Ep 2476b – Who Will Be Next, Watch NY, Patriots Planned & Set The Trap, Justice
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Trump and the patriots setup the largest sting operation the world has ever seen, the [DS] is so arrogant they thought they beat Trump at this own game, this is what he was counting on. [JB] is now in the spotlight, he has more happening to him in the first 100 days than any other President. Fauci is now in being looked out for his involvement in the virus. The Clinton Foundation is back in the news. Scavino sends a message to watch NYC. Trump lets everyone know that Justice is coming.
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- ← Ep 2476a – Patriots Outsmarted The [CB], Inflation, Tariffs, Boom
- Ep 2477a – Right On Schedule, [CB] Makes It’s Move Pushing The Great Reset & Climate Agenda →
The Pentagon should have never ordered the assassination of a returning Son of God. 23 Mar 1994.
When the public finds out they’ll burn that World Terrorist HQ down to the ground faster than that missile they fired at itself.
Stupid Fucks.
Thank you for another great report Dave. I loved the segment on JFK Jr. At a recent event, General Flynn was asked if JFK Jr. was alive. He laughed, but never answered the question. To me, he certainly DID answer the question. There should be MANY surprises coming our way, I have no doubt.
Honestly if I didn’t know anything about the Q stuff I’m really not sure I’d notice anything was amiss, just the usual messed up government we’ve had my whole life, nothing new or earth-shattering. I don’t think anything that’s happened so far is enough to wake anybody up. I also don’t actually believe the military is planning to do or not do ANYthing just based on public opinion – that’s what politicians do. Not the military. I feel like a lot of us thought when Q said “you can’t just tell them you have to show them” and “grab the popcorn” we were all thinking that was going to mean the public would actually get to SEE the military tribunals and executions, but instead it just seems like it meant “watch the puppet show” which is pretty much the same show I’ve already been watching for 50 years. Seems like now they might actually bring Trump back based on election fraud exposure but is the public ever REALLY going to learn the full truth about the extent of what some of these people have been up to? I’m starting to think not. People are just going to think “wow that was a really messed up time when we thought Biden was President” and go along about their business with their head in the sand just like before. I’m totally losing faith there will be any real disclosure. Meanwhile, we the people are paying for every bit of it. So now we’ve got the military doing whatever they want to do with our money without having to answer to anybody, instead of the federal government. Not telling we the people anything. While the few at the top skim a little extra for themselves on the side. What’s the difference? I do have a weapon and am ready to die to save my country but it doesn’t seem like there’s an opportunity for me to even do that in any kind of a way that would make a difference, except for maybe shooting myself in the head and leaving a suicide note saying “I couldn’t stand Biden being President any more,” since it seems there is zero actual militia type organization of the people to regain control of our own country (like there was at the time of the American Revolution). I appreciate X22 report but most of the rest of the citizen journalism stuff is complete rubbish and I see very little to no hope that anything is actually happening at all except just more psy-ops to make us think we’re saved when we’re actually not.
Very good report, Dave. Thanks
people are going to demand justice… live in Jail or public hanging…
It didn’t take long for Biden and the Demorats to get a war started.. The sooner Trump and the Patriots step in and indict ALL these corrupt politicians and bring everything under control and bring back peace in the world.
Dr Fauci has a LOT to answer regarding his discovery of the Covid virus in minks then playing with it then with Bill Gate’s assistance, went to Wuhan to get more done to depopulate the world.
The report on his discovery I saw has been removed.
What about the evidence Mike L. showed in his documentaries? When do you think that evidence of foreign interference will come into play? Also, the Truth over Fear conference this past weekend showed many doctors and scientists who are saying that the vaccine is going to cause widespread untreatable illness and death, and that this was planned by Sorryos. President Trump fastracked the vaccine obviously not knowing this although apparently Dr. Mikovits, one of the speakers, tried to tell him. Do you think this will reflect negatively on him? Thanks Dave for all your very important work! Lisa Marie☺️
A conspiracy is something. A conspiracy theory is a theory about a conspiracy. Make sure you use the terms correctly. The fact is that there was a massive conspiracy that goes beyond the election. We are theorizing about it. It is true. It was a conspiracy to defraud.
When you use the word “conspiracy” as an illegitimate notion, that is wrong and leaves the wrong impression. It is time, I think, to start promoting that there was a conspiracy and use the word so that when people hear it, they focus on the what, rather than the potential that it is false and/or goofy.
Commenting on what I sent you a day or 2 ago…. if you go back on YouTube to TED/TALKs…go to the 1 with Bill Gates and listen to his convo about Population reduction thru Vaccines…1 plus 1 equal covid vaccine containing nano particles…..and 6G….real scary stuff
Pls give yr opinion on Elon Musk now declaring he will not accept Bitcoin for Tesla cars. Made market go down re Bitcoin. What is 3 gorges dam is blown doesn’t Bitcoin go with it! A worried investor.
Question1: If Obama claims Kenya Citizenship to avoid prosecution,
Does he forfeit his presidency and if so will all the bills and EO’s he signed
becomes null and void?
Question2: If the election was found to be in favor of Trump will Biden’s Bills and EO’s he
signed becomes null and void?
Is this what the [DS] fears the most? All their work hinges on the AZ election Fraud count.
Voter ID a MUST.
Remains – Vitally important who is counting!