Ep 2461b – Light Will Destroy The Invisible Enemy, If One Falls They All Fall, Judgement Day
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The [DS] is panicking, the audit in Arizona is continuing. But they will try to block the information from reaching the people. They already started. Watch the MSM/Fake News/[DS] begin to block all information. The truth will not be stopped, the people are the force, the people will demand justice. During the audit they are using light to see fold marks, judgement day is coming.
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- ← Ep 2461a – Confirmed, The [CB] Wants Full Control Of The Currency, Countermeasures In Place
- Miracles, Murder & Outrage Mobs →
“X22 -I found a video about EverGreen ship that may be of interest -the ‘Ship’ has been árrested’ and held by the Egyptians and sits in a nearby lake waiting with it’s cargo intact until payment for damage and salvage etc is paid -still a chance this could be a trump card and used if the containers are opened!” go to YouTube Evergreen Ship “Evergiven” Arrested Amid $916 Million Claim For Suez Canal Blockage by Chief MAKOi “
We love you and are grateful for what you do to keep us really informed. As a combat Vet, I thank you for the service you are doing for Our Nation! God Bless you
kek… i think..Trump is putting on “the show” for us. Trump wants to see how the dumb-o-crats/ds..
PANIC. Trump has “its all”, no need for this.
Sorry but been hearing the same old b/ s 4 4damm years ilike your show don’t get me wrong but them getting worried ain’t cashing in on my bank thing like this starting to become boring 4 plus years it doesn’t take that long as they say looks like a duck walks like a duck talks like a duck its a fucking duck you can keep chasing a fucking pig who’s gonna win enough of this horse shit with all this horseshit there’s gotta be a fucking horse somewhere shit or get off the fucking pot ok it’s starting 2 become nonsense ok!!!
FYI my frame of mind only!!!
I am watching the Netflix series Manhunt: Unabomber
(https://www.justwatch.com/us/tv-show/manhunt-unabomber/season-1), where the FBI profiler was used to capture Ted Kaczynski, aka the “Unabomber,”. His ‘manifesto’ as described by the FBI was to try to get people to ‘wake up’ to the fact that modern tech companies have taken over their lives and can control what people do, because of the convenience of using more and more enhanced technology.
It would appear that the Deep State has taken this to heart and NOT tried to wake up anyone, just to use their control over society to keep and exercise power over a population that just wants to obey ‘rules’ for acceptable behavior – even if that means giving up the ability to think, reason, and not be made into a pariah by being called crazy, racist, a conspiracy theorist, anti-vaxer, etc. for challenging a figure (or figures) of apparent authority. Worth watching again with the current profile of society in mind today after a pandemic and efforts to assume ‘control’.
Just wanted to share a thought you might find interesting!
Go woke & go broke. I switched from coke (1 can per day) to pepsi & like it better, will never go back to coca cola. Don’t watch any MSM for over one year now. And a whistleblower spoke about how the DNC hired MS-13 gang members to rob Seth Rich of the USB drive but they killed him by mistake. He was the one that downloaded files & gave to WikiLeaks. Poor guy was murdered by his own party. He was also going to expose John Podesta & brother pedophila & Democrat deep corruption.
btw, there was a huge, peaceful protest in London on Sat 24th & BBC didn’t cover it…later they lied & said there were about 5 k crazy Q people there …but in reality, there were about 250,000 people protesting the lockdowns & the vaccine passports. U.K. is WAKING UP BIG TIME. Like the U.S.A.
According to former Secret Service officer Dan Bongino, Bill Clinton took no less than 26 trips on
Jeffrey Epstein’s Lolita Express. And as you know, CO2 is essential to all life on this planet. God
Almighty, the Creator of the universe, put the oil in the ground for our benefit.
In God we trust.
I love all this info I am a Patriot forever and ever and till I die. My granddaughter does not need all this turmoil in her life or my great, great grandchildren either. I am in hospital still fighting for free speech, liberty for everyone.
Always do the opposite of what the gov’t tells you. These demonic psychopaths are prolific liar and propagandists and traitors with an evil agenda.
