Ep 2397b – Game Theory, The Take Down Will Be On The Patriots Timetable
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The [DS]/MSM is now being brought down a path where they are going to be trapped, this is game theory. The [DS] doesn’t know the plan, Trump and the patriots are controlling the optics, which means it seems nothing is happening until it happens all at once. The timetable has already been established, public opinion and the trap is now moving forward.
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- ← Ep 2397a – The [DS]/[CB] Is Now Doing All The Economic Work For Trump
- Joe Carrabba – Under [JB] The Economy Is In Turmoil, Gold Will Be Activated →
Great stuff Dave, but how does any of this square with what Gen FLYNN said today?? How does ‘getting involved’ work against a fraudulent election system??
Explanations of current events are great but WHY HASN’T THE MILITARY followed our Constitution and put an end to this? Way more than enough to prove a coup to overthrow our election!!!!!
People are NOT just getting mad at Biden…we are losing faith in our Constitutional process and our military to do what they MUST!
I can no longer listen to you, Dave! For as long as I’ve been following you, you keep repeating, “It’s coming, It’s coming.” When whatever you say “is coming” doesn’t come, you keep saying, “Well, Trump and the Patriots need more time to show the American people what’s being done by letting them see how bad it will get so the people won’t revolt” when Trump and the Patriots do whatever you say they’re going to do. Well, Dave, in the meantime, the country’s being destroyed and there won’t be anything left When Trump and the Patriots decide to take their actions which purportedly have been planned for a “long time.” You’re controlled opposition, Dave, and I’m buying into your shit no longer.
How stupid do you think we are? This is not up to Trump! THIS IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF OUR MILITARY! Public opinion be damned! The proof is there. Not Trump’s place to use it.
SOMETHING STINKS! Done listening to this bull. I’ve followed you for over two years. DONE!
Dave lets for a second rise above what we see…..trump is in a gavi video an inititive by bgs….all our law enforcement agencies and everyone is crooked none honest….?… child trafficking….criminals coming across the border releasing criminals do you need more reason for an ID implant …bid en just signed an EO mandating a study on ” health passports ” my prediction trump allowed all this and will triple his personal wealth …… there is absolutely no way ALL this is happening willy nilly…… even if trump comes back in he can now blame bid en for his EOs causing things…..
What a crock. Always excuses….It’s just more of kicking the van down the road. This is all so absurd.
Why get the vaccine? You shouldn’t. This is NOT a “vaccine”, but an experimental biological agent, more precisely, genetic therapy. This “vaccine” will allow any future coronavirus infections to penetrate your cells faster without triggering your immune system until the virus has massively replicated. Then your immune system will turn on your body and potentially shut down your organs. It is meant to make future infections worse, so they can claim there is another, more sever, strain that will be used to further erode our rights. Thank you for all of your hard work.
Hi *
Have you heard that there is a “biden” double ?
Was told on another website – AndWeKnow – I think
it was. To look at the earlobes of all things but, it’s true
Biden’s do not connect to his neck. But, the Biden double’s
guy – his Does. I kinda noticed it on Tonight’s video – as well
as his face is not quite the Original’s either – very close though….
Just curious is all –
Thanks for doing what you do for all of us **
L.A. Ray
Have you not heard that people are dying from the poison vaccine!!! Several thousand people have also experienced very serious side effects from the vaccine, which could lead to permanent disabilities. Vaccines do NOT prevent disease – vaccines cause disease. Dr. James A. Shannon, formerly of the National Institutes Of Health said, “The only safe vaccine is a vaccine that is NEVER used.” See the latest reports from Robert Kennedy Jr. and the Children’s Health Defense. Also see the latest video warning from Dr. Carrie Madej, who is warning us NOT to take the vaccine. She explains why it is a very dangerous vaccine. May God have mercy on us all!
Dave.. Fox just cancelled lou dobbs
I think Mike lindells documentary is part of the plan. Just watched it. Full oroof that China and other countries hacked our vote with people here.pan is showing it today, 3 times. A lot watch oan. I think the time is close.
Trump declass at 4:49.
4+4+9 =
The First arrest will shock the world. it is Trump.
The Lindell tape can also be viewed on Lindell’s web site also…….mikejlindell.com. I’m guessing this one won’t be taken down soon
After Trump gets most of the bad guys and the space patrol gets their share of the really bad guys ,what then? Do you think it will get better sooner than later? Is it in the program to help the average person, because every one is going to be in dire straits after Bigdiden and the bad guys are delt that fattel blow . We need to get enough of that spendable thing, let me think what was it called? Oh yes money. That wat every one can move on, hope with , easier lives,and without deepstate.
