Ep 2474b – Constitution Will Reveal The Truth, Watch AZ, Release The Cannon
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The [DS] is panicking over AZ, their entire case of trying to stop is failing. The patriots are moving forward and the information that is revealed is going to be the shot heard around the world. The violation of the constitution will reveal the truth about the elections, this will happen in multiple states. The [DS] will be a [FF] to distract from this information, this will fail. The cannon is going to be released on the [DS].
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- DC Swamp Attempts Massive Elections Takeover, Gates & Epstein Were Bros →
I am praying this to be over, would like to see Trump back in office this year
the 67% of US Armed Forces who stood behind DJT — must be
a pool — whereby the next generation of civil servants will be
chosen. Plus : Veterans who support DJT. NO more career
politicians , obsessed with their own Agenda & Party – while
putting aside ” The PEOPLE “
They,,,,the deepstate and the left have been up to these same shinnanagins for at least 60 yrs. Kennedy was shot for wanting to remove the US from a “central” banking system,,controled by the group of “seven” I might add. He was the one Democrat I liked,, These cocksuckers that are around today are far more evil,,the “group of 7 was the way we talked about the world,,and it`s power structure,, these assholes that are showing their faces today are carbon copiesof the sneaky bastards that used to run behind closed doors,,,and if you are paying attention to who they are,,they certainly resemble RODENTS! ie:RATS !!
I think the current President Joseph R Buyden and Vice President Komatose Harris has been eating too much of this stuff – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MU3hIjrFKFU
Every time I hear Jen Psaki speak with a forked tongue – we’ll I think she had eaten too much of this, and Dave will agree with me about same. See – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MU3hIjrFKFU
The Constitution? What a joke! the “constitution” was obliterated the moment that we PUT ON THE “MUZZLE”, the DAMN MASK! Look around fools, look at all the sheep following the ‘masters” to the slaughter house! WE STILL ARE LOCK DOWN, STILL UNDER FAUCI’S THUMB! America no longer has any men with fuctioning “tesicles”! WE SHOULD BE AT WAR BY NOW!! WE SHOUD BE MARCHING in EVERY STATE CAPITOL in the country! WE SHOULD HAVE Arested EVERONE IN DC and tried them for treason! FACE IT, we are now a nation of slaves AND THE LEFT KNOWS IT! So we “expose” the Stolen election! WHAT THE HELL GOOD IS THAT! We WON”T DO A DAMN THING! We will allow Biden to be our master forever! THE ONLY WAY OUT NOW is BY FORCE OF ARMS! Tyrants NEVER give bck power! WAKE UP YOU FOOLS!
Hello Dave,
Excellent report as usual. In your Political/Geopolitical Report you mentioned a post by Tony Schaffer were he said we need to be on guard for an EMP event. I totally agree. This is the reason I don’t think Bitcoin is a secure monetary system. I don’t hate or dislike BTC for generating wealth, I think it does that very well. However, it’s not as secure as people think it is because of an EMP or Coronal Mass Ejection event. One event and the entire national or even world economic system comes crashing down in mere seconds. And it’s not easily remedied. Before we transition into any cryto system such as this for a monetary system it must be nuclear hardened. Including any electronics that access that system. Gold and silver are immune to this.
Regards and keep up the fantastic reporting!
Jim Baldwin
Casa Grande, AZ
Dave, you’re turning into a drinking game:
Key words are;
Trump knew this. Do a shot!
This is all part of the plan. Do a shot!
People are waking up now. Do a shot!
The people are reaching the Precipice. Do a shot!
It’s game over for the deep state. Do 2 shots!
Love the show…… WWG1WGA
Fauci was also arrested a long time ago. The Fauci you are seeing now is a “double.”
The storm is upon us, and the other side of the storm will be glorious!
To God be the glory!!
My son who was military told me my vote didn’t count because it was hacked I voted and he voted and said see they are cheating! I told him it only takes one vote! Now how do I help him to believe in the system? He did vote and thank God we are from Texas!
Trump had better wake up, the deep state will destroy America before they are taken prisoners. Trump you need to step in before the destruction of America is compromised and not recoverable from
In Australia, we have to social distance at airport, we crowd onto the aircraft with masks on, and then we take our masks off when the food is served. Gee, that is so science smart! Not. It’s Ludicrous! I laugh because it’s a special kind of stupid. Governments who enforce these ridiculous rules have turned on the people.
i am subscribed but the notifications from you are not getting thru?
why do YOU keep calling it a pandemic when talking about Bidan yet you talk about the numbers being fake? You are part of the problem. Tell us why then the vax killing people pushed by President Trump has no blame in this? Why cant anyone answer this. I am a total conservative but he takes credit for the speedy vax he also has to take the blame for the deaths and whats to come….right ?
Sue Gates, Fauci, CDC, WHO for $100 Trillion. Turn them all into paupers.
Ok I have not lost faith in our President. Questions are healthy tho. Why is he pushing for us to get the vaccine when ppl are dying from it? Why push us to get it if getting it goes along with deepstate plan of vaccination passports? Why is Ivanka out there like the rest of the satanic ppl pushing us to get a shot? I’m really confused about this and worried.
Loved that hour long segment! Thanks for your impeccable reporting!
Thx for the hour long segment!
Your reporting is as always, impeccable!
what is CB?
Thank you Dave, has this comment section been here all along?
The DS? The only was to cure the DS problem is to hang them , but that would empty out 90% of the government.
Flue dose not make you cough like that it was real, but not a pandemic. I had it, it was different than the regular flu. Man made but could only decrease in potentsie.