Ep 2417b – Future Proves Past, It Has Begun, Is Wray A Sleeper, Future Marker
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The [DS]/MSM have been setup. Everything we have learned in the past is now coming true in the future. Future does prove the past. Wray was testifying today and he did not lean either way. Is Wray a sleeper, can he be trusted. This will be a future marker. The virus is now disappearing, Texas/Mississippi have now removed the mask mandates, businesses are opening. This is all according to the plan.
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Dave its the same old story, sorry but Trump had the chance to lock all these clowns up and he didn’t take it. While you are telling us these stories we are losing the country. Nothing is working in the favor of the people. We are slipping farther and farther away from the constitution and it will never be restored. We have been sold out to China.
You keep saying “the people” are starting to see all this, yet when I ask people if they are aware of Biden’s executive orders or any of these “eye opening” events not a single person knows what I’m talking about. I think you are over exaggerating that “the people” are starting to see “all of this”
Bring down the Rothschild cabal
It’s not fair for you that vilify hospitals. They were used by cdc and cms. Covid shut down all elective procedure, screenings and business normal operations. They took advantage of covid billing rules set by cms to mitigate their losses. Most hospitals lost money last year.
Where is Susan Rice? Whispering in Biden’s ear?
The woman running the White House is Susan Rice not Hillary and Susan gets her orders from Obama.
I hate that you might not like the way it ends. NO! Trump said in one of his rally’s he was just busting to say it but he said “I think your going to be very happy” See it can’t be that! I remember exactly b/c he looked so proud and it was hard to hold it in.
It’s a diversion because the noose is getting tighten on the necks of the Satanic worshipers, and they want you to concentrate on ANYTHING ELSE except their dirty deeds — and it used to work. (for decades)
Please explain how Trump has put sleepers in place who will be activated at certain times yet he still does not know who is loyal to him and needs them to be revealed by their actions.
Dave it is Susan rice that Rick Grenall said is running things in the shadows.
Dave, Dave, Dave,
Your posts are nothing but rhetoric. President Trump needs to do something to stop or at least halt the actions of Biden, who is destroying America. He needs to show some element of control. Even if displays the smallest of action, it would be enough. It’s getting harder and harder to believe ” the Patriots are in control”
Dave, I have watched your reports for a long long time. I’m a detail man and use discernment. I am not writing this to give you a hard time. You put a lot of work in. Two suggestions and then a couple of comments: Please stop referring to The Alamo as where Trump made his statements at the border. He was at the town of Alamo Texas, not The Alamo, the mission/fortress, which is far away in the town of San Antonio. The Alamo (itself) is NOT at the border! An honest mistake but it hurts credibility. Also, I would urge you to do a deep dive into the facts on Rosa Parks! I’m sure most people think she was merely a housemaid/servant, who made a stand so I don’t blame you for believing that, but there was much more to it. As I’m sure you would know, things are not always what they are presented as. Lastly…I have followed Q from the beginning. I am very long suffering and patient but every time things are told to us a certain way by Q, and we end up disappointed, it appears to me that the whole narrative becomes distorted and rationalized so that what we are seeing and living is actually not what we are seeing and living. Distorted reality in an effort to explain why things are not as Q said they would be! I go back to Occam’s razor! You can believe that Wray, just like Barr, is a sleeper all you want but if it looks quacks and walks like a duck, most reasonable logical people will conclude that’s what it is! Having said all that, I will continue to watch your reports, but there are many many of us who feel betrayed. I am starting to feel that way! I am not criticizing you in a negative way but I feel you needed to see these comments as I am certainly not alone. Please do a report to show the doubters otherwise! Thank you for your time! Sincerely, JP
United nations wants to bring down the USA. It is the Democrates and the c c p behind the u n. Need to bring this to public before it is too late. UNITED Nation is Our enemy.
I just wanted to say thank you for your work. We listen to all your shows and they make us feel confident in what is going on in the world. Great job!!
I wish you well,
How long ago was it that Mitchel O’bama reading Dr. Suess books to children? What about Ted Cruz reading Dr Suess books into the Congressional Record? Oh, yes yes.
I think I read that the Capital Police are beginning to disassemble the fences now and they will be gone soon. No word about the National Guard yet that I have heard.
An alternate view by Ric Grenell is that Susan Rice is running the White House
Dave, what if the sting operation began many years ago. What if there was a guy posing as one of the Satanists, with an island where he could take them and record every sick and twisted thing they did, for the team behind him to use against them later on.
Think about it why was Epstein arrested, because he was a Satanist or because they found out what he was up to on behalf of the White Hats.
I do not believe he is dead and I don’t necessarily believe he is a wrong un. He would be the perfect guy to reappear and announce the sting to the whole World and hand over all the evidence, just sayin.
I think Epstein was one of Trumps’ honey pots, which caught a heck of a lot of bees.
In reference to the censoring of Dr. Suess books, why aren’t these tyrants censoring the Disney cartoons that our children see — there are many sexual connotations. Don’t let your children watch Disney or buy their coloring books, books, movies etc. Time to shut Disney pedophile corporation down.
So it was the plan to let the citizens see all the illegals come across in a border crisis? Wow. Great plan. They’ll never be removed and are forever Democrat voters. Dumbest plan ever. And all the swing states are changing their election laws? Wow. Great plan. THEY WILL STILL USE DOMINION VOTING MACHINES, IDIOT. The laws don’t matter. And all the new invaders from the southern border will vote Democrat. Great plan, Patriots!
I am seriously puzzled by the purpose of your reports. The people see all these things that are wrong.
SO WHAT? Do you have any solutions? A tax revolution? Boycotts? ANYTHING OF SUBSTANCE?