Dave, Trump and his team? How many are on his team? The courts, the cops, the entire government, the media, business plus 65 foreign countries are working against this country. What force, even Space Force isn’t corrupt? We know the election was stolen, Mike Lyndells in for is old info. Who will listen to him even with proof? The Supreme Court? This miracle has been sand bagged for 3 years. For being in total control, you are starting to sound a bit monotonous with no evidence of things going the way we’d all like it to go. Hope you’re right, but the goal posts moves like the democrats move all theirs.
You are the only one who doesn’t ask for penny, but you are the best who I can still see it’s all gonna play out as Q ask from us. Thank you!
The more I listen to you, the more I’m beginning to think you don’t know anything about what you are talking about.
The cabal doesn’t just believe their election cheating was “okay”. They believe it was the right thing to do. You know, because Orange Man Bad or something.
From Ep 2397b: Q Post 2816 says: ‘He loves this County’ (not Country). Error or hidden meaning?
Your news report is and has always been simply amazing. You are number one! Thank you
Thank you for being there for us through all this seems like a lifetime, you help keep us all grounded!
I have been listening to your broadcasts every night since back in October and I am starting to wonder about all your information. It’s coming, it’s coming, when after they pass gun laws and people lose guns or start shooting back to not lose their guns? Layoffs are going to cause people losing homes, vehicles and everything else so how can I keep thinking that all this is going to happen while more and more people are suffering. By the time anything would get done we will have thousands more illegals all over the country. Things are getting worse and worse with all these EO’s being signed. What difference if something does happen in 3 weeks maybe a month maybe until April we are being destroyed. You mention Flynn I listened to his interview and he said Trump didn’t sign the insurrection act. Nothing is happening, different people are saying different things. They are supposed to have all the information about the election and all the corruption has been shown now after the inauguration. I am really starting to think nothing is going to happen, we are done as America the Free.
Joe, All WeThePeople are singing the same song you are singing. Don’t put your trust in a man, put it in GOD.AMEN!!!and GOD is there!!!
Hi Dave…
I’m struggling to hold on to belief in these articles…Yes I believe in our President Trump…Yes I believe the proofs I have seen many times over on multiple sites…But…The timing & the how & the conclusion…well it’s difficult…
You always remind us of pieces of the puzzle and it helps us to be inspired with optimism…Just tonight I was wondering if I should continue to listen to your reports…Then you bring up the “nuggets” and I’m torn once again…
I do appreciate all you do for us and that it must be a Herculean task…(heavy sigh)…
We have fought along side President Trump these last four years…Watched every move we were privy to see…Perhaps it’s the lack of communication that is affecting us the most…
We miss him as much as we need him…
The world knows…We know…
That brings me to the old story about the frog in the boiling pot…
If you place a frog in a pot of boiling water…The frog will keep out…
If you place a frog into a pot of gold water and bring it up to boil…The frog will remain until death…
Please do not be heating the water…Do not be the sneaking death of us…
I personally wish for action against the criminals that are stealing our lives…Many feel the same…Please don’t be lulling us to sleep while our lives are drained away…🌿🌿🌿
Biden is allowing illegal immigrants in and giving them everything they require to survive until they find a job, because when election time comes, he will get more votes. Immigrants will say that Biden had allowed them to come to America
It’s not just Trump, he might be the face but it’s the loyal Americans that put a “problem solver” in the White House. We are still not at the bottom of the swamp, e.i. AG Barr and the DOJ. We need to solve the voting thing, if we can’t fix that what other path to truth is there?
Would the Supreme Court now, after seeing the Time article, the Democrats efforts to destroy the court by packing it, and destroying the border Trump secured, act?
The reason Democrats love using illegal immigrants with funding is because they can scam the shit out of it and it is untraceable!
Love the show
I don’t know what to think anymore Dave.
I am dying to know when Trump card is going to be played – impeachment trial ? – and what all will that Trump card entail – voter fraud and pedophile crimes? I know I am being impatient but it does not take very long at all for this demented Biden to write executive orders that can utterly destroy the infrastructure and basic underpinnings of our republic, leaving our citizens to bare the consequences of this evil imposter of a president. We need more words of encouragement at this time to keep our hopes and spirits up.
