Ep 2399a – The Economic Truth Is Now In Front Of The American People, Transition Coming
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Trump and the patriots needed everyone to see the truth about the economy, Trump made the economy incredible inside the [CB] controlled economy. He used their weapons against them. Now people are seeing that Trump was working for the people. Why did the patriots need people to see this, the transition.
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- Ep 2399b – Truth Shines Light On Darkness, The [DS] Will Cease To Exist Once It’s All Exposed →
2399b can not be accessed. Whadup ? Thank you very much for your work. God bless you my friend.
I don’t believe shit, I’m tired of it. They need to show me or I’m going to show them
How long do Trump and the Patriots expect Americans to sit back and wait. Trump is playing golf, he’s not worried about anything. Mean while Biden is destroying our country and our lives every day. Next thing on the schedule is our second amendment rights. Many of us are just hanging on by a thread. Our families are hungry. We’re buried in debt. Many will be out in the street soon. At what point do we decide we have to do this ourselves? At what point does Trump stop golfing? You have to understand that many of us are pushed back right to the edge of a 1000 foot cliff. One more push and we’re dead. Its either that or fight for survival. Yes I understand it’s more than just an election. I understand its about surviving, feeding our families, keeping a roof over their head and clothes on their back, shoes on their feet. Not Trump or anyone on his team have to do without anything, they have no worries of providing for their families. It seems to me they are a bit out of touch too.
Listen up mouth. It’s not Trump’s decision on when he makes his move. It’s the Military who is running this plan.
So before you go running off the mouth complaining about Trump playing golf, it only means he is ready, waiting on the head Generals of our military to say the word. So stay tuned you haven’t got long to wait now. I suggest you do some research and get updated on what’s going on and who is making the decisions while implementing “THE PLAN”. Now get busy.
I think that all of us thought that things would be moving much faster according to the people who were commenting on the situation. There is a lot we don’t know about. My take is that Trump has exhausted all avenues possible and there are still court cases which have not been heard such as SCOTUS on the 19th. I can tell you it is hard to be patient. One commentator said the military option is still viable. They are waiting for Biden’s numbers to go down so that people are more united against what is happening. It seems a lot of people are still not paying attention because Biden’s approval seems to be stuck around 50% unless it is being inflated by Rasmussen. I think Trump is doing a lot behind the scenes and playing golf is a cover for the Deep State to think he has given up. We need to help people wake up and pray. They also need to refuse the vaccine which is ultimately designed to produce mass genocide.
I wish I could believe that people are starting to see. I haven’t seen any dems on social media who have noticed a thing. The are still blind and only see that Trump is gone. It’s all they care about. They were brainwashed so relentlessly, that nothing gets in.
I have been trying to subscribe to the daily reports but the captcha never comes up and I cannot complete the signup! How do I work around this?
My money (pun intended) is on a crypto-currency linked to barcoded units of gold. Thus each unit can be almost infinitely divided digitally.
Enjoy all the news here…. thank you!!
remember Gen Flynn said in a tweet n 2013 > BITCOIN watch bitcoin , learn, it is going to be important.
I’M IN!!!
I’M IN!!! With you
Thanks Dave.
I love what you’re reporting, Dave, and believe you’re right about everything. But I don’t think the dems are even close to seeing the truth. They’re on a different planet. But in God we trust, right? Hope Trump steps in sooner than later, and that it’s in God’s timing which can only be perfect. Anyway, you’re fantastic and spot on! Love love love you and you’re show. God bless you and your family.
Trump is allowing Biden to destroy the country so we can see it, so we see it. So then after it is destroyed along with us, who cares by then. Understand or not it should not have been allowed to go on this long. We all are taking notice but when Biden is finished we are all screwed, and he is getting us there quickly. Then What???