Ep 2424b – Red Button Pushed, Plot Twist Coming, Military, Devolution The Only Way Forward
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The [DS]/MSM are doing exactly what the patriots want. The people must see it all and the optics of Trump not being involved is very important. The military will be used in the end but not the way people think or believe. The military will keep the US operational while the civilian government is incapacitated. The NG and the Marines will work together. Trump planned this from the beginning. DS sends more messages, the panic button is pushed and we its time to go back to the beginning and move forward again.
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- The Situation In DC, Evidence Of China In Fulton County, FL AG To Sue Bidan Admin →
I sure hope we Patriots get out of this corruption in a good situation. Been waiting since Q started and still waiting. How can this anti-America of the buyden continue?
Hey Dave,
Dave Rodriquez says we are about 1 inch away from the Military to make it’s move on the Biden Administration.
I doubt it. Have you seen Miley pushing CRT? The bizarre ads the military has put out? They are fully “woke” and they are just as intent on destroying the country. They work for the elites. They always have.
Dave –
So, your Episode 2424b, at 23:40 min, claims the JCS codified this ‘devolution’ plan in October 2018 based on prior Continuity of Government [ COG ] plans, reminding their commanders of their authorities under those prior orders….
Then, at 24:10 min you claim Trump initiated the military ‘devolution’ plan using the COVID-19 Pandemic as a cover. According to you:
“…So, Trump created this under the guise of the Pandemic – remember – Trump has been using the Pandemic to his advantage. Yes, it may seem terrible, yes, it might seem awful with this Pandemic, but the alternative was Civil War, the alternative was war & loss of life…. Trump set all this up…”
But, the Pandemic didn’t begin until Jan to Mar of 2020, some 15 to 18 months AFTER the JCS allegedly codified their PREEXISTING COG plans for military authority & governance, and reminded their commanders of their authority in Oct 2018. So, yeah, “…Trump set this all up…”, yeah, Dave is FOS!! Your explanations are simply stupid.
Sorry to be so blunt, but I used to enjoy your input – not so much anymore!!
You have become as much Propagandist as the DS / MSM / CB.
You don’t need to respond.
Trump knew about the fake virus well ahead of time
You all keep saying you don’t want a physical revolution or civil war. They start trying to take guns and Trump and the patriots might not be able to stop it.
Two important websites for information.
AMG – News.com Arrests, Indictments, & Military Tribunals
Humerous Mathematics – News For Patriots
Mid – 2020 GITMO Update: Arrests, Indictments, & Executions
In God we trust!
The Green Ramp Disaster 23 Mar 1994
The Clintons ordered it
23 March a known “Satanic Holiday” ?
according to the Satanic Holiday Calendar ?
Look for yourselves~
Punishments will be most brutal for what they have done.
WINSTON CHURCHILL SAID : “If you think you’re going through HELL , just keep going !”
In the doorway of the Capital building, there appears what looks like a black satanic skull with bright eyes. Very spooky looking.
Recall the President and Vice President, Speaker of the House, Senate Majority leader.
Well it’s already the 11th here in South Africa,but i guess i’ll have to wait until the 11th rolls around in the US to hear JB stutter and stammer his way through a hit job set up by his own demons so the witch can insert her filthy face into the frame and seal her fate,but it will be worth the wait to see the end result, not to mention all the memes that will hasten his departure and set up the opening for the main show.
I’ve been saying this is all Hilary! Their is no way she will let Kamala be President!
It could just as well be “Marshals” as “Marines” in that document. US Marshals have arrest authority in the US AND in the District of Columbia. Some Federal agencies do NOT have arrest authority there and it will be important to ensure the right people are performing the right actions. Must disagree w/analysis in this report, I don’t see people getting worked up and a major social upheaval occurring until their right to keep/bear firearms is in serious jeopardy; however that time is coming shortly. Expect gun grab attempt to occur just before or at same time rioting begins in big cities in the US with approach of warmer weather. DS/Dem-Coms want people disarmed and at the mob’s mercy so they will turn to the Dem-Com govt for “protection.” Most will not and will prefer to take on the Dem-Com mobs with their own weapons since the Dem-Com govs will NOT be employing the NG for policing purposes but WILL use it to try to grab firearms from law-abiding citizens, and use the riots as an excuse. When things begin to burn on a national scale and there are corpses in the streets, THEN maybe what is being forecast in this report may come to pass but HIGHLY unlikely it will happen before. Like Waterloo, stopping all this (if it CAN be stopped) will be a “near-run thing,” and one hopes Trump and his advisers have excellent timing and judgement because they are going to NEED IT. Don’t forget too the CJCS and his fellow service chiefs have to grow a pair and commit to performing the actions that are laid out in this report, and that’s a BIG “if.” If they do not do as the report believes, they will be furthering the Communist takeover of the US, and that end result will be on their heads FOREVER. DO NOT forget their sole preoccupation is to preserve their pensions and retire without any serious exertion, major war, or social upheaval on their hands – just like the USSC.
Is there anywhere you can go on this site to read people’s comments?
In the late 1950’s or early 1960’s the TV Program, The Outer Limits, began each broadcast with a statement. “..we will control your tv, we will control the brightness, we will control the volume, we will control the focus”, (sorry if this isn’t the exact words, or order used).What has been happening with the msm is so surreal that it is difficult to believe we are experiencing it in real life.
The old question “Who watches the watchers?”, comes to mind. Alternatively, “The inmates are running the asylum” pops up.
The people and the institutions that have the duty and responsibility to protect our freedoms and rights have been bought and co-opted by China and the Deep State. Shame on the media and Supreme Court.
Dave, how do we buy bitcoun? Can we trust the internet or do we call some place? Don’t know or even understand. Want to buy into it before it keeps going up in value. Yoy must have bought somewhere? Where have you gone to buy bitcoin? Is it a secret?
It’s time for the people to take back our country and get rid of the corruption in congress.
It’s not a trap for the deep state. It was a trap for Donald Trump. They won. We’ve lost. Trump doesn’t control the military, the borders, legislation, corporate totalitarianism, the media, social media, the IRS, the second amendment, the first amendment, taxes, energy , the courts or law enforcement. The patriots and Donald Trump and the people do not control anything and won’t for decades. By the time anyone can access the system, it will be too late.
There is no boomerang. the same assholes who were lefties before are still lefties and still bashing Trump, while completely ignorant of what their party is doing.
When Texas secedes, things might change. not until then.
please promote Gods plan, not trumps plan
The only thing I get out of this is that it’s going to be a while yet before we see any positive action to bring back DJT…
I was wondering when the kids would come to resupply the Andrenochrome factories!
Great show, in case of blackout
Do you know anything about Dr. Sherri Tenpenny?
I recently heard what she has to say about the Severe dangers of the vaccines.
It was a description so horrific, I was really surprised to hear she has made over 400 presentations of this info, but I had never heard one word until now! Either it’s BS, or she’s heavily censored!
Only one person told me anything and that was “she’s a Crackpot. Thinks vaccines cause autism!”.
—> I figured either you or Dr. Dave Janda would know and could clue me in on whether to forget her or TRUST her integrity. Am I right? If anyone would know, it would be one of you guys!
Her Webpage is https://drtenpenny.co
Your automatic Website logger did not understand . I listed 3 channels of mine on YouTube.
Here are my youtube pages ,
the last three are my political/current events channels from 5 or more years ago.
@ 17:30
One thing: The movie ‘Network’ (1976) especially where the protagonist goes on saying ‘just leave me alone with my toaster, my tv…’