Ep 2426b – Clowns Attacking, The Floor Is Yours, The End Won’t Be For Everyone
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The patriots are in full control. Messages are now being sent out to the people. The [DS]/MSM have fallen right into their trap. The patriots are now preparing to pull back the curtain. The virus is being removed by the same [DS] that put it into place. Trump can see those who are not for the people. Flynn lets us know we are at the precipice, the war will be won by the patriots.
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You nor Trump is aware of the Vaccines being the real bioweapon not the virus. The virus isn’t going away because Dr Girt Vanden Bossche who has designed and overseen the manufacturing of many vaccines including the COVID vaccines has sent a letter to the WHO to immediately stop vaccinating people. There is going to be a massive die off according to him on the initial interview on the Highwire Bitchute channel titled: Vaccine Disaster Ahead, around the world when a new strain hits because those who were vaccinated have had their immune system permanently reprogramed. Their immune system will not be able to respond because it will be looking for the original virus and it will block the k killer cells and the non specific antibodies from attacking new strains or other viruses. He claims that by mass vaccinating millions during the epidemic and by enforcing lock downs that they stopped the herd immunity for both the vaccinated and the unvaccinated. Trump keeps claiming credit for the vaccine that will kill millions of Americans that have been vaccinated. The DS has effectively counter attacked. I couldnt understand why Bill Gates kept saying that we needed to vaccinate the world so we can reduce the population. Thanks to Dr Bossche I know exactly how. Please watch that Highwire video.
Thanks Dave for all that you do. (And, for your former service too…) I have listened to your reports for the past couple of years. I appreciate the care that you exercise when attempting to foresee the future. Some others in alternate media go too far “out on a limb” and, when that happens, their viewers/listeners lose faith in them and properly so.
We have to realize that ‘the plan’ is both proactive and reactive to all factors involved both on the Patriot and on the Deep State sides. Patriots are using the best of human genius (military and civilian) along with super computers and, above all, God’s supreme guidance to methodically overcome the deep-rooted forces of evil. Thus, on our part, prayer rises to maintain an impenetrable shield of defense against those enemies as we continue to advance to victory. May St. Michael the Archangel and God’s Legions continue to be with all Patriots and our leaders. That, for sure, includes you, Dave.
John P Schumacher
Peoria/Sun City, Arizona
[email protected]
Dear Dave, I have not been able to access my private server for about two months now. I emailed the help desk at the Secure Server many times until I finally got a reply last week or so. I turns out my account was suspended by one of the workers, Alisa, allegedly due to payment error. I immediately check with my bank to find that the payment had just been made a day or two prior. Than I with two other workers who kept telling me my account had been suspended. Though I continued to let them know I was aware of that and that it had been done by one of them. My last effort is yet to be replied to where I am asking what needs to happen to get my account working again.
I have been very frustrated about this situation not being able to watch the report and interact with everyone in the private server chat.
Dave, I’ve reached out to you here as well and didn’t get a reply either. I have been following you since just after President Trump won his presidency back in 2016.
If you would please see what I need to do to get my account active again, Thanks.
Last thing is I don’t always get your emails, if I should resign up let me know. I already did that once and nothing happened. It’s strange because I’ll get emails here or there but not regularly.
kek… it has to “begin”, no plan is prefect.
to make it perfect, it has to be adjusted/changed along the way to make it perfect.
You got it wrong friend, pandemic is here to stay, watch biden’s speech again he’s saving it for 2022 full on nationwide mail in ballots, no voter ID needed. Biden has the blessing of SCOTUS and the military, this is now American History 2021.
John Solomon, with Maria Bartiromo two weeks ago discussed the Durham Investigation at great length without mentioning names of sealed indictments, she asked when will we see results, he rolled his eyes said “Durham can’t act on them without Biden’s D.O.J.” Durham is dead in the water, finished.
After listening to your reports since election about Patriots taking back the White House they have vetted the entire military leadership including Space Force and removed all Trump supporters from any authority positions. All branches of military are Biden’s.
The time to act was Jan. 6 now its too late, no one’s going to vote unless something convinces them it will be counted, Democrats don’t need to vote any more they’ll just program the machines to win with the blessing of SCOTUS and the entire military.
