Ep 2489b – We Have Everything, They Know We Do, What Storm, You’ll Find Out
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The [DS] is trying to stop the audits, this will fail. The entire [DS] system is about to implode. Trump and the patriots used the [DS] plan and put the players in the spotlight. When the storm hits the people that will be charged with treason will be front and center. The storm is coming, what storm, you’ll find out.
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- ← Ep 2489a – As The [CB] Takes On More Power, The People Take Notice, [CB] Crisis Coming
- Patrick Colbeck – We Caught Them All, Audits Will Lead To Decertification Of The Election →
We are now beyond the point where “if someone had been involved or know something” with this fake virus or the cheating of the election, and they have not come forward, then Treason and its penalty needs to happen. No more “well, I didn’t know about it” is not a reason to give you a pass.
What has happened over the last 5 years is very, very serious. It is or was not a game. Those involved need to be eliminated from society.
Hi Dave, I just wanted you to know that FB has me blocked from sharing your videos, this has been going on for months.
hehe, sorry Dave, but that’s no shark 🙂 That’s a killer whale, or Orca.
The “Covid” Is the Storm.
Thank you for all you do, Dave. I have been listening since about 2 months before the election and you have helped me more than you could ever know! I stopped listening to MSM, I only listen to you and the Christian prophets that are literally aligning with the things you say in a spiritual aspect. This is an insane time and I don’t know what I’d do without your perspective. Gives me a lot of hope.
The people wont be able to walk down the streets because they will be so old and not a threat any more. Biden ts weedidg patriots out of our military. When at the border and now military are protecting the enemy. I hope Trump comes through. I’m sorry the left is getting to me.9most of positive news is disappearing from outlets unless I pay to see them. Thanks for keeping this portion at no charge.
There is no audio on the last two reporters. Can you fix?
The goal is 1/2 the population or better and the rest will take care of itself. God help us all
Yes, the governors did thro aged into the nursing homes.
NOW they are holding down these same aged and forcing the ‘jab’ on them. Ask ‘ @donniDe-Ville ‘ on Gab. She lost a Mother-In-Law in Chicago. Just do it.
The Prime Law:
Article I:
No person, group, or government shall initiate force, threat of force, or fraud against any individual’s self, property, or contract.
Article II:
Force is morally-and-legally justified only for protection from those who violate Article I.
Article III:
No exceptions shall exist for Articles I and II.
We in Canada have a video of Romana Didulo who says that He is the Commander In Chief of the new Republic of Canada. He talks about trials of persons for treason and crimes against humanity. Can you confirm what is happening. I can send you the video [email protected]
I literally cannot listen to your podcasts anymore bc rumble is so laggy….I have to find you on youtube…. please upload somewhere else
Your recording are blacking out at x22report.com. In the middle of the show it just goes black and have to start the show over again. It’s happened several times now.
Can’t read any other comments so I guess I’ll say it. It isn’t a shard Dave, it’s a killer whale and as I understand it just heard an expert say they’re of the dolphin family not the shark family. Well I’ll be darned if that isn’t so!
F5 Tornado. That’s a storm.
The Giff is not a shark. It’s a Killer Whale
I cannot wait for the end results Dave. Thanks for this report
why do you not talk about Trump’s interviews where he recommends everyone get the vaccine; he says the vaccines are safe and effective… why does he say that when there is ample evidence it’s an experimental drug and is causing death?
It’s a killer whale being harassed by a Dolphin. Still a similar optics, although sharks never jump out of the water, you hardly ever get my info, and you are spot on when it comes to your intel, coming down
byway ’17’ keep up the great research, and remember, Nothing can stop what’s coming…. NOTHING🎢 🇺🇸
That’s a killer whale! Not a shark….
Great episode, Dave! Quick question: as everything is “just the beginning” and “no, this isn’t going to happen tomorrow”, when is this giant sting operation going to happen? Five years from now? Ten? A hundred? When, Dave? Will it happen once you’ve sold enough VPN subscriptions or collagen? You are providing false hope to a desperate people. Nothing you have ever fortune told about has ever come true. You are eternally wrong on all fronts. You are a bad, evil person to be selling “hopium” to a society that has had their elections stolen and their hopes dashed over and over. I used to believe you, but now I know you’re just a shill and a liar. Keep vomiting your bullshit.
Thank you for keeping the hope and faith that there is some sort of team working to save the world from the evils that run it.
Its disgusting what they do to our children. And for many people who want to believe they were giving up back in January.
