron mixes with clay.
44 “In the time of those kings, the God of heaven will set up a kingdom that will never be destroyed, nor will it be left to another people. It will crush all those kingdoms and bring them to an end, but it will itself endure forever. 45 This is the meaning of the vision of the rock cut out of a mountain, but not by human hands—a rock that broke the iron, the bronze, the clay, the silver and the gold to pieces.
“The great God has shown the king what will take place in the future. The dream is true and its interpretation is trustworthy.”
46 Then King Nebuchadnezzar fell prostrate before Daniel and paid him honor and ordered that an offering and incense be presented to him. 47 The king said to Daniel, “Surely your God is the God of gods and the Lord of kings and a revealer of mysteries, for you were able to reveal this mystery.”
This Empires are till now (Holy Roman Empire – The One that controls this world corporate system of Legal Fictions – created in 1648 at the “Peace of Westphalia – “Come out of her my people…” Revelation 18:4) and is the one that will be destroyed “34 While you were watching, a rock was cut out, but not by human hands. It struck the statue on its feet of iron and clay and smashed them.”
The president is supposed to be going to camp David this weekend. He and his family will be secure. Barring a missal strike, they won’t be able to get to him.
Please add me to your alert system so I can continue to receive your reports,
matt.igg@outlook.com Please allow me to be part of the alert system.
Hello Dave, when do you think Twitter will remove Trump’s account?
I can no longer find any of your videos on YouTube. Thank god I was able to remember the name of your show and find it via search engine
I can no longer find any of your videos on YouTube (you were even deleted from my watched videos in account History!). Thank god I was able to remember the name of your show and find it via search engine
Dave.. i thought you would mention italy connection… why not.. its big!!!???
Trump needs to play the TRUMP CARD
Let’s go!!!
Your report makes me feel so much better. After yesterday, I have been feeling so angry and desolate all day.
Love it
I want to be added ,please
Thank you all your deacation to give us true updated news.
What this episode shows, by your comments, is that YOU don’t KNOW anything. YOU speak like you KNOW what “Trump and the Patriots” think and do. YOU KNOW NOTHING more than any other patriot. This is not a game! COWARD! I can’t believe I listened to your bullshit for 4 years.
From a Real Patriot and Veteran.
This speaks to yr intellect Listening to B.S for 4 years?? Wow.
I hope and pray you are right!
Not to worry. The INSURECTION ACT I NEXT Be patient for a few more days! MANY ARREST WILL FOLLOW Not a dreamer!
Praying this is true
Love show
I’d like to get on your email list.
David Staie
Love your report
Hi Dave, when I’m listening to you it seems that there is a lot of break up in spots is this on your end or is it on my end? I don’t want to miss anything you are saying, thx.
Hello Dave, thank you for all that you do! You are a true patriot. Every time I get a little discouraged I listen to your report and it fires me up again. Please add me to your email list.
I have been blocked from Facebook for 7 days and suspended from Twitter for 12 hours!
Your the best.
Thank you so much for your service Dave.
Thank you so much for your service Dave.
Glad to have found X22
Add me to the list in case your web site goes down
The Democrats are desperate to get Trump out of office ASAP. Who knows what kinds of documents he could declassify in the next 2 weeks that would land them all in Gitmo?
Newt Gingrich wife is ambassador to Vatican. Italians worked with US embassy in Italy.
Video of the Shooter
Semper Fidelis
Please add me to your list
Please add me to your list
Thank you very much
Please add me to your email list. Thank you!
Wow. What a great report. Thank you Dave. I have hope. I stand with President Trump. God bless this mission.
Dave, so glad that I found out about you and your excellent insight into this political landscape we are trying to navigate. I listen to both reports every day. Dont stop and thanks so much. God bless you and God bless our POTUS and the USA.
dave, bix was right, been following your episodes for 2 years. who’s selling snake oil ? You! Your predictions never materialize bunch of BS. good luck with your propagandas! who’s prosecuting who?? No one!! power is in their hand! the enemies are NOT panicking. trump made a Big Mistake he waited too long. i will never watch your bs episodes anymore. thank god at least i’m protecting myself and friends from your BSs!
