Ep 2377b – Checkmate, [Zero Day] Approaches, Sometimes A Good Movie Can Reveal A Lot Of Truth
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The [DS]/[CB] have walked through the front door, they committed treason at the highest level. Why interfere with your enemy while they in the process of destroying themselves. What makes a good movie, great actors, how do you show the people the truth, via a movie. Sometimes you need to have the stage ready so people can enjoy the performance.
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- ← Ep 2377a – The Entire Global Economic System All Depends On What Trump Does Next
- Ep 2378a – The [DS]/[CB] Prepare To Reverse All Economic Policies, Who Is In Control? →
i was watching Simon Parkes lately then i saw web stories on him and aliens…is he legit or nuts?
He is a contactee, and a very reliable informer. He has insider info from UK and US high officials
Former Israeli Space Security Chief publicly acknowledges the existence of extraterrestrials and of the Galactic Federation … there are billions of earth like planets as well… who is nuts? One who acknowledges that we are not alone or the one who thinks that out of the ENTIRE Universe we are the only viable intelligent beings?? lol
I used to listen and believe…now I believe…you should be ashamed of yourself. You are giving false hope to people. I just want to know what you are going to say to all of us when NONE of what you predict comes true??? I you going to apologize?
Are you going to apologize to Dave when all of this comes to pass? The only logical outcome to all of this is draining of the swamp and another four years.
False hope? Have you ever listened to Kim Clement or Mark Taylor? YOU should be ASHAMED! Woe unto those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness; Woe unto you that are wise in your own eyes and prudent in their own sight. Are YOU going to apologize when President Trump is in the Oval Office for the next 4 years? SHAME, SHAME, SHAME on YOU!
The movie isn’t over yet, wait for the ending. Biblical
If you would just put in a little effort and a lot of research you would know that everything Dave says is pretty much spot on…. not false hope at all… there is a plan underway RIGHT NOW, to take our Country back and indictments have already started being unsealed and served… who all have you noticed missing in our Congress lately??
I’m a new listener of your podcast. Thank you for the work you do; you’re keeping me sane right now.
As to your comment about the tweet “My fellow Americans….” No one seems to realize that the “Look to twitter…” post may have come last week.
I have the screenshot but have no idea how to share it with you.
It came on Jan. 06 from an account @John_F_Kennedy and says, “‘My fellow Americans, the storm is upon us….” God bless. ‘
Amanda Bowoade
Biden better not be sworn as President. This better not be a damn Psy Op because alot of fishy information is coming. We the People need a ray of hope now. Since Nov. We have been holding on. WTF????
I got bitchute ok but gab isn’t there. I got a gateway error. I’m using an apple iPad. Never buying another apple product for the rest of my life.
Today program sure brings back hope in my neighborhood and household, my neighborhood started listening to you after nov 3, it was just me watching, then I shared to a few, then we started gathering together Daily in a barn to listen together and to go over what you had said, a few has drop out but after today I believe they’ll be back. Thank you so much Dave for putting together such amazing program. JJ
Rumble on Roku is not showing your last two a/b reports.
Dave. Qs message THE STORM IS UPON US…..GOD BLESS was posted on JFK official twitter the day before they suspended Trump’s twitter account. Both were suspended the same day.
Thank you for all of your information I live in Texas and I am moving to Oklahoma when I do that I will have the extra funds to sign up for your VPM and other things that you are selling at this time I am struggling I am a patriot an army brat retired disabled Christian man
I don’t know Dave. Here is my take. Jesus, my Lord and Savior is in control of history. I cannot help but think we are being played both sides to the middle. Your scripts are meticulously written, and sometimes I detect contradictions in the narrative. Sorry, buddy, but after listening to you for 10 months and now living through what happened today with Trump being impeached for the second time, I am now becoming skeptical. I will remain so until I see otherwise.
I think we may be getting false flags on purpose. Not to play us the Patriots but, to confuse the evil enemy. Can’t tell them our game plan. As you said” Our Trust is in God! Keep the Faith!
