Ep 2380b – Optics & Timing Are Extremely Important, Insurgency Is Real The News Is Fake
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The [DS]/[MSM] are now trapped in the largest sting operation. Everything that is being implemented is not for their protection. Optics are very important. Trump will act like he is not involved in the operation. While the events happen Trump will be flying on AF1. The [MSM] will be none the wiser because this is tradition. The insurgency is real, the news is fake. It’s time to take back the country.
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- Ep 2381a – Economic Foundation Built, Time Is Up For The [CB] →
Potus is the only one who can call out the military in DC. It is not Biden’s people. He has no authority unless he is president. And there r already suicides. Rothchild & others.
Hi Dave,
They got them already Dave, listen to Bitchute, Dr. Charles Ward and Simon Parkes they have inside intel. We are no longer a Corporation we are now a Republic, Nesara and Gesara are in play right now. Pelosi has been arrested, she has a double, HRC is dead and this is for optics. Go listen to what they are saying, when they inaugerate Biden all are Treasonous! We are going back to the original Constitution. Trump will be inaugerated in the coming months.
OH MY GOD!! She has a double? Has everyone gone NUTS!! Dr. Charles Ward and Simon Parkes Who are they? How do they get their info? Supposedly Less then 10 people know about the plan? But Dr. Nobody and Simon says know whats going on. I know we are all getting desperate for some news ANY NEWS. But swearing by people who said up a youtube channel and said “I HAVE CONTACTS” is just insane
These men are wrong.
I like Charlie and Simon. But we’ve been betrayed by everyone we ever respected so trust is difficult right now. I only trust INNER KNOWING and it assures me All is and will be Well for us.
Why does today’s DailyMail article for 1/17/2021 news show article of Obama’s taking their last flight on AF1 (2017)? The dates don’t mesh. The Obama article was put into today’s news.
So many times Q told us ” those people are stupid” and the proofs are abundant including the video you posted. Most popular president reject only managed to get 24K+ views on his virtual inauguration? How many of those views were just ghosts?
This makes me nervous. If we look back at history at the Bolshevik revolution they had a coup that played both sides of the fence. Much Like Q could possibly be. All im saying is be weary.
Please STOP calling Democrats…. Democratic. They are not.
You are correct Dan,they are not democratic.The democrats are fascists as are the vast majority of republicans.Not only that,they are on the take.I can’t believe they were so stupid as to walk into the trap that was set for them.Those who think they are in control are not.
If President Trump takes off on that last ride…then it’s over.
I believe you are mistaken,Jessie.President Trump will be safe on last ride.Last ride is going to occur before Biden inauguration.Last ride is when we are going to hear ‘GIANT VOICE’ and declass,among other things.It is a federal crime for radio/tv broadcasters and phone Co.’s to silence ‘GIANT VOICE’.
The more I see and the date that is upon us, I think he is done. It is very saddening to me personally and I wish it was not going to happen, But Trump is done. I also have NO PROBLEM Admitting I am wrong and I hope it is proven I am wrong. I will shave my head if I am! But It is over, Sadly The two people who stole the election will be our leaders.
I’d like to donate to you. Where is a link for that? ThanQ.
Keep it up. We have faith in your information in Canada also
Thanks very much Dave! Your report is part of my daily routine.
Today, I played 2380a & 2380b on Rumble first and it stopped at approximately 20:00 min into the report.
So, I figured it was an encoding error and went to your Minds channel and played the same video, then at about the same place (talking about the NSA having a new top lawyer) it stopped playing, this is on a totally different website!
Then I came here and believe it or not, the same thing happened here!
It would be interesting to see if this was just a coincidence! We know about coincidence, don’t we!
I thought you might want to have a look to see if this is happening to just me, after all it might be my Android tablet having a bad day.
See you on Minds Dave!
Minds is growing rapidly now that the Censorship is rampant!
All the best,
@FractalMan – Minds.com
Wow, bad on them.
Please Trump do this!
I’ve been led down this path before. Let’s just say I’m skeptical.
Joe seems paranoid.
I think 10 mountain is a Army division.
1st Marine is a Division.
I believe if nothing happens on January 20, if no effort is made to hold the Dems and Deep State accountable, if no arrests are made, if nothing happens, then nothing of that nature will EVER happen. Then it’ll be clear: crime does pay, if you’re a Dem; Dem criminals will never stand trial; Antifa and BLM thugs will have also gotten off scot free, even if they shoot during the Inauguration and kill people.
