Ep 2394b – Impeachment Countered By Constitution, Ha, [DS] Has Been Warned
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The [DS]/MSM are using everything they have to get Trump. Trump responded to the impeachment charges and will use the constitution to counter the entire trial. Message are being sent and they are received. The patriots are moving forward with the plan. Burma was not by accident, Pompeo mentioned it right after the US elections. The [DS] has been warned.
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- FBI Must Produce Seth Rich Docs, Biden Signature Forgery, Massive WH Corruption →
Thanks for the hard work Dave I know you put long hours doing research.
Crap how many years do we have to go through this bull! Sure, arrests will happen, Cabal going down, just wait a little longer. I am tired of hearing wait, wait, wait for it! I’m beginning to believe nothing will happen.
Are we to believe that if Biden gives our military the order to go to war, our military will do as he says? Or will they turn on him? If they go to war for Biden then we would all know the Q movement which I believe in is a fraud.
We voted for him.100 million or more.we see.I believe there plans got changed,on 20th deep state was not in dc.everyone will not get on board boat has to sail anyway.screw this same reasoning over &over let’s get on with it.
Enough! The problem is that the people who had to feel the pain aren’t the ones who can go golfing in the middle of the week. It’s sad that a pissy little third world country like Burma has the balls to send their military in and take care of the situation. We’re tired of trusting the plan.
I look for you every day. Your a rare individual who actually does the research, stellar credibility in my humble opinion. Thank you.
I love your shows David. I listen every single day to both episodes!!! Keep up the great work.
You say the same thing night after night and this country is going to hell in a hand basket. I think the So called play play book has been one big fuck up. Nothing is going to happen so we will have to live with this for the 4 years plus. BULL SHIT BULL SHIT………………………………………Things were going to happen in JAN, then oh FEB then March OH just wait until JUNE and I will bet you we have just more and more CRAP…I am one pissed off guy.
Hi Dave,
Not so much a comment but a question or two…I’m hearing that Q is a psyop by deep state and all this is now nothing, could you explain why you think Q is still in play because at every turn deep state has the control…
Why are you so sure that the plan is going to happen..
first, nixon was not impeached. He resigned before that could happen. Second, neither A. Johnson, Clinton or Trump were impeached – obviously, as they continued in office. The legally correct way to say what happened to them is that the House of Representatives voted in favor of the articles of impeachment. Then, the actual court trial where a president is either acquitted or impeached happens in the Senate. So no president to date has ever been impeached from office. Again, the accurate statement is that the House of Reps. voted to send the articles to the Senate, not that they were impeached. Accuracy is important.
Myanmar military had more guts for truth, than American military. Here is my reasoning:
The white hats do everything known to circumvent shocking, and reveal the truth
The black hats do everything known to hide the truth
Trump in November, nope, Trump in January, nope, Trump in February, nope, Trump in March, nope, April, nope, may, nope but now it’s June. We may as well wait until 2024 I sm sure 20#4 is what Q said. Give me a break.
Keep up the good work. Thank you.
People can see why dosent trump do something real soon j
Great report Dave. It was fascinating to listen to.
Thank you!
So sick of this! They just keep getting away with BS! So tired of talk and nothing happening! Last week it was feb! Biden wasn’t going to be inaugurated.. Now it’s June? I’m over this! We are fucked! Period! Trump can see what’s being done, and still nothing…Done looking like a fool! What will be will be!
You can only NOT act for so long. They going to act in the fourth year of Biden’s second term? THAT’LL show them, right?
We are out of luck. They Biden administration. Just got rid of all trumps people in the pentagon. Hundreds . We are doomed. Period
Ok so now it’s June? lol, sorry, lost me. I don’t care if the plan is real or not at this point, if the plan is real its a poorly thought out plan.
I don’t think you get it, the recent actions and deviations of the patriots, supposedly intended to “show the people” and “wake them up” is the main driving force behind the people turning away and Going back to sleep right now.
We like to say, “never interrupt your enemy while they are destroying themselves…. someone should really interrupt the patriots because if they are a real collective they just destroyed everything they’ve worked for. I don’t care what effect they think they are having, it’s a fantasy, we are now walking backward.
Time to actually do something or time to shut up and fade into obscurity.
BTW the answers to your question (do you think Trump could just present the information and and say “look what they did” …. The answere is yes, if the evidence truly exists than yes… 100%.
I’m really counting on this to be real! Been waiting for JFK Jr. to show up for the longest time but he would be the only person besides his wife and sister-in-law that would be alive. Only reason I say this is I used to subscribe to George Magazine and I remember the weird Futuristic one. I really hoped he would have run for President but God has a sense of humor hence my existence lol 😂 Great broadcasts and interesting 🤔 how much Newsmax and OANN sounds more like u than the other crazy stations— can we take these losers down any faster? Seriously I will DIE B4 getting a stupid vaccine 💉 and since COVID I HAVE BEEN IN SOME SERIOUS BS IT STARTED 13 March 2020 then 31 (bad situation) is 13 backwards then 26 divided by 2 is 13 causing my head to do crazy numbers I don’t understand— but I’m on to something: numbers never lie omg 😳
When it comes to evilcrats always remember this adage
Never get into a pissing contest with a skunk
Your always going to lose
Buy there debt to drive your point across
ELECTIONS IN MYANMAR / BURMA are NOT at all comparable to those in USA in 2020. The cases are QUITE OPPOSITE! And this narrator is sorely mistake or misled. What is SIMILAR, is the fear of LOSS OF CONTROL by the “Hidden Hand” that always demands & expects to CONTINUE to rule.
