Ep 2429b – First Arrest Will Verify Action & Confirm Future Direction, Durham,[DS] Will Fight Back
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This is my FAV trusted source ^^^^
The [DS]/MSM are panicking, they cannot keep control of the narrative. The people are waking up and asking questions and now the MSM is forced to admit what is going on and the Biden admin is now trapped. Sounds very familiar to the riots. The Durham investigation is proceeding, there have been no leaks. Trump and the patriots have been pushing the [DS] into this position, when it starts to unfold the [DS] will fight back.
If Trump still doesn’t use his trumpcard soon I’m afraid we the people may loose our patients to follow
Thing is Dave…..Trump failed to account for the stupidity of the American people…. EVERYONE less than 60 has NOT had an honest CIVICS CLASS….. NONE have demonstrated for cause…. NONE know how our government operates…. Hell 99% cnnot even read a piece oflegislation and know what it really says….
Well it is a good thing Trump had such a great plan, jobs gone plants shuttered Covid-19 disease ridden fucking greasers pouring across the border. Oh what a plan by Trump. My brother warned me about trump, I fought with my brother about that…he was right. Remember Trump said USA will never be socialist country….WRRRRRRRRROOOOOOOONNNNNNNNNNNNNGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG…. they will never take your guns away…..WRRRRRRROOOOOOOOOOOOOOONNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNGGGGGGG…Trump was just a grifter my brother told me about. Same as you Dave spilling your bullshit, same shit different day. Fucking lies is all we got. Your country and the world is FUCKED. Your program will not help that only delude more suckers….for a short period. People are waking up, we have been sold out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Great work about Durham Dave. I was too busy being pissed about the vaccine and the DNI report not getting released by Ratcliffe (and the truth that got twisted by Biden’s team about that) that I forgot about the BIG news…….DURHAM!!!!
It won’t play.
You mean Jordan Pukes and spews lies! Throw her ass in jail! It’s defamation!
My guy [DS] is starting to hit your server hard my guy , I had to go to your private server to hear this report , being a friend and letting another friend know stay blessed stay safe and thank you for the truth !
Sir, your collection of analyses is destined to become a priceless historic record that will endure for generations. Surely you ARE divinely inspired. More hard work is ahead, but I have every confidence in your discernment. God Bless you Dave.
Dave, Dave, Dave
Why are you avoiding Ivermectin therapy for Covid? The vaccines are going to result in enormous harm to the world population. You have an audience that needs to hear this information. Are you purposefully holding back on this?
What if Trump ran for Senator in Florida and won could he then be voted as speaker of the House? Then start an impeachment trial on Biden or Harris then become President?
Can a former President be Speaker of the House ?
You are what keeps me going. Thanks for the messages. I only hope that Biden doesn’t cause any major issues that are not fixable. I never realized just how deep and wide the Swamp was. I think everyone in DC should be vetted and be held accountable for their fortunes. Thanks again. An Alabama Fan
49 minutes more of my life wasted on your utter shit. trump wanted this to happen…uuuhhhhh ya sure he did asshole. If he is a communist he wanted it. He coulda stopped this fraud, said he knew about this fraud. He did fuck all. Now we are under communist rule or worse. Of course He wanted this to happen. Do yourself a favor and listen to the utter bullshit you write. it is just awful, every day the same fucking garbage. the USA is finished your program will soon follow.
If Buyden is not in charge of the military, how could he have any effect on troops? BTW required fields are not marked.
Why is my feed cut off when I make a comment? I agree with almost everything I’ve heard from this site. Are you selling my email because I am reqired to provide it to comment?
Dave! Love studying your work.
Your two-part format (shorter parts) was easier to listen to at different times of the day.
Yes – I could just restart at a different time, but still…
Keep up the great work!
The vaccine is NOT SAFE at all. I will NEVER take it. It is toxic poison and they made it to reduce the population. I am not an idiot and I know they want to reduce the population down to 500 million people. They want over 7 billion people dead and gone off this earth so why in the hell would anyone trust them to take a Satanic vaccine? The children of Satan who are the Jooooos are behind this. fauci and gates are jewish and they are not good people. Vaccines are not meant to be put into our bodies. Our bodies naturally make vaccines. The fact is the White race are God’s children and the people who own the central bank and msm are Satan’s children and this can all be proven by the Holy Scriptures. The White race are the only ones who have God’s eternal spirit. We are bought by God (1 Corinthians 6:19-20) Trump is wrong about the vaccine and it is not safe and he should not recommend it to anyone. White people don’t need it. We are eternal. I have no fear of death. Screw them. No vaccine. EVER.
Dear Dave,
FYI – European red pill.
– Sudden death (one of many reported)
– European countries shut down AstraZeneca’s vaccine
– WHO claims not a single death => who can believe?
But France, Sweden, Germany, Spain, and Italy have all suspended usage of the vaccine, joining dozens of other countries in and outside of Europe. Italian officials in the Piedmont region said on March 15 they would launch a criminal manslaughter investigation after 57-year-old music teacher Sandro Tognatti died hours after receiving the shot.
Whitmer is in the process of paying people off with hush money regarding the nursing home deaths. So, how will they be able to testify if they’ve signed nondisclosure agreements? I’ve heard that MI AG Nessle advised Whitmer to make this preemptive move after the Cuomo info started catching fire.
love the X22 reports, just informing you that when the true POTUS went to Alamo, Texas, he was not at the Alamo, witch is in San Antonio, but was in the town of Alamo on the border. Just letting you know.
Hi Dave.
You mention other people pulling bidens strings (Obama, rice).
Who is pulling their strings? Is the imf, u.n. and world economic forum
(Rockefellers) the puppet masters you are talking about?
Check out “the outsiders” on sky news, austrailia. Rowan Dean is great. I enjoy your show! Thanks for your commitment.
I have heard it said several times that Trump and the Patriots had everything, the evidence against the deep state players. Then I started hearing that Trump was waiting for the right time to strike. The longer Trump, Duram and the Military are sitting by waiting for the right moment, the more the deep state is destroying our country. The more damage they are doing in our country while Trump is waiting for the brain dead democrats to wake up. There are millions of democrats who will never wake up to the corruption, crimes and treasonous acts of the deep state democrats. I am the only patriot in my apt. Bldg. I have tried to educate my neighbors to the truth about the deep state and they will not wake up to the truth. Millions of Americans are suffering. Seventy Four million of Americans who voted for Trump are awake and think the arrests need to begin now. This waiting game is bs.
People are tired of waiting when is trump gonna be back???Biden is destructing this country It might not ever recover.
Ya…it’s a real investigation with no leaks…..how about there are no leaks because Durham is doing sweet fuck all. wake the fuck up you dumb bunny. we have been had along with you Q-shit psyop. All a bunch of fucking bullshit, that I fell for too. Stop spreading bullshit, take it to some famer’s filed who can use it. They never rounded up Antifa because they are all in on it, even Trump. He could have shut those leftist satanic cock suckers down ion one day….he did NOTHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This is an interesting stage and hopefully will clear the AIR
What are you drinking, or over dosing on?
Dave, I appreciate all you do! I look forward to all of your videos! I just wanted you to know this, I also share all of them! Thank you!
His hand goes through the microphone, not on it. Watch the video.
Voter laws alone isn’t enough. They need to do away with the machines, like Dominion.
Those ships were meant for the children they rescued from the tunnels. There were pictures of incubators and diapers being delivered.
Brilliant work
Love the information.thank you.
X22 is hard to find. Please send me a link when a new report is published.