Ep 2409b – Comms Sent, [DS] Panic, Touchdown Confirmed, The Mission Is Just Beginning
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The [DS]/MSM is now doing exactly what the Patriots want. The mission is about to begin, the plan is moving forward. The last 4 years was about changing everything, waking people up, putting a plan in place to protect the country. The storm is coming and it will hit the [DS//MSM when they least expect it. [HRC] sends out comms, is something big about to happen.
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- ← Ep 2409a – If You Know The [CB] Economic Playbook What Advantages Might Exist
Are you being censored? Days it is waiting for server to encode video. Taking a long time. Gab is down as well. Nothing on Rumble.
q and you always say the “military is in control” and “do you trust the military” but you also say the DS is using the military for protection because they are in panic. Does not make sense to me. Why would they be protecting the criminals from a non existent threat from Trump supporters. If this is optics- it’s pretty bad optics for patriots.
Gen 8:22 While the earth remaineth, seedtime and harvest, and cold and heat, and summer and winter, and day and night shall not cease.
Ep 2409b, Excellent presentation! Thank you for the facts you are sharing. I, as a Patriot, am ready and waiting for the Storm to begin! God Bless America!! God Bless President Trump!!!!!
Dave, while watching ncis episode I learned that the CIA has a hidden division that create lifelike masks of people that are very professional and precise though they need to create it using the specific persons face. I have #2 pics of Joe Biden that will blow you away. How can I get them to you?
dave you are doing us patriots a great service. i love watching your report. make sense and love how you go back on Q post to verify future proves past. you and your crew are awesome. keep up the great work. thanks you
I love the picture of mr. Trump meeting a uno on mars, or is that the secret space force?either way I love it. Hope that truth will come out at some point. And the free energy, and med beds. Neresa. It Wil be great. God wins. Yes, all has to come down. And the elite cabal behind the curtain. Rockefellers, Rothschild, soros, all the 13 families, or it will happen again. Andthe pope. Evil as all get out. And the media, needs gone and better media put in.not the first time they removed history. They have covered up the real history of our world.the whole world to be free.
4832= 17
Of COURSE they want to “Make it Green”…..the “Green” is OUR DOLLARS IN THEIR POCKETS!
I’m trying very hard to understand when the ‘blow-up will begin’. Seems hat JB is undoing everything Trump did for the country. The Dems have begun to destroy our beautiful America and the GOP is to stand by and watch it happen. Where are the Patriots when our Capitol is wrapped in barbed wire….our borders are ‘no more’ and so many people are out of work (the pipeline, fracking, etc) while jobs are given to aliens. Why should we be in the Paris Climate now in effect? We pay the Accord millions while other countries continue to pollute and the US continues to strive for clean air and water with much success. It’s a money maker for other entities. We want no part of this!! Doesn’t JB understand?? No… he doesn’t and doesn’t care. JB…. go back into your basement!!
Question- How do I know anything that you said is true? I guess I am not going to know 🤨? Where do you get your predictions & projectories of this information? I do research 🧐 but I don’t know all the places that you go for your materials so I can also research too! I want to know if Q is Trump? Or is the military? My Pillow guy how accurate is this information & when will it be used where FACT CHECKERS won’t say it is false? 🤨. I have questions sometimes, Example random tweets X22report guy reads, how do you know that this information is correct or not? I don’t automatically believe ☝️ EVERYTHING mentioned in these videos that is why I want to know where I can research what you’re saying? I question information I hear that JFK jr is still alive? I question when I hear people telling me that OBAMA is a lizard 🦎 man or some kind of a alien or he is a sexual predator, I don’t believe that unless proof, I question that proof? Where you’re getting this information? That’s a fair question? We all want to RESEARCH! Release this information so we can too, thanks 😊!
It’s getting more difficult to stay focused on what you are saying because of so much repetition on every report. There is repetition within the report and there is repetition across reports, almost nothing new.
When will we take our election back?
Love it all.. Thank you Dave !
