Ep 2389b – Think Football, The Super Bowl Will Look Like A Puppy Show, No Escape For Players
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The [DS]/MSM are now trapped, they are red pilling America, people can now see very clearly and they don’t like what they see. Trump did not attend JB inauguration and he didn’t hand over the football, why? It seems that everything is heating up, DHS puts out a warning and the impeachment is a go, the Senate was actually the target. The Super Bowl is going to look like a puppy show, there is no escape.
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- ← Ep 2389a – The [CB] Is Doing Exactly What Trump Wants, Control
- Bob Kudla – The Election Infection Is Coming To An End, Biden Won’t Last →
Do you think they will expose the evidence on the elite on pizzagate and all other things dealing with children?
The idea that people are seeing this as often stated is doubtful in my opinion as the msm is not covering much of what is covered here. They will not wake up until the msm is forced to cover things such as perhaps during a impeachment trial.
Sell it Dave……read those tarot cards……….Trumps not leaving…..Trumps Leaving……….Trump had to sacrifice himself……..Trumps coming back…………..
……..Are you the Easter Bunny?……..
why do you listen then? that’s the big mystery? logic would say because Dave speaks the truth and its opinion.
Hey he’s still doing a good job of making sense of what is going on, nobody except Trump and his staff know exactly what’s going to happen and when, hes a regular guy just like you and I but hes doing a hell of a lot more to inform folks than either one of us!, so your negativity and tearing him down is helping no one!, I hope you will let go of that negativity and get on board with your fellow Patriotic Americans and help for a change!
I listen everyday but I don’t buy it since the election. Military let us down.
Hi Dave,
Respectfully, I think you have the 11.3 markers backwards. The military is the occupying party, DC is the foreign sovereign territory. The DoD war manual governs military behavior … Great show!!!
With Biden an ineligible president, can he actually stop the people from working the pipeline or the wall for example? Is he able to actually reverse all the stuff that Trump has put in place? Is anything he does actually going through with it?
No, Biden is a Fake president. Nothing he signs is not real. It is all fake. Go to operational disclosure and do some research. You will learn so much. It is just a matter of time, before Trump is back in office. We are a Republic now. We were in bankruptcy and Trump signed off on it a few days again. We were United States of America a Corp. before bankruptcy. Trump put us back on Republic, after bankruptcy He will be the 19th President of the Republic after the Military gets done with their work. Do your research , you will see. Hope this helps.
No biden cannot stop work on pipeline or do anything else UNLESS the people agree to do what he says- he has no rights. When people throw off the masks you will know they are ready for the new Republic!
Thank you so very much for your perceptive analyses. I am riveted by your content from the moment you start explaining and dare not miss a single word for fear of losing valuable content. You back all your hypotheses with data, not hyperbole, giving you credibility in a time of extreme doubt. Your podcasts are so dense in content, I actually have to go back and listen a second time in order to fully grasp what you are sharing. Whether ultimately history will prove you correct or not, that is secondary. At present your reports are one of the extremely few fact driven, critically thought out, analytically intriguing, sources of information that helps us keep our sanity and hope. Excellent job!
Hi Dave,
Dr. Charlie Ward and Simon Parkes have commented on your channel. You really need to listen to them, they are telling us about we are no longer a Corporation, we are reverting back to the original Republic, that is why we we will be under “The Patriot Party”. The original constitution with Trump’s inaugeration on March 4. This is a show, look up Castle Rock productions, look at the White house office, wall paper, cars outside, etc. The corporation is bankrupt, many are reporting on this. Gene Decode, AndWeKnow, why have you not mentioned it. Biden is not in the white house, but CA. at a studio. Castle Rock!
Dr. Charlie Ward???? he isn’t a DR. Please watch youtube M SEEKERS OF TRUTH to find out more.
Charlie says he’s not a doctor. It’s just something that stuck with him.
You said Q mentioned Jan 27, 3:05 and you didn’t mention anything about that today? How come?
I said on Fakebook last Friday that Joe Biden will have us in another war by the end of January 2021. credible in my way of thinking Fauci is not at all. I am sure he is being paid very well to be a spokesman and is profiting from it. After all, he is a Demonrat!
But he’s not been in the white house the whole time it was locked. castle rock is a movie studio, that’s where the fake oval office is , you can look out the window, theres a parking lot.
This was just shared with me:
Why Trump fenced off DC and why he moved out and is never going back to the White House. And why there will be a NEW capital elsewhere.
Occupying a foreign land – The act of 1871 was a seditious act by the US government. They secretly re-wrote the constitution from “We the people” (by changing the capitalization on the document to all caps) which changed its legal binding meaning, which transferred the power from “We the people” to the corporation of America, which was centered in Washington DC.
Washington DC is a FOREIGN ENTITY on American soil of sovereign states. It was established through a loan from the Vatican when DC was transferred into a city-state, and this corporate entity then ruled over the people. Citizens rights got taken from them. Nobody realized this.
When they did the broker deal, to get the loan from the Vatican (via Bank of London) to get the loan, it came at a high price….They transferred all of the property in DC Columbia to the ownership and control to the corporate entity of DC.
