Ep 2451b – The World Is Watching, The World Is Here, Specific Timing Left Up To Trump
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The [DS] fell right into the patriots plan. Trump is now exposing the entire [DS] apparatus, the establishment is now coming out of the shadows and speaking out for all to see. Trump planned this from the beginning, he knew that the people would fight back in the end once they reach the precipice. The world is watching and Maricopa county is about to begin the audit. Trump signaled what comes next. The timing was always left up to him.
- ← Ep 2451a – The [CB] Is The Economic Disease, The People Are The Cure
- Ep 2452a – [CB] Panics, System Imploding, Millions Of People Begin The Transition →
I’m really over all this B.S. !!!!
Hi, is anything happening with Cuomo, Newsom & Whitma ? Are these stories being swept under a rug ? I hope not ! Thanks, Dave .
I am not as confident as you are that the liberal voters are noticing everything as you keep saying. I have a friend who is conservative and his wife is very liberal. When he tries to tell her things about Biden or the border etc, she says it isn’t true. She hasn’t seen it on CNN so it isn’t true…. I have another good friend who is very liberal….she watches CNN and ABC….she thought I was crazy when I told her Biden has dementia and that there was major election fraud….I doubt that she has changed her mind…the crooked media is still only telling one side….To save our friendship, we no longer discuss politics…I know she would be against communism/socialism. She just doesn’t see it….
Dave, thank you so much for your daily reports. They have given me hope that truth and justice will
prevail. One of the most troubling issues with the Covid19 scamdemic is the “vaccine”. While we do have a choice (at least for now) about whether to get it or not, many are pretty much completely unaware of the chance of SERIOUS side effects, including DEATH! So when President Trump is out there telling everyone how great and safe the vaccines are, how can he say that? I just can’t believe that he isn’t aware of what’s really happening to people, not to mention the potential delayed effects. The things I have watched and read about this experimental genetic editing “vaccine” is terrifying.
But many people are not basing their decision on facts, because the corrupt media doesn’t cover it.
I love President Trump, but I’m really struggling with this issue. I need an answer. Can you help?
01/16/21 – Swiss Bank Chairman Benjamin de Rothschild Dies Of Heart Attack At 57
I signed up in January on IPhone app. I know my user I’d but tried to put my password in and it would not take it. There is no place to change my password. Can u help me.
Does the pentagon have a covid detecting chip?
Through this whole thing or since I was red pilled right when the George Floyd friendly protests started happening. I think his death was fake just like this one that just happened in Minnesota was too. Anyway through it all you have been #1 in my book. I am on disability so I have a over abundance of time too so I listen to EVERYBODY. Your show is the last one of the day so I listen to your show and go to bed. So I don’t sleep well on Saturday nights. Thanks for all you do and thanks for keeping my spirits up. Without you and without God I would be a very angry person. Thanks WWG1WGA
Dave, would Trump put out a harmful vaccine?
I hope you can answer with your opinion in a future podcast. Thanks, Dave!
Jacqui J
I am from Venezuela and they did the same they eliminated the police and put in place their own criminal forces. Thank God for having people like you with discernment and wisdom during this trouble time. Continue the excellent work, taking the masks off from all this corrupts liars.
SOOOOOOOO WHAT,…the treasonous seditious criminal traitors,…have done all kinds of BULLSHIT against the citizens of the UNITED STATES,….SOOOOOOO WHAT,….nothing was done about it,… which empowered them to do the ELECTION STEAL,…they knew trump was bluffing about the indictments coming soon, arrests coming soon, military tribunals coming soon, jailing in Gitmo coming soon,…and as it turned out trump and Q,… was full of BULLSHIT AS WELL.
trump cannot be trusted or believed.
I’ve been on Gab since Twitter shut my account down. Over the past few weeks, I smell a rat there. Torba has been engaging in frequent hate speech against Jews, as have others who identify themselves as “Patriots”. Likewise, since Trump made his statement about the J&J vaccine, people who also claim to be Patriots have questioned Trump’s true agenda while acting as a “shill” for big pharma. Does this sound like a platform that’s really about free speech? Or is it really a platform to draw in Q and Trump supporters and turn them?
So!It sounds like civil war is coming.I do not know what else you can call it? The real question is what side will our military take?With Biden replacing our good officers with communists,Will our troops follow them?The longer this gos on the worse it is for the real patriots.All I can say is as a Marine Corps vet I never went to war for money!It was and still is for freedom…..
Holy moly.. it’s getting exciting! So much is going on, falling together so perfectly. Loving this show! Hang in there America, the world is praying for you x wwg1wga
I am in full support of Trump. I am a retired nurse in WV and I know how political democrats destroyed our state over coal and stole severance tax money and sending in drugs especially to Boone county WV. We will fight for our freedoms of second amendment and the right to worship our God. Trump come and set up at the Greenbiar and WV will help you fight. WV always had your back. Biden is an illegal President therefore you are our President. We do not want socialism. The people of USA are seeing what the evil deep state is doing. Praying for our President Trump and family.
Thank you for keeping us posted, may God bless you and yours in Jesus’ Name.
Have you seen swab test with fibers and a black thread that wiggles ? I saw on Instagram, but they took it down. I saved it am trying to send to you. I have been exposed to this, I believe after being forced to take test four times in my job. Been sick ever since.
Thank you for keeping us informed. Praying daily for good to prevail.
Is anyone expanding on the Turkish report as to why the “Ever Given” was trapped in the Suez Canal, that it was about the contents of many of the containers, not just children, but the cargo of soil treatments to fall in line with the Global Warming Scam It has been stated that the cargo was irreplaceable and what was taken off the “Ever Given” was 30 years worth of production. Apparently as with the vaccines, soil was to have been treated with biotech components that would change soil properties and characteristics by 5G radiation (by Monsato), accelerating global warming, poison agricultural areas and to create diseases in cattle. and thus push the sale of ersatz meat – More control of food supply. This was why Gates had bought up so much agricultural land. Perhaps, in hind sight, a bad idea.
Enyoing again your message today😍
I admire your effort 💪 and work👍
Here are those links to the CCP (China Communist Party) secret speeches in their taking over America.
This is the first article of General Chi Haotain’s Secret Speech?
Here are a few other links that you may also want to read:
https://planetlockdownfilm.com watch video of Dr. Madej and Dr. Sherri Tenpenny
I belive that China now is waiting on the Gates Eugneic Covid-19 shot to take it’s toll. The people who take the shot/jab/vaccine a 122 million here in the US are to experience server reactions from this that in the end that will cause major problems and in the end take their life. https://rumble.com/veqe2b-dr-vernon-coleman-coming-disaster-worse-than-initially-estimated.html