Ep 2439b – The System Of Control Is Being Exposed,Precipice Of Destruction,Trump “Do You Miss Me Yet”
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The [DS] is now doing exactly what the patriots want, they are showing the people it all, they are not holding back. The people as they continue to see this they will hit the precipice of destruction, when you see the people begin to stand up and reject the the control, this is when the precipice is hit. Trump tested the waters today, he made a surprise visit during a wedding and talked about [JB] and this disastrous policies then asked if he was missed yet.
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- ← Ep 2439a – [JB] Is Moving The Economy Right Where The Patriots Want, Crisis, Action
- Vaccine Passport Being Prepped To Trample Our Civil Liberties, 5 Top Methods Of Election Fraud →
Why can’t Hilliary be charged thru the Military Courts. She needs to be gone.
NO SOUND on Podcast
Our family has been listening to you for five months. What we take issue with, is when your tone/voice becomes demeaning and belligerent. YOU have told us on a few occasions that we are ON the precipice, actually fairly recently. Tonight, you preach to us that we are not, and feels like you are talking down to us for thinking we are . . . AFTER YOU told us we were. We can certainly handle the “plan” changing, but hard to handle YOU lecturing us after YOU change the plan. Please do not talk “down” to your audience.
Sad to think that you do not have respect for your listening audience.
Thank you Dave ! …..for years of keeping me sane ….in an insane period.
This is the second reference I’ve heard about the recent big sell-off of corporate media stock.
OK so what the hell are you saying. What can I do to stop Trudeau giving away our money? What can I do about his criminal activity. What ACTION….. He (Trudeau) controls the police the OPP and the RCMP. He controls the Army. He controls the judiciary even the frigg’n Supreme Court.
I’ve listened to your program going on two years now.
There are many people across the planet that are refusing to take the COVID VAX due to reports of long term sickness and death.
President Trump promoted the COVID VAX, so we’re all a lot confused as to what is the TRUTH.
Is the COVID VAX Deadly or is the LEFT making is sound Deadly?
This generation and majority of people today are passive and take their freedom for granted. They are uneducated on their Constitutional
Rights and think that they need to follow the rules of the government.
They will never Wake up until the
truth is shoved in their face as the lies have been in the media 24/7 brainwashing. The truth needs to be out in the main stream media.
We cannot wait any longer. We need the military to defend us NOW
Not till some plan is ready. Treason
has been happening, our First Amendment Removed, our Borders
being invaded. This is all Treason !
Military needs to act immediately.
Forcing masks, and these vaccines is
Criminal. The children cannot wait
This has to stop.
Now they are keeping the fear alive by pushing the variant story. I talked to a friend of mine today who had the two shot series, but she’s very fearful of a variant getting her. It’s a pity.
I’ve never worn a mask and never will! I will not take the vaccine! Just unbelievable the sheeple! I am way past the precipice! I’m over this crap!
Patriots are facing People of he Lie – narcissists, sociopaths & psychopaths.
Your report tonight made me think, WHEN will we start singing…? 😉
Thanks Dave for the update! Loving my Keto and Collegen!
A group did just as you are saying about a year ago. They went through a Target with no mask.
I put the photo on a T-shirt. Available at the link above.
You stupid fuck, you run down vaccines, one of the few thigs you get correct, yet Trump told his people to get a fucking vaccine. Whose side is he really on dick breath?????
Trump won the election…we have all the evidence…yet he has not fought back to stay in…military in control…has all the evidence..why aren’t they getting things redone correctly??? We know we have done things correctly but all those that don’t get to stay in place…why?????????
I don’t know why the majority of us have to suffer because a minority are asleep. The vaccine is killing people. Why is Trump pushing it? I listen to you, but I do believe this whole Q bullshit is just that. Bullshit. My faith lies only in Jesus Christ. Not the military, who violated their oath, not Trump who violated his oath. Trump failed the people on the one thing that actually mattered. The Constitution.
Hi Dave thank you for the news and updates.
Did you see the speech made by the Irish Military? Irish ☘️ Republic
Those who need to be awakened never will be, because they only listen to the fake news. You certainly won’t find them listening to the X22 Report. How much is the Main Stream Media letting them know? How much of what Biden is doing is being blocked from them? You say if you are listening to the X22 report, you are awake, but our friends aren’t. I have tried awakening people and I just get punished for it. Blocked, unfriended, snubbed and name calling. The only way to wake up people now is to shock them in to it. We are waiting for that………….
So your saying that all of this has been a lie a con job your saying that Trump that the military that Durham isn’t going to do a god damned thing that its been up to us the whole time well you shouldn’t have been living to us all this time because it would have been started by fvking know ! You f king scam artists!!!!
There will be people dieing when I reach my point and guess what the only reason that hasn’t happened is because of the fcking lies you’ve been telling us i reached my presupposes and have held back because I believed you I don’t believe you any more. I see you as one of them now ! I’ll be seeing you
Thats bullshit its estimated that the revolution was only supported by about 13% of the population !
Well, we are screwed then. The people wont revolt until the country is destroyed. I thought Que said the patriots are in control. Que said to grab some popcorn and watch the movie.
You are forgetting, CDC news a few days ago was that Covid cases and hospitalizations are rising.
