Ep 2384a – The [CB] Invisible Enemy Believe They Won, Their Guard Is Down
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The [CB]/[DS] are moving forward with their plan to reverse everything Trump put into place. They need to bring the economy back to the level of the rest of the world. The entire plan is to have it fit in with the Great Reset. How do you do this, destroy jobs, businesses etc. What the [CB] doesn’t know is they have fell right into a trap.
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- Ep 2384b – Sometimes You Must Sacrifice Yourself For The Greater Good →
You say Trump trapped them, but it’s like if everything people like you are saying is true, the enemy could be listening to you guys and using the info to combat us back. It’s like if you know all these secrets you are literally telling everyone about it. And why isn’t facebook and twitter banning you like they do everyone else who thinks like you. It feels like you are a psyop. Am I wrong?
Justin has stated a clear and unambiguous understanding.
Answer the question please.
Are you peddling hopium, because ‘the plan’ seems to never quite reach fruition and keeps a-changing, Mr Dave.
Or, could he be setting up the deep state? This could be looked at from so many angles. Gives one a headache.
Ditto, co-sign
How. Do. I. Find. Your. Coverage. Of. The.
9-11-01. Event…
Simon. Parks. Hinted. That. Some. Of. What. We. Were. Told. Was Virtual….
Thank. You
FYI: At 8pm central time, Episode 2384 (a & b) were not available on the private server, yet the free version was posted. Also, I never got the email notice. >>>Bill Shain
Yes, Dave, I really believe Trump did “all this” so it would be “erased” because that’s exactly what happened. Maybe that’s “the plan”. smh
I’m having a continuous problem with getting the private server version…not appearing on the app and when I click on link it’s for free version with commercials…my friend hasn’t gotten emails for two days. Dave says private servers versions process first but I always see the free version out before private one hits…can you correct?🙏🏻
Thank you for this forward info..so very vital to hear so we can plan an easier life for our families..please say something about NRA an plan for Texas..Abbott sees things different..for our good I think
One of my favorite reports…
Without Trump it will all come back within 4-8 yrs. Remember, he was going to set us up with a new money system. Now what will happen? Annd if the military gets rid of those that cheated, who takes their place, more democrats? That would be unfair, as the ones they will replace got their position by cheating. This can'[t come out being fair to the people. Our constitution needs to be strengthened
so that it cannot be altered by anyone except the people. It'[s supposed to be that way now, but
the states just change the constitution of the united states anytime they feel like it. That needs to be
taken out of the states hands and placed with the us government solely. If our rights as human beings is inherently given to us as humans, then government should not be able to change that. Only the people, by way of a majority vote, 2 third vote, can change it. Only by taking our rights out of their hands will we be ever remain free.
Moderation?? that sounds like censorship !
Dave, 1 more thing that might be of interest. The night before the Inauguration I was watching a new guy on YouTube “MUSTANG MEDIC” film LIVE with his IPHONE right across from the west side of the Capital bldg. He was able to post up alone for most of the night. CNN crew approached him. A DC cop id him and said he was free to stay and watch “this operation”. He had to upload and restart a few times but from 12midnight – 2:30 I witnessed dozens of empty tour buses, empty DC police buses, camo troop platoons, black uni troop platoons, large organized civilian groups, large organized civilian groups in professional business attire, and large organized groups that resembled BLM, and even a Diplomat limo dropping off staff members, enter thru armed security fence gate into the “protected” zone. We were live chat and most were excited believing “it(the operation) was goin down”!
FOR 2 – 3 hrs in the early morning. He has uploaded the videos to his channel. He also claims his parents in another state were visited by FBI because of his previous days short clips He’s a tall jersey white guy wearing a cowboy hat with a car channel who decided to attend the rally than stayed thru 1/22 after he saw the false narrative reports about violence n streets of DC. The streets were void of people. Cheers again and many thanks!
The information is mind blowing! Talk about smoking mirrors!! But if it fails may the Lord help us all.🙏🙏🙏
Thank you for all you’ve done, Dave, for our republic to know the truth!
Hi David,
You might have find this article interesting regarding Q post and Castle Rock: https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=3256313881141568&id=100002889631749
Have you noticed all the governments around the world collapsing, some ppl think that it has to do with the military bringing back the republic as DC is a corporation but is seekers believe this is a result leaning towards the Great Reset
Thank you. Federal Reserve Bank doesn’t belong to “we the People,” does it.
Listen, I’m not trying to be an ass but many lost jobs just yesterday. They were working on the pipelines. It take much longer to build shit up then to tear it down. America is sick of fucking waiting. You all actually said that Trump was the president. Not Biden. It was fake. The military is going to take care of this, etc…. Many will gather. Many will take this shit into their own hands. Can I blame them? No, because we are sick of being lied to, arrested for nothing. How many lives are you or the military or anyone else willing to ruin while waiting? We dont have time to wait. We have dealt with enough shit. War is hard. People suffer in war. So excuses for why nothing was done on the 20th are complete bullshit. Telling us that our military couldn’t act because they didn’t want anyone hurt? People get hurt in war. It’s a fact. If you think our military doesnt know that then…..pretty sad. All the people that stopped paying attention when they realized q lies too….they are the people who will really fight back. Too bad America is left without 1 good leader. In 1776 we had at least 56. Pissed off and sick of lies.
Dave, I have been following you, AWK, SGT, and Bitcoin Ben. I want to stay positive; but The Still Report just posted a report entitled something like “Is Qanon a Russian psyop? The article he cites is very compelling. I pray this isn’t true because if it is, we are under a communist revolution.
Does Dave ever have a same-day report? His reports are always the day before.
So the real deal is the left won by cheating and the reset will be the New World Order. I’m so Pissed that the left can be Criminals and get Way with it.
Love you channel
Want the truth out.
Todos tenemos la esperanza puesta, primero en DIOS TODOPODEROSO, segundo, que Trump se deje guiar, puesto que ya está demostrado que Trump,forma parte del plan para desenmascarar todo lo falso que nos han vendido desde hace miles de años. Además terrenalmente, se recuperará la carta magna de los países, por medio de la ley GESARA / NESARA.
This adds credence to the Marshall report.