Ep 2392b – Slings & Arrows, You Have Not Been Abandoned, Think Shadow, Pain
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Trump and the patriots are now appearing weak, the [DS]/MSM should be in confident and strong but with everything they are doing it looks more like panic. When do you play the Trump card, when the [DS]/MSM believe they hold the winning hand. GEORGE sends out a message, slings and arrows. We are not abandoned. Shadow government, pain is coming, why would Durham add additional prosecutors on to his staff in Dec 2020.
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- ← Ep 2392a – How Do You Break The [CB]? How Do You Restructure?
Pandemic number graph looking a lot like election
Dave all I see here is the same thing over and over the BS just gets deeper………………….
After reading Patrick Byrne’s account of what he saw going on in the White House post election it is obvious Trump never had a coherent plan for overturning the fraudulent election. And the people surrounding him were either incompetent or had malicious intent with Sidney Powell being one of the rare exceptions. So there never was any plan, never a Trump card, no 5D chess or anything of substance to right the wrong done to Trump and the american voters. This just reveals how inept Trump’s administration really was throughout his term. He got a few things done but not nearly enough. He never locked her up, replaced Obamacare, built that much new wall on the southern border, reduced the deficit and the list goes on. So his presidency will be seen as mostly a lost opportunity.
You’re impatient, you’re ignorant, & you’re missing the entire point. You cannot tell people the truth, you have to SHOW them. Trump has forced them to move their plans up and move faster. Now it’s not so subtle. They (the enemy) are being allowed to expose themselves. THAT is part of the plan. “The Art Of War” says, “Never interrupt your enemy when he’s making a mistake”. Trump supporters are still there, but now there’s “buyers remorse” from MANY Biden voters. Trump was moving his agenda for America forward while being investigated with Russia lies, then impeachment, the “Plandemic”, then finding traitors within your ranks, yet STILL had our economy roaring. Trump tried to go through the legal system, but it’s corrupt. He tried the political system, but it’s corrupt. So now it’s a military operation and we don’t know the details or timeline. But allowing them to expose their anti American agenda and continue to commit more crimes will play into the Patriots plans. Ultimately, this is a global situation and it’s Good vs Evil, Light vs Dark, God vs Satan. This is going to be epic and the Republic will stand. Google “Son of the Republic” prophesy by George Washington or Kim Clement’s prophesies about Trump. God bless.
Funny how you trust someone like Patrick Byrne over President Trump. Why is that? Why are you so quick to abandon Trump and say all is lost, based solely on the word of some random guy on the internet. Who knows what he says is true or not? Yet you swallow it like it’s Gospel.
You obviously have been watching CNN or another network if you can only see a few things President Trump accomplished. It was never that his cohorts were inept, it was because the legal system would not allow them to file certain complaints legally. State laws had been changed illegally. Hands tied because of all the corruption within the states. It is obvious to someone with even half a brain all the the fraud that has taken place. How could he lock hillary up? Tried to get rid of obama care. Not his fault. I would rather see your comments directed toward the swamp instead of finding faults with President Trump and his staff. Much more to disclose there.
Stick with that.
You really don’t know what you are talking about. Pres. Trump is still Pres.. His plan is working just fine. I don’t believe a person with an IQ of 160 is inept. All this stuff with Pedophile Joe is just fake news. Not only did he lock her up but she was tried , convicted, and then executed along with her husband. What you see in public is CGI, clones, or doubles. You must be living in a cave. If you can’t comprehend the above then eat more fish as it is good for the brain. 17 crews were working on the Wall and they did very well. He got the mileage he said he would get and he fulfilled his promises so I don’t know where you were. Obama and his husband Mikey were both executed at GITMO. When you don’t really know what is going on then that is the time to listen. Dave’s information is correct. That is why I come here because it is NOT fake news.
You are wrong about Trump. He kept as many promises as he could. The left started the obstructions as soon as the inauguration was over. They did nothing for 4 years but go after Trump. Patrick Byrne is not a government employee. He just owns a business, and yes I know about Hilary. This whole thing is going to take time. Maybe many months. There are still hundreds of court cases going on regarding the election fraud. We need to stand up and fight the corrupt left and the corrupt republicans. Get involved in politics. Being quiet and apathic over the years has brought us here. We the people run this country.
Hi Dave, I’ve been think on Pompeos comment 1384 days allot lately and the DNI 13848…..why do these numbers look so identical? I have heard no one compare this.
I heard something about the AZ independent audit not exactly being on the up & up bc the company doing it is associated with Dominion.
I wonder who @ Facebook doesn’t like this episode. They won’t allow me to share this there!!
