Ep 2436b – 25th Ready For [JB], How Do You Sneak One In, Scavino Stay Strong
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[JB] gave his first live press conference. It was scripted and staged, but that didn’t help it was a total disaster. The reporters asked softball questions and [JB] was not truthful about a lot of the issues. 25th is coming to get him, the [DS] is ready to sneak one in. The [DS] is doing everything they can to bring us back to the point right before Trump was elected. Scavino sends a message, stay strong.
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You are amazing man . You will be known by many for your hard work and dedication. Thanks patriot .
Stay safe
God Bless
Trump was NEVER at the “Alamo” (in San Antonio). He went to Alamo, Texas (a different place).
Ok Biden is bad, we all know it, we are all awake we know their ‘plan”, and it’s NOT GOOD! SO WHAT! WHAT CAN WE DO ABOUT IT? The DEEP STATE and the DEMOCRATS count the VOTES! WE CAN NEVER VOTE THEN OUT! Trump won buy a landslide and WE ALLOWED BIDEN TO STEAL THE ELECTION !! TALK TALK TALK, nothing ever happens! Nothing ever will! We shoukd TAKE OUR country back BY ANY MEANS NECESSARY, But like cowarly sheep all we do is TALK! Tell me what WE are doing, and I might take all this seriously!
In Israel more people are dying from the vaccine! And people are dying from the vaccine in this country as well. The vaccine is NOT something that should be associated with the Trump Administration! Judy
Mikovits who worked with Dr. Fauci and exposed his “evil” research, said that 50 million people in this country could die from the poison vaccines! Dr. Dolores Cahill said that if the vaccine programs are not
halted, there could be massive deaths from the vaccines. There will be many more deaths from the vaccines than from the coronavirus. The real agenda behind vaccines is genocide and depopulation.
The vaccine is NOTHING to be proud of. The vaccine programs need to be STOPPED right now!
No one should get these poison vaccines! Please wake up! May God have mercy on us all!
Oh I think I understand the plan now Davie….yes yes the plan to let Bidum completely destroy
America while Trumpie does nothing. What a plan, my goodness I bet the DEMONcrats just love that plan. You can tell they do too, as they are laying waste to a once prosperous country turning it into a complete third world shithole. Great plan Dave. How long do you think Trumpie took to devise that plan, I mean it is truly brilliant. What about the plan to lose the 2020 election, due to FRAAAAAAAAAUUUUDD, then do nothing about it and tell the people we will get em in 2022 and 2024, yesssiiirrrreeeee what a great plan that is. Surely the DEMONcrats won’t pass every law under the sun to make election stealing FAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR easier, oh no Nanzie would never do that. What’s that you say Davie….she already is passing those laws. No problem you will just tell the sheeple it is all part of the plan…..yes the PLAN TO COMPLETELY AND TOTALLY DESTROY THE USA. You can shove your NON plan, there is none, right up your shit hole.
You are constant!!! But our President told us go home, you have done all you can do. Yet 60+ days later when we have it all our country is going to hell in hand bag. How can you still support the plan? The bikers are backing out, we the people are getting weary, yet we still trying to get the % of waking people up. They are not going wake up without prof of whatever you have since you have it all.
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For all the deep staters that hate this country
What a great way to embarrass this country with Biden the dementia bafoon as president
So if JoBama is removed with the 25th Amendment ,he is removed because hes not mentally able,then all is EOs are NULL & VOID🤔
People trusted the plan,…and had no idea what they were TRUSTING, they followed Q, and trump, supported and defended them,…and in the end,…trump ABANDONED the people that trusted him, supported him, defended him,…and walked away from the ELECTION STEAL, and onto the golf course,…leaving the people with the BULLSHIT, that they are facing now.
trump will go down in history as the BIGGEST and BEST con man that this country has ever seen.
He needs to stay on the golf course, and leave SAVING AMERICA TO THE REAL PATRIOTS, and not some make believe fantasy.
Love what you’re doing Dave and RPN!
People you must wake up. What the democrats are doing is not for the people, but is destroying America and undoing everything good that President Trump has done. The activities of teh democrats for the past 5 years shows that they care nothing about America and only want to help China come into world power. You elected these officials to work for America but they are destroying America and givnin our wealth, jobs, and technology to China to help make China a world power. Wake up, this is not what America needs, wants, or demands.
Batshit crazy
Dave please please quit saying Trump was at the wall at the Alamo. He was in a city (named Alamo) when he visited the wall. To my knowledge Trump hasn’t been to the Alamo. You keep saying when he was at the Alamo is an insult to a city that opened its arms to Trump.
I am beginning to think the best strategy against these scumbags if USA INC is bankrupt in fact the elections all govt is part of that bankrupt corp. & we our thier franchises(due to our birth certificates) 1871fraudelant act took us to maritime law. we just need to return to the law of the land & become living souls/beings(back to original republic). I know that sounds crazy & a big task etc but its not because some very smart patriot’s have already set it up years ago & its ready to go up and running. check this link out: annavonreitz.com one of the creators of theamericanstatesassembly.net this is the answer and the lawful way to remove us from their whole corrupt system a bring us back to the republic as state nationalists – removing us individually from the chattle bond(our birth certificates) system. If we all do this they have nothing & we can simply just remove them they cant tax us they cant take our property & they cant use us as their assets to collaterize their loans from the federal reserve its brilliant why? because these were not in the original constitution & we were under the laws of the creator & land- a strategy that they would never guessed-remember moves & countermoves I say lets countermove
First, I love your reports. My wife and I look forward to them nightly.
I just want to point out one little correction. When DJT visited the wall right before the inauguration, he visited the wall at Alamo, Tx. not “The Alamo”. “The Alamo” is in San Antonio, Tx, quite a way from the border. Alamo, Tx is a town on the border.
Now if you are saying “The Alamo” for effect, so be it. I just wanted to point this out. Thanks!
THE significance remains the same! – Kev
why you do not talk about the side effects of vaccines? or the people dying for the jab?
By biggest fear, is that by the time “enough” people wake up, our country will be gone. We will be past the point of resistance. Too many will have been destroyed through the vaccine and biological warfare, the economy killed, depression, suicide, our military decimated, our people interred, our children irreparably harmed. Will there be an America left to save?
Q had pictures of the Woohan labs in the parking lot. I’m surprised no one has picked up on that!!!
Some people will never see the system. 99.xx% cure rate for Covid-19 and look at how many people took the shot. No questions, they did what they were told to do. I think that’s the real woke head count. Ya get a better screen shot as to how people will react, when the shite hits the fan.
Amen, they are in triple time with their agenda and plans. God Bless, GOD guide our Real President to expose the DS D;s and the CP’s one drop of fact and info at a time. Thank You Dave
Dear Dave,
You have build a great platform young man. But I am asking if you could use this blessing you got and emphasise on certain subjects dear :
– talk about the child sex-trafficking please, 12,ooo poor children at the boarder
– also discuss what people are doing or could be doing to now….
without us saying do this or do that, what they can do? Perhaps a quest speaker to give them guidelines to move this awakening……
Thank you, for all your exceptional work these years…..