Ep 2410b – How Do You Break Up Something Big, Define Trap ,Make Them Feel The Heat
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The [DS] has trapped themselves, they are digging the hole deeper and deeper, there is now way out except 1. The patriots are making the [DS] feel the heat, they are panicking, they thought Trump would have attacked by now, they are wrong, this is a marathon not a sprint. The people are experiencing the truth.
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In reference to the gun agenda, why hasn’t anyone read up on the Dick Act of 1902?
This Act cannot be removed either!
Trump’s not doing this. They did it to themselves. When you do wrong things you get the consequences that go with it. When a child disobeys they get time out, sent to their room, grounded, etc. When you commit a crime, you get arrested and go to jail. This isn’t any different.
I hope that treason is still treason, sedition is still sedition and the ultimate sentencing is still the ultimate sentencing. 90 million actual US citizens voted for POTUS Trump. No way he lost. Voter fraud in this massive amount right-in-your-face is treason/sedition. The longer ROTUS buydin is in charge the quicker our country will cease to survive.
Hi. I understand the need to wake the public, and help them understand the evil surrounding them – but! The public is now awake! The public now gets it! When are we going to see what is supposed to play out, play out??? Their are people hurting. There are children in danger. Abortions are still happening. Children are committing suicide. There are people suffering the loss of their homes, their jobs – they can’t feed their families. Illegals are flooding into the country and foreign countries are threatening us. The people running this “plan” are not losing their homes, they are not losing their jobs, they are not having problems feeding their families – when is this major take down going to happen? This needs to get done before we can’t reverse the destruction. So worried, Ruth
That was Oakley not Oakland school board.
the after action report of 1919 on the spanish flu in the usa had results that influenced not wearing masks for the next 102 years during any future flu season. in 1919 it was found that 90% of deaths were in fact not due to flu but, rather to viral pnuemonia due to recycling bacteria and c02 into the lungs due to the wearing of masks. yes, masks killed. 10% deaths were due to the spanish flu only. after the report came out, no masks were worn again during any disease epidemic for the next 102 years…..not until 2020.
Dave, how do the credit bureaus fit into the pwcb picture?
Thank yo ufor what you do on a daily basis, you explain things for me that are very clear!
“… and there are lots of interesting pictures … and at the end is a list of the children who were saved, and the foster families who took them in …”. Does Trump maybe have a list of children who were saved as well, and pictures, and the names of foster families who had taken them in before they were trafficked?
When one recognizes this Democrat lunacy, it becomes easy to see why the military has this faux regime surrounded by prison fencing.
They are teaching our children racism. My granddaughter got into the car after school and told me she’s glad she’s white, because she’ll have a better life and a lot more opportunities than if she were not white, and her life will be easier. She came away with a superior attitude. Now think about how the non white children in that class must have felt. They’re teaching racism under the guise of solving racism. Never has she had that attitude of being superior to people of color before. I explained to her what is really going on in such classes, liberals or well meaning idiots teaching racism. More lies like the ones they told about President Trump.
THANK YOU for mentioning NM Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham. This state has many deep, dark secrets. Hope truth reveals itself in due time. The people here are suffering.
If President Trump is waiting for all these idiots to wake up it will never happen ! If 80% of the voters voted for Trump that’s good enough for me ! Arrest the criminals like he has been doing ! The longer we wait innocent people will die ! Vaccines and false flags against the second amendment! Weather weapons ! There are too many people that are too stupid to figure things out without slapping the mask off their face and they still wouldn’t get it ! Too long in the matrix to change .
Right after talking about the dem that lost by 6 votes the audio is cut and cant hear rest of report on 2410b
Biden already has done so much damage. So many illegals in, gun control is horrendous, on & on. How are we going to fix the damage done. Getting scared.
Hey Dave, I got a question for you. My neighbor who is a Patriot told me yesterday that supposedly General Mike Flynn said that there wasn’t a real Q, that Q is not a real person. I am thinking to myself, am I the deceived one. Am I stupid for believing in Q. My question is. Who or what do you think Q truly is? Is Q military intelligence?
Biden wants to eliminate the pedofile investigations because he, Obama, The Clintons, Chief Justice John Roberts and so many others in the US government are involved in pedophilia themselves. A friend recently told me that the authorities found children being held in the basement of the Whitehouse and that Obama used to have pedofile parties in the Whitehouse when he was president.
