Ep 2408b – The World Is Watching & Speaking Out, It Has Begun,They Can No Longer Hide In The Dark
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The [DS]/MSM have fell right into the patriots trap. The world is watching, they are watching every move the [DS] make and now the truth is starting to emerge. The truth is slow because it is not as shiny as propaganda, but when it emerges it is strong and powerful. The [DS]/MSM are feeling the pressure now because the truth is coming. Trump and the patriots have everything in place, optics are important, this is about bringing the country together.
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- ← Ep 2408a – People’s Economic System vs The [CB] Economic System, The People Have Spoken
- Ep 2409a – If You Know The [CB] Economic Playbook What Advantages Might Exist →
If what you say is going to happen better happen soon or people will die under the current administration and people will blame trump for not fixing it sooner
I will always support him but their are a lot of fickle people out there who won’t
Thanks for your valuable insight that keeps up hopeful. The only thing I worry about right now is if they actually allow thousands of illegals to flood across the border. I live in CA, so I”m sure you can understand my concern. Can you touch on this topic soon?? Thanks.
I have a idea should the patriots give Americans a stimulus using bitcoin what better way to take away the central banks power and get the people out of the other system let me know what you think 🤔
Dude, you keep bringing up the continuity of government crap! During Biden’s first week in office he changed that! Like the second or third day I seen it on the news! He undid what Trump had done!
Although I have x22 subscribed in rumble BUT it has been removed from subscriptions, WHY
I wanted you to know. I was of fake book aka. Facebook, and I shared a meme about Germany having electricity problems due to freezing temps like what’s happening in Texas. I mentioned that diversification of investment in energy, like Farming or finance, is a good idea. They made sure I knew that they claimed there was false information. I was in the middle of messaging my friend about a future business idea. They seem to have immediately took down my Message because I mentioned their “Fact Checkers” are messing with my stuff. I made a friend who never even mentioned politics and their messages vanished. Are they going beyond sensoring?
I meant to say thank you Dave the other day but forgot. Keep up this very important work.
During video, around 37mins, you mentioned Ravi Zachariah, what were you saying about him?
Dave how long can you keep telling us the patriot are in full control and the rescue is coming. Nothing is coming. Only God will fix all this. We saw so many goal posts move that the reality is guessing is just all any of us can do. Remember give me one more month,, George Washington and then matching it with Gen Flynn saying something like that… What happened there? You can’t keep saying the same thing everyday and it never happens. I love your report, but I think finally you are just guessing. But sometimes people need hope. Moving people into place has been said a dozen time and all that happen were people waited and waited. Hopefully justice will happen but until that does at whatever time it may or maynot. A boy cried wolf until no one listened. How about that picture of all the deep state traitors behind bars. Nothing is what happened.
These bastards to humanity IE Schummer Pelosi and the rest of their ILK need to swing from the end of a rope,,maybe at GITMO ,,maybe at the White House,, the front lawn would suffice,,it needs to be a SPECTICAL that the US population would not soon forget!
I am a Proud Canadian,,who loves his country and HATES his gov. ,, much like most of the fine outstanding people of the US,,I believe that most citizens of the US are normal great people,,much like we have in Canada,,then,,introduce the “dominion voting system and there is and will continue to be rampant voting anomolies Dominion voting systems needs to be wiped from the face of this planet,,period!!!! Trump was and is the ONLY MAN to stand up to these Bastards,,and needs to be recognised as a HERO!!! He is and always will be the greatest since Kennedy! Good-bye Central bank and Hello to freedom the WORLD-OVER!
I’m starting to believe that this winter storm was act of God. I live in Texas and the last time we had a snow ( Ft Hood) was in 2008. It was on the ground for 1-2 days. The problem we face is the fact that cities in the south don’t have snow plows or salt and sand spreaders to make roads passable. Texas also is not a part of US electrical grid.
Thanks, another excellent update. Just a side – it’s difficult to retain info being read out that isn’t visible on the screen. Only a small portion have audio learning styles..
Dave, You have nothing
Stop lying to yourself and to the people
Trump is not coming back
you keep telling yourself what you believe is going to happen but never does
People should have listened to John mark. Now they’re wishing they did
altCensored.com (https://altcensored.com/watch?v=vGNS3nRDjvk)
Civil War 2 in America – Will COVID Situation Trigger It?
Mark My Words with John Mark – SUBSCRIBE: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCIGlVALFPYRROlXk511Cfhw?sub_confirmation=1
the military isnt on our side
and q is a psy-op
And we have been enslaved since the form of the federal government
Sides are not coming together. Things are more and more divisive. Conservatives are being set up as targets and you are living in a dream that doesn’t exist. I wish it did but it doesn’t. All the traditionally marginalized people who have built up resentment for generations are now marshaled and lead by Pelosi and Schumer to destroy us.
The people of Minneapolis should watch to make sure criminals aren’t hired in the place of their defunded police.
God bless and protect Sidney Powell.
Hi Dave
Been listening in to your posts last 2 years.
Question: Why did you mention Ravi Z with the bushes etc?
He is a missed Christian Apologetic.
Confused on that.
Dave i pray everything you say comes to be true but in 30 day This pos president BIDEN is destroying our country illegals Iran china and all the other things energy jobs my god please we have to stop the bleeding i hate to lose my faith but i don’t see it
All true patriots should boycott big tech by deleting their accounts and selling there stock…
Episode 2408B was superb
The ultimate irony, the United States has become more totalitarian than Russia, which rid itself of the communist yolk 29 years ago. (Trump supporter from South Africa).