My concern all along is the that you don’t lead us along if you compare my emails….. Nobody wants our nation saved more than I do!!! I really want to believe you…,but who will enforce right even if what you say is true??? Every agency including the Supreme court has balked! Who????
Can you send me or tell me where to find the Election Lawsuit chart you used in Ep2397b?
Dave thank you — very powerful report and very inspiring!
But if I may– many patriots seem to think, that this ‘fight’ is only against local US traitors — that they are the sum total representing the DS, while as we know, this heinous cabal has infiltrated the World, not only politics, but all spheres of business, down to every day society — Every nation, including China and Russia — have a DS 5th Column and Trump & his team know it all … but many of the people consider it to be local to USA only.
I think, if you again re-emhasize that the DS spans the globe, that they own the central and reserve banks of most nations, their leaders but puppets, while DS big corps in their countries call the shots — maybe at this time, when people feel such deep despair and pain, this critically important fact will sink home … That as Q said in post 2816– “We must stand together in this fight” — that your president loves you, has not abandoned you! — at this point this must somehow be reiterated over and over … Just a few thoughts. Thanks for your time …
Thank you for keeping us informed I AM WATCHING WITH GREAT ANTICIPATION!!! As a Patriot I have continued to keep the faith and hold the line. I continue to investigate and follow the research that I can find. I would like to know should we invest in Silver or Gold I thought we were going to develop a different type of currency that wasn’t going to be based on gold or silver so the Central Banks couldn’t control our system? Is this still one of the plans? For the new Republic and is President Trump still going to be the 19th President of the new Republic? There seems to be a little bit of confusion as to what we are going to become when all this is said and done…I just want to know that we will continue to be a free America.
Could they stop the impeachment procedure to stop him from producing the evidence?
where is the Mike Lindell video?
Come on already! What more evidence could possibly be needed! Seriously running out of patience! We need hard proof, less talk. ACTION ARLEADY! THIS IS NONSENSE
I hope you’re right; as I heard they weren’t going to bring up the election fraud evidence at the trial. Still praying!!!
I am waiting for the day that’s in front of us. American people are going to enjoy there life when this happens. So read a good book , play games, and let our military do there job. It will happen soon !!!
Thank you for all your reports
Keeping us level headed during mad mad times
I had been trying to support you through Pay Pal, however recently I was informed by them that the payment failed. Do you have another way that I can help support your work?
At 20.50 Gen. Flynn says that the Military is not in control of the the government… True or not true?
Thank you Dave, My husband and I appreciate your video’s more than words can express!! SO excited to see The manifestation of the Patriots Victory!! It will all be worth the wait!! HALLELUJAH!! 🙂
Back to the “sting”.
We seem to be in a loop.
May i say, that among all the videos i watch, yours is the most thought provoking and common sense. You are pragmatic and your insights are invaluable. Thank you.
Why do you tell what President Trump is doing (if so) when surely President Trump WOULDN’T want told???
All your videos don’t have audio since 1/5. WHY?
Being that several including Biden had already been arrested, how and why are they still able to work and Biden still tell the world all these things he’s signing on?
Yo Dave this all sounds great but there’s nothing going on
Personally I think it is stupid to allow the kind of damage to personal lives and the country as a whole. I have been involved in “sting operations” (obviously not to this extent) but we would end it BEFORE the damage becomes much greater, the threat is higher or the dangers outweigh the results. People are losing jobs, the country is bleeding financially and being destroyed by a braindead puppet, who they are trying to convince us is the “President of a bankrupt Corporation” – that is a STUPID concept. IF a Corporation is BANKRUPT, it cannot employ secretaries, Admin staff and advisors on the DIME of another institution – thus by allowing this to “continue as a sting operation” is a joke! “We the People” are paying for this joke, the salaries of a “bankrupt Corporation” – and that bucket does not hold water! I think Pres Trump was the best President the US has had, other than JFK, but that being said, I think the Military SHOULD have done what Myanmar’s military leaders just did! I think the Military in the US does not have the guts to do it and they too are drenched with corrupt officials, DS plants. I personally think it is getting to the point where we are being fed “false hope” by alternative media – just to keep the real conservatives from revolting – nothing more. Do I want a civil war, hell no! Perhaps it’s time for the Military who are “reportedly in control” – to take control and learn from countries where one KNEW they, the Military was in control! As for now, we just