Hi Dave,
I listen to every day
I have done research.
keep up the good work
sorry, man…you are a broken record.
you have repeated the same thing for over a month
we know what happened.
the election was clearly stolen.
you are dreaming.
this country is corrupt beyond belief.
we are 20 years too late.
grab your ankles and take your medicine
I recall an episode of the X22 report where you were bashing bitcoin and saying it was a bad investment because it wasn’t an anchored commodity, it had no physical substance. you were eschewing its legitimacy. Not look at you, praising it and selling it on your show. You’re starting to look like a psyops site to me. I am losing faith and interest very quickly because you have yet to announce anything that has come to fruition. Every event you said to prepare for didnt happen, every date you said was a deadline, came and went without incident. And don’t get me started on all the predictions about Trump winning the election and the Michelle Obama /Hillary Clinton ticket you kept espousing. WTF? Now you’re throwing a whole new spin on Q posts and what’s going on behind the scene’s. Life is going on behind the scenes and you’ve got a ton of egg on your face that you can’t wipe off with feeding us more shit.
Joe Biden’s AG nominee Merrick Garland wouldn’t commit to keeping John Durham in his role as Special Counsel during his confirmation hearing on Monday.
mike from new mexico
our gov. sent vaccines to all of the counties that our not republican, the 3 counties in the southeast part of the state. now she has eased the restrictions and posted them green and yellow while the southeast counties are still red and are just now getting the vaccines. by the way, when the gov. was in congress she was one of the majority leaders strongest supporters.
Is the Supreme Court ruling against PA fraud case part of the plan??? Trump should have squashed these crooked bastards when he was president! You can’t wake stupid people and the country is never going to be saved.Kavanaugh and Barrett are crooked!
I know I hear you say that the patriots are in charge. My concern is that if the DS is allowed to go on too long that this country will be back to the way things were when Trump was elected and began to make our lives better. I try not to listen to anything that Biden is doing because it just depresses me. I love my country and I want it to succeed. Can any of the destruction that Biden is doing be reversed once he is gone? I want to see justice done.
Here’s my comment, I don’t give a ratsa** about the central bank, I don’t give a ratsa** about optics! I do care about the children that are still being sexually abused, trafficked, killed, organs harvested .. I do care about our country crumbling before us, jobs being destroyed, illegal immigrants pouring into our country by the millions, drug costs sky rocketing, and being told that Our Military has the evidence that the 2020 November presidential election was not only fraudulent, but treason was committed … they have all the evidence! They have the evidence that there was at least 5 other countries that interfered in our elections … not just for the Presidential election, but senators, congress, etc! Then the Patriots being told, hold the line, be peaceful, don’t break any laws …. yet we are watching laws left and right being broken by the DemonRATS and nothing, absolutely nothing is being done! What the F*** are we waiting for? OPTICS! So for the sake of OPTICS lets destroy our country, what’s a few more children that are trafficked, who cares if there are now families that have lost their homes because they have lost their jobs, or the rates of suicide skyrocketing because people have lost hope … their are CHILDREN that are committing suicide, CHILDREN as young as 10 years old because they just don’t understand … but by all means these OPTICS are important …. explain this to me and perhaps millions of others who are asking the same questions, that are losing hope …. listening to people talk about the 2022 elections, WTF! How is there going to be any fair or free 2022 elections if we do not right what happened with this one? The entire world is wondering what America is doing … why hasn’t our military stepped in … somebody, please explain this because it all makes no sense .. Go God the military took over in Myanmars because of election fraud and their use of the Dominion Voting machines! WHAT IS AMERICA WAITING FOR?!?!
Trump doesn’t seem to be doing anything. No one is. Things just get worse and worse from the Supreme Court to the House and Senate and President. Every prediction and promise of something being done about it all have come and gone. If we are to wait until 2024 all will be lost and who knows if Trump is even interested in running again or if he will even be alive still at his age. Nice to have hope, but more and more it seems like false hope.
I understand but I am tired of waiting for something to happen. People who believe and voted for the Dems are not even listening to these things.
[email protected]
The real problems was never the cabal or the deep states. The real enemy was all the time the normies. You so love the normies, that the normies defeated TRUMP and the most powerful military in the world.
Can i disagree with ALL what you convey, X22.
No. Nothing. Also, no justice, crime and corruption out of control and rampant.
The Military just bowed to the normies with their tail between their legs and go in hiding with TRUMP. Let’s not disturb the normies, and god forbid to touch the MSM so loved by the normies. The love of the normies will make them destroy what is left of what was so right about TRUMP. On the 20th of january of 2021 will be infamous for being the beacon of the END of the republic of the United States. TRUMP and the military bowed down to the precious and the god like normies. The normies don’t deserve to stay in the United States: either the be deported or given the truth.
X22 is for the normies, and prevents the normies from knowing the truth or the truth to soon or circumvent all truth to disturbing the normies. One day, there will be nothing left but the normies, and the enslavement of the patriots.