I love listening to your reports. Very informative
The one thing you have said many times is that Sessions is one of the good guys. Totally disagree. Trump went to Alabama and campaigned for Tuberville to beat Sessions in the Republican senate primary. Trump would hardly do that is Sessions was a trusted ally.
Sessions is a JAG officer and had to be able to take that position for the military tribunals that will take place.
Thank you for your continued efforts to get out the truth.
Thanks Dave, Great stuff as usual… exciting times…
Thank you for your continued efforts. I believe your analysis is spot on.
Hello Dave. You might have a different view on VP Pence but I still have that image of him receiving a note during George Bush funeral along with the other traitors. What do you make of that? Another play?
Thank you for all your information I am transitioning from Texas to Oklahoma and after I do that I will purchase some items that you are selling that will show my support.
Thank you Marc
If you aren’t on Facebook. Twitter etc. why are those logos here on your webpage.?
I support President Trump ! Completely .
Who in the world will be watching the Biden inauguration? Your page wasn’t working for a little bit. it was like blank with a no page here sign. So it is going to be a dark week I’m betting.
i think the watch is 4:48 or 4:49 the angle in which I could see the time. i wonder what that could mean as opposed to 4:50. just a thought. thank you for being here for us dave. we surely appreciate you are here. In God we trust.
I appreciate your takes. I’ve wondered why we’ve heard so little from Sydney Powell of late? At this point, I’m not as confident as you are that Biden will not be President. But even so, if it is Biden, then ok, then we move forward the best we can. I think there is hope that a new party, a Populist Party focused on Economic Nationalism and a more Restrained Foreign Interventionism, can be formed. I can’t imagine voting Republican again. I think the GOP is going to wane and become nothing.
Sidney Powel is on Telegram posting a LOT!
Beautifully scripted operation that has many fooled into thinking the jig is up for Potus.
Even the Military stating that they would be supporting Biden according to the BBC
I feel almost alone in my belief and faith in the plan Dave. How easily people are swayed into abandoning all logic and reason when under the threat of failure.It is clear that the only real pandemic is “Fear.” Did you see Jim Jordan being bullied into saying that the call for fraud was a lie? How desperate these people really are.He stood firm like the solid patriot that he is. Yes they are terrified by what they think may be coming in the next week.
Thanks for the entertainment so far.I wouldn’t miss the final acts for love or money.
Dave, why do you keep referencing QAnon posts from 2018 and speaking as if it were posted today? Are you delusional? Or am I missing something?
Hard to believe that our government is so corrupt…every aspect of it. Below is a postcard I recently sent to CORRUPT McConnell. He is nothing but a corrupt clown.
Thank you X22 for the great service you provided us during this stressful time…you are a dedicated patriot.
twitter post 3635…. movie can provide truth
Official Secrets (2019) – IMDb
4904, regarding movies, thing discussed in the past (2003 – Official Secrets) somehow is making news now.
Red pill… Before I was booted off twitter an account named John F Kennedy Jr posted just that, the “my fellow Americans” post. And the argument ensued about where it could come from. So do you think it’s possible it’s already been said? Thank you for all you do. Wwg1wga
Do you remember years ago there was a commercial that was aired just briefly a few times where a mother was caring for her elderly mother and in the background that they panned over to where the PSA that martial law had just been declared but not to worry, … That everyone is safe.
Here is the commercial.
Another great show! My only issue on the one post why was it commander “and” chief?
I thought it was commander “In” chief? Kind of worries me or I just might be to off my rocker which is a good possibility.
I was there in DC. I left before the WALK to the Capitol. I’m so glad I have pictures AND video showing it WAS peaceful before then! I never heard any threats, I never felt unsafe. It was a fantastic day before the Capitol.
QPFC question???? is “confusion” EVER!!!<<< A GOOD THING?????????????????? HELL YES?????????? WE (through HOLY SPIRIT) MA AND US<<> CONFUSE ENEMY!!!!!!! KING DAVID AND GOD YOUSED? THIS “METHOD” TO CAUSE “ENEMIES” TO KILL!!!!!!!!!!!! EACH OTHER!!!!!!!!!!!!! YEHWEH OUR CHRIST!!!! IAM<<>>U R <<<HOLY SPIRITS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NEVER FORGET!!!V THE SNAKES!!V THEYS <<>>V DIE!!!!! IN VICES-PRESIDENT DAVID EDWARD MAAS!!! WRITE- IN??? YUP!!!!!!!!!
