Ep 2379b – Declass, MEMO Is Just The Beginning, Warning Storm Ahead
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The MSM is now reporting that it is very important to open up the economy. Clouds are now forming over DC, the Storm is coming, Trump just ordered the Declass of everything, either today or Monday. The [DS] is pushing FF events to change the news cycle. The declass will just happen, the [DS] will be caught off guard, all three movies will be playing. The [DS] is doing exactly what Trump and team want them to do, bring in the NG, it is now being done in many states, the show is about to begin.
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- ← Ep 2379a – MSM Wants Businesses To Open, [CB] Begins Process Of Destroying The Economy, Fail
- Dave Hayes – Red Lines Crossed, Actions Taken, Military Operation Now In Focus →
Hi Dave,
The picture of the helos is not DC. Foliage on trees. Love your stuff. Carl
X-22 Report is my most trusted source, we speak the same language! I have been saying this is what’s going to happen too, my friends think I’m crazy!…there’s really nothing more I can add but “well said, I agree!” Thanks, you always make me feel so much better…and not crazy! 🙂
you hit the naile right on the head. a lot of us tell the same story.
I had paid the fee of $29+ for a year subscription to X22REport on private server. I was able to play the video on the private server but this last week I have been unable to access it. Is there a problem with the server???
Great info and insight today as always! God bless you!
John Sullivan looks like he just got caught diddling the pig.
Your page was deleted from YouTube today. I am annoyed at YouTube.
if what you mean by page is x22 report channel, then.was deleted months ago.well in advance of the purge.
it.was prob one of the snipe channels. stolen x22reports from dave and modulated in.speed and altertered in vids. you werent listening to his channel on you tube i can tell you that for xertain
check his official site for a list of all kfficial channels on the web and the ljst of fakes.
Nancy is one of those coming out of the woodwork. She’s working for Trump. We’ll see…
I wish people were waking up. I have family members that seem to hate Trump with every fiber of their body. They will believe every lie about Trump. I believe these people will never wake up.
Please email me reports
Its a shame you dont care how your parents feel. You think its cool that you busted into the capital building. Wow well dont mean to bust your 2 yr old bubbles but all you are going away for a long time!! And your parents are truly going to be hurt.
This is great stuff, but means NOTHING as long as only a few people know. It MUST become general public knowledge. When??????????????????
This is interesting but it has dragged on for too long to believe that it is credible.
“Panic in DC” is going to be a real blockbuster. My new favorite movie.
Just an fyi- Mid video, black out, booted out of your site. Reset to my home screen. Had to search duck duck go and start all over. Unable to fast forward to where I was. Sigh. I appreciate you.
Hello. I hate to bother/draw attention to you. Duck Duck Go is filling the declassified search up with UFO declassification. I keep finding links to other peoples propaganda. Can you send a link in your news letters and inform us in your videos as to where we can find these official declassified documents to see for ourselves. It seems everyone wants to talk about it but without posting the source. Thank you. I watch you as often as I can. You are the best coach and cheerleader in the USA. Thank you for your patriotism.
Dude stop the bull shit for four years you scumbag are lying to your viewers
Where are the arrest?
Where are the indictments?
Where’s the biggest bastard of all
Dude stop the bull shit
for four years you scumbag are lying to your viewers
Where are the arrest?
Where are the indictments?
Where’s the biggest bastard of all?
God Bless You Dave God Bless our Military and God Speed Patriots! MAGA!!!
I am really praying daily for Potus, the military and all of us. These 4 years of research, disseminating info. A lot of short nights. My heart goes out for our nation. there is going to be a time of sorrow and grief for many. When people wake up to the great deception and realize What they have put this nation thru and each life. I had a head start decades ago, but never realized how deep it had gotten, and the individual, literal harm from the chemtrails in the atmosphere,, in our waters with the chemicals, foods with dyes and preservatives, and “other Natural flavorings”. Then vaccines that have created ,over time, more sicknesses and diseases. Pharmaceuticals, that though appear to help certain conditions, were building up other side effects. Bill Gates and his evil push for a FUND vax, aimed for Christians, depopulation guru, and much more evil. Then the horror of research about the children, all the trafficking and literal satanic groups with sacrifices, and pedophilia., Epstein Island, Hollywood. I am a pretty strong woman mentally, but the gut wrenching discovery at what was really going on, especially the children. I knew I was in this fight for truth and to wake people up, above all, to SAVE THE CHILDREN. Yes, to those who are going to be taking this like a bucket of ice water thrown in their face, is going to be unbelievable and very painful. Thank you ,my patriot brother, for all you do. Have been following you for years. Praying for the spirit of UNITY to permeate all our hearts. I will never give up or in. Love and peace to you and yours always.