When is ANYONE going to address the seditious, enemy FBI Fusion Centers piling on totally innocent people (Targeted Individuals) onto the fraud watchlist(s) and paying Infragard and other civilian dupe vigilantes to harass and murder them?!? Mostly they are using DEW Directed Energy Weapons to silently murder people in their own homes. Purpose? Keep the billions of dollars coming into their self-serving Police State coffers, depopulate the USA, shut up smart and honest people, leaving degenerate dummies they can easily control, telling them “enemies are everywhere! Just do what we say!” – I am a retired National Security Agency Intelligence Analyst. I know what I am talking about.
Thank you Dave!
The Paris Accord is pretty much like in the days of “prohibition”..where you had to pay for “protection”..from the “gangsters”…
After 4 years of draining the swamp, Buydin is filling it up again. If we allow Buydin to complete 4 years, we won’t have a country anymore.
Corruption in our government is rampant and massive. The DOJ/FBI/alphabet agencies are useless right now. Judges are on a whole corrupt.
How can all this corruption, bribes, blackmail, crimes by our government continue? The world knows it. Most of our citizens knows it. How can these bad apples continue to rule without prosecutions with all the evidence known?
I think the Nursing Home scandal goes even deeper. One of Trump’s leading voting demographics come from people over 65. So, why not kill off a bunch of these people (votes). Don’t underestimate the savagery of these people.
I would like to see more info on the Paris Climate accords. I am not familiar with the Doctor who did the diagram. I looked up several versions of “Sheema, Shima” etc but can’t find anything. Would you please provide me with the correct spelling or maybe even a link.
Thank you for all you do. I listen to you every night on my way home from work. Sure makes the drive shorter and most of the time I can’t wait to get home to tell my husband what I heard today.
Be well
Cheryl Settle
You my friend are a grifter.
Dave it is part of a plan. No, seriously. If only we can spew repetitive shite in a random manner tied to daily head lines .. .. . and post 3242 showed this. The patriots have everything. Something is abut to ‘appen , delta , sumfing big, dogs. .. . woof. Durham is about to . .. .. . woof. Unseal the 110,000 . .. .. post 3880, prep for de storm. More tomorrow .
B O L L O C K S dave. Woof
Dave, we know you like proofs, so what exactly is the proof that a craft landed on Mars?
You do a magnificent Job! I live in Poland but because of You I know what is going on in this World . Thank You very much.
May God bless protect and keep Dave his team family and friends..
The best, is yet, to come.
May God bless America. The land that we love 💘
Russian Spy Charged With High Treason Reveals Biden Ordered Weather Attack On Texas
THE ONLY ONE IS ME . . . https://www.facebook.com/groups/1977973638897050
Ephesians 4:17-19, So I tell you this, and insist on it in the Lord, that you must no longer live as the Gentiles (deep state democrats)do, in the futility of their thinking. They are darkened in their understanding and separated from the life of God because of the ignorance that is in them due to the hardening of their hearts. Having lost all sensitivity, they have given themselves over to the sensuality so as to indulge in every kind of impurity, with a continual list for more.
There is nothing happening, people aren’t waking up, and nobody is freaking out in DS! We’ve all been had and the longer you keep up with this the more depressing it gets. “They’ve” won this one. They were always two steps ahead of Trump and proved this world is their’s. When you claim “people are waking up” it must mean people as in people on the left, and guess what dude, their not. Now more than ever everyone on the left get rightfully point at people like us and say how duped we were. I’m personally lucky to have family and friends still talk to me after the rabbit hole I went down for 3+ years. There is no plan!!! Stop this game your playing now. It’s pathetic!
Some of your Speech is being blanked out.
How Dave remains so optimistic amazes me, he really should write some books.
dave you saidbiden would never be in the wh. how could you be so wrong? que never said biden would be potus. please,explain i am having a real crisis with what is happening.
Wow this is really great! My friend just sent me the x22report. First time I ever heard it. So there’s still hope out there! Praise God! Praying for Trump and the US!
Everyone needs to keep an open mind
Dave may be controlled-opposition
By continually saying “it is happening in 2 weeks” he keeps patriots from actually doing anything.
Wake up
Look back
What is his record like?
8 months back, 6, 4, 2, has it happened?
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Oh that is ripe
Praying for this Democratic farce to be over.