Ep 2390b – The World Is Watching, “We Haven’t Finished Yet”: Trump, Think Mirror
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The people are now watching the Biden administration, everything that was promised the people see the opposite happening. Think mirror, everything the [DS] threw at Trump is coming back to them. Covid is mysteriously disappearing, cases are dropping like a rock. Trump was seen a golf course and he said we are not finished yet.
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Dave is a CIA psyop….
Everything that the corrupt Biden admin is doing is totally against what the majority of the American people want or voted for.
How can this continue to go on?
Where is the Military?
Videos won’t play on Rumble
Thanks dave. I apreciate all the time and effort u spend doing what u do. May god bless u.
Appreciate your great work. Here’s to praying for a free and better America!
Gee Dave..Let’s all be surprised that the Dems are hypocrites who will do or say anything to achieve their goal of getting power………..
Trump won 80% + of all counties but you still seem to want us to believe that we need to be woken up.
Dems now control everything…..we all know they stole the election…they do not care….as long as they have control of the voting machines……..
I genuinely hope you are right Dave……but it seems like you have been wrong about everything
Hi Dave:
I watch your videos every night to get more information. Are we going to see President Trump back in the White House? Biden is killing us. As Biden says, we are in a dark winter! How long will it be before biden brings down this country.
When Gen Flynn said 30 days, is that from dec 31st or from Jan 20 to Feb 20th cause that is still a ways to go along with a lot of damage to come from Biden (Obama) Admin.
I’ve been watching what’s going on since Obama started running. I believe Trump has stepped aside until the military cleans things up. But it’s my belief that he’s going to have to run for office of the new republic.
I hope that is what he’ll do.. but he’s done what God sent him here to do. Either way the old guard is done.
I also believe that he can run for two more terms, considering he’s never been the president of the republic.
Love your videos.. been watching you religiously for at least three years.
Keep up the good work
Excited to hear Trump saying, “We’re not finished yet” but, after looking into it a bit, it’s questionable as to whether it’s real. Are you certain it’s real? If not, it’s very disheartening
I consider President Trump the BEST president in American history! Thank you President Trump! I stand with you!
Dave, you are the only one who saves my sanity. Everyone else is so negative but it is truly frightening to see how rapidly and viciously the lefty is proceeding. I’m in NYC, retired and disabled and am surrounded by young people who don’t have a clue. The smartest thing the commmunists did was take over education and the media, creating a totally fake world that they all believe. I wish I could say I see people being redpilled, but I don’t.
Thank you Dave!!!
I just got blocked from you on rumble. I have an IPHONE.
I noticed in the report 2390 b that when you put up the pic of Biden sitting at the desk signing things, that in the window behind him it looks like someone is standing there with a badge around their neck. Did you wee that too? Just curious as to why they would be there.
What are you going to talk about in a year when Biden is still President? The operation is Trump keeping the patriots engaged for the next 4 years. No military is going to stop anything. Biden will be axed soon and Harris will be the Potus.
Thank you for your show. I truly appreciate that you have taken time to encourage everyone. It’s so important right now!
I look forward each day to listen to some hope of our great nation!!!
Thank you so much!!
Great program, just what America needs right now!!
Loop Capital mentioned in the Q posts may have a connection to GameStop!!!!
I can’t get your video today to play on Rumble? Content issue- are they censoring now too? God always brings truth to light, no matter how hard they try to cover it . God Bless you! Carla
I have noticed that Rush Limbaugh and some other conservative talk shows are backing off the election fraud and they’re just saying that millions and millions and millions of people voted for Biden I think they’re bending to the pressure from their sponsors sad sad to see we have to do something quick
Dave : I am one of your subscribers and sure appreciate your reports. I can tell you are completely into what you do. I have a thought about Pompeo’s post , 1384 days! I haven’t heard of anyone thinking of this the way I do. I ran a date calculator from 1-20-21 until 1-20-25 for a total of 1462 days for the complete term. To me it means that they expect to be back in power to serve out the remainder of 1384 days! Meaning that 78 days went somewhere, with Trump taking it over on 4-07-21? Look forward to upcoming reports!
That last little bit was the best thing I heard in weeks. WE HAVEN’T FINISHED YET.
This affects the whole world, not just the US> WWG1WGA.
We have been shown.
We now see.
The lies, the stolen election, the unnecessary deaths.
We must end the reign of these tyrants. Immediately.
Getting harder to spin it. “The day” has been coming for years now. Many people are losing faith. We keep hearing that “we have it all”, yet nothing happens. Hannity called it right. The people are tired of waiting. If Trump is playing games with the dems, he is doing it at the people’s expense. As he waits for more people to become aware, he is losing some faithful followers who now have doubts. Suppose it is all one big conspiracy theory that grew faster than anyone imagined. What if there is no plan to save the country? The whole world is waiting. How will you spin it if this never happens?
Hi Dave
I was introduced to you before the 2020 elections and listen every night usually on rumble. Whoever last night and still this am I can’t get. The 1/28/21 posts to play on rumble. They did play from your website with out issues. Just an FYI.
I believe the best is yet to come!!
No, Trump couldve killed covid in the first months. So what if everyone fought him on it. They fought him on everything anyway. He should’ve twisted dr Fouci arm to tell the truth about it. Letting this bullshit yo on like this has just hurt regular people. What food is it to let them keep this? Oh, they going to get everyone in the end. Fuck that frump couldve just stepped on covid and we would be in half of the mess were in now. So what if the governor of these states get caught. That’s people dead from this gambit, and every unnecessary.
Thank you for all of your updates! Your explanations make total logic…I’ve never been involved with politics before, until I started learning about subjects that totally disgust me, and wrench my gut, for the future of my adult children and grandchildren.
Can you provide the link to the AJM report you sited?
