Ep 2488b – [DS] Is Being Exposed, Panic, It’s Moving At A Faster Pace Than People Realize
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The [DS] is now being exposed. All the fake stories are now turning on them, the viewers no longer believe. The people have become aware and are now awake to what has been happening. The election audits are moving at a very fast pace. Trump says the plan is moving at a faster pace than people realize. The [DS] is panicking, they know once the people see the truth about the elections it is game over. They will push back, see something say something.
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- ← Ep 2488a – [CB] Cannot Control Inflation, Panic, Their System Is Unraveling
A couple of comments on the 2488 report of today:
Re the 2nd Amendment – “The very text of the Second Amendment implicitly recognizes the pre-existence of the right and declares only that it ‘shall not be infringed.’” [ Antonin Scalia, U.S. Supreme Court Justice]. All the 2nd Amendment states is that the right to keep and bear arms will not be infringed. – The right pre-exists the Constitution .
Re a new election – who would be the candidates: Trump vs someone who – by fraudulently wining the election – a treasonous act – would again run for President – instead of being tried as a traitor?
I have so far listened to over 60 of your reports and find them extremely informative and helpful.
I assume thst the goes across the circle that is a vote for Trump. Whatcha bet??
Dave, you also talked about a blackout…… can you say more?
Have not been able to listen to your program on bitchute the sound is in slow motion. I go to your e-mail you send to me , and the sound is fine. Has anyone else had this problem?
The problem is whose in charge of the military?.. that will bethe problem
A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself.
Marcus Tullius Cicero
Gotta tell you. Last week’s election in Pennsylvania was a fiasco. Ballots wouldn’t scan, sharpies were used. Fayette County (where I live) made the Epoch Times News. There is a video out there that someone made in Fayette County and he made certain to include the brand name on scanner…of course Dominion.
and don’t forget the so-called Fact-Checkers (paid for by Gates & Fuckerberg) then you know its true
What happened to the Supreme Court’s 1856 decision that fraud vitiates everything? Trump should automatically become president!
It’s always “very very soon” or they are “panicking” or they are “trapped” or the Patriots have it all! But day after day nothing is done to stop these evil liars! We see sedition, treason, pedophilia, satanic worship, clinton’s emails, epstein players, uranium one, election Fraud, fisa abuse, spying, interference from foreign governments, a scandemic yet we WAIT for TRUTH TRANSPARENCY and JUSTICE! Total Bullfuckingshit! We, the PEOPLE have waited long enough! Next move appears to be in the PEOPLES hands! OUR waiting should be OVER!
Is there a reason your podcast are not coming through? Last three days I cannot listen.
1894 constitution for N.Y. declares every capable male 17-44 years of age is in the militia. We are the militia and the militia ability is being curtailed, infringed apon.
AND, Jack shit happens.
What gets me is when people speak about the gun rights. Look up the” Puckel machine guns”. They had this back when the Bill of Rights and Constitutions was made, Case Closed!!!!!
I go to you every morning first thing for information. Thank you, I just retired and if there is anything I can do to help, let me know. I have been completely banned from fakebook and twitter(I am in good company)…I am a warrior and have had a pretty good following
BLAH BLAH BLAH…Same crap every day for over 6 mos. This is utter BS. Trump allowed the fraud to stand and NOTHING is happening. It was always the military? MY ASS. If Trump knew of the fraud and didn’t expose it immediately, he’s guilty of treason. Real Americans would have gladly gone to war to defend our once great nation.
The Second Amendment does not “give them the right”…it protects their right–to keep and bear arms.