Ep 2422b – Clandestine Operation In Progress, Think Shadow Presidency/Government NG
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The [DS]/MSM has fallen right into the patriots trap. They believe they are protected by setting up fences and having the national guard out front. The military already knows who the real President is, what we are watching is a clandestine operation. Trump is now the shadow president running a shadow government. The NG will not be controlled by the [DS], the control will be by the real President .
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- ← Ep 2422a – The People Are Now Being Presented With New Economic System
- SCOTUS Confirms – No Hope In the Courts, FBI Admits They Are Political Operatives →
Is or is not true that Hilliary was arrested last Tuesday?
You’re starting to sound like a broken record. My friends were right….. I feel like an idiot listening to you.
Hi Dave,
Why are you not reporting on the vaccines, 10,000 people have died so far! This is to depopulate the people, and doctor’s are getting paid for Covid patients and to vaccinate the people. We are no longer a Corporation but a true Republic once again. Trump is still the president of the original Constitution, and I pray this will not take more months to show the people not awake yet! Biden is an actor to show the people and wake them up! HRC, Obama, Michael (Michelle) is dead, these are body doubles, masks, and clones.
Thank you for all that you do
If Trump is in control of the military, then why and how did Biden bomb Syria?
you must think your audience are brain dead to repeat yourself so many times per episode. or maybe you really dont have that much to say, so you need to repeat yourself so often.
the more you push btc the less your understanding of value shows through. ‘Sound Money’ is not the same as ‘sounds like money’.
HILLARY CLITON called the rupblicans a CULT when she is a real witch who takes off a gril face and play with it polcie seen anothey laotop and it made peole sick. so hillary is in a cult the church of satan.
The X22 report today was scary. You said probably Kamala will be President and Hillary o Michelle Obama VP. We the People are tired, you tell us everyday all possibilities that Trump going to be back and now we have zero hope of nothing. Donald Trump have no chance at all.
If they committed treason they can be removed! I don’t think anyone has a plan. I no longer believe there is a plan. It’s my belief that you are full of pipe dreams.
Witmer is calling for an investigation of nursing home deaths in NY too. She never expects to be called to account for her crimes. Neither does Newsom, Murphy or Wolf.
Where is Hunter, ?
Where is Hunter ?
The process is like the virus, few weeks to break the curve, next few months, next never ending
The narrative was to anticipate the removal of Biden in matter of weeks, now is mentioning 2, 3 or 4 months to remove Biden, problem, it’s not Biden alone as the problem, , is this the new long term narrative ?, I believe it will eventually come out good, but, to those who loss businesses, jobs and families who have no money, every day counts for survival ,not Months, not even 2020 or 2024 elections
Dave, Dave, Dave
You might want to reduce your focus on HCQ and expose the censoring of Ivermectin by the FDA.
The FLCCC has made recommendations on its use for the management of Covid-19 as studied as the result of over 30 international studies. This information has not been reported by MSM. It is outrageous. Probably because it is not apart of the Left’s narrative
as to how Covid will be stopped.
I enjoy listening to this – Hope!
BIDEN 100 DAYS !!!!!
20 JAN + 100 = ???????
So when you see the fences being dismantled (11.4) is going into effect and people can expect the fireworks display to begin
Brilliant! Loving this show … Much gratitude to you Dave for all you do! Blessings to ALL.
Love the look of satisfied contempt on General Flynn’s face – on the picture with D.T pointing at Obama – it speaks volumes !
As does equally the look of false bravado on Obama’s face to mask concern. Right there, in that picture, is a story that will be retold in history classes decades from now.
Not buying the 25th Amendment scenario. Pressure may be put on Biden to resign for health reasons but the end result will be the same…..he will be gone. Harris will become #47. However Biden’s legacy and reputation will shoot up….doing the right thing and all, media spin. We shall see.
EVERY Democratic U.S. Rep, but the one who voted against HR1, is corrupt. Even the newest ones. Voting for HR1 was for each of them their last chance to stand for America. Every state MUST get rid of them by recall. Don’t let them continue for two or four more years to ruin this country. Withdraw their authority to vote any vote that is contrary to their campaign promises, directly or indirectly. Let’s keep the pressure on them.
Another great report Dave. I am a big fan of parts A & B and look forward to them daily.