When is Trump going to stop this ludacrisy and Biden changing everything to cause to fail , we can’t allow this to be completed Biden is down to 11% I think that is low enough to start arresting these individuals using the indightments already out, please don’t wait till it’s everyone because it will never reach everyone
Dave , we aren’t under Trumps time line, we are under God’s time line !
If Pres. Trump had done the things that Pedophile Joe is doing the MSM would have been all over him. Pedophile Joe wants to have turned America over to the Chinese before the end of his term. Don’t worry about learning Chinese because if the Chinese take over you won’t live long enough to need it. Don’t worry as Pres. Trump and the Military will not let that scenario happen. It is worse than you think in N.Y.. Cuomo forced nursing homes to place one Covid patient in with a one patient that didn’t have Covid. If Fauci takes Liposomal Vit. C and Vit. D-3 for his health then why are the patients in Nursing not getting those as well? They don’t get out in the Sun so how would they get their D-3 if you don’t give it to them? Almost all that died with Covid had low levels of Vit. D-3 so that is a key for survival and prevention.
“pWhy interfere with the enemy when they are destroying themselves????” This was one of your comments. Well the problem is HE IS DESTROYING US OUR JOBS AND LIVELIHOOD!!! We all want
to do something, BUT I think one of the problems is is that we don’t really know how to ban together
like they do to fight!!! We need a plan. And another thing, what good does it do to go and protest
and riot if when the cops come YA ALL RUN AWAY………..STAY IN THERE AND FIGHT STOP RUNNING
We the people (Republicans) need to stand up for what is right. Our freedom is being taken away so quickly with Joe dummy and his left Crooked Democrats. I pray that President Trump comes back sooner than four years. We will not have a country left in 4 years. I pray for the military that they put all these lying Democrats and dirty Joe Biden in prison for what they have done. I’m so tired of the dirty politicians as I know all who have voted for President Trump feels the same way.
We need to fight for what we believe and get our country back.
We need to delete Facebook , Twitter. Stop shopping at bed bath and beyond and Kohl’s . Let them fold and see how it is to back behind a liar and a fraud who stole our election!!!
My question is to which point must the country be destroyed before the Military (who is supposed to be in control) acts – or Pres Trump makes a move? Joe Biden is a braindead moron who was allowed to steal a vote. We hear that the military is in control – it sure as hell does not look like it. This country is now being destroyed at an alarming speed – and it is being allowed because they have an “agenda” – really?? Millions of people are now suffering more and more by the day – the stock market is on the down-side, which will leave many more Americans in a dire situation – because of a “plan” by Pres Trump and the military ?? I am 100% behind Pres Trump and I will support him going forward, but it is really not good if ONLY a so called “handful of people” know what is happening and multi millions of Americans are left hanging and worried as things look really bad. To what point do they leave the patriots in the dark – until thousands commit suicide because they have given up hope and see no way out? There has to be a way that Biden and his crazy train can and must be stopped before the damages are such that it will take decades to recover AGAIN!! The wall was placed under “military control” they say, yet Biden can EO the stoppage of the building – how does that make sense IF the military is in control of the wall/border??? It is getting to the point that MOST American patriots believe this “plan” and that Trump is busy behind the scenes is a conspiracy – nothing more. You like to mention Q all the time – but it seems like Q is a lot like Nostradamus – where ONCE things happened, one has to try and spin what was said/written to a historic writing! I am ONLY SURE OF ONE THING, and that God is in control and nothing will happen UNLESS God allows it to happen. Sadly, millions of Americans are not in this boat, where they FOCUS on God, but look at and listen to alternative media – just being left “lied to” – like the “mass arrests at the inauguration”. Please, Biden is NOT feeling the pressure – he is too way gone mentally to feel, experience or even notice “pressure”!
Dave I’m in complete agreement with you and q on the corruption in the government I know it to be true . but at what time do you think we need to pack it in what time frame are we looking at . I’m really hoping that this goes down the way it was put but I’m starting to have doubt
Dave, I have heard you say several times that the Patriots have it all, Duram has it all, the military knows it all. Supposedly Duram has several thousand sealed indictments. So why don’t they start doing the arrests, removing the top trouble makers in our Congress and Senate who continue to attack Trump? Like Nancy Pelosi, Adam Schiff, Chuck Schumer, Barrack Obama, Mitch Mcconnell, Mitt Romney, Chief Justice John Roberts, Maxine Waters, Kamala Harris, Corey Booker and so on. Allowing these people to stay in office, they continue causing trouble in our government and causing the American people to struggle and suffer. Americans are committing suicide because they are struggling a lot with all that is going on in our country. Americans are being evicted from their homes, more and more people are losing their jobs. The government is not providing enough stimulus to help Americans to pay their rent or put food on the table. Americans are sick of hearing “we need to just let this play out”. The authorities need to start arresting the American treasonous traitors in our government now, not later. We need to take our country back now. The American people have struggled long enough. My own daughter and granddaughters are facing eviction from their home. biden and harris did not win the 2020 election. The longer they are allowed to remain in office, the more damage they are doing in our country and more and more Americans are suffering. The arrests need to begin now.
God bless Mr Trump
I’m from Australia we have the same evil
I have ETs and Space Craft visit me all the time
These beings communicate wih me
They tell me the future
I don’t know why they chose me
They recently had a galaxy meeting four different types of ETs at my front door
Told me to take a photo of this meeting
I did so
Same with a visiting little Et at me door
They gave me a wonderful gift of healing humans which I do regularly with evidence
If u tell anyone about what I experience they thing u are nuts
I don’t care I have lots to tell
Lots of photos
I haven’t seen one EO that had anything written on it. Seems to me it’s all a sham.
I don’t think Biden is in office
I think the military is in control
Thank you, Dave! Your reports are always excellent!