This whole situation is fluid and changing all the time. It has to be that way. So predictions can and do change often as well. He has presented a legal case that unless you have somewhat of a legal mind that understands the constitution you wouldn’t understand how rock solid this all really is. They are desperate to remove Trump by any means necessary, it doesn’t make sense if their telling the truth and the MSM is telling the truth what is there to fear from Trump? Never the less if they could personally remove him right now they would! So what is stopping their biggest dream from coming true? If they truly had the power Trump would already be gone. There’s no doubt about this. They never hide their true evil and intentions or hatred for Trump, yet they can’t touch him. Because He was born on the 4th of July! Dave has hope and has done compelling research. No matter how it turns out ultimately it’s in God’s hands, Do you know anything about God? Or the Constitution?
A Strawman Argument is the Fallacious attempt to argue against an argument, A, presented by others.
But instead of arguing against argument A, they fabricate a different, weaker argument, B, and then argue against argument B.
In doing so, they fail to address argument A, at all.
Who HIDES Evidence?!!! CRIMINALS Hide Evidence!!!
President Trump wants people to do the right thing.
He gives people the opportunity to do the right thing.
When people don’t do the right thing, Trump gives them another opportunity to do the right thing.
Trump has provided everyone multiple opportunities to do the right thing.
A longstanding goal of the Trump Presidency has been to determine who is corrupt and who is not, who is a member of the illegal coup and who is not.
The events of Jan 6, 2021, served to reveal who in the houses are the traitors to the Constitution and who are the patriots.
Fools pay lip service to the Constitution, but fail to comprehend both its importance and SUPREMACY governing events in the nation.
Evidence was presented that the attempted elections in AZ, GA, MI, PA and WS were done under rules that violated the US Constitution.
The Constitution clearly mandates whom and only whom can make to laws and rules that govern an election: the state legislatures.
However, contrary to the law of the land, governors, state judiciary and unelected bureaucrats such as state secretaries CHANGED and OVERULED these laws mandated by the state legislatures, mandated by the Constitution.
The members of the house have sworn an oath to defend the Constitution.
Those that voted to certify the results of a illegal election failed to uphold their oath, and will be dealt with.
Only those that objected to the clear perversion of US Constitutional LAW demonstrated their patriotism.
As you know, that which is certified CAN be de-certified.
There is precedent.
1960 Nixon vs JFK. Hawaii certified its electors but then found evidence that they certified the wrong electors.
So the president of the Senate, ironically Richard Nixon, chose to decertify the Hawaiian slate of electors (favoring him) and replace them with another (favoring Kennedy).
The more perceptive among you will have noticed that I haven’t yet mentioned fraud.
I haven’t had to.
To determine the patriotism of the members of the house, all one need to is demonstrate their rejection of the laws mandated by the Constitution and support of that which is unconstitutional.
Fraud is that which is facilitated by and results from an illegal election.
And only an idiot is unaware of the many instance of blatant fraud documented in the 2020 presidential election.
Most people ARE fully aware of the fraud, but their lack of personal integrity and the inherent dishonesty, that follows from a lack a integrity, allows them to lie about what they know.
Now, there are those that embrace comforting lies, and there are those that seek truth no matter how unattractive that truth is.
There are those that embrace illusion and there are those that seek to understand reality, wielding logic and recognizing evidence.
Only those that embrace reality are able to admit to recognizing widespread fraud.
This is not over. Some people have not done the right thing.
In the next two weeks, information, some previously classified, will be revealed, demonstrating the crimes against the state and crimes against humanity.
Things to watch for:
The full DNI report that was due, Dec 18, 2020, 45 days after the election, but has been delayed by the CIA Deep State dragging their feet.
Hint: the intial report found voting irregularities and evidence of foreign and domestic interference.
The 2018 Executive Order: EO 13848. Imposing certain sanctions in the event of foreign interference in the United States election.
The Repeal of Section 230, making big tech big public utilities.
