Ep 2465b – It’ Going To Happen, Keep Fighting, They Have Gone To Far, Hit Back 10 Times Harder
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The [DS] is now scrambling to stop the audit in Arizona. The fake news continues to say that it means nothing, that it’s conspiracy crazy people pushing this, if this is true then why send around 100 lawyers, why now write a letter to make this a federal case. Trump is hinting about running in 2024, think logically, how can he run if the election fraud disease is not cured. Is he talking about 24 or something else.
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- Occam’s Razor Ep. 85 with RP78 & Craig Mason →
kek… do over?? Trump vs ???? cant be biden, Gitmo/death (if not already) for him.
Where is the Flynn fundraiser for Arizona
Episode 2465b…..”to” should be “too.” Your editor needs to refresh language rules.
The buyden administration is destroying America each and every day they are in power. What they have done to America and its citizens is beyond horrible. When that hammer lands, they do not deserve any less than what the maximum sentencing of TREASON is. They all are evil and need to be eradicated from this earth. Angry, as a Patriotic Vietnam vet who lost many friends, you damn bet I am.
Devolution? Do you mean “devo” is making a comeback?
Masks are e like trying to stop a mosquito with a chain link fence!!
thanks Dave great job GOD BLESS YOU
Dear Dave,
Let me start by saying I cannot thank you enough for all you do to keep us patriots informed, hopeful, and empowered. You matter more than you know. I’m not the only one who keeps checking to see if X22 is up yet. Take care of yourself. We need you. ❤️
Today’s show had Gen. Flynn on saying they need money for the Arizona audit but I can’t find out where to go to do that. Would you please mention that on your next show? I’m sure others are eager to help, too.
And, again, thank you so much for all you do. ❤️🇺🇸
Bless you, Dave.
Slaughter The Guilty To Appease The Gods
Ashli Babbitt is alive. She was a crisis actor. It was completely staged by the corrupt Deep State!
Lord have mercy.
Trump’s running mate will be John F. Kennedy, Jr.
In God we trust!
Well, Dave, who would’ve thought that little old me would be a threat to YouTube with only 148 subscribers. But alas, they found a way to give me 3 strikes. I think there are hidden enemies of mine that flagged YT and that’s all it took!
So I had a YouTube channel since 2011. They gave me 2 strikes: 1) Election Fraud 2) Vaccine Questions 3) ??? YT Team searched back to a year ago to find a video to give me a 3rd strike. I only had 148 Subscribers for gosh sakes! Why would *I* be a threat to them??!! YT Google’s Absurd Excuse For Removing My Channel on 3rd Strike! Censorship is Woke Authoritarianism https://youtu.be/jzJzVU_novQ
Dave, I wish you would watch these and address this..there is a catastrophe brewing…Rallies??? No one who has had vaccinations should be let in….or down the line he could be accused in the future of great harm. Please, please watch..very few seem to know about this and it must get out
Dr Tenpenny’s emergency webinar last week Mirror: https://www.bitchute.com/video/4XFcsPfKh09p/scroll down to 3 videos, 2 very short ones
https://mypatriotsnetwork.com/patriot/shocking-info-comes-out-on-the-effects-the-vaccines-are-having-on-others-including-dead-pets/ knowing what I know
Dr tenpenny will be doing another video about this on Thursdayas to what can and should be done about this impending catastrophe
biden is an idiot, anything coming out of his mouth is a lie and he thinks people think he knows anything other than stealing money and falling down stairs
biden is an idiot, anything coming out of his mouth is a lie and he thinks people think he knows anything other than stealing money and falling down stairs. The most lethal threat to America is biden
Dave if ever you want to interview a Bitcoin/Blockchain expert who can talk about that world in a down to earth easily understandable way… He is articulate, clever, intelligent and handsome to boot. He has his own consultancy, he also trades and mines bitcoin…i think he would be a great help in education many on the world we are now moving into.
Masterful Education Plan: “Common Corpse”.
Then, there’s “attorney-client privilege,” which is (highly theoretically) protected BY LAW. Why follow the law, when you’re busy DESTROYING all laws, including the CONSTITUTION. This won’t end well for them.
They’ve gone to bed. BUT: “They’ve gone TOO far.”
No sound whatsoever
I can no longer listen to your pathetic adherence to the CIA’s goal of CHANGING the use of the term, conspiracy. Dave, you are a conditioned puppet.
Conspiracy: two or more organisms working together for some, often nefarious, goal.
Conspiracy Theory: a theory in which two or more organisms work together for some, often nefarious, goal.