5 : 5
I see you are still to lazy to correct your crap! Trump ordered the National Guard and the Federal agents. You dumb ass!! 2,000 of them were deputized! If you don’t know who is the one authorized to order ??? You shouldn’t be putting out information. Fix your shit!! You are a disinformation machine. I will be glad when this is all over so you go away. Fix your shit! You are worse than the mainstream media . You are pathetic and a coward! Why?? Because people are looking for information! You need to be taken off the internet.
Seriously you NEED TO STOP DAVE!! I am going to find a way to report you!! Look at the timeline you dumb fuck ! President Trump ordered the National Guard and the Feds! He was President! You are a filthy piece of trash! You make me sick! LOOK SOMETHING UP YOU FUCKING IDIOT! I usually don’t get this mad! You are using your large platform to lie! I will find a way to expose you! Whoever reads this take two minutes and look! You are the enemy of the people. You are a traitor
Thank you Dave. I have been voting here in NY State (Not the City) for over 40 years. Mostly for the anyone not the incumbent. Last governor election here the Republican candidate never made a showing in any of the western NY cities that I am aware of. A set up to allow Cuomo win??? And yes of course he won, again. But this last election was totally unique. First I had to sign an electronic pad where my signature looked nothing like mine. Then I was handed a Sharpie to fill in my choices. Once I completed the ballot when it was inserted it would not take the ballot. The operator there took it from me and turned it around and inserted it (face up). Still it would not accept the ballot. She then tried it by turning it over (upside down) and inserted it, yet again it would not accept. A monitor was called over and he turned it around and inserted it upside down and wow it finally took my vote. Now give all we know did I actually have the opportunity to vote for the President? I think not. I witnessed one other individual that had the same results. Sad still too many people that are asleep. Can only hope they will learn. Thanks again.
I understand all that is being said, but how far do you go, is it possible this could go to far and its done and not the way it should have gone. I as one think its gone I hope not, but I am in my late 60’s and I will not have to see all of this madness coming
You make statements that you believe that the Biden camp is responsible for putting the wall up around DC. That wall was put up by Trump and military who supposedly is in control of DC. Are you not believing this? If you feel Trump is in control and will be coming back then how do you not follow this? Also you also keep mentioning Biden voters now know the truth and see how bad he is. I know many Biden voters and they all think I am a sore loser and still have no idea what he is all about. Nothing bothers them. So the narrative of why we are waiting doesn’t fit. I hope Trump comes back but lots of opinions and non consistent viewpoints. I appreciate you videos and I listen daily b it these are my questions every time I listen.
I think the people who voted for Biden who still don’t see how bad he is, only watch CNN and the rest of the msm. These stations are going to cover for Biden. It will have to hit these people in their own homes.
Sad Trump supporters are among those who are losing jobs and not able to afford insulin. Many more people understood what we had to lose but made to suffer in order for the few that voted for Biden have to be woke up. I say let them stay asleep.
new word // MORONGA = when you are wrong-you are wrong,but when you are wrong again,then you are – MORONGA ////secondary definition meaning–big turd—a spanish slang word . so i guess if you are wrong two times you are a moranga=bigturd
I pray POTUS Trump has his own media system of broadcasting to the public that will not be blocked.
I believe you missed something in your feature of December 19, 2019 post by Q.
Namely what happened on that date? I didn’t know off-hand. I had to look it up.
Perhaps many others are/were like me?
Did you just assume everyone would remember what happened on that date to Trump?
Can you put a feature in your videos to allow th screen to be shown in various windows tabs…making it moveable ….Window within a window?
I had the same problem until I realized you need to make the video full screen (bottom left), then in the upper right you will see the Picture in Picture option. Once you click that it will make the screen small so you can move it around. If you are using an apple iOS device, you can go a step further and take the small window and slowly move it off screen, you will see only a small line as an indicator that something is there. It is very handy when you need to move it entirely and work on something else.
Thank You Dave. Great Encouragement !!!
That was great! You are a brilliant architect!
Yo Dave, Again, Its a Plandemic Not pandemic!! Stop using progressive terms!
We tune in to maybe get some news that we cannot get on MSM. Not to hear you repeat yourself day after day after day after day etc etc……
Encouragement, with excellent analysis to back up evidence that patriots are winning, is vitally important to a lot of those who don’t have faith or lack astuteness or clarity to “see” what’s happening. You are welcome to leave Dave’s channel and seek information elsewhere. Have a nice day. 🤗
All the EO’s of China Biden (and some of the last ones of Potus, were by an autobot located in ‘whitehouse’ – has now been stopped by Kim at Lifeforce
Yes, I feel abandoned. X22REPORT tell me lees and lees that what I want to ear. We the people feel sad, angry without any enthusiasm, yes we feel pain. Personally I don’t see that DONALD TRUMP is coming back.