Supreme Court challenges.
Military Tribunals.
Right On, Amber
filibuster, filibuster, filibuster, they knew their intentions, all lies. Trump is merciful, going over board for the liars, even the right hand man close to him, yet God is Merciful. But there comes a time for Judgement, Execution! THE TIME IS NOW! MY FAITH IS SOLID AS A ROCK!!!!!!!
Thank you for your clear and detailed analogy. Brilliant
INSURECTION was the one word headline headline of the Shrevepot Times 7 Jan.
Trump conceded today. Why keep pushing “the Plan,” when there is none? “Q” played us all, and Trump did nothing to stop the deep state in 4 years. Most of all, Trump had the power to free us all, yet he never did.
Black pill. Go away.
No he did not concede that’s what the news is saying.
You can’t drain a swamp in 4 years. It’s a interconnected global swamp that runs very deep. Trump has to tread very carefully and do all things by the letter of the law. We are a nation of laws they are made to protect all of us. Without law all we have is chaos. The dems and the deep state play by their own laws. Which has resulted in Wuhan flue, quarantine and tons of chaos across America. It is amazing what he has accomplished in under 4 years. If Q played us why is big tech so intimidated by him? The truth hurts. They have been trying to shut down Q for a few years now but we’re still quoting him aren’t we? Why are they censoring everyone? Because the truth is not on their side if it was they wouldn’t care what people had to say.
I will never give up……
Thank you Patriots! God bless and protect America!
Been following your reports for a while.
Love your presentations!
Supported Tulsi,. She is bold!
Love the president’s zest for freedom. He is super bold!
Love his stands on covid – Open Up!
He laments everyday!
Super disgusted by their cheating!
When one loses shame; one loses soul.
Wow…looking forward:) Good day.
How can you praise God enough for his perfect timing? Knowing POTUS Trump is the Trump(ET) in Revelations. Father loves choosing HIS words to sometimes having extra meanings. We know POTUS TRUMP was and Is appointed and anointed for such a time as this. The prophets foretold of Him even before He ran for the office. Abba’s Mazzaroth in the heavens let us know the season we are in. It made it’s appearance on Sept 23, 2017. We have been watching Jupiter(biblically it represents the Messiah, Yeshua). The GREAT Conjunction we witnessed was where Jupiter overtakes and consume Saturn(biblically it represents satan) with a brilliance that Yeshua has. This sign Abba gave us was to let us know he was consumed and defeated. His NWO(the beast/globalist) system was ending. He lost the war against us. GOD is faithful and loves us all so much. We are living in the greatest time ever. We were saved for such a time as this to be God’s Army(Prayer warriors) and the Digital Army fighting with Truth bullets. You have done your part so wonderfully, and digital warriors did their part and PRAYER Warriors fought the spiritual realm. Some multitasked it. We are ushering in the Millennial Reign. The BEST IS YET TO COME!! THANK YOU SO MUCH. I Sense Abba saying, “well done good and faithful servant”. Our Beloved POTUS has weathered a horrible beating, along with his family for the last 4 years. We can never thank him enough for staying the course Abba prepared him for. All that they hid from us, all the wealth they stole for centuries and all they did to us with their slow poisoning and illnesses they inflicted upon us will ALL come to an end. And the little children will be made safe again, and healing formulas they kept for themselves will be available. NESARA and GESARA will be implemented. I am so excited for the future for all things . Pray against civil unrest, and if it comes, that it will be dealt with swiftly to minimize any losses. God bless you and yours Dave. Much love always.
Wow, you are a true Christian. Your perspective is very hopeful and interesting. But until Jesus shows up at the end of the 7 year tribulation and kicks Satan to the curb we are still under the command of the wicked one. He is the God of this world until this system ends. There may still be persecutions and global devastations, plagues, pestilence and the beast. Be ready for anything. But I will still welcome a Trump victory, remember the first part of the tribulation is supposed to be barrable, it’s the second half that will be un-barrable. God bless Trump!
the FINAL EPISODE of this movie between Jan.08-18 / 2021 ??
stock up on crispy Popcorn & Cold drinks for 10 days ??
how about Communications ?? Personal Security ??