The ONLY folks who listen to gov’t are brain-dead demonrats and libtards. You know, parasites who cannot think.
Sooo… John Kerry reviels the goal for the USA’s CO2 levels is 0 %. Uh… It appears he does not know basic science! Dumb Da Dumb Dumb Dumb…
Ok I am NO expert and rely on real data about climate change explained by a reliable person. I do NOT rely on the 9 out of 10 dentist theory that the lone dentist doesn’t know what he’s talking about, that the group of 9 is 100% correct and cannot be questioned? Total BS!
I came across this guy on YouTube
A Green Peace co-founder discusses how we need to look at science and environmentalism together and not just view the sensationalism activism groups show the media.
PLEASE watch and share the link (below)!
Patrick Moore has a short but convincing demonsration on climate change, provides real CO2 data, and his opinion that “EVIL HUMANS” are not the cause of increased CO2 levels and the EARTHS tempurature LEADS CO2 LEVELS
**THE EARTHS CO2 levels show to FOLLOW the EARTHS change in temp. NOT THE OTHER WAY AROUND!**
Great Job John Kerry! You are just the highly educated dip shit we need to lead us to a ZERO CO2 goal! You are my hero!
Here is the YouTube link to the Patric Moore demonstration on the Earths CO2 data. Again PLEASE watch and share. I am dumbfounded this is not TOP story news. I am a believer in the truth and convinced these are facts (my opinion)
Thx for your time,
Peace N Love
Jim N Nikki
Anti-covid “injections” or “jabs” ARE NOT “VACCINES”. Vaccines have very specific DEFINITIONS. For example, a vaccine IS available against tick-borne encephalitis. You need 2 injections about a month apart (before tick season begins), and a ‘booster’ about a year later. THIS “VACCINE” SERIES DOES PROTECT, specifically, against tick-borne encephalitis. The COVID “jabs” (such primitive word) are highly experimental, rNA GENE-ALTERING “Therapies”. Negative effects are highly UNDER-reported. Meanwhile THOUSANDS of “Medical Professionals” go along with calling these vile injections, “vaccines”. These MEDI-CHUMPS really ought to know better. Many DO know better! They just have NO GUTS & NO ETHICS.
Actually, the study you cited indicates that social distancing doesn’t work but it endorses mask wearing.
Love your work!
Yes, Seth Rich was murdered for spilling the beans on the corruptness within the his political party and the red shoe club.
RIP Seth..A true patriot.
Justice is coming.
The corrupt Democrats ARE imploding within their ranks, fighting amongst themselves like hyhenas, distintgrating under the heat produced by the light of the SPOT LIGHT !
See The Club of Rome 1954. This is when the ‘climate’ wheeze was born. When you’ve lived a goodly amount of time then you remember that Africa was going to be too hot to live in; Britain would have just been a mountainous spine with the majority of the land flooded/submerged; return of an ice age; and so on. They continue to dream up stuff; put it out there and make lots of money. They design diseases and then make lots of money searching for a cure; they promote war, telling us what were fighting for ‘cos no one really knows and … make lots of money funding both sides. Look at every sector of our societies and you will find ‘designer issues’ that make ‘them’ lots of money. Sad, that the only time that they’re confronted with the TRUTH is when they die – praise The Lord.
So now what. The freaking AZ judge stepped down. WTH is going on.
Are the Patriots ever going to get to win anything?
They are ALSO using LIGHT to look for special “watermarks” printed ONLY on the Made-In-USA ballots.
If you wan’t some real proof that the “climate’ catastrophe thing is a hoax, check out Toney Heller. He presents actual climate DATA to REFUTE the claims of the “climate alarmists”. It’s a little hard to aurgue a person is as “denier” when they show with DATA that your statements are incorrect!
Amen on the whole ‘raises’ thing Dave!!!!!
In Arizona how can a lawyer just give some papers to a judge and he has to recruit himself that doesn’t make any sense.
David Christopher
Not true about Kamala’s book