Ep 2411b – Green Light, It’s Time To Start Looking At The Other Sides Real Crimes
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The [DS]/MSM are fell right into the trap the patriots set. Everything they wanted them to do has almost been accomplished. It is now time to look at the real crimes, it’s time to unleash the Durham on these individuals. Most likely when they try to get rid of Durham, Durham will unleash it all.
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- ← Ep 2411a – The [CB] Is Already Doomed, People Are Waking Up To The Rigged Economic System
- Jordan Sather – The War Is Real, The News Is Fake, Optics Are Important, Information War →
We had “trusted” many that were supposedly on POTUS Trump’s side and for real justice. Then they faked all of us out and turned on America and POTUS Trump.
Where does Durham stand? We really have no idea. If he goes against America, justice and POTUS Trump, where are we then? Tired of watching America get destroyed day after day with Buydin and nothing so far has not changed.
im sure Trump will give the “courts” one last chance to do the “right thing” (they wont)…
military tribunal’s next.
Sometimes it seems, people are like sheep.
You try to explain about green pastures to them and “bahhhh”,they say. As they are ankle deep in shit, “ sometimes they throw food in here and we can fight for scraps in the mud”
Sigh, but there’s enough food for all in the pasture, the sores on your feet will heal,
the fresh air will refresh you, the herbs and flowers are like medicine, the lambs can frolic in the sunshine, it’s a blessed and peaceful place, won’t you at least look?
Nayyyy, “ we heard it’s not true, and we see everyone is here , so we must be right”
“Sigh , guess I’ll just hang out in the pasture with the sheep dogs”, said the lonely sheep
X22 now you are changing away from what Q said in there post. Your opinions change with the wind. I believe that Trump does not have a plan for anything ,but to challenge the people in the elections.
You are a piece of work. You must need to change the outcome as you go. I hope you sleep well, because you give false hope to people about the white Q knight BS. Sleep well. Fake opinions are a dime a dozen.
Why are you now saying that the SPACE FORCE probably has the real vote count…when in the past you were saying that they do have the correct vote count or real vote count….or now the military might not have to do anything…words matter and now your starting to backpedal that we will win this war…be specific …your losing credibility with me
I am praying that what you are saying is true. God Bless this Country.
You’re a dumb Fuck everyone is awake now anyone who isn’t wont be get on with the fucking thing you stupid FUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hey Dave, remember that bullshit is very important (for clicks and revenue). 😎
Today was one of the darkest days. The SCOTus rejection of election fraud together with allowing NY to view and prosecute Trump for his tax returns will snowball into a complete destruction of Donald Trump, every member of his family and everyone who voted or supports his platform. Only the military can correct this problem and until that happens, we are once again the hunted. The whackos that Joe Biden is putting into power will cement Trump’s tomb even deeper. Not only in this country but across the world. We (Q, the Anons, and the military) seem to have lost the biggest chance we ever had in my 76 year lifetime. Trying to “show the people” time is over! The “people” don’t care. The “People” are lining up for their vaccines like sheep trying to eat while they’re sheared over and over again. Dave, how much longer can you play Voltaire’s Pangloss in “this best of all possible worlds”???
I guess they can also take a look at Chief Justice Roberts’ tax returns as well.
Trouble is that the other side is not learning the truth. They do not even look at it.
I am very frustrated as I listen to your podcast. You keep saying that the DS is being exposed, “Game Theory”. Well I say bullshit. No one is listening, no one is researching. I am so tired of injustice winning. We are NOT winning!!! We can not win. People do not want to know the truth. What the fuck makes you think they do. People are lazy, apathetic, driven by fear, stupid, ignorant, totally depraved! There is no reversing these “end times”. You or anybody does not know the timing. Quit giving false hope of the right side winning! Human nature is beyond repair and most are driven by their fallen, evil flesh. Nothing you say happens. There is no justice!!! Only mercy!
No wonder Hitler was able to take over. Every citizen had your attitude. They were herded as cattle. We must have hope and fight for our freedom. There are groups organizing around the country to fight the deep state. Try to have some hope.