Can we ” shoot ” any troublemaker invading our personal space ??
Will food , water , medicine be available when needed ??
Inauguration on Jan.20/2021 …. or …. another ” Election ” …..
on March 03/2021 ?? When will NESARA be implemented ??
Just wondering ……
Well done.
Thank you Dave. We appreciate all that you do.
In case site goes down, please send emails
I’ve made mistakes in by life but I am a true patriot I was raised with prayer in our schools I support our president to the fullest.
Hi Dave, thanks for all the hours you have spent filling us with information, it has been wonderful to have my eyes opened completely to see what is really going on instead of listening to main street crap.. I have been following you for years but noticed recently your video has been breaking up consistently. I thought it maybe something wrong with my reception but I haven’t had any trouble with any other podcasts. I am not sure if anyone else has had problems but it is intermittent. No problems it just takes longer to listen. Cheers Ian ( Aus.)
Now it feels like Christmas. Thanks Dave
Please add me to you email contact list in the event we can’t access your website
This is hope…. I felt despondent yesterday. I saw an evil in the face of Pelosi an Schumer wanting to destroy this
great President. an a greed to control. God will lead President Trump an the American people to victory over this evil that is trying to destroy our American way of life.
Every American pray to God asking for help. I have a feeling in my heart God is with this Great President of ours an
America will triumph!!!! Pray to Almighty God…. Pray for America!!! Pray for our Great President
Thank you Dave, truly I don’t think I could have survived without your daily reports. You are a
Thank you so much. You offer a voice of reason in the midst of hysteria. I don’t ‘do’ social media so miss quite a lot of information but you package everything up beautifully every day – excellent.
2372B this is not the end of the movie, the best is yet to come. Choked up at the end God bless patriot.
A desperate Canadian
What a show!! So exciting to see it all unfold. Hearing absolute lies on bbc radio6 this morning here in the UK, true propaganda. I think I AM popcorn…. Love and blessings to ALL. Thank you Dave for your excellent work.
Please keep me in the know. TRUMP 2020!!!
Thank you from the bottom of my heart patriot.
I have been following this site for a few months. Keep up the great work.
PLEASE add my email to your list. I cannot access captcha
Thank you. Please add my email. I cannot access captcha
Hi Dave
I love your reports. I have followed you for 3 years. I thank you for all the hard work you put in to this!!
I wonder if you are on Parler? There is 3 different accounts there…
Hugs from Sweden
You are the best report out there Dave… I really do hope you get recognised after this and find yourself in a worthy role/job… Thank you! You made it all so much clearer and it has been a great support system during these times!!! My sister also tunes in now and I want to send a couple of people over as more people are becoming hungry for truth…the problem I have is that I can’t find where to sign up to email alerts …i did it when you were on YouTube but I can’t find it here… can you make it clear and prominent or tell me where I find it please so I can get others to sign up? You need a better website design as I am guessing you have done it yourself…only meant as constructive… I used to be a web designer and many won’t scroll through large pages… possibly need a site map and navigation could be clearer… I do so hope someone designs this for you for free as you deserve some help after all you have done to help others… I would do it but tech has moved on since I did it… May great things come your way for you and your family… your report has been like oxygen!
Great respect to you
Kanti Jones UK
I was in D.C. and have video showing antifa goons walking around the ellipse and the monument area. They were in the usual garb with maybe a trump gaitor, hat or something. But they had helmets, body armor, and one guy had a huge wrench tied to his back. They were the first to leave the area, at least 30 -45 mins prior to anyone else. Trump supporters did not cause this.
Thank You so very much Dave! You have Absolutely given us much needed Truth to keep us on track.

I am Fighting no my knees for Our America The Beautiful! God Continue To Bless President Trump,
America and Her Patriots! Hallelujah Amen
need to be put on your email address emergency update list
Thank you for providing a higher perspective on today’s important events.
Thanks for the update!
