Ep 2399b – Truth Shines Light On Darkness, The [DS] Will Cease To Exist Once It’s All Exposed
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The patriots have the [DS]/MSM exactly where they want them. When will this go down, it has been planned by Trump and his team. This is about exposing and destroying the [DS]/MSM system. The truth is shining bright and it is putting the light on those who have been hiding in the dark. The people are going to see the truth, the [DS]/MSM will try to stop it, the people will demand to see it.
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- ← Ep 2399a – The Economic Truth Is Now In Front Of The American People, Transition Coming
FYI Trump’s lawyers refuse to prove election fraud at the Impeachment trial…
I found you a few days before the inauguration, and I am grateful I did! I am from Canada and have been cheering Trump on for a few months (took me a while to wake up!!). Now, I am trying to find the connection, and HOPING there is a link to Trump’s success will also reveal the corruption in Canada?? A MASSIVE majority of us love Trump and LOATHE our Prime Minister and Parliament, they’re basically all Democrats.
Can you enlighten me? I’ve been trying to find some information to see the connection with the New Republic and IF that at all would cause Canada’s eyes to be opened.
Wait for it B. Our time will come. This ain’t over yet. The Queen’s (DS) lap dog won’t be far behind. Eyes will be on Canada next.
Re the cases to be brought on Feb. 19, they are only going to be reviewed to see if they will accept the case. If they do, then it won’t be until like October before they hear it.
So, if the voter fraud isn’t going to be heard at Impeachment, which the attorneys have said they won’t do – (see link at previous post) and it’s not heard on Feb. 19, I think we need some very encouraging words, Dave.
The US Military is involved. They are incharge of the country at this time. JoeBama has a fake oval office and a fake Airforce One. The lights go dark at 11 pm in the White House every night. You can say no, no, no if you want but see the fake White House & Airforce One.
It DID originate in the USA, years ago at fort Dietrich and FAuci was responsible for sending it to China with the help of Sora’s and millions of our tax dollars. Research the truth with Dr Judy Mitowitz
Fauci is a lying, corrupt little twerp. I’m waiting for him to fall on his face.
Dr.Birx now says that Trump was given wrong data!
Hi Dave:
Will Trump come back in 2021?
Not that it means anything but I have been going to Frank Sinatra‘s grave in Palm Springs to pay homage and to put flowers on his grave. Always The gravestone said the best is yet to come! I have a picture of the grave if you need it. But now they have taken off the gravestone the best is yet to come. Pretty ironic! it’s worth checking out! Why would they do such a thing I don’t know. Something must be going on.
Thank you,
John Govern
great show as always thanks dave
Hi Dave,
What about the news saying that Trump won’t testify in his own impeachment? I really hope all this corruption gets exposed soon and many go to prison or arrested by the military and charged with treason. Love your videos each night.
Great Report tonight!!!!
How do I sign up I dropped Twitter only go on Facebook to write happy birthday I dint know what those other icons are
My friend sends me your report everyday
Hi Dave, I was thinking maybe the reason they want to push it back on the US is because they know that the DS wanted this and helped with it. (Gates, Obama? Expose?)
Steve Hilton at Fox exposes that the viirus did originate here in the US….. Also has the Paper trail… Randi…
I’v also read about the possibility of the virus having been created in the States.
Fauci sent a huge amount of money to the Wuhan Lab to further do what with this virus?
Weaponize it or what? Imho, it’s bio warfare against all the good folks here & in other countries.
So many caring health officials told the absolute truth about this hoax & lost their jobs. I feel so bad about this.
Hydroxychloroquine was used for years with great results & without harmful side effects. So, now they push these new vaccines that hurt & kill people. Depopulation, anyone?
The old Bush & his globalist friends wanted to reduce the world population down to 500,000.
What mad men all.
We truly live in a matrix & have been fed nothing but lies.
As the saying goes: nothing is as it seems.
I look forward to your videos every day….however, you are kind of becoming less certain and more full of it as time goes on. You shift your opinion when what you said before doesn’t happen. I understand the situation is fluid and I still have faith, but none of your Q predictions have come to fruition. If you turn out to be a fraud as well, I will be very bummed because I have invested a lot of time and thought into your videos and point of view. Thanks.
I listen to Dave all the time because he does paint a positive picture. He is always upbeat, who in the hell wants to listen to Negative Nancy all the time? He is always saying the Central Bank is going down. Down with the Fed. Gold will destroy the Fed and I’m like, hell yes they are going down. The destruction of the Fed is the only solution to this endless nightmare we are all being forced to live through. Think positive, that’s what solves problems.
It is my understanding from investigative reporting from George Webb Steigart that the bio engineering of the corona virus was done in Fort Dertrick and Ft. Belvoir in bio weapons facilities (as well as other USA sites) in the United States. As I understand it, the corona virus cell was given two sets of glyco proteins that formed a shield around the cell to make it imperceptible to the body’s immune system. The same thing was done with HIV. According to George Webb, Dr. Fauci, Dr. Redfield and Dr. Burke each own a patent for three of the glyco proteins. But make no mistake, this was done in conjunction with China and was shipped out to Wuhan. According to American Intelligence Media, this whole operation was orchestrated by the Royal family in Britain, the seat of the New World Order.