Exciting how it all is coming together! Thanks Dave, love it. Blessings to ALL
Those Child Traffickers / predators should not see April.
“Moderation” is usually a good method. Occasionally, it’s not the best solution. Kind regards.
Well wait Dave, how can Durham now be “activated” when he resigned effective midnight February 28th, 2021? That piece just doesn’t seem to work when he is now resigned. I notice you didn’t mention this and not sure you are aware of that.
Oh I see now. I beg your pardon, Dave, you may remove my previous comment. I just noticed Catherine Herridge’s following post in your video that mentioned Durham resigned on February 28th from “U.S. ATTORNEY FOR CONNECTICUT” ONLY, but STILL continues on at the DoJ!!!! Omygosh I missed that one…I did not read the DoJ report on his resignation to the very end…lol HE IS STILL ON!!!!
Male and female created He them, and blessed them and called their name Adam in the day when they were created.
He created them male and female, and blessed them and named them Mankind at the time they were created.
Thank you Dave for an excellent episode and everything you do.
Kind Regards,
I watched / heard Trump’s speech at CPAC. Twice – ’cause there’s a LOT to see & hear. I slept very well, best in a long while. I’m a “fringe” observer, but I sometimes have “eagle” eyes. There are also LOTS of kinds of “shots” – whisky, injection, rifle range, camera, golf & tennis. Seems to me Trump’s calling the shots. And the ball’s in his court. MAGA.
He estado escuchando por largo tiempo (+/- dos años), lo interesante que es lo que la izquierda está haciendo o ha hecho en USA y el rechazo supuesto que la mayoría de los ciudadanos norteamericanos expresa por estas acciones.
Mi pregunta es: ¿Cuánto tiempo debe pasar para que alguien haga algo al respecto?….
Seguirán llegando ilegales — hasta terroristas — a los USA y NADIE puede hacer nada sobre el particular, pues lo estamos viendo en vivo y a todo color.
Bienvenidos al Trópico y a Banana Republics club…!!!!
Cultist. It has been so, so, SO satisfying watching you delusional idiots fail at every prediction every single step of the way. But please, I ask you to stop, I can really only take so much schadenfreude. But I guess if a bunch of simpletons are waiting for Jesus to return after 2k years (never going to happen), you’re going to have to ride this one out for at least 2-3 years into Biden’s first, of two terms.
Hi Dave, I love your shows! Can you please interview Eric Madsen of teamlaw.net in the spotlight because he has PEACEFUL LAWFULL REMEDY to save our Constitutional Republic and you can help get the word out so that we have enough people take action in the Call To Action 2021- Operation Clean Sweep on their open forum Here is a link scroll down below the video to Call to Action or just ask me to explain it. https://teamlawforum.net/viewtopic.php?f=28&t=1448
I feel like I know you and I hope you break this new story.
Who’s running the WH? Obummer’s version of Bagdad Bob….None other than Susan Rice!
Recognizing how debauched the system in “Painsylvania” is my wife and I moved to Georgia 4 years ago. The only thing is … it looks as corrupt down here as it is up there.
GA State Legislature changing a few voting laws to try and avoid another debacle in ’22 is only eyewash as the problems are the same in each State and actually most States when you think about it. … Laws are just a bunch of words on a piece of paper as long as Law Enfocement won’t enforce them.
From City D.A.’s to DOJ & SCOTUS, from Town Patrolman to The FBI, law enforcement have refused to do their jobs! … We’re all sick of it out here!!!!!
We were told we might not like the way things end. But we were ALSO told we are going to LOVE how this movie ends. So which is it?
Have you been looking in to the Swedish connection in all this? For example, who sells and runs most of the telecom/datacom hubs in the world? Ericsson and Telia and all their associated companies., who sells and runs most of the stuff you use in electrical grids in the world, for example in Texas? ABB with all its associated companies. Who is owns most of the above plus a lot of more all over the world especially in all the western countries but also in the middle east and absolutely in China? the swedish investmentcompany Investor. Own by the family Wallenberg, who has been invoved in a lot of not so nice things throughout history. And what about the swedish military industri Bofors and Hägglunds (BAE Systems AB and Saab ??? A lot of stuff that definitely affects greately to american economics, politics and the deep state all over.
you keep mentioning in your reports about the national guard is needed in Washington DC for protection from possible hostile threats.. IE… DS did not know when Trump would attack.
There is a interview with a National Guard LT Col. or even maybe a General that lasted about 2 minutes.
He was asked by the interviewer if there would enough national guard to handle the situation.
The national guard spokesperson said first.. Let me Pay my respects for Dr. Martin Luther King Holiday (a day or 2 after the holiday, but his first time on air I guess)….
AND THEN…. He went on to say… yes, we have enough to handle the situation…….. (quieter) “””” A Peaceful transition to military power”””””
I don’t believe the NG is there for “protection”. Any way you can search interview from that time frame and listen for yourself ?
It is Susan Rice!
It might be Susan Rice who is acting as the prez. Although I truly think it’s Valéry Jarret, who I always believed was Obama’s handler. She moved right into Obama’s house 3 miles from the White House along with him. Very odd, unless she controls him.
Valéry Jarret is running the White House. She’s Obama’s handler and lives with him in his house in DC area.
I just want to say I thoroughly enjoy your program and your reports. Thank you for all that you do to keep America informed about the real truth.
I have had a problem with Virtual Shield. One day I had no access to the internet through my browser. As i watched this failure, my OS popped up the message that updates hed been completed.
No internet? No, Virtual Shield shut me out. I still have my Chrome browser showing no internet connection while protected by Virtual Shield.
See me here, this is my internet connection without Virtual Shield
What about the dominion machines? Are computers going to be taken away?