Ep 2402b – Patriots Will Not Telegraph Moves To The Enemy, But Will Light A Fire To Flush Them Out
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The [DS]/MSM have now presented their case against Trump. Now it’s Trump turn and it is being reported that they will need only 1 day to present evidence. Dan Scavino put out two videos showing how Antifa and BLM rioted and destroyed buildings, businesses, and hurt people and these same people handling the impeachment did nothing about it. The second video is a person lighting a match, was the fire just lit to flush them out.
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- ← Ep 2402a – The Patriots Are Now Pushing Against The [CB] & The Great Reset, Welcome To The Transition
Hey Dave!
Looks like the video of Episode 2402b is not playing… it says “Encoding”. I tried refreshing the page, still no luck.
I’m able to listen to the audio version of 2402b, just fine!
Thank you for all the valuable work you do!!! Blessings to you and yours!
I will never BACKDOWN But I do want to see all of these bastards taken down. NOt one or two ALL
I have your official X22report.com on Telegram.I am not receiving your daily reports.I left you some great information.My Name is
Dale Boyer and on Telegram my Channel is CRC-TV Dale Boyer.Please advise,Sincerely,Dale Boyer
NOTHING IS happening. NOTHING. Please stop the bullsh*t. 😎
lighting up snapper head
What good does it do to have a Supreme Court who doesn’t do anything? I am so sick of these traitors. You said they may hear the elections cases in October? What good does that do? The country will be destroyed by then. Why doesn’t the military step in? They are traitors if they don’t. They have the evidence of foreign interference aided by traitors in this country. I think it is time we step in. People say to do it peacefully, but sometimes peacefully doesn’t get you anywhere.
You talk 30 min on the same thing over and over everyday. Nothing new. It’s getting very annoying!!!
Your thoughts on “The Convention of States” starting to believe this maybe our last-line of defense if Washington doesn’t fall.
Thanks Dave for your steadfastness in bringing us reports on a regular basis. It takes a lot of investigative time for you to do this. So much appreciated.
It’s seems we’re not getting military support, though we have Naval presence in So. China Sea. This appears to be resistance contrary to Biden camp MO.
This gives me hope!
I don’t think Chromebook supports telegram.
Thank you for pushing forward , and for standing up , I tell everyone I know , that if we hold the line , we will win ! And this country can once again be a republic , by the people and for the people !
Just a little bit of info about’ helmet boy’.
There’s a picture of him sitting on one of the flatbed trailers in the honduras march
Dave you always calm me down and give me hope. Thank you for that.
I just know if I have to streak down freret st necked on the 6th I’m going to be really passed off at trump & Q !
Episode 2402b
don’t use this picture of Trump again…..it’s really a horrible picture and not becoming to him!!!
What do you know about the buses going in and out of DC from Feb 2nd 2021?
How about the tunnels under WH and Capital building and human trafficking directly to WH???
Hi Dave,
Twitter deleted my small (600 followers) a few months ago. I came back, but wasn’t able to garner more than 150 or less followers, depending on the week, what I posted and how Twitter reacted. They suspended me about three weeks ago. Just today, I was finally able to look at Twitter, but not at my thread of people. A few were sprinkled in, but now the tweets were from Ellen, the Rock, Jimmy Kimmel…
I share this just to concur with what you said tonight: they are coming after us all. I hesitated leaving Twitter. But they didn’t hesitate. I will take your advice, cut the ties and move to Telegram.
Thank you very much, Dave for delivering a solid format with updates and insights, integrated with “cue” posts. I am deeply grateful and congratulate you for all your hard work.
Dave. Just so you know, the gates lock from the OUTSIDE….Ultimately the fence is there to keep THEM IN, BUT yes in the beginning they wanted the protection, but the military made it so that they would hold them in longterm for the take over
Blessings, Carleen
In Canada they are pushing a worse strain! You can make this sh*# up!
If you have proof then it’s past time to put it out there and arrest people.
If not, You’re just a liar.
Will this ever stop , I want my country back
come on man, “the patriots are poised to strike… just wait another decade or so, trust in the plan man the patriots have it all under control” at this point it’s obvious you’re doing this for money and other motives.
Another repurposed headline
Just a small correction. The frontline doctors were speaking about the benefits of HCQ, not against it.
Small correction. Front line doctors were defending the use of HCQ.
Patriots Will Not Telegraph Moves To The Enemy… Bro there’s a whole Q board of “moves” and plans laid out. They’re worried about this now? After years of posting plans and info. What a joke.
Last several days, can not get videos to play or if they play, the sound cuts out
1865…I believe that is the Confederate flag, not the British flag.
FACTS? I like facts very much. But FACTS don’t seem to carry much weight these days, with MANY people. Too easy to wave ’em away with 2 words: Conspiracy Theory. – “Thank you, now I’m excused from thinking,” is the rest of THAT story. END of conversation. I DO NOT waste my time & breath with folks mired in their own misguided convictions. (Glad when they return that favor.) Even very bright people I know, former classmates or colleagues, are totally taken in by MSM. I PARTLY excuse them because they are busy, productive adults in their fields. OTOH, I don’t appreciate their rage & condescension when I hold different views. Very sad & disconcerting to see them so OVERTAKEN by second-hand emotion. They don’t apprise things that way in their own professions or they’d FAIL.
These is a clean up going under grounds at the Capital and White house so the deployment is there for this reason as well with fences acting as a jail site! Do your research
So far, every single Dominion machine that has been checked has shown discrepancies in the vote. A 100% failure rate is unacceptable with a system that should have 0. The software can only do exactly what its’ programmed to do. Human error and glitches are not valid excuses. Also, every single “error” resulted in a positive count for Biden and a negative count for Trump. Statistical impossibility. Also, the so called mail in ballots also had an extremely high 99% vote count for Biden. Another statistical impossibility.
Another point which is irrefutable is the fact that there were 133 million registered voters and a total of 155 million ballots were cast. That’s a discrepancy of 22 million votes and yet another statistical impossibility.
Was the election stolen? Damn right it was and we the people are damn pissed off about it. If you think a stolen election doesn’t affect you because you voted for Biden, guess again, it means your vote didn’t count either. It’s a stolen election and no ones’ vote counted because what happens when “unelected” officials assume office means they don’t have to listen to a single word anyone says. You have no voice.
Donald Trump is still my President.
I cannot remember my username or possibly my password I am not able to sign in on my phone. I have not received an email from you guys either in a few days