Ep 2529b – What Happens When The Public Finds Out The Truth, Change Is Coming
- Ep 2529a – The People Are Blaming [CB] & The Biden Admin, This Won’t End Well For Them
- Harley Schlanger- There Is One Weapon That Can Bring Down The Entire Corrupt System, [DS] Panic
Like Minnesota needs a huge investigation on fraud & ballot harvesting….a lot of cover ups going on here in Minnesota & this is NOT a conspiracy theory either this is the truth !!
Thank you Dave. I am with you every night you are on.
On Hunter, before the election while his father was running… If a person is interviewing for a job and someone knows something nefarious about them that already works there — shouldn’t the owner be aware of a potential problem so they can investigate it? Not when it come to running for president. (It might effect them not being hired for the top position in the country, and people are voting completely in the dark). Hillary had evidence suppressed too.
Hello, Love your video’s
I have been watching them for almost a year. I live in southeast Iowa and they just put on the radio this week that if you get the jab, this is coming from JBS that is a meat packing plant we will get you a free tenderloin or someone can win free meat for a year. I will never get that jab. Wanted to let you know.
Thank you for the information i watch you every night.
I went to Rumble tonight and your channel was completely removed. I gather the deep state is now ramping up their campaign to silence arbiters of the truth and eventually to shut all comms down, as you’ve pointed out in all your reports. General McInerney made a statement yesterday that Rumble would ban people and remove channels and users who discuss elite pedophiles, and other issues they don’t want the public to know, especially regarding the fake pandemic, the jabs, the fake administration, and more.
Dave is it true that anyone that gets the JAB has only one to three years to live because the spike protein clogs the capillaries in the brain, heart and lungs and currently there have been between 90,000 to 900,000 people.
That means the Deep State has been successful in destroying human lives at least half the human population. Many won’t be around to participate in the truth and trump victory.
Lets tell the truth about that. Please cover that!
Dave, once we get this treason, sedition and the like cleared up, how will we keep it clean?
Information warfare,…???BULLSHIT,…its propaganda for political posturing,…both sides are doing it,…to see who has the biggest GOTCHA MOMENT,…and the AMERICAN PEOPLE ARE CAUGHT IN THE MIDDLE.
DIS-INFORMATION,…???,…is that like leading the people to believe that indictments coming SOON, arrests coming SOON, military tribunals coming SOON, jailing in Gitmo coming SOON,…this was all BULLSHIT propaganda,…including PATRIOTS ARE IN CONTROL,…PATRIOTS KNOW THE PLAN,…PATRIOTS HAVE SET A TRAP,…do the patriots really believe that they have credibility after the dis-information,… and trump walking out on his supporters,…???,…how GULLIBLE DO THE patriots think we are.
A T & T is blocking your email’s from me. I haven’t receive a email from you in weeks. So I come to your site to get the reports. Thank youT
I feel jail time is coming for Maricopa Co. Election officials
Dear Dave, I love to listen to your program – the X22report. I live in Livingston parish Louisiana. And they’re talking about shutting down government offices because of the delta variant. My renal dr spent 20 minutes trying to convince me to get the jab. I refused. I’m seriously thinking about changing drs. God bless you and yours.
Sincerely, J. Reine