I thank David for all his information but everything is confusing and unreal.
First of all, trust God. Trump is merely a man. Howbeit, a man led by God. I believe this. It is in God’s timing, but the intelligence report instigated by the November 3rd election had 45 days to investigate. It was two days late because of how much fraud there was. Then there’s 45 days to complete the report and that ends up being today (February 1st). 2 45 day periods (45th president for two terms). NOW the military can move and is. Mar-a-lago is the 2nd White House. Google and do research. Mar-a-lago has 3 bomb shelters and a military style computer room. The District of Columbia via the Act of 1871 and up until FDR when the IRS and Federal Reserve started is the corporation of the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. Trump HAD to leave DC so he’s actually within the Republic of the United States of America. The Executive Act 13848 is activated (and has been) so everything’s about to play out. Timing is everything and Trump didn’t need to be close to what’s going to happen. It’s not about Trump. It’s about saving the Republic and Constitution. The military swore an oath and it’s now their turn. Be patient. All is going according to plan, but when the enemy adjusts, so must the patriots. God is ultimately in control.
Thanks Dave , I am 53 married for 30 years, my wife and I own a carpet clean business do all the work ourselves, we have a 22 and 25-year-old daughters one is a trauma emergency room nurse and the other special special education teacher.
Until Trump ran for president my wife and I had never even voted , , Now I feel like I have a PhD in government we learned tons from Trump, but you have broken it down to a whole Nother level for us to learn, for that , I thank you, keep up the great work! I only wish I had somebody throughout the school to teach me all my classes like you! I would’ve learned much more!
We hope everything comes true and thank you again!
Thank you Dave for all your hard work. You are and have been waking up American’s for a long time. You are a true patriot and I will keep telling everyone to listen to you God speed God bless. Been a fan since ep.642 haven’t seen all but a lot what a wild ride from the old days!
Dave, no matter what Durham brings forth there is no one to prosecute the traitors. Everyone is in place like you say but they are all criminals. I wish I had hope but I have none.
Thank you for everything you do Dave. 🙏🇺🇸👍
David, to be a dictator all you need is the military behind you. It is disconcerting to see how Americans idealize their military. The fact is, it has played along with the globalist plan for twenty years or more. Trump made this mistake, he had to clean up the top brass, and he didn`t. If anyone wanst to drain the swamp it has to start from the military, for it is behind everything Biden is doing now, Obama did before and Bush before Obama.
Can you add links to MeWe and Gab and other non-tracked platforms? I have deleted my fb and twitter accounts, and use Brave browser, so those connected to DS are not going to get my info, as much as possible.
Keep it going! Its getting there. I am in Aussie, and following all very closely.
Many thanks for all your work
May righteousness prevail!
You said the military was there for an operation to save us now you’re saying the troops are bidens doing and there as a dictatorship
Which is it?
Wanting to join the current page think i have the old one
Austrian Spiritual Philosopher Rudolf Steiner – stated, – “Wisdom is crystallised pain.”
This is the process that we are in.
The most reliable report on the internet.
The must go to site for objective analysis of the unfolding drama.
When frustrated that we are loosing X22 Report puts everything back into perspective.
My comments appear on GAB.
Fully aware that the Left leaning European parties are in fear of a triumphant Trump returning to the Presidency..
[Mrs May, Boris Johnston are supporters of the corrupt Democrat Party as revealed by Mrs May and now by the current government with MI5/6 involvement together with Italy, Germany, etc].
When Trump returns to the White House the CB system will collapse, this time around the UK is too weak to come to the Deep State’s rescue as in 2008 when Brown destroyed the British economy to save his masters.
Please give me the link to your Telegram account. There are about 10 pretending to be you.
Thank you Dave for your awesome contribution to objective Journalism.
Hey William, Dave is X22ReportOfficial on telegram. I heard him say this in one of his other videos: If you need to find him anywhere else, go to the menu on his website…and look under the one titled “everything X22” and choose “official accounts”….all his listings should show up there.
Well according to daegel they were easily planning to murder 800000peeps in US and more.
OUTSTANDING! As always Dave! WWG1WGA! This Grammie in Arizona loves my POTUS and PATRIOT’S!
The best program out there. Thanks man. Still many questions that need answered. The majority is now awake and let’s roll.
One way this whole thing has done for is is to convince me to get completely out of politics. I will never vote again, that’s for sure. All this crap will take your joy away and make you unhappy. Never again. I will not allow this crap to affect me again. No more voting for me.
This whole thing has changed me in a BIG way. I will never vote again in my life. Politics is a trap. Get out of it and get what happiness you can get out of life. Do something constructive in the way of a hobby, take trips (yes, you can still do that even in the scamdemic), take up a new hobby. Do things that bring joy into your life and stop playing around with the snake called politics.