If the “patriots” are so “in control”, I would sure hate to see what this shit show would look like if they weren’t!
Wouldn’t it be cool and shock the world if Biden were arrested on his inaguration day?
Thanks for being a light on some pretty rough days Dave.
Remember, the cold and flu virus are ALSO CORONA VIRUS. The COVID-19 is the specific Corona Virus that causes the present “Pandemic”.
how do you know ? what or who are your sources ? I have listened for over a year now and nothing you have said has come true. A lie is as big a sin as murder.
I have seen no evidence.
You say that the patriots have the DS playbook but don’t they have the patriots simply by watching your videos?
Watching EP2377Epb January 13th. Just found you two days ago. Thanks for being there.
It is rewarding that I am able to get information, beneficial for all of us who love our country, and our President, and desire to have knowledge of what is happening.
Thanks Dave,
As usual your reports are very enlightening and calming.
I’m so glad you’re out there!
This has been one of the most sit on the edge of your seat “movie” I have ever seen play out. I have always liked mysteries, crime investigative movies, forensic shows, but this is the only one I have been so engaged in mind, body, soul and spirit. Between research, reading, Praying , and being a digital soldier, and grandchildren, I have not got much sleep in 4 years. But all this is worth it, even with the disdain and put downs by none believers of my own immediate family. This movement has even drawn lines in families, but I have been holding onto Gods promises to moms who are praying in the Gap. They don’t understand that many of us who have been fighting the good fight, are doing it for them and the children. Our own and those who have suffered at the hands of the pedophiles , and child traffickers. I can’t get that research out of my mind. At this point, it needs to just be totally declassed. It is getting harder to get it out there , because the main platforms where most of traffic has been are banning, shadow banning. I know there is a huge influx to newer platforms, but we don’t know who will cave, or be torn down due to big techs control of servers, or who can be bought. I have gotten on several different platforms and changed my email office. Just got comfortable with Parler, and boom. Praying for them. FB limited my amount of shares to 5 messengers and said I reached my limit. we all need to continue to stay united and strong, and bold. Praying for our POTUS /family and all the white hats, military, and each other. I really appreciate your information and mellow voice in the presentations. God bless and keep you and yours. Much love young brother Patriot.
Dave, you are either delusional or you are complicit in the destruction of our Republic. After the Biden crime family is inaugurated on the 20th, you will likely continue the narrative that the patriots have won and are still in control. I imagine you will tell us to be patient because wherever President Trump retires to will become the new seat of government. All we must do is accept the reality that the election was stolen, the coup was successful and wait for the sequel when all will be made right. Well Dave your movie metaphor is appropriate. Like all movies, PURE FICTION.
Dave, the patriots (if they even exist in DC) are not in control and they never have been. President Trump could not even control his own administration when he was in office. How will he be able to effectively govern outside of office? Come on man!
By the way, as the author of the “Patriots are in control” nonesense, why don’t you ever come out from behind the curtain and tell us who you are? Give us your last name Dave! Who are you really? Who finances and writes your daily fiction? Could it be that you too are fake news?
Hi Dave!
About Pence I will suggest you to take a big look at http://www.unn.today go to lifeforce meeting
Thank you!
Rumble is still accessible in Belgium.
Thanks for doing what your doing
This message was very enlightening and helped to soothe my emotions!
We are running out of time. It MUST happen within the next few days. I myself had given up hope until you Dave has given us a glimmer of it. WWG1WGA I so hope you are correct…
I just wonder if this will all start on the 15th. If you add up the numbers on the billboard it makes 15.???
TRUMP supporter here, I stand for the truth, i stand for the Constitution of the United States, I stand for the National Anthem , and I Kneel at The CROSS
Broken Promises?
I really appreciate all the information you give us. But, I have a question because I’m confused.
With the inauguration, Biden, and DS, is
Trump still going to be president? Just confused.
