Ep 2500b – Stealth Bomber Incoming,Chatter Amongst Those In Control Has Begun,[DS] Panic,Game Over
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The [DS] is now panicking, they know the storm is coming, the storm is about to hit and they don’t know how to stop it. The people are coming together, they thought they would be able to keep the people divided they were wrong. China is panicking, big pharma is panicking, there is now chatter amongst those in control, either show the public or their system collapses. Stealth bomber incoming, the people are ready, the audit will begin the movement.
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- ← Ep 2500a – The [CB] Makes Its Move,[CB] Is Now In The Spotlight, Like Clock Work
- Ep 2501a – Future Proves Past, Fed Note Loses Purchasing Power, Texas Makes A Move →
I can’t get the sound on the nightly reports
It’s worked fine for a year now no sound.
Dave, CONGRATS on episode 2500….. it has been a long road has it not. Still remember Ep 1000…..
At what point, however, does the time and expense involved in “showing the people” stop being cost effective in comparison to the injuries and loss of life involved through the wide-scale rollout of toxic vaccines? It’s a good thing the World Court is holding the alliance’s feet to the fire to meet certain deadlines with respect to the currency re-evaluation. Otherwise, one might get the impression the “white hats” might be content to let it all play out into 2022.
So here is THIS…..
Show the people Gotta show the people…
That’s nice…
Here’s Your issue.
Proverbs 27:20
The wisest Man on Earth with the HOLY SPIRIT
Hell, and Destruction are never full.
And the eyes of man are never satisfied.
Wow Dave….
Seems like You say the same things everyday…
I PRAYHOPE that GOD deals because Justice delayed is Justice denied with Trump and All….WHO HAS PUNISHED PATRIOTS!!!! for along time…Good luck there slick🙏🏻🇺🇸
Thank you Dave.
I had tears in my eyes with the NHL Arena people sang the National Anthem. Beautiful
Thank you so much for what you do you are a great patriot I am sure president Trump is aware of you and he probably loves you like I do thank you you are the best
Dave will we be given the option to transfer to the U.S. dollar from the Federal Reserve? We are both retired and we hear so much. We trust you most because of your truthful reporting and feel comfortable asking.
The drips are much more evident lately. I saw Monkey Werx was tracking flights to Guantamo and I’m sure the pimple will soon pop.
Thank you for all you do? God bless you!
Aloha sean,
Please remember that our electoral college is who elects the president, especially when Jackson was selected. Plus research when crony capitalism originally began and what happened when old hickory didn’t renew the charter for the second national bank and the resulting civil war a few years later.
Mahalo and Aloha oi,
Congratulations on your 2,500th episode. Been watching your great insightful video for years. Keep it up ….We are winning. WWG1WGA
Hearing that NYC crowd in the hockey arena sing their national anthem together brought tears to my eyes. YAY! Beautiful to hear. WWG1WGA
The chief treatment that cures all cancers, was discovered in 2000, and is called GCMAF. GCMAF is a protein usually produced by the body (endocrine system), which target-spots cancer cells for the immune system to take care of. For unknown reasons, many people today don’t produce GCMAF, so their immune systems ignore cancer cells. Fortunately, GCMAF is a simple compound that’s easy and cheap to manufacture. According to multiple studies, 98% of patients treated with GCMAF supplements cure their cancers within three weeks. More than half of them turn on their bodies own natural production of the molecule. The remainder (about 40%) may need to continually supplement themselves with GCMAF to stop their cancer from returning. GCMAF, despite its success being reported in peer-reviewed medical journals, is currently being ruthlessly suppressed. Doctors who have saved many lives using GCMAF have been prosecuted and jailed.
Dave, I noticed Peginbutt, errrr I meant, Buttwithpeg, Budepeg, yeah that guy talking about the-storm-coming with Wray, said “reinstate the PRESIDENT”. Nothing more need to be said, right there. I smile.
We have heard all this same BULLSHIT before, stealth bomber, PANICKING, DS CHATTER, Patriots know the plan, DS fell into the trap,….does anyone really believe the so called Patriots while people are still waiting on indictments, arrests, military tribunals, jailing in Gitmo,…???
The real truth is about to hit,…???
Does that mean what we were previously supposed to believe, was BULLSHIT,…BUT NOW THE REAL TRUTH IS ABOUT TO HIT !!!
We are being asked to trade in one bunch of lies, for another bunch of lies.
Dave, you just keep pounding out the message. You never waver. You never give up. American spirit is so alive and well and I wish I could be part of it – I’m Canadian.
Hi Dave, I’m from Guam… Please keep me informed and updated of the latest, especially the Blackout. I’m a patriot and President Trump supporter, who loves God and country!! God bless for the work you do!🙏♥️
When I watch your videos on Bitchute my phone freezes and reboots automatically. Not sure why. It is only your videos.
What is wrong with Rumble i can not load up x-22 report, Pete Santilli or anything
It looks like biden is the Political King Pin, god father because he sets up sales of adr*enoch*rome all over planet for the wealthy ruling class. Hunter is his middle man. He delivered it. This is why he gets paid so much around the world for his “work”. The jobs he has is just a front for the money exchanges. This is just what I see only. No one said any of this to me.
Once again, heartfelt gratitude for your reports. I listen to every single one.
Take care,
Susan Douglas in CA
Why is Trump pushing a vaccine that is clearly killing people
didn’t Obama give China the the power of the Internet monitoring back in 2014 or 15?
Thanks for your reports Dave, they keep me sane when I am in despair and allow me to sleep at night. Your soothing voice makes me feel secure and gives me hope for the future of the world. I am English but live in Greece. I love President Trump and am so grateful to what he has done for the World and humanity. I have been excluded from people who were supposed to be my friends because my opinions are different to theirs but it is good to find out that these people were not my true friends.
I just want you to know how much I appreciate your hard work.
Fauci is the owner of the covid 19 patent for the gain of function virus, Fauci has known from the very beginning that covid 19 wasn’t a natural evolutionary process. despite his claims, the fact it was patented means man-made alterations occurred this is proof he has always known it didn’t come from the bat-filled cave, Fauci lied. my guess is Bill Gates, Fauci, and Big pharma wanted to push this vaccination drive designed to make a financial profit for those who market the vaccine first. Greed, Power, AND money how many died from covid 19 perhaps millions will we actually ever know I doubt it. thoughtful observer