God is running this show. You should learn something from this. Thousands of years of religion wiped away.
I will never vote again. I have wasted years of my life. Suggestion: Find something you like to do, a hobby, biking, hiking, something enjoyable… and forget all this crap and politics. Politics will RUIN your happiness and you have only so many years on this earth. Get out of the mess that’s happening and be happy. As a human being, you deserve some happiness. Don’t waste your life with politics.
Sure wish I could access your vids. No Closed Caption to be found. 😥
Dave, the ones they are getting to recount votes and check for election fraud, are linked to Dominion voting tech ! they need this one guy not linked to no one , can’t think of his name , but he said he can tell who touched the ballots and what they ate for breakfast !
Don’t throw the baby out with the bathwater. Be encouraged. Everyone is doing the best they can . We will Win. God is in control
Dave on Covids, the MSM are saying it’s getting much worse than the graphs are showing , they are still pushing it hard and everyday !
Dave it also says that about slings and arrows in those lines of , Put On The Full Armor of God , better meaning , Trump just used it from there !
I am wondering “HOW” people are going to wake up if they are getting only the MSM? They are sugar coating everything. How long do you suffer through….optics are everything and the people have to see what’s going on to wake up….Everyone needs to Lookup and Keep their eyes on the Lord and pray…THIS is what changes the land.
In my state, if you include teachers, 50% of employees work for state, county snd municiple government.
What will it take to create discomfort for government workers, who bore none of the economical burden of the pandemic shutdown?
There are two cohorts of “the people.”
This is all panning out to be poisoned chalice. Q is done, maybe it was meant to come true but nobody has the heart to do it. Certainly not the Military. I mean it took Myanmar much less evidence to get the job done, all we have is a bunch of criminal generals who love money over nation. Sad sad end times I fear, and I was very hopeful leading up to Feb 1.
ThanQ Mr Dave, you have been a voice of calm,on this sea during a MAJOR STORM. Waves crashing in around us , at times feeling seasick(nausea
But your voice of wisdom knowledge & tranquility. God be with You Brother!!! Much💙🕊& 🙏s from Texas. You are very necessary a true Soldier on the Front Lines.
March 4 … all hope for this happening will be gone . If it doesn’t happen before then. While we wait more and more damage is being done ,people are suffering . I keep trying not to think this is all a big hoax . Perpetuate the narrative I guess.
Why is it now you say there is a fence to keep them safe. Earlier before the inauguration it was to keep them in for trials. I’m calling BS on anything you say. The military is in control but Sloppy Joe can send troops to Syria? That’s not logical. Your rhetoric doesn’t make sense. Optics and optics and Optics. I think America is tired of Optics and get your popcorn for the movie. The good guys can do this for years and the same blind people will be blind people. Enough already. Until they take control of the media this won’t change fast at all.. No honest person even watches news. I haven’t watch a full news show or any mainstream media programs in 2.5 to 3 years. No woke people watch the mainstream media at all
Here’s what I think….I think this report has back-pedaled so many times it’s becoming apparent that by continuously moving the goalpost the channel can continue to thrive, make money, sell products and profit off of people by giving them false hope. I have lost ALL hope that Trump and the Patriots planned ANY of what happened in this election. I think the DEMON-RATS are ruthless about pursuing their end goals and refuse to accept loss. Biden is in. The damage is done. Much of it is irreparable! Personally, I think this country is FUCKED and it looks more and more like they’ve won. Words like “narrative”, “optics”, “deep state” are used as emotional trigger words to continue to propagate the lie that this horrible agenda of the radical left will come to an end. I simply don’t see it EVER happening.
Durham’s actions could have easily been to protect his titles and tiaras. Shields from public scrutiny and such. All I am smelling cooking is nothing burgers. We’ve been to a few of these rodeos over that past 4 years.
When Trump told us “no violence “, he was, in other words, saying “Rise Up but do it by the law.” Yet here we sit…watching as our Constitutional Republic being dismantled.
Just looked up “darnkess” and it has been updated Feb 2021:
What the enemy is about to experience. Dark to light. Darkness only exists in the absence of the light. They will rue the day and wish they had never entered the DARK-ness to begin with, thus the “Darn”-kess because they kissed the devil and lost…DARN-it!
Submitted by bmw_b on February 2, 2021
I hope you know how much help you have been to a GREAT many people!!! I just want to thank you for providing such excellent analysis! And you are amazingly consistent!!! 2 videos a day?!?!?! 😳😱 WOW❗️I listen to many different channels and I’ve never seen anyone more together and organized than you, especially on so many platforms!
We are going to see a beautiful and brave new world! From sea to shining sea! ⌛️🍿🤗❤️🙏🇺🇸