Dave, My husband and I appreciate your work very much and recommend it to family and friends. Re. the origins of the COVID-19 virus, I remember hearing the Presenter of “You Are Free TV” early in 2020 claim that it began in a North Carolina Laboratory under the direction of Drs. Fauci and Birx and others during Obama’s Administration, which transferred the work to Wuhan during Obama’s second term, together with over $4 million to continue the research and development. In 2018 and even earlier, Bill Gates, Obama and Fauci predicted a “Pandemic.” It has been our experience that the Citizen Journalist presenting “You Are Free TV” has her facts straight and ends up being right about most claims aired on her videos. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vIs5pYUNhHg Best regards.
Actually, I thought Anthony Fauci created the virus here in the US in his gain-of-function experiments. Colleagues tried to tell him it was too dangerous. When Obama told him to shut it down, he did, and took it to the lab in Wuhan China.
That is also my understanding. But it also may have undergone mutations even there. ALL viruses mutate RAPIDLY. But still, it is just a flu. I speak as a retired nurse with a penchant for science and 30+ years’ experience.
I agree with you. The horrible truth is that this virus & now it’s mutations have been let loose on unsuspecting people all over to further the globalists’s agenda.
I hurt thinking of all the unnecessary deaths everywhere…what a humongous crime.
Another excellent analysis Dave. Great work. Thanks Chris. 🇦🇺
HCQ had nothing to do with the pandemic. If there is a known treatment for a virus, the FDA will NOT approve a vaccine.
The HCQ/Ivermectin argument was never about the pandemic, it was ALWAYS about rolling out the killer vaccines.
Their is a license process from the FCC for the TV airwaves, when they lie and present propaganda, their license can be revoked, you get rid of the lies from media, it is much easier to present the correct information without liars trying to fight it!
There is compelling evidence that Covid-19 “DID” originate in the U.S by the CDC (Dr. Fauci, Dr. Baric). “London Real” composed a documentary on this subject. Dr. David E Martin founder of IQ100 performed an in depth study behind the origins of Covid-19:
“Scientist Race to Patent SARS Virus”:
The vaccine goldrush had begun.
[Hr748..was submitted to the house floor..11 months early]
Because of danger in handling the virus, the research was outsourced to the Wuhan laboratory.
How nefarious, hey? This is a home grown attack with help from China.
“…Is this a coincidence”? No, it is a “Q-incidence”!
Thank you for speaking the truth. You’re right about the proof coming out and people not believing it. I pray their eyes will be opened!
The vaccines is the thing that makes me very suspicious about this all. It’s a horrific nieuw technique what will alter your DNA. Why!!!
They are Jews. The bible reveals their identity. Children of Satan. Vaccines are dangerous. Our body makes them naturally. God gave us a strong immune system. We don’t need a toxic vaccine. The bible calls that sorcery. Drugs are Sorcery.
thx 4 your faithful shows.
Someone in CJ in KY told me yesterday they’re saying certain studies now showing harsher mandate enforcement correlates w/fewe covid cases, so Lockdowns about to get even stricter!
KY also saying need to do nasal swab test weekly in order to go anywhere!
Yes they love their propaganda.
My ppl r destroyed for a lack of knowledge.
Also, why no word on the Christmas Nashville Explosion? We’ll just forget about it I guess.
Events are created to confuse & upset. That works for a while & then all the hoopla disappears.
By now, even a dummy can figure out what is happening over & over again.
As I read the attack was supposed to be against AT&T?!
LIes, lies & more lies.
The opening really fits in to the quote, “It’s easier to fool people than to convince them that they have been fooled.’
Can you share with me the article the days where trump has won 14 cases
Thanks for all you do. Your reports have helped me to stay sane during this last year. I know this is a lot of work to put together, and I appreciate and am thankful for the work you put into these reports.
Dave, this is in ref to do. 2399b…I read somewhere that back in 2007 Pres. Obama told Dr Fauci to stop funding the research on creating human viruses…Dr Fauci continued the research and later he sent it to Wuhan where the Chinese started experimenting and injecting the viruses in bats and rats…I believe I heard that he (Dr. Fauci) continued funding the research with the Chinese…Have you heard anything about this?
The research of Dr Fauci on the Virus I sent a comment previously to you…(It was Steve Hilton that 1st bought it to my attention)
In other words nothing is gonna happen. More chasing the carrot like idiots. Sure they’re “scared”! Because of all the arrests and punishment smh. They’re obviously getting away and we look stupid every time. Enough. Lock someone up or this is just all bullshit and a psyop being run on everyone.
Dear Dave,
Your work is GREATLY APPRECIATED! But I was wondering if you could refer us to something that we can read (or view) that will help us prepare for the ECONOMIC effects of POTUS’ defeat of “”The Great Reset”? Yes, I know, “buy gold”, etc. , but should we sell (or holding off buying) a house, have X number of days of provisions at home, sell dollars and buy Swiss Francs, etc. Is there ANY country that will be SAFER to (temporarily hold up in) than the US will be during the “transition”?