I have listened to every one of your daily reports since the election, had hope for some time, now that Biden is reducing the White Majority of America few thousand a day with the total blessing of SCOTUS and the military he can just grab the constitution and shred it, the media will say the majority of Americans approve and it will be done.
I have a facebook page Impeach Dictator Obama since 2008, been banned hundreds of times, have four profiles, watch cspan.org all the time and have accurately predicted everything happening today long ago, I have no doubt Trump’s been threatened, his family, the DS has him by the ball’s, he’s finished, just like they did Gen. Flynn.
Sorry, God knows I wish all of this was true, no one I know is even thinking of Donald trump, too long past the point. Where all this is going is a war, and they want it. Catastrophic war, that’s the writing on the wall
You have ZERO evidence of what Trump knew or knows. You have ZERO evidence of any speculation you keep spewing out their. Stop saying you know what the plan was, is now or in the future. YOU DO NOT HAVE A CLUE. YOU DO NOT KNOW WHAT TRUMP KNEW!!!!!!!!!!
Prediction: Durham will turn out to be just as useless as Sessions, Barr and SCOTUS.
Trump is a damn fool. He not only failed to get it done, he’s at a point where he’s going to lose it all. And who suffers the most while the ones that cheated us out of our president, and now intends on taking our rights away, among other things, is we ,his ardent supporters.
It wasn’t even a good effort. He had all the info, so he says, knew not only who , but how it was done.
The cheaters, baby molesting perverts are still out there and he keeps telling his faithful ” hang in there, we need for all to see and wake up to what is happening.” Meanwhile most of the perpetrators have absconded to the four corners of the earth, and even his own military are starting to fall away from his side.
As it looks now, he’s letting the other side to make up crap, and dig for something to put him in jail
for, and I fully believe they will succeed. What an utter failure. I’m outta here.
Dave, stop with the BS Lectures. Your daily reports are nothing more than repetition. Same old, same old drama. I’ll wait for result and I’m not seeing anything. but, I’ll wait.
Do border states have power to over ride illegal and/or dangerous fed “decrees” ex: welcoming illegals over US borders, by utilizing any branch of military forces to block the borders and continue building walls?
Can border states refuse and return ALL illegal immigrants already here, AND return them?
Dave, Santa’s Surfing’s ANON stated Bitcoin not part of Gesera. Second, I logged onto your page but could not view your Sunday messages. I was sent an email and able to listen. Just wanted you to know. Thank you for helping get this far. Sincerely, Bill Christian
All these folks in “congress” want to ban “assault weapons”. OK, what’s an assault weapon?
(I hear beer bottles are high on the list.)
It’s OK, Joe. Patriots will tell you what you can & cannot do. But we know the DS is serious. Dead serious.
People are no longer waking up its to the point now that people are shutting down we are starting to look like fools and you a scam artist there is no more time !
Love ya brother. Thanks for the truth. Thank you for your service
up until today this was free..now is $40 a year..which i can afford… but stop saying this is very interesting . you say it like 15 times per podcast! driving me crazy! please note how many times y0u say it! thank you for your valuable info!
I like what you do Dave, but would you have opined that Trump needed Joe to be president on the run up to the 20th Jan inauguration? I suspect not, but then no-one would have said Trump needed Joe to win so the peeps could see the malfeasance going on…
Maybe this was the plan from the off, but it’s a hard pill to swallow: allow the bad guys to win so the peeps could see all the corruption? Very risky, since Joe, and/or a corrupt senate could do irreversible damage and leave the whitehats floundering with no room to effect the changes that have been planned.
It’s possible it could have been planned this way if one considers the following:
HRC was guaranteed to win 2016. It wasn’t that Trump was seen as unimportant, a minor inconvenience and of no consequence, it’s more that HRC had gamed the system to ensure her win. It was fixed for her to win. But guess what? Her cheat mode was switched off. By whom I’ve no idea.
Trump could have just as easily switched off Joe’s cheat mode, but chose not to. Why? To let Joe run riot and alert the peeps to how he intends to destroy America? That pretty much can be the ONLY reason that I can see.
Will Trump leave it too late? Well, that depends whether or not you believe Trump and the military have a long-term plan, decades in the making. I believe that to be true, and this has been discussed endlessly over the last 4 years by detractors and promoters alike, so it doesn’t need covering here.
