Ep 2414a – [CB] Panicking, The People Can See The Rigged System Now
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The stimulus bill is not a stimulus bill, it is a payoff for the corrupt politicians. 90% is going to non covid related issues, while less than 10% is going to help the people. The federal workers will be getting 1400 week while everyone else will be getting a one time check. [JB] is in the process of destroying the entire economy, people are now seeing the truth. The [CB] is panicking, their information war will not hold the new currency down.
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- ← FBI Trump FBI DECLAS Released, Pelosi Screws Americans, Biden CIA Pick China Ties
- Ep 2414b – [DS] Failed, Pain Comes In Many Different Forms, Insurance Policy In Play →
Look at XRP please
XRP is a constant for transaction on block chain to prevent munipulation. It is said black hats created bit coin I have investigated let’s see
Oh I’m so sorry I LOVE your show and I thankyou so much you are a true Patriot.
I listen to your report religiously every evening and truly appreciate your message. I think it’s fantastic and honestly cannot wait for our great nation to be reborn.
Below is a message that I attempted to post early this morning on the Wall Street Bets Reddit platform but was unable to post because my membership is too new. I would appreciate it if you wouldn’t mind reading my thoughts on the GameStop debacle and offer your thoughts or insight. Thank you in advance.
“I would like to state this for the record and for when it comes to fruition.
Everyone knows that the markets are manipulated by the HFs. Everyone knows that the deep pockets on Capital Hill are friends with the HFs. This is what led to the hearings about GME. Everyone also knows that what occurred last month pissed off a lot of HFs and their friends. Earlier this week the deep pockets floated the idea of massive taxation on market gains. I now suggest for your consideration that perhaps they got together yesterday and drove up the price of GME at the same time that Reddit went down. Is it possible that there is correlation between the two? Is it possible that this was an opportunity while all eyes were focusing on the left hand making gains on GME while they took down Reddit with the right hand to capture players in the game? Is it possible this occurrence was a play to put in motion their revenge? Keep in mind, these HFs with their deep pockets friends lost a lot of money and are completely unscrupulous and vengeful. Or perhaps, it was just the ebb and flow of the market. What they fail to realize is that the only way that we can be taxed to fulfill their disdainful retribution is to collect the gains with paper hands.
Diamond hands don’t bleed.”
Awesomet broadcast! Thank you!
Love your podcast so much !
Thanks Dave for all your hard work. Hopefully soon our world will not refer to us as conspiracy theorist.
I agree that we need a new currency system, but I am really, really, really, really, really, really, really tired of hearing about bit coin and private crypto currencies. I want an American alternative that has backing, and not just some foreigners mental fantasy.
Do the law makers get 21k also?b
Who is administrating Bitcoin and cryptos? What manner of cash will come with it? I don’t know anyone who would consent to a cashless society.
Dave I hope you are doing well. I so look forward to your show and I’m missing it tonight. God Bless you and I’ll be praying 🙏for you and your family.
This is wrong, their are peple out here loosing and have lost everything! I thought the Goverment of the United States, was supposed to work for the people! We that work , pay the goverment our taxes, they wouldnt have a paycheck if it wasn’t for the ones working! These is like giving to the rich and robbing us that are supporting
The rich!
Love X22 reports look forward to each new episode 😀