Is there a BLUEPRINT that we can follow? Thanks so much!
Hi, Dave, I love your videos as there is such a component of LOGIC and not hearsay to them, of facts compared to rumor. But I have some thoughts on the vaccine to share with you. Are you aware of the MANY deaths resulting from both Pfizer and Moderna vaccines? Or of the devastating neurological effects that many are suffering from these fast-tracked and largely untested vaccines? I am a retired/disabled nurse with 30+ years experience who was forced to take TWO sets of Hepatitis B mrna vaccines because I worked a lot with blood and THEY, not I, lost the results of the first set. i began to experience neurological symptoms VERY soon after. Within a year I could no longer walk at all, had symptoms similar to MS, ended up in an electric wheelchair or 3.5 years. Fortunately, I listened to the voice within for instructions of how to heal myself, and now I can walk, after two MORE years, unassisted. I no longer trip and fall all the time. So I know whereof I speak. I ADORE President Trump, who is still my President. But I was devastated when he began to talk about warp-speeding the vaccines. I KNEW that they are killers and maimers. So many of them are, including the flu vaccines for many, especially elders. I felt that POTUS (still my President) had been seriously misled by deep state advisors in collusion, including Pence, Rat Fauci, Scarf Lady and other “health expert” bureaucrats. I have told myself that he allowed this in order to even further expose the totally unethical motives and profit greed of Big Pharma. I even harbor the intuitive hope or thought that the so-called vaccines that POTUS Trump had begun to distribute are placebo doses only, to give assurance to those paralyzed by fear of COVID. It seems more in tune with all the other things he put out there….about the therapeutics, etc. But that does not explain why some are dying and becoming disabled shortly after receiving the vaccines (more than a few!). What am I missing? Are there other vaccines out there being given that are the deadly ones, not the ones POTUS sent out that I think MIGHT be placebos? Please help me with this. I know Trump is not a scientist and he had to rely upon them in many ways. But I also feel he is smarter than this, to allow untested and deadly vaccines to go out to We the People. Thank you.
Thank you for all this information, Diana. Everything is helpful, for sure.
I will not take any vaccination instead I & my family keep taking D3 & Vit.C (C in higher doses than recommended).
The flu shot contains a full dose of mercury, I understand. It’s criminal what pharma puts into many vaccines.
I always ask the doctor (whom I only see in an emergency) if he or his family have been vaccinated with the latest vaccine. Guess what the answer is?
I was very upset when Pres. Trump kept pushing the vaccines. Too many people whispering in his ear
& too many of them had bad intentions. They misled him on purpose.
Hey Dave, love your talks. The covid might have been from the US.. my son said it to me back in the spring.. His comment was the Army brought it to wuhan.. via Fauci? I don’t know.. just sayin’.
How can the crimes the deep state committed under the corporation be punishable under the US constitution as treason? Can we only punish the treasonous crimes since the military took over? How does that work?
Thank you.
They stopped me listening to your 2399 2/9/21 Tuesday @11 am.
For danger of covid @ DrCharlieWard.com listen to Dr. Vernon Coleman.
Seventy million patriots are sick and tired of hearing…..it’s almost here, get ready, it’s really near, it’s about to happen, it’s just about time, here it comes, here comes the boom, be ready it’s almost here, it’s just around the corner,hold the line it’s coming, here it comes!!!!! enough already, first it was gonna be on Jan 20th, then the week after, then oh just 30 more days, now it’s well it may be in March…..or April….or May……. It was gonna be during the impeachment trial, now maybe in a few months………pretty soon Biden will be in his second year and we will still be told……hold on it’s almost time……..!!! The longer we wait the more it feels like manipulation and stalling……….well, maybe in Bidens second term we will see “something” happen!
I kind of agree with you. The often repeated: ‘we are close’ does get on my nerves. I’m willing to wait a little longer because of several things I see happening here & there.
Warnock under investigation for voter irregularities. Maricopa County Board of Republican Selectmen/women have arrested several of their democratic counterparts for ignoring subpoenas to allow access to voting machines & other things. It’s not clear if this will go where it needs to but it’s a start.
The real change has to come from us, the citizens. No more being docile & accepting but standing up for what is right.
What, really? The NY Rep. Committee against the oligarchs? Yahoo!
Dave, you are beginning to sound like Custer’s publicist, saying ” Custer is getting the Indians right where he wants them. He’s drawing them into his trap. He’s wanting the Indians to rush in and then when they get their and see the might of the 7th Cavalry, they will be in such disarray and panic that Custer’s multiple plans will prove to the Indians that they are doomed.” Ya, Ok.
Do you publish comments?
Love your news vids , podcasts as everyone does , in the loop. Dave can you please advise , direct me I can obtain a med bed. Sister is beyond conventional medicine. She has metastatic stage 4 breast cancer. Surgery is not an option. I waiting for a reply from Trump and Melania, from my letter I sent to Mar-a- Lago,Office of Donald Trump. So grateful for any information.
get the word out! Dan Ball:
thank you and America One news, for showing (absolute truth video) Can you schedule the video every other evening? Facebook and Google are beside themselves trying to block me and my messages. I am a little man, These should not censor me!