Definition of parliamentarian
1often capitalized : an adherent of the parliament in opposition to the king during the English Civil War
2: an expert in the rules and usages of a deliberative assembly (such as a parliament)
3: a member of a parliament
Definition of deliberation
1a: the act of thinking about or discussing something and deciding carefully : the act of deliberating
b: a discussion and consideration by a group of persons (such as a jury or legislature) of the reasons for and against a measure
I tried signing up for email alerts. It says “Please check the CAPTCHA.”, but it doesn’t show a CAPTCHA.
My name is Jim Staude and my email is [email protected].
Please keep these good reports coming. I go to your website everyday and I have also donated to your organization.’
Go Trump!!
And now Tom Hanks is hosting the inauguration. That’s interesting.
Pence is DIRTY! 1) Many comments, years ago, that he MUST have known about pedophile trafficking in his state. Some said, it was a major industry. Some say he, himself participated with kids. 2) As Chair of Senate, HE was the one who accepted the PHONY requirement that States’ set of electors, to be accepted, had to be certified not just the by Legislature, but ALSO by a state executive, . THAT is ANTI-CONSTITUTIONAL BALONEY. (If I know, he should know.) It’s makin’ up new rules as he went along. Some states sent 2 slates of Electors, Certified by their LEGISLATURES, and HE didn’t give them a hearing, or allow the full U.S. Congress to choose what to do next. So, Pence was part of the steal. I believe his wife’s incarcerated, either for leverage over him, or something else. If she’s lucky.
Pence had to do what he did in order to follow the plan…Exposure! If he had just come out and saying we can’t accept these contested votes throw them out and Trump wins. It’s not about the election. It’s much bigger than that. Exposure the name of the game. Show the people don’t just tell them. They have to see it all to believe. Nothing is over till it’s over. What Pence did was just a piece to the Huge Puzzle. He’s still a white hat. Bet it was hard to do for him.
Wow sadly I had been listening for some time on YouTube, voice is the same information is not.
I served my country and am not disabled physically. The things that we’ve done knowledge is everything now.1963. Case brought before Harris that she destroyed. Knowledge is coming out more ways than anyone knows. Connection of all the dots is absolutely amazing! From JFK to MLK. How deep the swamp has sunk it’s self.
God bless America and Donald Trump! 🙏
I think AOC is a good guy, i mean she is always the one pushing for somethimg that leads to a Q post. What you think?
Dave, every time one of those fake X22 Report channels is in my YouTube lineup, I report them as spam/misleading. I wish they had a choice “pirated video.” I despise the theives! Thanks for walking me back from the ledge every day! We are going to be so happy when this is resolved in favor of our favorite President, 2020-2024!
I will NOT vote for any incumbent!!!! I will push as hard as I can to have the treasonous actors arrested and slammed into Gitmo or Iceland prisons and have them NEVER LET OUT!!!!
Great work. Keep it coming.
Keep up the great you guys rock!
I am new to your show…it all sounds plausible until I see the dates for the “Q” messages…they are all from 2018! How can this possibly be current events? I wish I could believe you…but I don’t know now.
Ave Maria!
Dave, We appreciate what you are doing. This Season is so very Dark.
Why are you banning my post?
Does anybody know Whom it was that approached Trump to run for President? Must be a group . But still you can’t name a single one. As massive as this thing is that Trump is doing, no one can figure it out.
Could it be (and I’m just thinking out loud)something to do with the Annunaki? The family of Enki. I any of you have read about them, then you know the love Enki has for his people. We were told they would return and make things better and rid the Earth of evil. They needed a human to do this. That’s were Trump comes in. Remember, you have never seen Trump’s backing. We have never even heard a name of possibilities. Trump accepted the position with a guarantee.No harm will come to him or his family, and the World economy would get straightened out, and the evil will be removed. The Left as it were will be removed.
Patriot1776 @John_F_Kennnedy on Twitter posted the Qpost 55 already. I have the screen shots
Awesome job! I wish I would have found this site sooner!!! Thank you.
I don’t get it what should I watch to understand
Could you please add subtitles or closed captioning to all your videos/podcasts, etc? There are deaf people who can’t know what is going on without this. Thanks! 🙂