I find this very interesting. I live in Vicksburg and Hattisburg is not very far away. What I noted in the article is the Mention of Operation “Castle Rock” and the 475th Explosive Hazards Coordination Cell (Krackens)! Tied into some research I ran into. Plus, though perhaps different spelling, when Attorney Sidney Powell made mention of the Kracken. Leads me to say hmmmm. Under where they are being deployed to in all this. I know they are not NC, but this may include there services.
USSS – User Services & Systems Support (US DoD/Defense Threat Reduction Agency )
CPSD – Contingency Planning and Support Division (US FEMA)
God Bless America…Our Flag….and President Trump! …Thank You X22!
The left will open everything back up but will take awhile to do so then take credit for what Trump already did.
You never stop feeding false hopes. Couple of days ago you said Trump remains. Now you talk inauguration. Practically accepted the theft. I know it’s business but extremely misleading. It’s as bad as MSM.
I want to thank you so much for all of the information you have provided. I was to the point of loosing all hope for my country and the constitution. You will be greatly blessed for this. Stay safe and God bless you.
Website that could be of interest.
Fighting the enemy within ccp that is, using there own tactics.
Just googled it because I wanted to know how to fight and defeat communism within and found this.
WinFighting without
Came back to read comments. FEW INTERESTING ONES. God bless everyone.
How many military personnel do military tribunals will require?
Could it be the reason why having 25.000 troops in DC
will handle mass arrests, hold all exits and eventually setup the
Thank you Dave!!!! You’re epic!
I pray for President Trump daily that he may be able to pardon himself and his family. Otherwise, they will be beat to a pulp as revenge for daring to help the true American Patriots. I pray President Trump will do something to keep the Biden out of office. Already the Left’s true agenda is coming forth and it is horrifying! ! I fear Nothing will happen as you have suggested in your reports since today is Sunday, January 17th and there is very little time before the sickening, corrupt left deep state takes over. God help America.
I don’t know where you get your undying conviction to the truthfulness of the Q posts, the group you refer to as “the patriots” existing, and their covert ride to save the day, expose, and defeat the DS. What the hell are they riding in on? Invisible snails? Also, the great awakening? If this were even just a cold sweat, pounding heart, bolt upright from a nightmare shitty awakening people might just be able to recall a little thing spoken of quite often prior to the utter horse shit covid nonsense referred to as, THE COMING GRAND DECEPTION. It came, the fucktards are sleeping through it. Grand mal retardation. Maybe the muzzles, that people should see for what they are, are causing brain damage? Despite my utter disappointment because no matter what I do I can’t wake up from the nightmare that being awake and aware of all this madness actually is, despite not being sure if I would try to hug you like a Grandfather, one who doesn’t give ya treats when mom and dad aren’t looking, because, fuck em, I’m ya Grandfather but instead for treat of hope your reports bring. OR, if i would just punch you in your fat miserable face for giving us all this bullshit false hope. I was sleeping asshole! Just kidding, I have no idea if you have a chubby punim or not. But, if this inhuman plight of archontic parasitic control in all it’s evil molds, filthy forms, and spiritual influence of wickedness gets to continue on or if the opposite of that happens and you are right. I’ll hug you either way. Because I’m fairly sure you’ll need it from everyone else who will want to string you from a tree by a testical with razor wire then send you to bed with no dessert!! Because fuck them too! You were just trying to slip us treats before we become dinner. Notorious IPK
Hope it will all go down like that. Love your work. But if it’s not be like that, I am being honest, to believe that we have to show the people 4 years of Biden that’s what kinda great awakening might be.. i am out… that’s might too hard to see and believe. still hope still pray but it’s getting very thin in the end.
Great work, love your videos.
Hi Dave/X22 Angle, Love your news – you are now my ONLY source for updates. I shared your episodes to give hope to all of my depressed family and friends who are sad to see Trump go. Update: I am sure you know this, but I can no longer find your podcasts on YouTube, so it is DEAD TO ME now. Can’t wait for your next episode to come ou. Standing by in faith and praying for President Trump.
Please send updates
Thank you.
I just finished episode #2379b. Now I can’t find the next episode 2380a? Is there one ? If so, how do I find it?