Why does it say video not found
This is getting very SURREAL now – “their afraid because Biden is NOT the President” Ha Ha Ha! So funny! I’m glad I’m sipping a bit of Shiraz now or I would have a panic attack! Too mad! Too crazy! Too conspiratorial! Take it all with a grain of salt until something real happens! In the meantime just put it all on the back-burner of your heavily assaulted mind friends or we will all end up in the net house with heavy doses of anti-depressants.
Remember – General Millie said, “Biden is now OUR President”
Dave, I didn’t know that other world leaders would even speak with the 2d in command. That is such an insult to them—unless they are are all in on Trumps’s game. Those who have been spending time in Congress need to be exposed for their corruption and recalled. YES, people are still rallying around Trump. If I saw correctly, Roy Blunt was arrested at the faux inauguration along with Nancy Pelosi. Pelosi was surrounded by 4 women who appeared to be U.S. Marshals (she was told “Don’t say nothing” and she replied “I won’t) and Blunt was walked out, hands behind his back with a woman not his wife. Glad I finally found this comment box. Also, recovering from surgery and couldn’t leave bedroom.
When you list your episodes, could you put a date next to the episode #? Sometimes I have to catch up and don’t remember the last # I listened to.🤷🏻♀️
Why are you ******* saying this charade is going to go on another 3 or 4 months!!!! If this goes on another 3 or 4 months we WILL NOT HAVE A COUNTRY! FOR THE LOVE OF GOD WHAT MAKES YOU SAY THIS!?!?!?!?! Many other digital patriots believe this will be happening sometime this month! There are over 100million people, both Trump voters and Biden voters want this over …. IT IS TIME FOR THE MILITARY TO STEP IN!!! So these children that are now being trafficked again, suicides and murder rates have gone up by 300% or more, drug abuse, alcohol abuse … so are all these people just casualties of war!
Is Biden showing himself to be dysfunctional and with dementia to keep
his crimes, and those of his family, from being exposed to arrest and judgment?
This doesn’t make sense. You say Trump is in control. Setting up a clandestine government. OK, fine. But he has to wait “3-4 months” while the process is done to remove Biden? Seems to me that the more time that passes without the Patriots and the Military actually “taking control” STRENGTHENS the Deep State’s power. You say over and over that Trump had to wait to “see the board more clearly; who was and who wasn’t a traitor”. Well, you don’t think he has had ample time to “see the board”? I don’t think there is a Plan. We’re stuck with the Demos for 4 years by which time America will be “done”.
I have a question Dave why are all of these EOs Biden has supposedly issued and the problems at the border if Trump and the Military are really in control I think everyone has the same question because our economy as you said and other things are getting bad?
I need to get this off my chest. Now we are being told it will take month after month , possibly years for all this to come too fruition , please correct me if I am wrong but we were asked to get out there make your voices heard ,vote in person , we have this , WHAT? I AM MORE THAN A LITTLE PISSED THAT WE WILL HAVE TO DRAG THIS OUT FOR HOW LONG ? TRUST US, FOLLOW US, WE WILL GET THIS DONE ,MASK WILL BE GONE, WE WILL TAKE THEM OUT . At this point WHO IS IN CHARGE ? THEY ARE KILLING INNOCENT PEOPLE ,THEY ARE TAKING ANY THING AND EVERY THING THEY ARE LETTING EVERY ILLEGAL IN HERE THEY ARE MAKING MORE WARS , THEY ARE SPENDING MONEY THAT WE DO NOT HAVE , THEY ARE HIDING MONEY , THEY ARE TAKING CHILDREN, THEY ARE GETTING RID OF EVERY LAST RIGHT WE HAVE . HOW LONG ? WE ARE SO CLOSE TO BEING DONE , WE NEED YOU TO HOLD THE LINE, WHERE IS THE DAM LINE HOW FAR CAN THEY MOVE IT 1, 2, 3 MILES . You have awoke people and you now say we need to do more ,we need to lay low ,we need more evidence ,WHO ARE BEING SHEEP ? WHO ARE BEING HOOD WINKED ?
You said that the CDC came out with a study saying that masks don’t stil the virus particles. When I went to their website it all I read was them saying the complete opposite. Call you tell me where it says that ??
I sure do hope you’re right about all of this Dave. Were tired of watching and waiting. Enough is finally enough. Its time for us to start seeing some actual changes being made and for some truly concrete things to happen. We’ve been much too patient for far too long. Enough is enough. When will the Fat Lady sing?? It had better be soon. Or we risk losing our entire movement, and whatever momentum we have been able to achieve this far.