Ep 2391q – People Can See The Rigged Economic System, It’s Controlled By The Establishment
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The economic system is now being exposed to the people. The people are learning that the system is rigged and the corrupt politicians are protecting those on Wall Street not the people. This is not an open an free market, it is a controlled market by the [CB]. Is this going to bring down the entire system?
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- Ep 2391b – Marker [KC] 11.3, The Elite’s System Is In The Process Of Being Exposed →
CIA psyop
I did sign up for the email alerts again. I have not been receiving them for a couple of weeks.
I heard Trump’s FEMA person was replaced. FEMA has incredible power! I have a terrible feeling….Biden will send FEMA to kill us. Most of the guillotines are in my state. My tween kids are in CA. Patriots are no longer in charge….seems like….The people that can not be convinced cant even fight back. Is the military with us or against us?
No difference between wall street and gambling casinos.
Created for ‘the house’ to win!
How is that not criminal?
For central bank deep state swamp!!!
POTUS Trump is quite an educator!
And thank you X22.
I’m a novice at Stock Market manipulation, but the next move by those who outfoxed the hedge funds would seem rather obvious. The stock is overvalued, so it’s reasonable to short sell it at this point; not to destroy the company, but a legitimate adjustment strategy. While this might seem to help the hedge funds, it would stop at a level far above what would bail out the hedge funds. Just a thought.
could this also be part of the great reset
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It never occurred to me but was Trump using the term “Lovers” ironically because his marriage was a beard. They were two agents together like that Russian show on Fox The Americans. The two are a team nonetheless. The next logical question would be who are they working for.🤔🤔🤔
Thank you Dave. You’re the last man standing
Standing strong indeed. Keep on standing. Outstanding shows S always.
I want true news from a true american patriot!
This screwing of the American people has just GOT to STOP!! Some of us elderly people have given our LIVES to this country, and watching it be torn apart by SICK vultures is more than heart-breaking! I love my Constitution and I LOVE my Second Amendment! — BUT what CAN “we the people” do? I did NOT vote for this mess — but… I HAVE it! I WANT my DONALD TRUMP BACK!! I WILL give him 30 more days — and 30 more MONTHS! — and 30 more YEARS if I have it (fingers crossed)…. BUT, GOD!! We need OUR President! the THIS LUMP of [forward to Xi] CRAP in DC IS NOT MY PRESIDENT!!
God bless ALL American patriots! And God bless my legally elected President, Donald John Trump!!
(Thanks for listening to my venting. We all need to let off steam. But you gave me my time. So I thank you. 🙏 I can’t even write him any more. 😢)
Trading can be restricted in certain volatile stocks and/or margin requirements can be increased to protect the broker/dealer-clearing firm, not necessarily a certain customer, like a hedge fund. Your conclusion is too simplistic. I was a broker/dealer but not a clearing firm and in 1987 had my trading restricted to protect my clearing firm. They wanted to make sure I had enough money to honor my trades because if I couldn’t, they had to make up the shortfall for me.