For the sake of humanity, Trump had better have a plan or we’re screwed. It’s that important to our continuing as a relatively free species. The alternative of global communism is too hideous to contemplate…
We appreciate hearing something positive for a change. This is one of a very few sources that are trusted by MEGA. Keep up the good work.
Pedophile Joe should have stayed in the basement with his coloring book. If Pedophile Joe tries to tell us what to do I will tell him what he can with his order, that is if he can find where he needs to put it. Pedophile will go down in history as a Treasonous Pedophile Traitor.
Dave. I do believe that Durham has finished his investigation and the indictments unsealed, but is not publicizing the arrests that are being made. Look at all the CEOs who have “resigned”, etc. Juan O Savin has a lot of “bets” that it Trump will over by April 1. Sure hope he wins his bets.
I appreciate your constant work of devotion to our great country Dave. One thing I’m very very weary of hearing is how that TRUMP’s allowing the severe danger to once again affect us in every way it can by the DEEP STATE …just so the People will SEE how bad it can get.
IF that’s TRUE, and all this is just a MOVIE or a SET UP, then WE’re the FOOLs who are being played like a card or board game. Not sure what is worse what he’s allowing by these evil despicable monsters or that they are doing this evil because it is in their nature.
Would YOU turn loose 20 vipers in your home and stand by with your hands in your pockets while you stand by and WATCH your innocent children get devoured just so they will SEE that snakes are REAL and DANGEROUS???
How much longer do you think we should just SIT and stay PARALIZED by the downfall of our Nation? I being a TRUE Patriot myself, would like to hear a different story and one that doesn’t remind us that we are to hold the line yet with no END in SIGHT!
To say that the Patriots are in control is actually condescending to our naïve minds and apparently not so for it it were true, then we would SEE the beauty of them taking these creatures down. No more cryptic speeches please and that includes all those who pretend to have all the INTEL and how that TRUMP is STILL the President!
He allowed Fachi and Birx to command the platform deceiving all of the WORLD without issue! Now he is free to continue with the disregarding guidance and Dr. Berx has moved on with her MERRY LIFE!
WE are miserable and somebody needs to give a rats ass instead of telling us to just STAY PUT and Trust the Plan….when we can’t tell inside from out and our minds have been scrambled like EGGS by players from across the party lines!!!
The President contributed to the PANDEMIC by allowing Fauci and Birx to dictate our country’s future and then to push the VACCINES as IF they are SAFE and FINE!
People followed him to Washington on Jan 06th and put themselves in harms way only to be instructed to STAND DOWN and GO HOME?????!!!!! WRONG WAY TO TREAT THE DEVOTED FOLLOWERS who put their lives on hold and politely obeyed his command! Their hearts are broken at these events and was expecting more due to their belief that something BIG was going down!
Somebody had better start moving forward with their plans to JERK THIS COUNTRY BACK OUT OF THE DS LUCIFARIAN HANDS…The WORLD is teetering on the edge of the Abyss!!!
WE THE PEOPLE are just TOO nice!!! Their is such a thing called RIGHTEOUS INDIGNATION and we need to BE THERE!!!
Thank you for letting me share and again, I appreciate your work!
You are so full of BS. I started listening to your reports after the election and all you do everyday is move the goal posts back. I think now you are saying Trump and the Patriots will present evidence anytime now to 2 years from now. If they have it it they need to present it, our country is being destroyed right now and we can’t afford to wait that long. Trump needs to present what he has now!!
please stop saying “they thought it would be so and so”…. YOU even said the things, like the end of covid in april. i was quoating you infront of my friends.
it’s okay, to say even you are wrong sometimes.
otherwise i like your show.
really quality material, been here from the beginning! i don’t believe the country can survive with biden in office. i think they want a civil war in this country. there are not many polititions with a back bone any longer, so like i tell everyone i know , vote them out and start fresh. the swamp is in every state, even a blind person can see the corruption at every level of government.
Dave i still disagree. If we’d have killed them all; the resistance would end. Only God can cleanse the evil. Trump could have removed the tools
Alamo is a village or town? at the border. The Alamo is in San Antonio, not at the border.
Thank you so much for your research and efforts to inform us.
Trump needs to continue to save the children. The border crisis can lead
to more child trafficking!
Putting ads in the middle of the program that are MUCH LOUDER than the program itself is quite the dick move.