It appears you don’t understand what a conspiracy theory actually is.
A conspiracy theory is a theory that involves a conspiracy.
A conspiracy is when two or more organisms (the ‘conspirators’) work together for some goal.
Conspiracy, collaboration, collusion, cooperation.
That’s it.
Conspiracy theory does not mean ridiculous theory (a theory that is ridiculous) or false theory (a theory that is false).
A conspiracy theory may be good theory, offering value.
A conspiracy theory may be bad theory, offering no value.
So what is it that makes it a conspiracy?
The relevant question to ask is, are there two or more people involved?
If yes, then it’s a conspiracy, collaboration, collusion, cooperation.
If not, then it is not a conspiracy.
A baseball team conspires to beat their opponent.
The “official US government story” about 911 is a conspiracy theory; there were more than one hijacker involved.
Don’t conspire with other idiots to keep the status quo.
Instead, conspire with intellectuals to change the world to be a better place to live.
Conspiracy, collaboration, collusion, cooperation.
All REQUIRE 2 or more people.
If you think a theory is a conspiracy theory, ASK YOURSELF, “WHO ARE THE CONSPIRATORS?”!!!
The term, conspiracy theory was weaponized by the CIA in the mid 1960’s during Operation Mockingbird, in which agents infiltrated corporate mainstream news outlets.
This sewage was then spewed on a public lacking the cognitive abilities required to vet information.
I don’t know what he is talking about. I know this. I have only voted once in my lifetime, and that was
in 2020 for Donald Thrump. They, the Democrats have stolen my vote and have fought to hide that fact by every means possible. If they are truthfully saying that it was an honest election,let them prove it . Let both sides audit the last election, by whatever means they each desire, then present the evidence from both audits to the supreme court to be ruled on once and for all. Done, Finished, all over with.
I take a great risk with this plan, for I feel that the supreme court has already failed me and the public in their rulings in the last few months regarding this matter.
How will the public ever get a chance to present their side and receive their rights to a fair and honest election if the courts will not hear the evidence???
As I stated before, I have only voted once in my entire life, and I am now 81 years of age. And I am on the verge of having My one vote taken by those that will not allow an audit (not a recount)but a
forensic audit of the ballots cast in this last election.
If I can’t be sure of my one vote, for Donald Thrump, I likely will never attempt to vote again!!
If this is allowed to happen, America is lost.
People, it is time to stand up and stop this tyranny in it’s tracks, and demand, not ask, but demand that the courts allow the people to exercise their rights and call for an honest and FAIR election
result NOW. Not in 2022, or 2024 but NOW!! If this cannot happen in America, then maybe the 2nd amendment was not such a bad idea after all!!!
moderated,,,, or censored ???
They need us DIVIDED. I am a mix of Spanish, Native American, English, Scottish decent. If people awaken to the Fraud done since the beginning of our country on ALL OF US. WE THE AMERICAN PEOPLE WILL BE AS ONE. WWG1WGA…….
Can we get a URL to donate to Maricopa county recount?
Dave, Dave, I love you and listen to you every evening. I think the information you put out is awesome! The only thing that I feel you need is a little help in the punctuation of the written portion on your website. You have a lot of run-on sentences, incorrect punctuation at the end of your sentences, and incorrect word choices (To instead of Too in this particular episode).
I used to be a court reporter and took five years of English/punctuation classes. I am now retired; however, I work part time as a mobile notary doing mostly home loan refinances for my Bitcoin money. I used to call it my mad money. Then one day a young man looked at me and asked, “You do it for your ‘man’ money?” Okay; that’s what my mom used to call it. I decided I was dating myself, so I started calling it my ‘“fun” money. These days I’m calling it my Bitcoin money. Lol.
I would be happy to donate my services to proofread your webpage before you upload it every evening. I would love to contribute my time and talents for our cause. Below is a sample of my work for this particular episode. I would have printed it out and highlighted the changes I made, but I didn’t see any way to upload it.
It’s Going To Happen. Keep Fighting. They Have Gone Too Far. Hit Back 10 Times Harder.
The (DS) is now scrambling to stop the audit in Arizona. The fake news continues to say that it means nothing, that it’s conspiracy-crazy people pushing this. If this is true, then why send around 100 lawyers? Why now write a letter to make this a federal case? Trump is hinting about running in 2024. Think logically; how can he run if the election fraud disease is not cured? Is he talking about 2024 or something else?
A friend put me onto this I pray my faith in it is not misplaced something has to happen enough is enough or we are lambs to the slaughter !!!