Russia gave good advice, on respecting the civil rights of political opponents. THEY SHOULD TAKE THEIR OWN ADVICE.
We DO NOT KNOW, AT ALL, IF the “Supreme Court” WILL HEAR ANY of the cases being put forward, regarding Election Fraud. SHOULD they hear them? Most people say, “OF COURSE”! But WILL THEY HEAR THEM? Who knows. But we should know more by tomorrow.
Dave, the truth has already come out on all of this! What is sad is the “Patriots ” have it all! So my question is this, what is taking so long for for these evils from being taken out. Why on earth is the main street media still Alex to broadcast? Why is censorship being allowed if the Patriots are in control? The American people are now taking the brunt of all of the fallout. Why?
Always love your encouraging videos, Dave. HR484 @ time stamp 10:30 shows the Durham congratulation paper. Not that it really matters, but just wanted to mention it in case you want to correct it on the video. Thanks always for all you do, Dave, and God bless.
I’m beginning to think the charges of human trafficking and crimes against children against the Clintons, Bidens, et al, will originate from countries such as Myanmar (Burma) and Haiti. Many more charges will come out at that time, just as the criticisms and accusations of censorship, political oppression in the U.S. are coming from Russia, Poland, and more to come. The world is watching and coming together to defeat the common enemy of satanic worship, corruption, lust, greed and all that is evil. Jesus Christ, Commander of the Lord’s army, is leading this rescue operation and will not be denied victory. Stay strong Christians and patriots all over the world. We Win!!!!
I look forward to your TRUTH every morning! I watch MSM in the evening just to hear the lies they tell! LOL! Your explanations are treasured by myself and many others! There is an employee in a chain store that spreads the word to watch X22, as well as my hairdresser! We all count on your podcasts! Thank you! Have a Blessed week-end.
Dave, where can I find the articles concerning Putin and Poland calling out Biden human rights abuses concerning freedom of speech?
I am betting Pence and Barr are still White Hats, two crucial pieces on the board. Thank you Dave for your positive explanations that are going to prove prophetic truth. I am positive my father Col.John Kizirian – sleeping now in Arlington’s holy grounds – approves of you.
It would be better if you just provided new information and not go over all the same stuff in every broadcast.
Re Texas power shortage: Read this and forget Cruz and put the blame where it belongs: This was sent …
Something is not sitting right with me with Texas and it’s not just the weather.
I mean it really bothers me these millions of Texas families are suffering.
I couldn’t sleep actually…
So, I woke up this morning, made coffee and got to researching.
I started pulling Biden’s EO’s this morning and I found something buried in the Keystone Pipeline EO….. way towards the end of the doc.
It turns out that the same day Biden shut down the Keystone Pipeline, he also lifted the security on our power grid for 90 days (Trump’s EO the year prior secured our power grid by giving China no access.)
Here below is the snippet buried in Biden’s Keystone pipeline EO.
“c) Executive Order 13920 of May 1, 2020 (Securing the United States Bulk-Power System), is hereby suspended for 90 days. The Secretary of Energy and the Director of OMB shall jointly consider whether to recommend that a replacement order be issued.”
Just a small little paragraph tucked away in one of Biden’s EO’s the first day he was in office under the umbrella of “restoring science to tackle the climate crisis”.
You can find it here:
So I researched our energy transformers that supply our power grid.
Turns out, we have had zero transformers in this country that were manufactured in China prior to 2009. From 2009 -2019, China has manufactured 200 of our transformers, supplying 60% of our power grid.
Trump’s EO states this snippet, interestingly enough.
May 1, 2020 order, President Trump stated that
“the United States should no longer purchase transformers and other electric grid equipment manufactured in China. He signaled that it is important to end relationships that U.S. utilities have directly with Chinese businesses and multi-national companies manufacturing transformers in China, which are later plugged into the electric grid in the United States.
Chinese power equipment can be embedded with software and hardware that can be remotely accessed, enhancing China’s ability to commit cyberattacks. Because power transformers are huge and weigh between 100 and 400 tons, it is not easy to identify embedded software or hardware. There is also a potential hardware risk since counterfeit items can be easily put into large power transformers.”
You can read Trump’s EO here:
What prompted Trump’s EO was this prior report right here. The Department of Energy found in this report, that there were :
6 – US power transformer manufacturers
30- Chinese power transformer manufacturers.
You can read the report here:
Most recent projects were completed in
Las Vegas
New Jersey
If you lookup “ Electric Panda”…. you will wonder why in the heck this isn’t front page news now with Texas.
Conclusively, Biden, on his first day in office, opened up the American electrical grid to China.
His very first day in office. 3 weeks later, 5 million are without power and struggling to keep their families warm, and many livestock are unable to survive the emergent conditions caused by my power and limited water.”
The only green in the green deal is $$$$$$
Hi, thank you for your reports I love them. Do you have the link to Russia’s prime minister speaking out against our election?
I am seeing all that you talk about, BUT, when you see how bad things are going to get with all that the Biden admin is changing, will it be too late if and when something gets done? Immigration, education, lockdowns, etc are shutting the country down mentally and physically.
What are they waiting for?
Keep up the good work
Thank you for all the great information that is being hidden from the American people.