Ep 2388a – People Are Seeing The Destruction Of The Economy In Real Time
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The [DS]/[CB] are doing exactly what they always do, they are showing the people exactly what they have planned. The MSM is now letting everyone know the market is ok, put your money into, this is how they end it with a crash. Yellen is now confirmed. McCarthy is letting everyone know JB just killed millions of jobs. Sometime the people must be shown the truth.
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- Ep 2388b – The Decision On Timing Was Left To Trump, Decision Was Made, Message Sent →
I Hope SOMETHING can be Done Soon like this Month!
Buy-din remorse.
Really informative
Many people than ever before voted for Trump because we were on board with his policies. We don’t need to feel pain. We felt it for 8 years under Obama. So, that is just ludicrous to let this happen to make us feel pain. We all know what the democrats want. We all knew that republicans were RINOs. This is all just a cop out. It certainly looks like the traitors are winning. We don’t want to wait another day for this country to be straightened out. Untold damage is being done to this country every day that this fraud is allowed to stand. People will put their money in the stock market. They listen to the MSM. They were going to lose everything when it crashes. The ‘good guys’ don’t care about the people, either. If they did, they would stop this crap before people lose everything. This is ridiculous. It’s nonsense.
For the last 2 days your vids are being interrupted.
I love your reports Dave. Can’t wait until we see the end of the DS AND Biden for good. Thanks for all your hard work!
The People see Trump is a Tweeting Coward
The people are Burning Trump gear and Books
The people now know Trump is a HUGE LOSER
We had all this with obumer. That’s why we voted for trump. We had enough of this crap from obumer. So we voted trump. Now we have to suffer again.
It is at hand.