Ep 2454a – People Are Now Swapping Out Of [CB] Fiat, Govs Instructed To Shut This Down
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[JB] infrastructure bill is now funding parents who want their children to stay home from school. This doesn’t mean they will be homeschooled. Dumbing down America. People are now shifting their funds out of fiat and it to other currency like Bitcoin. It has begun
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Bitcoin is in a PERFECT lockstep with the classic pyramid ponzi scam AND fiat currency. Something based on nothing supported by faith in the system’s viability. What did the first coin cost.. $10 or something like that. It WILL work to make a lot of money quickly with the one platinum question remaining … Who will be on the bottom rung when it’s brought down. You say that can’t happen. How about ” conducting financial transactions with a crypto currency is a class 2 felony punishable by 20 years imprisonment, $500,000 fine and confiscation of the asset” … It’s been done with gold and silver a couple of times. Simple as that. You are REALLY pushing and HAMMERING ON Bitcoin. Why do I think you have massive holdings in early $10 or $20 coins ????
Bitcoin is here, stable for now, will protect asset for a time but ALSO will absolutely devistate countless people in the end who invested late and are on the bottom tier, who trusted it and your kind and who were relying on it for a long term investment and protection.
Here’s a great analogy for you Dave…
Investing in gold If you had buried 1 ounce of gold and $20. in paper money in a container in 1920 and dug it up today, tha ounce of gold would be worth $1783. the paper money,,,,,$20.00. Makes you regret not doing it just 20 years ago when gold was worth $310. per oz..
By the way. Thanks for your work.
I used to really enjoy your Financial Report. Lately, however, it has become an infomercial for Bitcoin.
Please just stay with the Financial news and drop the promotion of Bitvoin.
Hello Dave. I’ve been watching you since you started on YouTube back in 2016-17. Do you have a library of your past shows from the beginning. I think that it would be interesting to look back at some of the reporting you’ve done since Trump announced that he is going to run for President in the 2016. Do you have an archive? If not have you ever thought of having one? Unless of course you don’t have them anymore or YouTube deleted them. Anyway just curious. Thanks for the best reporting on social media. BTW Twitter permenantly suspended my account shortly after I DM’d you so I had to open a new account BillyAngelz. Peace Brother!
Hello Dave. Sent you a DM on Twitter but in case you don’t get it at the 1hr and 30 minute mark about 4 minutes long is some great information from Steve Pieczenik, regarding Trump’s plan. I think that you will find it very interesting. Love the videos you do. Great job. Bill
As you know Dave, Obama is in the Muslim Brotherhood. The Muslims quest is to take over the world. Obama had Biden open the borders allowing millions of Muslims in. As you know they are already fighting with the protestors. In Canada where I am, the Muslims are yelling that they are going to take the country and then the world. You were right about the border being kept open to bring in the Demonrat’s army. Watch the day of the election. Muslims will get their marching orders. Obama is trying to take over the US and turn it into his Muslim country. This is something that I heard through a family member in our Canadian CIA who despises the Deep State. He knows the Deep State is active in both the US and Canada. Peace Brother!