I sure hope this all plays out the way it should and the constitution be upheld. If this stands there will be no checks and balances with the United States government. The agenda will move forward quickly. We will be introduced into a system of absolute tyranny! Guns will be confiscated, taxes and energy will go to all time highs, massive lockdown and mask, forced vaccines and senseless wars. This is the crossroads of our nation and it breaks my heart that many can’t see it.
What did POTUS mean this morning when he said, “…a smooth transfer of POWER…”, in his speech? I still have faith in President Trump, but it sure sounds like he’s transferring power to Biden to me
I wasn’t able to find how to subscribe but I would love to continue receiving your reports.
Thank you
for keeping the light of hope bright
I Look forward to listening to the x22 Report each night. Love the great information you give!!
Thanks X22.com I only go to your website.
How can we download the video you shared this morning? Shot heard around the world one? unless there is more? I signed up this morning with you as well.
We will know for sure whether Q, Trump, the Patriots have a working Plan or the Republic is dead in a few days. Never thought things would be ‘easy’ but I am appalled ALL THREE SC Justice picks have turned out to be traitors. 5-D Chess or a fail in the Plan? Will the Military kill the traitors at President Trump’s direction or are the Generals as uniformly corrupt as Congress ??? I don’t know. I Pray that this very day Patriots in the NG and Reserve are preparing to capture and use their armories against the deep state which includes ID’ing and eliminating traitors in their own ranks. If Trump has to Rule for a time in the mode of General Pinochet such will be outside the Constitution but necessary to save the Republic. Afterwards the Constitution can be Amended to acknowledge that Reality and to devise safeguards against a future marxist deep state attempt.
Refreshing information-very encouraging indeed!
Dave, your tone has certainly changed…We were told by you that the Patriots had this totally under control. “The [DS] was panicking. Stop misrepresenting the facts! You are leading your followers to destruction. Shame on you, you liar.
Here is my email in case of communication blackout
This is beginning of great black out stand tall don’t waver all will be ok
We are in trouble if we don’t stand up for our country
God Bless and Thank you
Love listening to you!!!! Please don’t shut down. Don’t trust anyone else!!!!
Please send alerts to my email
Thank you for this amazing analysis and information!
Please add my email to the distribution list !
I want to maintain communication of sight is taken down
Email if necessary
Have you seen the Italian proof of vote fraud? What do u think about it? God Bless!
Just giving my email
Hi Dave, Is there any way to add a speed bar to your videos. It sure would be helpful! And thank you for adding the BROAD button. Now I can play on our t.v.
Take care,
Send me updates
I look forward to listening to your new reports as you post them. Would like you to include me in your email contacts encase networks go dark to keep me informed. Thank you for your patriotic service.
Not sure how to subscribe for email updates
Not sure how to subscribe for email updates
Thank you Dave. You always make me feel better.
Hi David thank god for you and Charlie Ward!!!!!!!!!!! Keep doing what you do best. Shining the light of Truth!
Its all happening now! Days of Darkness and then Bang!!!! Its a done deal!
Got this when I tried to share on Facebook. So I emailed the link to my self and put the link to several friends, on Facebook messenger
our message couldn’t be sent because it includes content that other people on Facebook have reported as abusive.
You’re blocked on Facebook also.
If Trump rightly shows that he won, since he ran on the ticket with Pence, won’t he be stuck with Pence for the next four years?
I’d like to join x22 report
Woo Hoo ,pray for victory.
At the Ready!
I love our President, Donald J. Trump! God bless him and protect him?
Hi all. I’d like to thank you for leaving a digital trail for us to find you from. Nothing like bread crumb trails. Here come the arrests. We the actual people of the United States will destroy all you Trumpies. We will strike you down like the little bitches you are. Get used to it… PRESIDENT BIDEN FUCKTARDS
Wow! Would much appreciate future messages. Prayers are in order!
Excellent information.
I need reports i can believe.
Please continue
Everyone should have faith. God is on our side
Wow, amazing content how you have connected everything together. Thank you for your service, you are a true patriot!
How may I access reports from more than a week prior?