I enjoy your presentation.
Evidence is moot when there is no court willing to hear it. The left is very happy. The IRS can always find a crime.
The playing field will never be cleared!!!! This is dragging on forever!!! Nothing is ever going to be presented!!!!!! It makes us all lose faith in what is being reported here!!! You keep saying soon and very soon!!! NOT SOON ENOUGH!!!!
I can’t wait. It’s taking awhile cayse there are so many guilty people most of congress senate, mayors, governers, big tech, big pharmy, gates, the 13 elite families, the royals royals the pope. All crooks. Need more cages at gitmo. Its soon. As soon as these last vourt cases are turned down. Boom on way.
The Pentagon has 10 military intelligence programs (MIP) with a budget of $21.2 BILLION(over 10% of the entire defense budget). There is nothing that happens that they do not know about! If this election was stolen they either 1) perpetrated it. 2) caught it and ignored it. 3) missed it all together…..I chose to believe number 1. There is no other entity with the means, motive, opportunity and , frankly the BALLS to rig a US election. Trump, unlike JFK, lives in a world filled with cameras
2411B. your reasoning is weak. you are starting to sound just like the Dems….just keep extending with new excuses. If we have the proof…SHOW IT! Your “rule of law” is a BS cop out. Dems keep lying, breaking laws and nothing happens. You actually believe because they look at Trumps assets that they opened the doors for scrutiny on their own?…Your an idiot , it will never happen. Quit with the “waiting for more people to wake” BS. We, as Patriots, cant listen to you anymore.
Dems are violating everything…we dont need you to keep telling us….we know…But, again,nothing is happening. Get off the Covid crap!. You are worst than Fauci. Nursing home deaths?…lol…not a damn thing is going to happen to those governors….we know it, you better “wake” up and know it to.
World Wide Day of Protest March 13, 2021 No more lockdowns! No more masks! No more vaccines! No more police state restrictions!
Thanks Dave…These people are in a World of pain right now with nowhere to go but down.
I’m calling bullshit, I’m so fed up with this crazy crap, nothing but lies, just wait, its coming, here comes the storm, its almost here, soon its coming …..!!!!! We are being played for suckers so the question at this point Dave are you part of it !!!! If Durham waits to make arrestswhen they are trying to get rid of him it will discredit his work he must start making arrests before so that it looks like they are trying to shut him up !
This continues to unfold and get even more exciting as the psychopathic tendencies and personalities become even more transparent. Trusting the process and remaining in Faith. Blessings to all – Thanks Dave!
How long can you keep spinning that “It’s coming”? One excuse after another as to why “it” hasn’t happened yet. Meanwhile the dems are further destroying the country every day. Instead of gaining support, you are losing support, The Trump supporters are losing hope, while the dems are gaining confidence. Soon this country will be beyond repair. Sometimes I feel like we Trump supporters are the ones that are being duped……
I know the Patriots are going to do this on their time. Yet I still think that they could pull the trigger months ago. There is nothing standing in their way. Nobody is going to give AF about how Democrats feel about what going to happen. Much like covid, they couldve pull the trigger already and nobody would be mad. The evidences of voter fraud is on everyone’s mind, they know the media is lying.
I have listened to you for a long time and I really liked what you had to say but I have really listened to you go down hill. At this point it just feels like you are trying and saying whatever you can come up with just to hope someone stays and listens. Im sure there is something taking place that we don’t know about but I don’t think it is what you are talking about and I feel all your doing is giving false hope. I hope you think about this and really pay attention to what you say each show and not be so repetitive.
I have always appreciated your passion on what has been going on in our country and world. I have come to my conclusion that God is the only way to change what is going on. I have been hearing alot of the same language over and over and it has been exhausting. Trump has been the best for our country but satan is not letting go. We will only win when God steps in, not when the patriots finally use the evidence. Schiff kept saying over and over that he had overwhelming evidence and never revealed it. I feel now that history is repeating itself on the patriots side. Again, I have appreciated so much what you have been doing for our country and world but I now will have to turn more to Gods word and not what men keep repeating over and over. God Bless Dave.
