Ep 2470b – [DS] Panic,Censorship,When Facts And Truth Emerge,Communication Blackout,Information War
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The [DS]/MSM is trying everything to stop the audits. They have deployed all assets. Once the information starts to hit the public realm the [DS] will move into overdrive and try to block it all, most likely we will a communication blackout. At this point it will be an all out information war. Once the people have learned that they do not have a voice and that elections were controlled it is game over for the [DS].
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- ← Ep 2470a – The People Will Push The New Economic System, It Has Already Begun
- Ep 2471a – The Rich Are Preparing, They Know, Bitcoin & Gold Counters The [CB] →
They interrupt. They interrupted the CPI to g and the. When they returned the vote counts were different. They interrupted congress on Jan. 6 and when they reconvened everyone voted against us. They will o terror the audit. Watch
Question. Can just anyone access this site? Do you vet who is watching?
I never see any other comments. Private server report different?????
Ezekiel 35:5-6
[5]Because thou hast had a perpetuall hatred, and hast shed the blood of the children of Israel by the force of the sword in the time of their calamitie, in the time that their iniquitie had an end;
[6]Therefore, as I liue, saith the Lord God, I will prepare thee vnto blood, and blood shall pursue thee: sith thou hast not hated blood, euen blood shall pursue thee.
Hi Dave,
Thank you for all you do, the only critique I have is you mentioning what our POTUS said in his letter. The President of the United States. You know he is still the President, this is a show allowing Biden who are actors to show what the left wants to do to us. The military swore in Trump as President a few months ago. I know you know, just did not need to explain about it. He is!
Just a pronunciation correction. Elise Stefanik is my representative in Congress. Her name is pronounced:
Steh fah’ nik
I’m sure we’ll be hearing much more about her so thank you for correcting this.
truth and facts……propaganda/////does this mean nesara isnt going to happen? does this mean QFS is not real? does this mean gold back dollar? does this mean no irs removal, no taxes? those are all things from alt media. are they truth and fact? or propaganda?
Jack Dorsey has been arrested. Chris Cuomo, Don Lemon, Anderson Cooper, and Matt Lauer, have
also been arrested. The swamp is being drained. The judgment of God Almighty has begun.
Thousands of arrests have taken place. AMG-NEWS.com Indictments, Arrests, & Executions
In God we trust!
Are patriots depending completely on the AZ audit for something to happen toward the traitors being locked up? What if the criminals succeed in stopping the audit? I wouldnt put anything past them. Do you think there is a plan B? Thanks for all your hard work in getting the facts out Dave. May God reward and protect you.
Lisa H.
From what I heard today, some of the GOP is going behind Trump’s back plotting against him especially Kevin McCarthy. Can’t trust him!
I urge you all to cancel your facebook and twitter accounts. If you use the term “election fraud” or x22 report they will do it for you. Don’t think they aren’t watching, they are!
@33:20~ Fake Book “Oversight Board” is 95% anti-Trump and 3/4 NON-U.S. Citizens. Seems like a fair representation of American society – about the same as those casting ‘ballots’ on Nov. 3, 2020. (Wassa madda, you ain’t smilin’ yet?) Some CAN’T count & some just WON’T. “AUDIT to EVEN IT.” CHA-CHA!
I wonder how many Americans realize that the Constitution contains actual LAWS to be enforced within the United States? What it stipulates, such as freedom of speech, and the right to keep and bare arms, are not mere suggestions, they are idea formed into actual LAW. Yet, the democrats continue to openly transgress against it’s LAWS. So, what is noticed is that LAW enforcement is not properly enforcing those LAWS against their breakage, by not just democrats, but by all those who do not want the U.S. to survive, since they’ve thrown their allegiance behind those who are chasing the true “Impossible Dream” of an earthly utopia.
They think by eliminating all borders from all countries, and having earth run by one central govt. entity, that all of man’s troubles will begin to vanish, and love and harmony will rule the day. That’s why their latest ‘motto’ is about helping to “RE-unite” humanity once again, with them forgetting how our regional diversities came about in the first place, and just why God Almighty had to break up that “Old gang” of theirs/ours in the first place! Ignorance truly is doing what God said it was doing to His people alone, in His written word:
“My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge…”[Hosea 4:6 KJV]
As Christians, our poor biblical education truly is showing at a time like this, and imo, the main fault lies with ineffective clergy. We can read and study God’s word ourselves, yet it’s our clergy who should be helping to further the proper understanding of it, as well as helping to correct some frighteningly blatant errors now being passed of as ‘true’. The idea that the Church has replaced Judaism [or Christians have replaced the Jews] in God’s eyes/heart is one of them, and it’s consequences might be found to be far more dire than anyone believes. It’s being called a ‘dead horse’, or a ‘tired old saw’, but here’s why the consequences might be that dire–it’s God speaking to Abram [before He changed his name to Abraham]:
” 2 And I will make of thee a great nation, and I will bless thee, and make thy name great; and thou shalt be a blessing:
3 And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed.”[Genesis 12:2,3 KJV]
Thanks, Dave, love your broadcasts and wouldn’t miss them! God bless.
