Ep 2455b – Sonic Boom, The Shot Heard Around The World,Wrays Of Light
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The [DS] / MSM are now being exposed to the world. The people are now confused with the pandemic message, people are no longer listening to Fauci and states are opening up and those states that are opening up the cases are dropping. Scavino sends message, sonic boom incoming. Wray makes a surprising announcement, that Antifa is organized and they local and regional nodes. The audit in Arizona is about to happen, will this be the shot heard around the world.
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Someone on YouTube is acting as you! Good thing I know your voice! It’s Poloking!
https://www.bitchute.com/video/wKYkq1cvYu4W/ <<< LOOK AT THIS.
I’ve just about givin up on trying to wake people up, its as if they want to stay asleep..
If the People would only really listen to you and actually do something. The people that listen to your podcast, do they know “we” are the Patriots. Hopefully we can all realize that the majority are the Patriots. If we actually stuck together there is nothing we couldn’t achieve. The Democrats all stick together and that makes them strong. Patriots need to step up
Please don’t confuse people . By stating virus cases are way down. Yet Trump states the cases are on the rise??
Thank you
Thanks Dave,
Oh, we are getting so close.
I will NO LONGER ever watch your Financial News because of you over-the-top promotion of Bitcoin!!!
Fuck you!!
Stop the infomercial on Bitcoin!!!!!
Dave, the covid virus was created at the University o North Carolina in 1995. it also has a U.S. patent. Dr. Anthony Faucci was personally involved in the creation. I saw the patent on the web a year ago (don’t recall where); made here, shipped to Wuhan, then released at the pklanned time. Looks like Faucci is a criminal of the highest order. Please investigate.
A loaf of Crowheat bread went from 4.00 to 8.00 dollars here in Maui. INFLATION! It happened quickly under the illegitimate administration…
Since Trump has allowed Biden to take the presidency temporarily how are we handling the cold shoulder treatment of the Japanese prime minister by the Biden administration? Trump and the patriots are in control so how is the Japanese being informed of this sting operation?
You still on about Q…that fucking pile of bullshit, wash rinse repeat you fuckin baboon. trump is fighting on their battlefield, fuck me…trump is on a golf course called Mar a Lago you brain dead fuck. ya trump saw their plan so good that he let them cheat the election from him and 100 million people, wonderful plan alright, if you want the total destruction of the USA. two plans, ya one is working…for the commies you fucking brick. The brown shirts burned and looted while trump was in office…HE DID NOTHING. Here is a newsflash for you numb nuts, the deep states plan is succeeding. An irregular plan, myself and everyone I know knew what would happen when trump let the left win. I wonder how he was compensated, The shot heard round the world was on Nov. 3rd you fucking monkey brain.
Rudy- do you eat with that filthy mouth? You are very disrespectful to use those words to ANYONE. Clean it up or don’t comment.
When government and business collide? Collude.
If you think about it then with the high cycle rate used for testing then the 98% survival rate is probably lower, much lower. It would be interesting to see how low the true survival rate is
Texas allows companies to decide if people should wear masks in their stores. Companies are allowed to make the people that do not want to wear masks look like they are stupid and don’t care about others around them. A Walmart greeter that tried to give me a mask didn’t know that the mask mandate ended on March 10th. She simply said that Governor Abbott wasn’t a doctor and didn’t know what he was doing. I live in the DFW area and all the stores still want people to wear masks to enter and shop. Some say they will let you not wear a mask if you allow them to point a thermometer gun at your head to take your temperature. I wish this nonsense would end. Most everyone still wearing masks all around in DFW Texas.
Dave, Can you please report on the potential for States to STILL be able to de-certify their election results as a result of the forensic audits. Many people believe that this is not possible, because the election certifications have already been acted upon to put Biden into office.
Can you elaborate on the LEGAL precedents for de-certification and the consequences of doing so, even long after the 2020 election! Yes, this will trigger other states to investigate their own results, but there must be a clear understanding that it is NEVER too late to fix a fraudulent power grab or coup d’etat by proxy. The concept of the need for a military intervention when an administration is proven to be ‘incapacitated’ (or worse illegally formed) is easier to accept, if there is a way to show that the rights of the people to a free and fair elections can STILL be exercised.
When FRAUD is proven….It VITIATES the ENTIRE ELECTION….If it goes before SCOTUS with FRAUD proven they must either VITIATE the ELECTION and ORDER a new Election or award the election to the real winner. PERIOD !
What is your opinion on your ESG score. Info on glen becks site and others.
I’m loosing faith that the military is in charge and Trump will come back into office. I’m not seeing that this fraudulent election will be overturned.
I don’t mean to be pessimistic and I’m not a shill. I listen to you, LT at And We Know, and Scott McKay regularly. I follow QFrog5624, Dan Scavino, General Flynn, and many others.
But very discouraged at this point. We are past the Precipice!
The Japanese prohibit Muslims from immigrating or holding citizenship! The obidenation doesn’t like that,
Hi Dave,, I appreciate your insights and you make it easy to understand,,,,,, HOWEVER,,, I work in retail in Oregon and it’s mandatory to wear a mask. Please don’t make it harder for us by endorsing customers should walk in without a mask. We’ve had enough issues regarding asking this simple request,,, we get called names, cause a problem, etc. I’m tired of wearing a mask too but don’t make us in retail suffer more by confrontation.
We need to have them wear one or leave. Our store offers curbside service if you can’t or don’t want to wear a mask.
Dave, I highly agree with you about masks. These stores need to realize that we don’t have to spend our money at their store, we can go elsewhere. We as people might want to let the big box stores that they need to stop the mask mandate. Don’t wait for the state to let you or this won’t end. Ok, also about BLM, if they are an organization that is a company that takes in money, why aren’t our states suing them for burning and rioting? That’s what we do when someone else causes damages…. We should be suing them into oblivion!!!!! Look into it please.