You may want to keep an eye on: http://www.45office.com and http://www.djtup.com – Trump’s getting vocal again, even on Gab.
We must stand up they are taking out rights away slowly and I don’t understand people are vaccinated and telling us wear masks 50 % open curfews limit this limit that. AMERICANS need to stand up
Texas AG Ken Paxton lost his lawsuit about masks. We still have to wear masks.
Thank you Dave, for your tireless work!
people have been saying we’re at the precipice? uh no Dave YOU’VE said we’re at the precipice,as recently as last week!
The only people teetering at the precipice are Trump supporters. The others are still asleep and in la la land. The MSM is doing a good job keeping the masses asleep.
And then we have Trump bringing up the vaccines every now and then. Most people don’t know that “vaccine” is a code. They actually believe that he’s advocating taking the vaccine. They are lining up to take the shot.
So, we have failed to “show” people how corrupt these people are. They are blissfully unaware that their very lives are in danger. We need a change in strategy or thrust disclosure on the sheep, ready or not. What part of that don’t the white hats get?! Jeez!
the bitcoin situation sounds as if it will take a loooong time. i would be willing to wait till august, like the pillow guy said, since i too have many friends who believe in b!d€n and the now ruling system.
i do not quote you anymore, trying to convince anyone. since you do not truly sound as if you know much more than we do.
you once were the only thing that kept me sane, now … i do not know anymore.
thanks anyhow for your soothing voice.
I agree with what you are saying but to go into a store that asks you to wear a mask even though the governor of the state has removed the mask mandate and you don’t comply you may be asked to leave and so you can’t shop in that store without a mask. The same with restaurants and other business establishments. If the airlines require a passport, cruise ships and other forms of travel require the passports then you can’t travel so you might resist but they won’t allow you to use their type of travel etc.
Where is the play all button?
Dave, your narrative is changing from the “in the end, the only option was the military”(as a multitude of Q posts state) to “deciding for us when we’ve had enough, then it’s up to us-to what? When 80% is fed up enough for you, what are you leading us to do? Embark on a revolution? Or get popcorn and watch the military swoop in and rightfully arrest those(because Intel has the Treason proof). What no more military because the insurrection act was never signed so it’s up to us now? Please be clear because no Q post ever mentions us revolting, just being ok with the military cleaning up congress, biden admin and state and local governments as well as DS corporate sleeze ? PS what is CLAS1-99 stand for? I hope you’re not part of the PSYOP, If not, Thank you.
Bullshit! its all lies.Trump is part of it! im awake and have been for 20 damn years and im done!
Off the cliff or almost but never happened “precipice” theory is conspiracy? The Republican party made many, many, mistakes against the “patriots” and President Trump. Can they be trusted in 2022 or 2024? No? Were the election, savings and loan, real estate bailouts, market crash, 9-11, failure of courts, recent wars, recent history shows rich bad people don’t go to jail, and ECT., ECT., all failed “precipices”? Did the “patriots” lose then? People know Biden is President, and the military must support him as he makes military appointments? How does one bring together a wrong election and mask wearing? Does history show successful political comebacks? Democrat states have strong “patriots”? What is the democrat outline of “precipice”? Will the Republican party streamline to only support Mr. Trump and “patriots”? Never? Major news and what is their own “precipice”? Is a balance sheet required for an election “precipice”? No? Because even if it went wrong the brakes worked to preserve the wrong? That’s now in world history? Is “precipice” bring to the edge strategy only leading backwards?
If you don’t know why to wear a mask even though you are vaccinated, is to protect you from people who might have been exposed. And to tell people on your broadcast, to rise up and not to wear a mask. We haven’t reached herd immunity yet. You must think everyone is stupid, or you don’t know the history why airline security does why they have the policies they have to keep people safe. And you are promoting for people not to get the vaccine? YOU ARE ABSOLUTELY NUTS. Also, asking people if they have seen dead people from the virus…I have from pictures that were on the Internet showing the decease in New York. Plus, I have close friends who are physicians and have cared for COVID19 patients & have died. Atlas Shrugged-really? This was a novel by Ayn Rand. Definition of ‘Novel’: an invented prose narrative that is usually long & complex & deals especially with human experience through a usually connected sequence of events. (Merriam-Webster) Are your talks ‘invented’ by you? I’ve had enough of your gibberish.
If you don’t know why to wear a mask even though you are vaccinated, is to protect you from people who might have been exposed. And to tell people on your broadcast, to rise up and not to wear a mask. We haven’t reached herd immunity yet. You must think everyone is stupid, or you don’t know the history why airline security have these security policies in place. There was a terrorist that came through the passenger line & tried to board a plane with dangerous matches in the soles in his shoes & wanted to create a fire once he was on board. They have to keep people safe. And you are promoting for people not to get the vaccine? YOU ARE ABSOLUTELY NUTS. Also, asking people if they have seen dead people from the virus…I have from pictures that were on the Internet showing the decease in New York. Plus, I have close friends who are physicians and have cared for COVID19 patients & have died. Atlas Shrugged-really? This was a novel by Ayn Rand. Definition of ‘Novel’: an invented prose narrative that is usually long & complex & deals especially with human experience through a usually connected sequence of events. (Merriam-Webster) Are your talks ‘invented’ by you? I’ve had enough of your gibberish. Good night.