Ep 2520a – Supermarkets Are Preparing, People Need To Walk Through The [CB] Economic Darkness
Protect Your Retirement W/ A Gold. IRA
Noble Gold is Who I Trust ^^^
The people can now see the economic difference very clearly. As this separation continues the people will experience what the [CB] truly wants, sometimes you must show the people. Supermarkets are now stocking up because they know inflation is coming. People are going to see how the [CB] system actually hurts their bottom line. The [CB] makes their move by denying people the people the ability to purchase what they want.
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- ← Ep 2519b – Sometimes You Need To ‘Take One For The Team Publicly’, Before Vindicated As A Hero
- Ep 2520b – It Had To Be This Way, People Can Never Forget, We Are Here With You, My Turn →
Aloha Dave,
I pray that you realize the gold standard was a fraud; people had their gold stolen by fdr and was an illusion even before the federal reserve act was snuck in? Check out the knickerbocker crisis that caused the bank run and how jp Morgan saved us all? These Zionist schemes keep repeating and usually everyone is looking the wrong way when it happens, just like prestidigitation/magic!!! This war is not against just flesh and blood, it is about doing good and seeing evil for what it really is?!!!
Aloha oi,
The illusion is,….individuals MASQUERADING as PATRIOTIC INDIVIDUALS,….when in reality,….theses so called patriots,…are nothing more then patriots for profit,….pushing crypto as a currency,…when in fact it’s just another fake and phony fiat,…like the FEDERAL RESERVE NOTES,…
Sound money is Article One Section Eight and Ten of the UNITED STATES CONSTITUTION,…Patriot’s know this, and promote this,…not another fiat like CRYPTOS,…for sponsorship money.
The x22 Report is the only way I keep up with everything going on in our political system and I will not go anywhere else thanks for your time and finding the truth for the American people and yes WE THE PEOPLE have had enough of the corrupt government OUR PRESIDENT TRUMP that we RE ELECTED is still draining the swamp 🇺🇸🇺🇸💯 AMERICA WILL SURVIVE AND WILL BE GREAT AGAIN
I think this site needs up dating , last post was July … shakes head