I believe Aung San Suu Kyi DID, in fact WIN the election, LEGITIMATELY. “BY A LOT. “The People LIKE her, as a choice over the Military. MILITARY ARE TERRIFIED there of LOSING CONTROL, even though 25% of seats in Parliament are RESERVED for them.
Describing the 2 cases, Myanmar & USA, as the SAME is a very peculiar & surprising interpretation of the world. ON WHAT BASIS do you belief Suu Kyi’s party STOLE the election thru FRAUD? What’s your EVIDENCE? Who says so, besides you? I find this an ENORMOUS BLOW to your x22 credibility. And I’m a paid subscriber. Disappointing!
Leaving a COMMENT should NOT take me back to the START of the VIDEO!!!
David, I listen to you every night and I wish you were right. However, it appears the plan didn`t work. The military betrayed its president, the will of people and the Republic. The quicker we understand that and expose the militarys participation in this fraud the better for the country. Why is he military today any different from the military that rolled over 9/11 without a peep? Is the military today different from that which turned a blind eye on HIllary`s selling out the country? The answer is no.
Ep 2392a looks like Baron Trump. In Canada people are being kidnapped and taken to undisclosed concentration camps in the guise of isolation units. These people being kidnapped test negative from the PCR tests. Few have tested false positive but are not sick or have symptoms. Apparently the owners of these isolation camps are the CCP. I think Canadians are finally waking up to the fraud but, it’s it’s too late unfortunately. We do not have a true conservative party in Canada. We have a Donald Trump that started a new conservative politcal party Maxime Brenier and the Peoples Party of Canada who is treated just as bad as POTUS. Maxime, PPC reps and PPC supporters have been attacked physically not just verbally. I’m politically highly aware not just of North America but never heard of GSoros, antifa or BLM until POTUS was elected. Our deputy PM much like a vice president is related to GSoros her name is Christia Freeland. I’m in my mid 50s and I do not recognize my country anymore it’s very frightening to say the least. I’m a medical professional watching this plandemic fruad crushing countries and peoples. My family is half Indigenous First Nations, half European immigrants I see the true nature of the UN with their racism lies. Our gov directed by the WHO and UN want our Indigenous people and African people to take the cv19 vacs first in the guise they’re at risk most d/t genetics. The is so disgusting and people don’t see it! God/the great spirit help us all from these elite pedo murdering evil demons
Dave, I’ve religiously listened to your show. You’ve given me hope over the last few years. However, I’m hearing the same things over and over. Ex. Patriots are in control. People need to see for themselves. Biden is a puppet, fake President.
These examples we have heard over and over. All the while fake President is, everyday, destroying more and more of our country.
There is, has been, plenty of concrete proof that fake President is a pedo, cocaine, and obviously owned by china!! YET, what you state Dave is that Patriots are in control! WTH! So Dave the Patriots in control are allowing this treasonous, cocaine, pedofile to create laws, pocket The People’s money, and drastically destroy our country!! This is logic Dave, not a Q post!! If Q, Trump Team are in fact in control, (personally my humble opinion they are not) waiting any longer to act, is suicide!!
Do what Burma did NOW!! I’d rather have the military in control than a dirty, low life like fake President!
We can’t wait, We must not wait! The People are very aware, those that aren’t, are forever lost!
By the way Dave, a couple weeks ago, QANON website, reported Bill Clinton was on his death bed in Arkansas. They stated relatives were arriving. I copied the article, posted it on BBC. Within minutes QANON removed the article! An example that Q is not accurate!!
Dave please take a more logical approach. Repeating the same thing over and over, indicates you are either blind and not aware. Or your show is a tool to keep the people calm. Your losing the faith and trust I once had for your show!
Ok I’ve seen enough. Ready for action!
Thank you God Bless
Great stuff Dave – but who is going to be left in the Military to actually do anything -Biden is in the process of purging the military right now.
Trump cant do this just on his own!
What’s the ultimate purpose of military presence in DC?
I don’t know what to do but pray. But there needs to be major impeachment of Biden Harris Pelosis and all the other crooks. Tell me what I can do and I will
Sorry A$$ Soros skanks, again
Aren’t you worried that what you’re reporting here is being listened to by some of the DS? It would kind of be giving them a heads up to pass on to others!
No, we see Kamala Harris on every news channel during the inauguration holding hands and praising General Milley for stopping Trump! We see our borders opening back up! We see our Republicans laying down! We see our country and constitution going down the drain! It actually now looks more like Q was talking like it was Trump and his supporters who the target was the entire time! They cannot walk down the street! It is looking like they will try to arrest him and this will be the spark! Remember when Q said “names and places have been changed”! What if all of these sealed indictments are Republicans? WTF is going on?
Hi!! I listen every day. TY. I wanted to tell you that a advertisement on your site tried to scam me. It was an infomercial it was quite long it was one guy talking about how he made a ton of money off of advertisements on the Internet like Google does. The initial investment is $40 and then they call you. Ask you all kinds of very personal information. How much money you make. How much do you owe on your house etc. so I said I don’t think so and they said they would refund my $40. Well instead they charged my credit card five more times for $99. I emailed them they said they would give me a refund and they didn’t so I had to have my credit card company handle it. All I have is a phone number 1-855-488-4242. They’re out of California. Thought you would like to know.