There are still a few of us. A few million world wide who know the plan, and are keeping hope and faith in the idea that it will be executed accordingly.
Keep up the good work patriot.
One question?
What if it never changes. And biden stays in. And the pedos never get exposed for thier crimes against children and humanity? AT WHAT POINT DO WE MEET TOGETHER AS PATRIOTS TO TAKE CARE OF IT OURSELVES. TAKE DOWN CNN AND OTHER MAINSTREAM TENTACLES OF THE EVIL CABAL.
Treason should be an immediate death sentence. Every single person who committed election fraud has committed treason. N9 matter how minor/insignificant one considers the infraction, it’s still treason. And we have enough rope to do the job.
The “virus” is and always has been the flu strain B. The psyop was staged in China, “video of guy collapsing on the street, etc.” Notice his hands brace his fall? PCR tests are BS, 97% false positive. Ask Dr. Kari Mullis, oh wait, he did prematurely after criticizing Fraud Fauci.
Killer whale, not a shark. 🙂
Metaphorically speaking, could it be that the CB is trapped on the very ship they built and used to destroy Astor’s influence on April 15th 1912. That ship is heading for the rock of ALL ROCKS. Increasing numbers of long time Democrats are jumping ship, leaving Democrat states with their delusional, draconian and depressingly devastating lock downs. This demographic cohort of people are moving to Republican states and are registering as new Republican voters! WOW! You saw this coming Dave. Your investigation of Q, looking ahead as the ‘past proves the future’, presently, on so many levels, to vast amounts of peoples, all over the world. The truth is simple. The “truth” does not mind investigation. The truth makes sense. Who can argue with the truth while simultaneously standing with integrity ? People really are figuring things out. The truth is simple. It’s not complicated with the lies spread my the telie ‘vision’, on the ‘channel’ that provides the choice of MSM orchestrated ‘programmes’. Wholah!
” let the all the nations gather together and let the people assemble, Who among them delared this and foretold to us the former things?
let them bring their witnesses to justify them,
and let them hear and say, it is true.’
Isaiah chapter 43 , verse 9
You are my witnesses says the Lord.
I needed to hear that. Thank you !
Hello Dave, I am wondering why you are not covering the facts on people dying from taking the jab as many other doctors around the world are contesting the data and working with big pharma on these issues. Dr. Tenpenny, Dr. Mikovitch, Dr. Northrup, Dr. Robert O. Young has papers showing the results. Here is the link from Dr. Tenpenny. I hope you follow up on what you are not covering and you are falling behind on this eyesore that needs to be acknowledged.
Hi Dave.
You said the only way to get Gretchen Whitmer and people like her out, is to vote them out. I think the only way is Military tribunals, for murder and treason. Waiting till the next election cycle is letting her get away with these murders, is denying due process of the law. Murder should be tried in a courtroom. If you catch a murderer on the street, he is immediately jailed and is tried. You don’t let the murderer return to normal day to day living.
If Bejing biden and his cronies weren’t guilty of election fraud, THEY WOULD SAY COME ON AND AUDIT AND PROVE I WON!
biden = guilty
harris = guilty
Question is how many others = guilty❓❓❓❓❓
This link for Turmeric at Biotrust is NOT WORKING and it is being blocked….should be investigated if X22 is sponsoring this product for Biotrust. Check for yourselves…
Maybe I just don’t know how much our elected officials can get away with while in a governing position. However if they can get away with intentional murder and have to be VOTED OUT, maybe I DON’T WANT TO KNOW!! How the HELL can these GOVERNORS KILL SENIORS IN NURSING HOMES AND THE AMERICAN PEOPLE HAVE TO VOTE THEM OUT???? WHY ARE THEY ABOVE BEING ARRESTED AND GOING TO TRIAL LIKE EVERYONE ELSE?? IF this has anything to do with working in our Government and they are ABOVE BEING ARRESTED WHEN COMMITTING MURDER…THIS COUNTRY HAS A WHOLE BUNCH MORE PROBLEMS THAN WE ARE BEING TOLD OR AWARE OF!!!
Hello Mr. DAVE
Explain to me, according to yours prediction how com nobody of the involved in the voting scandal people is not indicted???
I know, it takes time to fix everything, but YOU should stop predicting everything after the fact.
I’m tired of hearing the same thing over and over every day.
Please give us some new information if you have. Please don’t if,s or maybe’s.
Just solid info.
Appreciate it.
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