Any promise that, hey justice is coming, is bogus. Any promise that if we trust the plan then all will work out, at some undesignated time in the future. Right. OK. Then I’ll conclude Qanon was a Deep State plant putting out false information to distract conservatives.
People are tired of waiting. They’re right to be tired.
I typed in a long comment, filled in the ID fields, then pressed Submit, and the comment text disappeared.
Don’t you think if this were true the traitors would be freaking out right now? Nancy seems pretty confident to me! And if I can see this info then of course she can so you can’t tell me their not well aware of this. I just feel like this is the guy in orwell 1984 that was supposedly helping people but actually working against them
What will happen for sure: 1} Hours before the inauguration, Trump will resign, board the AF1 and leave the country, thus peacefully transfering power to the military. 2) America will be under military regime as soon as he finishes his resignation speech. What the military will do from then on is anyone`s guess. They might start arresting people immediately and carry on for days and months until everything is settled and new elections can take place. Alternatively, they can just go ahead with the inauguration. America`s destiny will be totally in the hands of the military. I find strange that Pence was at 10th Mountain, gave a speech to the troops with the 2nd Lady. (?!) Has Pence taking charge of the country? He was filmed at a meeting with commanders of forces on the ground, which included Chris Wray (?!). It all gives the impression that Trump has been isolated in the WH under the eyes of lawyers and Security Services and his only weapon is declassification of damaging information, but Pence is now in control making sure the inauguration goes smoothly.
This guys do full of it
Biden swears in and you can’t touch him
I want to know what you’re going to say on Thursday when none of this happens. What excuse are you going to push then. I’ve listened to you for years now and nothing you predicted has happened. I am a Trump supporter but I can’t take any more if your “stories”.
2380 B episode cuts out 20 minutes in right at the commercial.
Why do you keep pushing the date?
First I heard you say the 13th Jan., then the 17th and 18th, now the 20th or beyond?
And now hes moved it to Potus getting on the plane waving good by AND THEN its going to happen I have for a while been thinking this guy is part of the plan to keep up calm until its complete
If this is information for the people, so that they know there will be a military take over by Trump, then why is it made public so that all the people supposed to be arrested can see it as well and be prepared?
This is just silly to believe. Why is that so?
I have let people know that Trump getting a second term is just completion of the first level in a video game. The big boss fight will be the central bank.
Food for thought…
What if the 10 days of darkness are the days all the evil dark data is exposed? The Emergency broadcast system takes over television and cell phones, then directs people to the WH channel which was talked about or The Giant Voice, then for 10 days the evidence and tribunals are broadcast on this and no other media. The main stream media being taken down by the patriots. The public will have no choice but to see and hear this.
10 days of showing the darkness that has surrounded us…
The data will be shocking and will awaken a lot more people.
Biden: I want you to move all the ones who voted for Trump away from me.
Officer: I’m afraid we can’t do that, sir. They ALL voted for Trump.
How do you download this video???
I’m like the whole waiting on God And Trump to move GOD Bless America thank you Lord for being with us how wonderful you are to love us so
Governor Whitmer in Michigan just extended the ban on indoor dining.
Kamala Harris is resigning her Senate seat today. Apparently she wanted to be sure Trump was just going to let them steal the country before she let go of her seat. I guess she’s sure now. Are we there yet Dave? Have we been. “Shown” enough? Are we at the precipice yet? They are setting up Washington as a police state so that when Kamala takes office we don’t attack. I would like to make a wager that when they take full control Dave and his channel disappear.
Just want you to know how much you help others remain calm and have faith through these very stressful times🙏❣️
Your information is like none other.
Please keep up the awesome work!
Excellent show hope all this comes to fruition. Thanks for informing the people my fellow patriot
Hi Dave,
I served 15yrs in the US Army.
Just FYI 10th Mountain Division is US Army not Marines. That post is saying the US Army 10th Mountain Div, as well as/in addition to the 1st Marines, etc…
Also note that stationed at Fort Drum attached to the 10th Mountain Div is The Fort Drum Field Office of the 902nd Military Intelligence Group, whom conducts proactive counterintelligence activities to detect, identify, assess, and counter, neutralize or exploit foreign intelligence entities and insider threats in order to protect the Army and designated Department of Defense forces, information and technologies worldwide.
Hope thePatriots can take the heartach if all this four years of Q was just a distraction and that we were all fooled. Like the bible says “That in the last days people will fall for the great deception”. Hope this is’t it.
