Ep 2394a – Gold Will Destroy The Fed, Ready For A New Economic System
Protect Your Retirement W/ A Gold. IRA
Noble Gold is Who I Trust ^^^
The people are now seeing how [JB] is killing the jobs in the US and give all the opportunities to people who do not live in the US. The people are seeing all of this in real time. [JB] is now diverting funds away from farmers into climate change fund. [CB] might not have the gold they say they do. Demand for precious metals is rising.
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- Ep 2394b – Impeachment Countered By Constitution, Ha, [DS] Has Been Warned →
Ep 2394a – Gold Will Destroy The Fed, Ready For A New Economic System
Talk of conspiracy and deliberate deception is not called for. Any sentient person with experience in accounting, bookkeeping or running a business knows and with a smattering of economics full well about the consequences of money printing. What few (in any) know is how it all will end.
This long time investor with hands-on experience (as stated above)s finds most instructive the experience of Wiemar Germany and to a lesser extent the bankruptcies of Argentina et.al.
The notion that gold is a good vehicle to ‘get through it all’ has several drawbacks: it’s inert, does not feed nor clothe and a Kansas farmer (for instance) would not trade his corn or wheat crop for gold.
The choices are many (besides gold) and Wiemar lessons point to having lots of unpaid debt at the onset (to be paid off in depreciated currency); and second to hold shares in long-successful public companies which lost a lot eventually made the investor whole.
You need to consider having a interview with Simon Parkes he is a great man with many insights that need to come out on your site.
America is our only hope to break the chains and free the world from tyranny.
Dave I ran across this video and I’m going to share it with you hoping you can find out what was going on a bunch of police showed up at the Capitol after Nancy hit the gavel here’s the link hopefully I’ll hear about something https://t.me/stormypatriotjoe21/477?comment=40273 your report
Thank you for these reports. They are super interesting & make sense. I hope that we’ll all have a chance to change our society (run by bad actors) from negative to positive.
The same people who voted for Trump are seeing this. The people who voted for Biden don’t.
Thank you