Ep 2406a – [CB] Is Now Panicking, The Rise Of Digital Currency Is Upon Us
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The American people want to go back to work, they don’t want to live on stimulus, the [DS]/[CB] have miscalculated the spirit of the people and what they really want, they want the freedom to support their family. The [CB] is now panicking, they are nervous about the new currencies, digital and gold will destroy the [CB].
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… love your videos… I watch every nite when showing. thank you Dave
using crypto online can be dangerous. over 200 billion dollars of bitcoin have been lost. thru faulty transfers, thru losing passwords and keys. it isnt user friendly enough yet.
We are not going into any cryptocurrency which is controlled, by the globalist—-thats was their idea. There is already a new financial system that is gold-backed and every nation has already signed up to it. i have said this on three occasions on here. the new financial system is backed by Zimbabwe’s Zim bonds. there is no indication of Trump or anyone else moving to crypto currency. do your research on the new, quantum financial system, and it’s also tied into GESARA. google GESARA
so your researcg. you got it all wrong with this cryto currency that you have been talkign about
I feel we may be falling in to a trap why is everything so clear? Why was the steal so pronounced ? Why is digital currency the thing they are pushing ? What is trackable ? What’s to say someone won’t use digital currency to say what you can buy or track what you buy and profile you ?
What happens when thing go south ? Everything tends toward s chaos
I still don’t see how those of us who don’t own Bitcoin, and can’t afford it, are going to benefit from what you say Trump is doing? Can you please explain? You haven’t answered ANY of my prior questions.
I left a somewhat negative comment before on digital currencies. My problem is that I can’t see what is behind them in terms of value other than rarity and acceptance (by some).
I overlooked something. If Trump is looking to be able to provide a quick emergency alternative currency to the existing Fed notes or even notes issued by treasury, and has chosen to perhaps use some “infrastructure” (including acceptance and mechanisms for people and businesses to accept digital currencies) and offers a form of exchange of notes for digital, then I can see the rationale.
If this is correct or on the right path of thinking, perhaps you could expand on that aspect.
Digital currency everywhere , sounds good , but if the wrong people are ruling and w the vaccine and RFID chip they could completely control those who are bad citizens of the system . Please address this !
I do not support crypto currency for a National currency! My Mom literally lives on her pension and Social Security. She pays bills by check and groceries at times with cash. Yet she does this through my brother. She no longer is mobile and is house bound (even without the pandemic). She does not use tech. except her tiny TracFone. This TracFone does not have a camera. It has no way to scan. It has limited internet and it is only 3g. How in the world is she supposed to pay her bills when all currency is on the internet? I also don’t support it because if the internet somehow goes down and it continues indefinitely who would have any currency?
If there was a way to edit your comment then this would not have been necessary. My Mom knows nothing about crypto currency. Nor does she have some kind of savings.
Crypto currency in it’s present form would never be acceptable to me. I have been doing some research. Mostly only stock traders and buyers are buying bitcoin as a money making entity the same as a stock. Please explain to me how to make a purchase when the electricity is off for 6 days due to an ice storm or other disaster and you need to get food for your family. My research says that bitcoin is not accessable for use to purchase. Government printed dollar bills would be. I could buy into a government money system which is a combination of crypto and real money systems. That is what we have now with direct deposit checks. That part is crypto. And government debit cards would be a crypto use or the square thing that they use on their phones. Bitcoin types, no way. Thank you, Dale
It is a terrific beginning. Nowstart adressing the BIS. How are future Liabilities of ‘people’ in this global, ‘our’ dirtball going to be adressed (fixed)? Will sovereign politics allow this to happen? Not likely. without currencies will again become a apolitical fantasy, of a dictators wetdream.
The people who own the central banks secretly commissioned the creation of Bitcoin. Their goal has long been to move the world to a one-world fiat digital currency that they control. They built in backdoors to the encryption used in the block chain right from the beginning, guaranteeing them ultimate control whenever they needed it. Then they sold the idea of cryptocurrency very subtly to the gullible public, claiming (via third parties) that it was secure, decentralized, anonymous, robust, unhackable, and the perfect currency to “stick it to the central banks”. But of course none of those claims were actually true. So the central banks are not “panicking” because of the rise of cryptocurrencies. That’s just an act. In reality, they are experiencing the euphoria of “duping delight” so typical of the ruling sociopaths. Their plan is succeeding. They are winning “the Game”, as is their birthright and destiny, or so they believe, due to their inherent superiority complex. Unfortunately, the bulk of humanity is too trusting and ignorant to understand the situation, so the ruling sociopaths are likely to succeed, as they almost always have.
I feel the same way like many others. I feel it’s a trap. I don’t trust anything deal with technology which already controlled by big tech and deep state. All informations can still be sent to central system. With one RESET BUTTON, someone behind the curtain just hit it and everything is gone in a second. We already know about Apple and Twitter. When they involve, it becomes unsafe. And what if Elon Musk is another image of Mike Pence?