Heard from Red pill last night that President Trump announced that he is going to hold a Departure Ceremony at the. Joint Base Andrews on the morning of the Biden’s inauguration. Joint Base Andrews is located in Prince George’s County Maryland and Its under the Jurisdiction of the U.S. Air Force 316’th Wing Air Force Division of Washington D. C. Which also Houses the National Military Command Center
Dave! Apple wants a password for me to listen to your podcasts now.
Hope this is real and true.
Hope this is real and true. We can’t take much more.
But one thing that has always bothered me, the Rothschilds have bailed trump out of more than one financial disaster; how can he be going after them?
Hey Dave, maybe that’s the specific point we need to emphasize, ‘The deep state is the bureaucracy’! I believe the majority of Americans know what bureaucracy is, they just need to mentally tie it together!!!
What would happen if Chief Justice Roberts were arrested before the Inauguration? (Epstein Island).
Dave, have you searched UCMJ in q drops? Post 1927?
If you ask me, Trump will not be President again. He will simply leave office like so many have done before him and President Biden will be inaugurated.
Trump was put into office to be a “bull in a China shop”, to tear down the “ivory tower” of the elites, to prepare this country for a new “foundation” for which our great Republic will now sit and to give control of the United States back to the People.
The next step will require the actual building of this “foundation”. It will require alterations of our Constitution to prevent our past from ever happening again. It will require our nation to be unified going forward with a strong, common understanding of what it means to be American.
No matter the events that are about to unfold, Trump will never be able to unify this country. He is simply to polarizing to accomplish what is needed next. Instead, a new leader will emerge and will fulfill the “promise” we all hold in our hearts. Who, your guess is as good as mine.
Till then I will wait for the shot heard round the world, “The President of the United States of America has just been arrested.”
When the smoke clears, Secretary of State Michael R. Pompeo will be the last man standing. Through Constructional laws of secession, he will assume the role of President.
After that? I still hold hope for NESARA, but we will see. To be sure, things are never going to go “back to normal” again, they will be far greater. Just my thoughts.
The 10th Mountain Division is Army at Fort Drum. The 1st Marine Division is at Camp Pendleton and is totally separate. First Marines would designate the 1st Marine Regiment, part of the 1st MarDiv.
Dave, I really hope you are right on this. We are going to definitely need Trump to get us through this. I am leary also that if I can watch your video for the heads up, aren’t they also aware too?
I honestly don’t know what or who to believe any more. We have been lied to over and over and over. There is literally no one in Government that can be trusted at this point. I’ve been following your reports for about 3 weeks now and want to believe, but I won’t be convinced of anything until I’ve actually SEEN it.
Hey Dave. What happens after Biden takes over on Wednesday? Then we will know that Q was just a psyop! Let’s face the TRUTH Dave, the Republic is LOST! Let us all get ready to go to the camps! If I could get out of the country, I would. But I’m trapped here for lack of resources, like many others! It is time for ALL of us to turn over our lives to Jesus Christ and cry out for MERCY!
Nice fairy tale, Dave. Do you believe in the tooth fairy, too?
I have heard the 19th at 4:50p
Please I want to know what is going on
I USED to believe this was Real but Now? Beginning to severely doubt even the possibility of it being real.
I hope & pray it’s truly going to happen 🙏!
Love your reports. We love our President Trump! We hope he swoops down like Superman.
Got suspended from Twitter. I guess for ever. fear they will come after us.
Thanks for your report! How do we donate?
Dede n James.
Thank you!
I understand what’s going on. I really thought, like everyone else, that the military would start arrest and interrupt the inauguration. I wish I had the money to help but I’m retired and also disabled so you can imagine that funds only go so far. Mr. President, I want you to know that most of us in Alabama are still behind you Sir and can’t wait until this all plays out. I think that people are concerned about their bank accounts and how everything is going to change over. I’m not worried anymore after watching the X22 videos. I don’t know how you kept from losing your mind those 4 years.lol Take some time for yourself and your family. I think you deserve it. My heart is with you Sir along with my prayers. Can’t wait until it’s all over and hope my nerves hold out. lol I want to see Hillary in handcuffs and taken to jail. ( Just a little personal note) Take care of yourself and God Bless you. God Bless America!🇺🇸
Why continue to peddle “hopium”? Let us deal with reality and how to resist or escape a totalitarian regime.