HEAR they are in control, we do not see it! If Biden’s EO’s are not worth the paper he is signing it on, then WHY are people losing jobs – like companies who are involved in the Keystone Pipeline?? Really – I think you guys can fool people to a point – and going by “their plan” and “their timing” – it is an excuse for FAILURE TO ACT! My hope is in the Lord, and I know God is not yet done and that in accordance to His word, in the last days, things are going to get very bad. My hope is NOT in one man and a “shadow Military” who seems to be doing nothing, sitting back and enjoying how the citizens are being fooled into believing “something will be done by the Military on THEIR TIME”, while the country is on the way to hell in a hand-basket! How do you repair damaged lives, people who LOST everything due to the fraud of Covid and Lord knows what else? How do you get those back who gave up, committed suicide because they LOST everything? How do you restore them FINANCIALLY once they have been ruined? Never forget that those in the Military are getting their normal salaries EVERY month they “delay because of TIMING”, also do not forget that Trump is a BILLIONAIRE, who does not need that monthly income! Unless you are also HURTING like so many innocent Americans due to the corrupt politicians, I think it is better to stop telling people that the Military is in control, because they are NOT! You CANNOT prove it, thus it is all just “speculations”! If this was Myanmar, I would agree – but all we see here is a lot of TALKING by “independent bloggers and media” – AND NOTHING coming from the Pentagon or Military assuring the citizens that THEY ARE IN CONTROL!! That is a massive failure in my opinion!
Ep. 2397b; THE BEST, MOST EPIC EPISODE I HAVE LISTENED TO. (And do you see the authorship “tell” in post 2816?)
Thank you from the bottom of my heart for the podcasts. They have truly held my sanity together.
Thank you once again. There are so many B00ms happening in rapid time. Biden is doing a great job at Redpilling his voters. They are realizing he lied to them. With more of the truth coming out about this plandemic with the lies and false narrative MSM perpetrated knowingly, back tracking on HCQ, which we knew , by many true experts in the field of medicine who were banned and punished for bringing us the truth. “They” have been responsible(knowingly) for many unnecessary deaths because of their hatred for Trump, America. Even The Who, CDC are backtracking their previous false info, which we knew from research was false to begin with. We know MASKS do NOT work, and that MSM and FB, Twitter, Google censored, shut down, and labeled videos put out to truthfully inform the public with the facts. The Giant Tech Moguls set up Algorithums to catch key words to keep people from posting unless they refuted the truth, and banished them completely from their social platforms, alienating over 75,000,000 + people from public discourse. Then going after other platforms, where those banished could share their ideas and research openly, that allowed free speech, like Parler. This is despotic, fascism, and right out of the Marxist, Lenenist, and Rules For Radical play book. We have a very young generation that have been fed this thru their schools, Universities and Colleges, media, and movies that have been infiltrated by these socialist/communistic ideology Professors etc. God help us and them. Little do they understand they are being used, manipulated, brainwashed, dumbed down to push this agenda of the totalitarian regime, but will be discarded useful idiots and a threat to those using them. We continue to pray, stand, and receive those who are waking up. It will be our stewardship to help them out of this deception that is intended to enslave them and us. God bless you Dave. I trust in GOD, and HIS plan. I believe in the Plan working out, with God’s guidance, in HIS perfect timing. God bless Trump and the Patriots. I know THE BEST IS YET TO COME!!! A joy and a peace that passes all understanding, has flooded my whole being lately, and I have felt the shift. Hold that Line. Don’t despair, don’t give up, don’t fear, because that is exactly what the enemy of our spirit wants. He hates us, and what we stand for, and wants us divided. Love one another, pray for one another, stay united, our future generations need us to keep freedom alive. Much love to you all. From NANA Patriot.
You say “people are noticing”, but where are the examples.??
I am being heavily attacked by Morgans in Australia right now, even trying to stop my entry to the library to watch these reviews as they have trashed everything electronic or digital I own. My bank transactions have been manipulated to double pay anything I buy, then removing proof from their banks. I moved house and today the electricity was to go on and they interferred with the actual messages from the energy offices and thenthe ubiquitous helicopter came down right over my roof…twice…as everywhere I go. Gary and David Morgan in Australia have been guilty of the deaths of scores of Australians who disagree with them by sending to jobs in the desert we don’t know they own, then set us up with faulty vehicles etc etc…always giving the orders then own the insurer so no way to win. They also over ride Supreme courts
Trying to play 2402 video playing. No sound do you think they shut the sound off