This is epic Trump.. in 2018 he signed a Executive Order on election fraud, outlining how corporate assets would be seized.
Finally just now, the first seizure has been made. With the fenced containment area, the military have SEIZED CONTROL OF A FOREIGN COUNTRY, DC. That EO was primarily directed at Washington DC!
The reason DJT is moving now is because he can’t rule a sovereign nation from a foreign land, which is where the White House is.
(Castle Lock. Once DJT exits the White House, the castle will be locked because it will not be possible for a foreign ruler to rule over a sovereign country, therefore, he must be locked out. That would be Joseph Biden. We are literally watching the reclamation of the real country.)
Dave still don’t get it! The FBI and the rest of the intelligence community control Washington! The reason DC is full of people with obvious corruption records is because the FBI recruits people to DC by busting them and keeping their corruption quiet if they play the roll!
If only 11% of the brain dead like Biden, then the majority want Pres. Trump. As such, there is no reason in the world why the military would delay arresting the traitors and criminals. We can move forward with the arrests and get Trump back as our president, and we can do this tomorrow !
Every moment Biden spends in office means disaster and destruction for our Republic. Give Biden and the brain-dead tyrants their Missouri neckties.
Great work Dave! Thank you!
A nothing burger, 😆. I love hearing your sense of humor in my NY accent. Thanks Dave. This is an important work.
Lisa H.
GamStop insurrection: No Russian XDD
(You would have to be a gamer to get it.)
Hey, Dave,
You keep acknowledging that the “pandemic” scare was “fake, phony and false”. I’d like to hear your thoughts as to why, then, Prez Trump CONTINUES, at every chance he gets, even now in his Goodbye Speech, to describe COVID as a PLAGUE, THE biggest health threat since the Spanish Flu of 1918?
Also, that if he hadn’t shut down the country, MILLLLLIONS and MILLLIONS of more people would have died? We KNOW that isn’t true…
Also, I remain concerned as to why Trump “warp-speeded” a vaccine that we neither need nor want and which is making people deathly ill.
I enjoy your blog.
-Rich P.
Look at Mayor Pete, Kamala, Booker, etc! Mayor Pete’s housing authority he appointed was raided by the FBI! They were under investigation for giving section 8 vouchers and other public aid to friends and family! Shortly after, he announced his run for president! Kamala and Booker we know were tied up in the Smollet scandal and shortly after that, they announced they were running!
I cannot get through resources at the bottom of your page to come up. Is there anyway you can help me?
I feel encouraged by the daily reports. I pray they are not for bolstering false hope. The Bible says not to despair so I won’t. Even if this results in End Time tribulation, the LORD will prevail.
Love your videos..look forward to them every day Dave..thank you! I was a little surprised that you didn’t address the 2nd marker on the 2nd watch…darn lol…I looked but didn’t find anything notable so far on what it might have related to..so we wait on that…maybe it will show up somehow tomorrow as we get the news….
blessings to you also, so very generous and kind of you to allow others to post on your site! Bravo! and /fyi–your notifications don’t come until 3:49 pst in the am…I know you don’t control it..just letting you know.. 🙂 I just go to your site
30 days from Inauguration could fall on President’s Day!
Super Bowl Puppy Show is actually called The Puppy Bowl. If I’m not mistaken it happens before the Super Bowl (it is a pre-game show I think)
I like how you said Jo’bama!!😅 I like to call him O’biden!! They are one and the same!! What a joke!!! Can’t wait till President Trump is back!! Get O’biden and his kami-Socialists OUT!!!
Hi Dave… I’m a faithful listener, however I need to tell you about two things… first of all it’s Mar-a-Lago…. not Mar-a-Largo.
Tonight you said “ subsiderary” and it’s “subsidiary”
Please make these correction so I don’t hear the “ nails on the chalkboard!”
Boy, the bullshit just gets deeper and deeper, and the target day seems to somehow elude the faithful ones who cling to the hope that our future will be saved and we can go on to better lives.
we hang on baited breath afraid to breathe less “they” may hear us and all will be lost…
Pure bullshit !! We know that they cheated, Biden didn'[t and couldn'[t win and we knew that they were just going to push on cause we won’t stop them. We haven'[t yet.
They can even break the law , and we(you) won'[t do anything to stop them. How many laws have they got to break before it'[s enough?
I personally can'[t do this any longer. can'[t. It'[s an insult to sit here week after week and see that bunch of scum steal money by the billions while we go without. time is out for me.
thank you for your reports. You are appreciated. God Bless you
Where’s the CAPTCHA?
Dave you said DJT wasn’t coming back last week,I was heart sick
But today he is coming back
Great news
TY for all you do
Hello, excellent reviews. I wanted to know if you have a telegram channel.
Castlerock is a movie studio, supposedly where they filmed the fake inauguration and oval office.
I love your videos but I was hoping you’d mention something about what happened in DC Monday early morning. People have put out videos that are in DC of a lot of activity in the middle of the night. I saw a video that’s already been taken down of busses, vans, police going back and forth. Then part of the east coast lost internet and cell service, even Washington Post mentioned that part. Were arrests being made??
