Ep 2449b – Scavino, Message Sent And Received, Stay The Course, Think Irregular War Strategy
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Everything is going as planned, this is about exposed the country to what dictatorship looks like. The process has begun slowly but as time moves along the [DS] players will need to pickup the pace. Once the [DS] sees how easy it is they will show the people their true agenda. Dan Scavino sends a message, hang in their, this is the plan, think strategy, this is irregular war fare. Trump is a war time President, the war is being fought.
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- ← Ep 2449a – Conspiracy No More, Digital Currency, The Choice Is Yours
- Ep 2450a – [CB] Is Now Self Destructing, Message Received →
Dave…4:27 minutes into the Report, the moment you mentioned ‘Q’…the Video went Mute!
So THIS was the plan? To let the DS run full speed ahead destroying our country all while maiming and killing as many of us as they could btw fake pandemics, fake vaccines, fake race wars and economic destruction when they all could have been arrested and tried in Military TRIBUNALS??? Pure MADNESS!
Thank you Dave. Nicely done 👍
Biden wants gun manufacturers to stop selling guns to outlets that sell to the public, it’s that simple. No guns available to members of the public, the 2nd Amendment becomes mute.
Dear Dan, it seems dangerous to let evil go to the extreme. It can turn against everyone if it has a distraction of the slightest kind. In war “strategy” is everything but so is know your enemy and I believe 70% of all people are corrupt and all governments are and about 30% in governments are order followers. 70% corrupt governments and 30% followers. Only GOD can help. Judgement is coming. Don’t mean to sound like a downer but this is huge. The whole world is locked down. Think of the power behind that. THEY LOCKED DOWN THE WHOLE WORLD. What arrogance. They wanted to let us little people know , they own our jobs and food and education and hospitals and police and on and on. But buy toilet paper. They can even make people fear to a braking of their minds. Just saying. Being nice will not save humanity. Arrest them yesterday.
Thanks for the interesting videos Dave, keep up the good work. You always lift my spirits and give me hope for the future. I am English but I love President Trump and appreciate what he has done for the whole World and l look forward to what he will do in the future. The poem “If” could not be more appropriate than for the worlds saviour , President Trump. He is a real man, as are the men who support him. God bless him and his family and God bless America.
I have heard this story for 5 years. I know many people who followed q and state they have been abandoned and by q and Trump. Trump abandoned them. I am now reaching that point. My husband now tells me to wear a mask. He doesn’t even believe they work. No one is stopping this bullshit. If Trump caught them all, “show me the money”. My husband said the communist have won and Trump and the military did not defend or constitution as required by the constitution. The American people are told to stand down just do what Trump says. Well we were the last bastion of hope and the people are not even caring. Do you think many are giving up by now? I think so.
2449a is not there. It says 2449a but it is actually 2449b.
Okay, we are supposed to “hang in there” and wait, watch and sit on our hands and watch the DS destroy this great country. So what happens when they come for the guns of some patriot and that person starts shooting, as he has a right to do, then President Trump has the civil war he’s been trying to avoid! It’s time to end this and have Trump circle back. This needs to be finished NOW! It is getting very late in the game. If they have all the information they say to end the DS, then expose it. People are very awake.
either you only did only one version???…. 2449a and 2449B are both the same updates..
no difference???/ or one update did not upload…..thanks…
this is getting laughable
So, why would Dr Jill allow this to go on? He goofs up often and anyone who cared would try to get him away from the embarrassment. I thought she was a psychologist. Why would she not try to protect him or is it that he is so far gone that he senses no humiliation? Something is really off her or both Bidens are really off. Both!!
Ep 2449a and Ep 2449b are one and the same. Someone uploaded Ep 2449b twice!
Oh i see it’s “irregular warfare”? With this kind of “warfare” we SURENDER without firing a shot! We just roll over and give the bastards the damn country! We follow along like sheep ad listen to people like x 22 that keeps that there is a “plan”. NEVERMIND the fact that that “plan” has no actions! NOTHING EVER HAPPENS! NO ONE EVERY FIGHTS BACK OR STANDS UP FOR THEMSELVES! The”plan” is so “secret”, so “covert” that NO ONE knows WHAT the PLAN IS, but they are absolutely “certain” that there is a plan! SOMEWHERE! YEAH SURE, and I believe in sata cluas and the easter bunny! Just how long do you expect people to believe this bullshit! The only “plan” I see is the END OF THE United States. THERE IS NO FUCKING PLAN!!
If you really want to bring down the Clinton Crime Family ?
Bring up the murder and executions of the US Soldiers @ The Green Ramp Disaster ~
How so ?
Riddle me this:
23 mar 1994
Pope Air Force Base NC
Clear skies,,
Broad daylight ,.
Light winds (-13knots)
3 aircraft collided .
27 US Paratroopers died
90+ were sever burn injuries amputees.
Only 1 Article 15 was handed out as punishment
Whole chains of command would normally be decimated and released of Command under ‘normal’ circumstances.
Now does 23 Mar 1994 fall on a significant date according to the Satanic Holiday Calendar (google it)
YEs it does.
23 Mar 1994 fell on a Satanic Sacrifice Holiday ‘Marking the Death of Christ”
Calls for an all male – blood sacrifice .
The Clintons Ordered it .
It will come up in the Future.
Whats going to happen when the public finds out the Pentagon attempted to Assassinate a returning “Son of God” ?????????
You ‘ all are about to find out the hard way ~
Stay tuned.
May the blood of the guilty flow like the Niagra
Laws against felons and other still infringes on the second amendment. The second amendment is for self protection and against a tyrannical government. The second amendment is NOT A PRIVILEGE is is an unalienable right (impossible to take away or give up). God given right of self defense Exodus 22:2 and Luke 11:21. The second amendment is a God given right because it is self defense and the government can’t take it away even if he has committed a felony in his past.
When will this stop people are not going to stand for much longer. We here in Michigan are tired of our tyrannical Govenor for over a year. We have watched for 14 months and know our Government Mr.magoo and Congress and judges and corporations are running our country and evil is running rampant.God help us all
Great work!!
Why does Rumble keep stopping. Gotta babysit it. Restart again and again ????????
Please put Trump back in the presidents office.
Dave I have tried to follow all your posts and I have listened to most of them and I am becoming very disheartened. All I hear from you day after day is what was predicted the DS and D’s would do and you say in every post it’s all being done. You know sooner or later and sooner I hope, something has got to be done the more the DS and D”s are allowed to get away with the less there is to save about this country, it seems it is coming to the point that if somebody doesn’t do something to stop all this and save this country, then the people of this country will. Is that what Trump is waiting for , us to overthrow the DS and D’s ? If biden continues with his executive orders there will be nothing to save are we just to sit back and let the DS and D’s do what ever they want and no one even attempts to stop them. I just need answers as to when this is going to stop Next month, next year, 2022, or 2024 WHEN WILL IT STOP !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2449a and 2449b seem to be exactly the same recording