“Optics are very important.” Right now there are no optics. This dangling carrot is getting stale. The public perception that I’m hearing is that Trump sold us out. It’s really hard to argue against that when we have zero proof otherwise. “They have it all.” “Trump and the patriots are in total control.” If this crap is true, Trump and the patriots need to stop playing games and just get the dang job done. The evidence is useless unless they use it. Not using it makes me think they don’t have it at all. I listen to you, Charlie Ward, Simon Parkes, and others, and I half expect all of you to take a bow together someday, proud of your drama and your high ratings. I am Joe patriot, and I need to see some proof. I need something tangible to keep me marching forward. If this ” precipice of destruction” idea doesn’t stop before this country loses all morale, it’s gonna be too late to pull out. And by the way, having our lives played with is PISSING US OFF!
So now Durham is gone? SO all these years of claiming Durham report was going to bring everything down. Now what? You know what i think.. I think we have been dragged through this baloney for 5 years. NOT ONE THING Q said came to pass NOT ONE. Everyone he told us to trust GONE every date came and went nothing I think they are ALL in on it. I cannot believe they have even succeeded in dragging us past Trump leaving the Whitehouse and people ARE STILL buying it! Please stop saying the Deepstate is trying to do this and trying to do that THEY ARE NOT TRYING THEY ARE DOING!!! UNLIKE Q they are actually carrying out their plans in warp speed.
The WHO has released a video that says we don’t need masks: https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMeY67hAH/
The PEOPLE should be able to censor the news agencies!
Your comments are getting more and more suspect. Now that all legal avenues have been exhausted and all that’s left is the military, you are prepping the people that it’s Not going to happen. Durham Durham Durham, is the only thing you have left to push. Do you really think that a DS that can utterly control the Supreme Court and Congress is going to have trouble silencing one individual? Please.
The biggest red flag you are throwing up are the ridiculous comments you are saying about Hitler. Hitler did Not coin the phrase “the big lie”, he was quoting the the jews and their techniques as they totally controlled German media, just like the jews totally control the media in our country. Hitler did not initiate gun control, the jewish Weimar Republic did, Hitler reversed it. Hitler was immensely successful in turning around the economy and ridding the country of the jewish central bank system. Just like what is needed here, as you well know.
Germany fought a defensive war, they never had any plans of “world domination”, that’s pure jewish “big lie” spread throughout the worlds media and school books. You are either woefully ignorant of the real history of Germany and WWII (readily available) or you are just another well disguised zio-shill. I’m starting to think the latter.
Every voter I talk with, regardless of Party, is delighted that the door os now open to require tax retrn info and audits of House, Senate, all politicians! It keeps them more conscious of acfing legally, hopefully. Pass the law and make it happen!
As a small business owner, I was routinely audited. I had nothing to fear, especially when I hired a tax expert to do my taxes. Everything was legal and checked. Also. The tax agent takes responsibikity for his or her work being correct.
How is more people going to wake up to this if they only watch the main stream media Facebook cnn and others like them
You never say how to buy into bitcoin. Who do you go to? Who can you trust? When you have it, what kind of account do you have? How do you use it? You talk about it like everyone should know all about it. We live from paycheck to paycheck and I got sick 6 years ago and now I’m on forced early retirement (SSD).
Dave, I love your reporting and optimism but having difficulty seeing how the opposition has fallen into trap sprung by patriots. So Trump had to lose for the sake of optics. It was actually part of the “plan” to lose (this comes as a surprise to most of your listeners) and now after every institution and leader has stabbed him in the back he’s in control. Declass info can’t even get to the people and he’s out of power and censored at every turn. The “trump card” needed to be played months ago. Unless he’s planning to personally publish the declassified material, I don’t see how it gets played.
Hey! No matter what, nothing you’re saying is happening and has never happened. You keep on talking about durham and he literally resigned today. Good job. Who is lying to you? What kind of drugs are you in to keep on coming up with shit like this? I used to admire you.