@34:15 – re: Professor Pamela S. ‘Impeach Him’ Karlan, so concerned about Trump’s young son’s name – I found her ‘arguments’ rather beside the point. They never did BEAR ON any impeachable offense. They appeared void of substance, but replete with envious, ad hominem vindictiveness. BARREN, in fact.
The promise it was made by our great President Donald Trump! America will not turn Socialist Communist but what we see today! Anarchy uncertainty fear, people losing homes business they will never recover no matter who wins,
America cannot wait 4 years for new secure elections everything will be lost by then ! I listen to you Dave 5 days a week thank you for the uplift but seriously you believe everything you say? The Deep state is running the world hundred years now, Donald Trump have the support of the people, ok half of the Americans, but where is the big guns his big supporters ?
Are they waiting for the entire country to go down before they do something dramatically? the people will support him when they have something to protect like family business, after that when people have nothing that’s when people give up! If they have truly all the information you say they have and they keep it out of the reach of the people delay postpone …
eventually history I will mark them as trailers too! Thank you David !
Every day more of the same, of propaganda,…of allegations of TREASON SEDITION CRIMINAL BEHAVIOR of the deepstate demon rats,…from the patriots and trump,…and more of the same propaganda of,…” COMING SOON “.
We are still waiting for the unsealed indictments coming soon to be unsealed, arrest coming soon, military tribunals coming soon, jailing in Gitmo coming soon.
How is this propaganda any different from previous propaganda that was all BULLSHIT???
They can’t get around the CONSTITUTION,…then why is x22, punishing bitcoin and other crypto’s,…in light of Article one section eight and ten of the CONSTITUTION???
trump walked away from the ELECTION STEAL, and on to the golf course, handing to County over to biden and harris, cutting a deal that the deep state will leave him and his family alone, selling out the supporters of trump.
People are waking up to ALL OF THE BULLSHIT, including trump’s and the patriots, and x22’s BULLSHIT PROPAGANDA.
Dear Dave,
Thank you always for all your hard work and the information you lovingly provide. You may want to update your knowledge on what is happening with the vaccines. People probably will want to be separated from vaccinated people because of the adverse affects they are causing to people that are not jabbed. Lots of problems with extreme and extended bleeding, clots, nose bleeds, bruises from bleeding under the skin, miscarriages, still births, etc. This is being caused by just being around people that have been given these injections that are incorrectly being touted as vaccines. They are nothing short of poisoning and at the very least genetic manipulation of the populace to become transhuman as part of the globalist agenda. Dear Dave, a division is occurring now that they’ve introduced these injections and we all need to wake up to it. You might want to consider get more familiar with this aspect of what is actually taking place and incorporate it into future wording of your videos.
Thanks and love,
Just want to say thank you Dave for your wonderful shows. They get me through these days much easier and with a good attitude to deal with the public I have to speak with each day on my job. My days would be much harder without you as everyone around me is asleep and think that I am crazy for not wearing a mask out in public but too bad cause I am free to do what is right for me so I just laugh them off! I even have a husband out there getting his vax like a good sheep but oh well I believe in live and let live and thankfully so does he! Just want you to know that I love you and your shows and hope to meet you one day at a patriots rally!
Dave, the separation of the vaccinated from the non, might will wind up being a good thing due to
the Covid engineering factor covered by Mike Adams on his website; it is getting scarier than
we thought. We can thank Bill Gates and the W.H.O. and their eugenics; how devious. Still, we
all need to be wise and stay healthy.
Thanks Dave!
Great show! You’re always spot on. I believe that communication blackout is upon us. Parler has been down for going on 3 days. They said it would be 12 hours for “new features” millions can’t login.
I’ve never trusted Parler since they came back. Clouthub is censoring shares & votes & some posts you can’t even reply to. All interesting timing as the AZ Audit is really heating up. Now we have orange drives being taking out of the center. But I find that interesting. No Such Agency wouldn’t be watching would they?/ Setup? They get caught cheating with the election, now they get caught cheating at the Audit of the election they cheated at to begin with? I’m sure back ups were made of those “orange Drives”
Many of these people moving to Texas are moving to destroy Texas and must not be allowed to vote for a period of time so that they can not destroy Texas by getting many democrats to move to Texas.
I just got an email from a T-Mobile account about the potential of blackouts and what T-Mobile might be able to do in case of such it. I feel the communications blackout is coming sooner than later. They’re getting ready for the information to be out about potential election fraud potential illegal votes potential meddling in our election by foreign domestic internal sources.It’s going to get hairy, stand strong. God bless America and the American Constitution