U have a quality program.the way foreign countries supported the China Virus shows how corrupt the entire world’s govs r.i love your Pres(Pres Trump).Here in Canada all our gov is corrupt(municipal,provincial and federal,they all crooks.most Canadians love President Trump ,and know he is our only chance to be free .We continue to pray for u ,President Trump and his family.
Keep up the great work.
Mar-A-Lago was designed to be the Winter White House, SCIF and all, who is President? Enjoy the show, WWG1WGA…….
Dave thanks for all the info! God bless you and your family! Watched Charlie Ward the other day on the right side podcast, he mentioned castle rock productions. Have a great day!
As always David is on the money always provide great information that is easy to follow
Great job David and X22 REPORT.
X22 is the best source of information right now and if believe said by Mr Juan O Savin.
biden looks like a puppy with a dinosaur bone and doesn’t know what to do with it
The “superbowl” comment is related to something altogether different. Was in relation to the former NEW YORK AG refuses to step down. You’re picking out statements and applying them to what you are saying to make it look legit. SO WRONG! Give real information!!
On Army Reserve site Under Army Reserve News articles.
412th TEC strengthens readiness during Operation Castle Rock amid COVID-19
September 8, 2020 — Soldiers of the 412th Theater Engineer Command (TEC), Vicksburg, Mississippi, successfully completed Operation Castle Rock at Camp Shelby Joint Forces Training Center, Aug. 11-29, 2020… MORE
Constitution pre – Lincoln 11.4
Wow this Dave guy is priceless. He is still saying that patriots are in control. Mind boggling how people still believe this. Just shows how mental we are on both sides and are so easily brainwashed. You will be in Chinese slave camps with shackles and this guy will still be reading you Q post telling you trust the plan, the white hats are in control hahahahaha lololol. This is like a movie. Very entertaining though I’ll give ya that.
Maybe making DC a state which they are pushing now, helps them get Sovereignty since Occupied DC is just a district. State needs to be Occupied for total power!
All the criminals and cronies in Joebamas administration. I’m so discussed with him. They are so corrupt, and belong in jail. They will get what they deserve.
Be patient.
go arrrest them all. first he would have taken over the media. but he did neither
Any new posts by Q? Is Q dead?
I have been waiting and praying every single day that President Trump will remain our leader or commander and chief. Gets very discouraged and watching these people do what they’re doing so overwhelming. I hope this transition happens soon some of us are feeling very disillusioned
The no cost solution to not get the virus or bacteria is to just stop breathing and you won’t catch anything. Let’s have Fauci and Pedophile Joe show us how it’s done.
I am still keeping the faith, and waiting for the return of the greatest president the United States 🇺🇸 of America has ever been blessed to have. I am confident that President Trump will return and finish the job he started and bring greatness to our nation once again. God bless America 🇺🇸
I know they can’t allow this clown 🤡 Traitor Joe to be president but are these exact orders real or false? .. Is TRUMP going to rebuild and relocate The White House?
Has anyone seen Mike Adams video on operation trust? I don’t know much about him but it seems like he’s talking about the people that a lot of us have been following
I love your show and look forward to new episodes I lesson to you all the time and I lesson to David Willcox as well and he named you on his show as one of the most factual and honest and truthful news sites to go to and I agree with him you really do seem to get it right and I thank you for that
I’m 55 yrs old and I’ve never seen such a corrupt government.
I explained to my kids to pay extreme attention to what is going on. Watch media watch social media and put 2 and 2 together and figure everything out for yourself.Even watch tv commercials.you have to realize what their trying to brainwash you with.
Hi! Love your podcast. A couple of things:
1. Are you able to find another podcast host so we don’t have to steam off the website?
2. The nuclear football is no longer a briefcase, it’s a electronic card that is carried in a pocket. They were able to decode and give Biden one, or so they said.
3. Not sure if you got this note, but Trump did not go to The Alamo which is in San Antonio, he actually went to Alamo, Texas which is on the border away from San Antonio. When you say The Alamo it kills your credibility. Just wanted you to know.
You are so awesome, so needed…
your videos help so many people stay calm.
Bless you mightily & “thank you” doesnt give my appreciation for you enough meaning
Plz keep posting your hard work is the only thread of hope & sanity for millions.
Eat healthy & get enough sleep your part in this is historic for patriots.
I’m new to you
Please add me to your email list.
If none of this stuff Dave talked about comes to pass in a year from now, the deep state will be embedded for good!
Thanks a lot Joe!!! Our economy is about to tank and CHI NA is on the make!!!
Thank you! Your time and efforts are greatly appreciated.
How can anyone who stands for truth and justice accept this sham Presidency? If all of the illegal votes were to be removed from our elections and the swapped votes given back to Trump, it would have been a fair Election and Trump did win in a landslide. But instead we are simply acquiescing to this sham of an administration. So many things were told to us from March of last year and everything has not in any way materialized. How much longer are we supposed to wait?
I think it miserable that just because I want to post a comment the vid. has to reset and I have to start hearing it from the beginning. Rumble does not allow adjustment. So instead my time is wasted.
You say Trump couldn’t prove election fraud. He had plenty of proof, the courts refused to hear it.